update fr translation
[cavote.git] / main.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, \
5 render_template, flash
6 from flask_openid import OpenID
7 from flaskext.babel import Babel, gettext, ngettext
8 import sqlite3
9 from datetime import date, time, timedelta, datetime
10 import time
11 from contextlib import closing
12 import locale
13 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
14 import os
15 import hashlib
16 import smtplib
17 import string
19 from settings import *
21 app = Flask(__name__)
22 app.config.from_object(__name__)
24 oid = OpenID(app)
25 babel = Babel(app)
27 def connect_db():
28 return sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE'])
30 @app.before_request
31 def before_request():
32 g.db = connect_db()
33 g.db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
35 @app.teardown_request
36 def teardown_request(exception):
37 g.db.close()
39 @app.route('/')
40 def home():
41 return render_template('index.html', active_button="home")
43 def query_db(query, args=(), one=False):
44 cur = g.db.execute(query, args)
45 rv = [dict((cur.description[idx][0], value)
46 for idx, value in enumerate(row)) for row in cur.fetchall()]
47 return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv
49 def init_db():
50 with closing(connect_db()) as db:
51 with app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f:
52 db.cursor().executescript(f.read())
53 db.commit()
55 #----------------
56 # Login / Logout
58 def valid_login(email, password):
59 # get user key
60 user_key = query_db('select key from users where email = ?', (email,),
61 one=True)
62 if not user_key:
63 # no such user
64 return None
65 user_key = user_key['key']
66 # try password
67 return query_db('select * from users where email = ? and password = ?',
68 [email, crypt(password, user_key)], one=True)
70 def connect_user(user):
71 session['user'] = user
72 del session['user']['password']
73 del session['user']['key']
75 def disconnect_user():
76 session.pop('user', None)
78 def crypt(passwd, user_key):
79 # the per-user salt should not be stored in the db
80 # storing the passwd... but this is better than nothing
81 per_user_salt = hashlib.sha1(user_key).hexdigest()
82 salt_passwd = '%s%s%s' % (app.config['PASSWD_SALT'], per_user_salt, passwd)
83 return hashlib.sha1(salt_passwd).hexdigest()
85 def keygen():
86 return hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(24)).hexdigest()
88 def get_userid():
89 user = session.get('user')
90 if user is None:
91 return -1
92 elif user.get('id') < 0:
93 return -1
94 else:
95 return user.get('id')
97 @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
98 @oid.loginhandler
99 def login():
100 if request.method == 'POST':
101 user = valid_login(request.form['username'], request.form['password'])
102 if user is None:
103 if request.form['openid']:
104 return oid.try_login(request.form['openid'], ask_for=['email', 'fullname', 'nickname'])
105 else:
106 flash(u'Email ou mot de passe invalide.', 'error')
107 else:
108 connect_user(user)
109 flash(u'Vous êtes connecté. Bienvenue, %s !' % user['name'], 'success')
110 if request.args.get('continue'):
111 return redirect(request.args['continue'])
112 return redirect(url_for('home'))
113 return render_template('login.html')
115 @oid.after_login
116 def create_or_login(resp):
117 openid_url = resp.identity_url
118 user = query_db('select * from users where openid = ?', [openid_url], one=True)
119 if user is not None:
120 flash(gettext(u'Successfully signed in'))
121 connect_user(user)
122 return redirect(oid.get_next_url())
123 return redirect(url_for('home'))
125 @app.route('/logout')
126 def logout():
127 disconnect_user()
128 flash(u'Vous avez été déconnecté.', 'info')
129 if request.args.get('continue') and not "admin" in request.args.get('continue'):
130 return redirect(request.args['continue'])
131 return redirect(url_for('home'))
133 #-----------------
134 # Change password
136 @app.route('/password/lost', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
137 def password_lost():
138 info = None
139 if request.method == 'POST':
140 user = query_db('select * from users where email = ?', [request.form['email']], one=True)
141 if user is None:
142 flash('Cet utilisateur n\'existe pas !', 'error')
143 else:
144 key = 'v%s' % keygen() # start with v: valid key
145 g.db.execute('update users set key = ? where id = ?', [key, user['id']])
146 g.db.commit()
147 link = request.url_root + url_for('login_key', userid=user['id'], key=key)
148 BODY = string.join((
149 "From: %s" % EMAIL,
150 "To: %s" % user['email'],
151 "Subject: [Cavote] %s" % gettext(u"Lost password"),
152 "Date: %s" % time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()).decode('utf-8'),
153 "X-Mailer: %s" % VERSION,
154 "",
155 gettext(u"It seems that you have lost your password."),
156 gettext(u"This link will log you without password."),
157 gettext(u"Don't forget to define a new one as soon a possible!"),
158 gettext(u"This link will only work one time."),
159 "",
160 link,
161 "",
162 gettext(u"If you think this mail is not for you, please ignore and delete it.")
163 ), "\r\n")
164 server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
165 server.sendmail(EMAIL, [user['email']], BODY.encode('utf-8'))
166 server.quit()
167 flash(u"Un mail a été envoyé à " + user['email'], 'info')
168 return render_template('password_lost.html')
170 @app.route('/login/<userid>/<key>')
171 def login_key(userid, key):
172 user = query_db('select * from users where id = ? and key = ?', [userid, key], one=True)
173 if user is None or user['key'][0] != "v":
174 abort(404)
175 else:
176 connect_user(user)
177 flash(u"Veuillez mettre à jour votre mot de passe", 'info')
178 return redirect(url_for('user_password', userid=user['id']))
180 #---------------
181 # User settings
183 @app.route('/user/<userid>')
184 def user(userid):
185 if int(userid) != get_userid():
186 abort(401)
187 groups = query_db('select * from groups join user_group on id=id_group where id_user = ?', (userid,))
188 return render_template('user.html', groups=groups)
190 @app.route('/user/settings/<userid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
191 def user_edit(userid):
192 if int(userid) != get_userid():
193 abort(401)
194 if request.method == 'POST':
195 if query_db('select * from users where email=? and id!=?', [request.form['email'], userid], one=True) is None:
196 if query_db('select * from users where name=? and id!=?', [request.form['name'], userid], one=True) is None:
197 g.db.execute('update users set email = ?, openid = ?, name = ?, organization = ? where id = ?',
198 [request.form['email'], request.form['openid'], request.form['name'], request.form['organization'], session['user']['id']])
199 g.db.commit()
200 disconnect_user()
201 user = query_db('select * from users where id=?', [userid], one=True)
202 if user is None:
203 flash(u'Une erreur s\'est produite.', 'error')
204 return redirect(url_for('login'))
205 connect_user(user)
206 flash(u'Votre profil a été mis à jour !', 'success')
207 else:
208 flash(u'Le nom ' + request.form['name'] + u' est déjà pris ! Veuillez en choisir un autre.', 'error')
209 else:
210 flash(u'Il existe déjà un compte pour cette adresse e-mail : ' + request.form['email'], 'error')
211 return render_template('user_edit.html')
213 @app.route('/user/password/<userid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
214 def user_password(userid):
215 if int(userid) != get_userid():
216 abort(401)
217 if request.method == 'POST':
218 if request.form['password'] == request.form['password2']:
219 # new (invalid) key
220 key = 'i%s' % keygen() # start with i: invalid key
221 print "\n\nchange key for %s\n" % key # FIXME TMP
222 g.db.execute('update users set password = ?, key = ? where id = ?', [crypt(request.form['password'], key), key, session['user']['id']])
223 g.db.commit()
224 flash(u'Votre mot de passe a été mis à jour.', 'success')
225 else:
226 flash(u'Les mots de passe sont différents.', 'error')
227 return render_template('user_edit.html')
229 #------------
230 # User admin
232 @app.route('/admin/users')
233 def admin_users():
234 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
235 abort(401)
236 tuples = query_db('select *, groups.name as groupname from (select *, id as userid, name as username from users join user_group on id=id_user order by id desc) join groups on id_group=groups.id')
237 users = dict()
238 for t in tuples:
239 if t['userid'] in users:
240 users[t['userid']]['groups'].append(t["groupname"])
241 else:
242 users[t['userid']] = dict()
243 users[t['userid']]['userid'] = t['userid']
244 users[t['userid']]['email'] = t['email']
245 users[t['userid']]['username'] = t['username']
246 users[t['userid']]['is_admin'] = t['is_admin']
247 users[t['userid']]['groups'] = [t['groupname']]
249 return render_template('admin_users.html', users=users.values())
251 @app.route('/admin/users/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
252 def admin_user_add():
253 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
254 abort(401)
255 if request.method == 'POST':
256 if request.form['email']:
257 if query_db('select * from users where email=?', [request.form['email']], one=True) is None:
258 if request.form['username']:
259 if query_db('select * from users where name=?', [request.form['username']], one=True) is None:
260 admin = 0
261 if 'admin' in request.form.keys():
262 admin = 1
263 key = 'v%s' % keygen()
264 g.db.execute('insert into users (email, openid, name, organization, password, is_admin, key) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
265 [request.form['email'],
266 request.form['openid'],
267 request.form['username'],
268 request.form['organization'],
269 '', admin, key])
270 g.db.commit()
271 user = query_db('select * from users where email = ?', [request.form["email"]], one=True)
272 if user:
273 groups = request.form.getlist('groups')
274 groups.append('1')
275 for group in groups:
276 if query_db('select id from groups where id = ?', group, one=True) is None:
277 flash(u'Le groupe portant l\'id %s n\'existe pas.' % group, 'warning')
278 else:
279 g.db.execute('insert into user_group values (?, ?)', [user['id'], group])
280 g.db.commit()
281 link = request.url_root + url_for('login_key', userid=user['id'], key=user['key'])
282 BODY = string.join((
283 "From: %s" % EMAIL,
284 "To: %s" % user['email'],
285 "Subject: [Cavote] %s" % gettext(u"Welcome"),
286 "Date: %s" % time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()).decode('utf-8'),
287 "X-Mailer: %s" % VERSION,
288 "",
289 "%(text)s %(user)s!" % {"text": gettext(u"Hi"), "user": user['name']},
290 "%(text2)s %(title)s." % {"text2": gettext(u"Welcome on"), "title": TITLE},
291 "%(text3)s %(email)s." % {"text3": gettext(u"Your account address is"), "email": user['email']},
292 "",
293 gettext(u"To log in for the first time and set your password, please follow this link :"),
294 link,
295 ""
296 ), "\r\n")
297 server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
298 server.sendmail(EMAIL, [user['email']], BODY.encode('utf-8'))
299 server.quit()
300 flash(u'Le nouvel utilisateur a été créé avec succès', 'success')
301 return redirect(url_for('admin_users'))
302 else:
303 flash(u'Une erreur s\'est produite.', 'error')
304 else:
305 flash(u'Le nom ' + request.form['username'] + u' est déjà pris ! Veuillez en choisir un autre.', 'error')
306 else:
307 flash(u"Vous devez spécifier un nom d'utilisateur.", 'error')
308 else:
309 flash(u'Il existe déjà un compte pour cette adresse e-mail : ' + request.form['email'], 'error')
310 else:
311 flash(u"Vous devez spécifier une adresse email.", 'error')
312 groups = query_db('select * from groups where system=0')
313 return render_template('admin_user_new.html', groups=groups)
315 @app.route('/admin/users/edit/<iduser>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
316 def admin_user_edit(iduser):
317 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
318 abort(401)
319 user = query_db('select * from users where id = ?', [iduser], one=True)
320 user['groups'] = query_db('select groups.* from groups join user_group on groups.id = user_group.id_group where id_user = ?', [iduser])
321 if user is None:
322 abort(404)
323 if request.method == 'POST':
324 if query_db('select * from users where email=? and id!=?', [request.form['email'], iduser], one=True) is None:
325 if query_db('select * from users where name=? and id!=?', [request.form['name'], iduser], one=True) is None:
326 admin = 0
327 if 'admin' in request.form.keys():
328 admin = 1
329 g.db.execute('update users set email = ?, name = ?, organization = ?, openid= ?, is_admin = ? where id = ?',
330 [request.form['email'], request.form['name'], request.form['organization'], request.form['openid'], admin, iduser])
331 g.db.commit()
332 groups = request.form.getlist('groups')
333 groups.append('1')
334 for group in user['groups']:
335 if not group['id'] in groups:
336 g.db.execute('delete from user_group where id_user = ? and id_group = ?', [iduser, group['id']])
337 g.db.commit()
338 for group in groups:
339 group = query_db('select id from groups where id = ?', group, one=True)
340 if group is None:
341 flash(u'Le groupe portant l\'id %s n\'existe pas.' % group, 'warning')
342 else:
343 if not group in user['groups']:
344 g.db.execute('insert into user_group values (?, ?)', [user['id'], group['id']])
345 g.db.commit()
346 user = query_db('select * from users where id = ?', [iduser], one=True)
347 user['groups'] = query_db('select groups.* from groups join user_group on groups.id = user_group.id_group where id_user = ?', [iduser])
348 flash(u'Le profil a été mis à jour !', 'success')
349 else:
350 flash(u'Le nom ' + request.form['name'] + u' est déjà pris ! Veuillez en choisir un autre.', 'error')
351 else:
352 flash(u'Il existe déjà un compte pour cette adresse e-mail : ' + request.form['email'], 'error')
353 groups = query_db('select * from groups where system=0')
354 return render_template('admin_user_edit.html', user=user, groups=groups)
356 @app.route('/admin/users/delete/<iduser>')
357 def admin_user_del(iduser):
358 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
359 abort(401)
360 user = query_db('select * from users where id = ?', [iduser], one=True)
361 if user is None:
362 abort(404)
363 g.db.execute('delete from users where id = ?', [iduser])
364 g.db.commit()
365 return redirect(url_for('admin_users'))
367 #-------------
368 # Roles admin
370 @app.route('/admin/groups')
371 def admin_groups():
372 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
373 abort(401)
374 groups = query_db('select groups.*, count(user_group.id_user) as nb_users from (select groups.*, count(votes.id) as nb_votes from groups left join votes on votes.id_group = groups.id group by groups.id) as groups left join user_group on user_group.id_group = groups.id group by groups.id')
375 return render_template('admin_groups.html', groups=groups)
377 @app.route('/admin/groups/add', methods=['POST'])
378 def admin_group_add():
379 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
380 abort(401)
381 if request.method == 'POST':
382 if request.form['name']:
383 g.db.execute('insert into groups (name) values (?)', [request.form['name']])
384 g.db.commit()
385 else:
386 flash(u"Vous devez spécifier un nom.", "error")
387 return redirect(url_for('admin_groups'))
389 @app.route('/admin/groups/delete/<idgroup>')
390 def admin_group_del(idgroup):
391 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
392 abort(401)
393 group = query_db('select * from groups where id = ?', [idgroup], one=True)
394 if group is None:
395 abort(404)
396 if group['system']:
397 abort(401)
398 g.db.execute('delete from groups where id = ?', [idgroup])
399 g.db.commit()
400 return redirect(url_for('admin_groups'))
402 #------------
403 # Votes list
405 @app.route('/votes/<votes>')
406 def votes(votes):
407 today = date.today()
408 active_button = votes
409 max_votes ='select id_group, count(*) as max_votes from user_group group by id_group'
410 basequery = 'select votes.*, max_votes from votes left join (' + max_votes + ') as max_votes on votes.id_group = max_votes.id_group'
411 nb_votes = 'select id_vote, count(*) as nb_votes from (select id_user, id_vote from user_choice join choices on id_choice = choices.id group by id_user, id_vote) group by id_vote'
412 basequery = 'select * from (' + basequery + ') left join (' + nb_votes + ') on id = id_vote'
413 basequery = 'select *, votes.id as voteid, groups.name as groupname from (' + basequery + ') as votes join groups on groups.id = id_group where is_open=1 and is_hidden=0'
414 if votes == 'all':
415 votes = query_db(basequery + ' order by date_end')
416 elif votes == 'archive':
417 votes = query_db(basequery + ' and is_terminated=1 order by date_end desc')
418 elif votes == 'current':
419 votes = query_db(basequery + ' and is_terminated=0 order by date_end')
420 elif votes == 'waiting':
421 basequery = 'select votes.* from user_group join (' + basequery + ') as votes on votes.id_group = user_group.id_group where user_group.id_user = ?'
422 already_voted = 'select id_vote from user_choice join choices on user_choice.id_choice = choices.id where id_user = ?'
423 votes = query_db(basequery + ' and votes.id not in (' + already_voted + ') and is_terminated=0', [get_userid(), get_userid()])
424 else:
425 abort(404)
426 for vote in votes:
427 if not vote.get('nb_votes'):
428 vote['nb_votes'] = 0
429 if vote.get('max_votes'):
430 vote['percent'] = int((float(vote['nb_votes']) / float(vote['max_votes'])) * 100)
431 return render_template('votes.html', votes=votes, active_button=active_button)
433 #------
434 # Vote
436 def can_see_vote(idvote, iduser=-1):
437 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id=?', [idvote], one=True)
438 if vote is None:
439 return False
440 if not vote['is_public']:
441 user = query_db('select * from users where id=?', [iduser], one=True)
442 if query_db('select * from user_group where id_user = ? and id_group = ?', [iduser, vote['id']], one=True) is None:
443 return False
444 return True
446 def can_vote(idvote, iduser=-1):
447 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id=?', [idvote], one=True)
448 if vote is None:
449 return False
450 if vote['is_terminated'] == 0:
451 if iduser > 0:
452 if can_see_vote(idvote, iduser):
453 if not has_voted(idvote, iduser):
454 if query_db('select * from user_group where id_user = ? and id_group = ?', [iduser, vote['id_group']], one=True):
455 return True
456 return False
458 def has_voted(idvote, iduser=-1):
459 vote = query_db('select * from user_choice join choices on id_choice=choices.id where id_vote = ? and id_user = ?', [idvote, iduser], one=True)
460 return (vote is not None)
462 @app.route('/vote/<idvote>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
463 def vote(idvote):
464 vote = query_db('select votes.*, groups.name as groupname, users.name as author from votes join groups on groups.id=votes.id_group join users on users.id=votes.id_author where votes.id=?', [idvote], one=True)
465 if vote is None:
466 abort(404)
467 if can_see_vote(idvote, get_userid()):
468 if request.method == 'POST':
469 if can_vote(idvote, get_userid()):
470 if vote['is_multiplechoice'] == 0:
471 if query_db('select * from choices where id = ?', [request.form['choice']], one=True) is not None:
472 g.db.execute('insert into user_choice (id_user, id_choice) values (?, ?)',
473 [session.get('user').get('id'), request.form['choice']])
474 g.db.commit()
475 else:
476 choices = query_db('select name, id from choices where id_vote=?', [idvote])
477 for choice in choices:
478 if str(choice['id']) in request.form.keys():
479 g.db.execute('insert into user_choice (id_user, id_choice) values (?, ?)',
480 [session.get('user').get('id'), choice['id']])
481 g.db.commit()
482 else:
483 abort(401)
484 tuples = query_db('select choiceid, choicename, users.id as userid, users.name as username from (select choices.id as choiceid, choices.name as choicename, id_user as userid from choices join user_choice on choices.id = user_choice.id_choice where id_vote = ?) join users on userid = users.id', [idvote])
485 users = dict()
486 for t in tuples:
487 if t['userid'] in users:
488 users[t['userid']]['choices'].append(t['choiceid'])
489 else:
490 users[t['userid']] = dict()
491 users[t['userid']]['userid'] = t['userid']
492 users[t['userid']]['username'] = t['username']
493 users[t['userid']]['choices'] = [t['choiceid']]
494 choices = query_db('select choices.name, choices.id, choices.name, choices.id_vote, count(id_choice) as nb from choices left join user_choice on id_choice = choices.id where id_vote = ? group by id_choice, name, id_vote order by id', [idvote])
495 attachments = query_db('select * from attachments where id_vote=?', [idvote])
496 tmp = query_db('select id_group, count(*) as nb from user_group where id_group = ? group by id_group', [vote['id_group']], one=True)
497 if tmp is None:
498 vote['percent'] = 0
499 else:
500 vote['max_votes'] = tmp['nb']
501 tmp = query_db('select id_vote, count(*) as nb from (select id_user, id_vote from user_choice join choices on id_choice = choices.id group by id_user, id_vote) where id_vote = ? group by id_vote', [idvote], one=True)
502 if tmp is None:
503 vote['percent'] = 0
504 vote['nb_votes'] = 0
505 else:
506 vote['nb_votes'] = tmp['nb']
507 vote['percent'] = int((float(vote['nb_votes']) / float(vote['max_votes'])) * 100)
508 if query_db('select * from user_group where id_group = ? and id_user = ?', [vote['id_group'], get_userid()], one=True) and not vote['is_terminated']:
509 flash(u'Ce vote vous concerne !', 'info')
510 return render_template('vote.html', vote=vote, attachments=attachments, choices=choices, users=users.values(), can_vote=can_vote(idvote, get_userid()))
511 flash(u'Vous n\'avez pas le droit de voir ce vote, désolé.')
512 return redirect(url_for('home'))
514 @app.route('/vote/deletechoices/<idvote>/<iduser>')
515 def vote_deletechoices(idvote, iduser):
516 if int(iduser) != get_userid():
517 abort(401)
518 g.db.execute('delete from user_choice where id_user = ? and id_choice in (select id from choices where id_vote = ?)',
519 [iduser, idvote])
520 g.db.commit()
521 return redirect(url_for('vote', idvote=idvote))
523 #-------------
524 # Votes admin
526 @app.route('/admin/votes/list')
527 def admin_votes():
528 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
529 abort(401)
530 votes = query_db('select *, votes.id as voteid, groups.name as groupname from votes join groups on groups.id=votes.id_group where is_hidden=0 order by id desc')
531 return render_template('admin_votes.html', votes=votes, today=date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
533 @app.route('/admin/votes/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
534 def admin_vote_add():
535 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
536 abort(401)
537 if request.method == 'POST':
538 if request.form['title']:
539 if query_db('select * from votes where title = ?', [request.form['title']], one=True) is None:
540 date_begin = date.today()
541 date_end = date.today() + timedelta(days=int(request.form['days']))
542 transparent = 0
543 public = 0
544 multiplechoice = 0
545 if 'transparent' in request.form.keys():
546 transparent = 1
547 if 'public' in request.form.keys():
548 public = 1
549 if 'multiplechoice' in request.form.keys():
550 multiplechoice = 1
551 group = query_db('select id from groups where name = ?', [request.form['group']], one=True)
552 if group is None:
553 group[id] = 1
554 g.db.execute('insert into votes (title, description, category, date_begin, date_end, is_transparent, is_public, is_multiplechoice, id_group, id_author) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
555 [request.form['title'], request.form['description'], request.form['category'], date_begin, date_end, transparent, public, multiplechoice, group['id'], session['user']['id']])
556 g.db.commit()
557 vote = query_db('select * from votes where title = ? and date_begin = ? order by id desc',
558 [request.form['title'], date_begin], one=True)
559 if vote is None:
560 flash(u'Une erreur est survenue !', 'error')
561 return redirect(url_for('home'))
562 else:
563 if request.form['pattern'] in PATTERNS.keys():
564 pattern = PATTERNS[request.form['pattern']]
565 for choice in pattern:
566 g.db.execute('insert into choices (name, id_vote) values (?, ?)', [choice, vote['id']])
567 g.db.commit()
568 flash(u"Le vote a été créé", 'info')
569 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=vote['id']))
570 else:
571 flash(u'Le titre que vous avez choisi est déjà pris.', 'error')
572 else:
573 flash(u'Vous devez spécifier un titre.', 'error')
574 groups = query_db('select * from groups')
575 return render_template('admin_vote_new.html', groups=groups, patterns=PATTERNS)
577 @app.route('/admin/votes/edit/<voteid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
578 def admin_vote_edit(voteid):
579 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
580 abort(401)
581 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id = ?', [voteid], one=True)
582 if vote is None:
583 abort(404)
584 if request.method == 'POST':
585 if request.form['title']:
586 if request.form['days'] > 0:
587 date_end = datetime.strptime(vote['date_begin'], "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=int(request.form['days']))
588 date_end = date_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
589 transparent = 0
590 public = 0
591 if 'transparent' in request.form.keys():
592 transparent = 1
593 if 'public' in request.form.keys():
594 public = 1
595 isopen = 0
596 isterminated = 0
597 if request.form['status'] == 'Ouvert':
598 choices = query_db('select id_vote, count(*) as nb from choices where id_vote = ? group by id_vote', [voteid], one=True)
599 if choices is not None and choices['nb'] >= 2:
600 isopen = 1
601 previousvote = query_db('select id, is_open, id_group from votes where id = ?', [voteid], one=True)
602 if previousvote is None or previousvote['is_open'] == 0:
603 users_to_vote = query_db('select users.email, users.name from users join user_group on users.id=user_group.id_user where user_group.id_group = ?', [previousvote['id_group']])
604 for user in users_to_vote:
605 link = request.url_root + url_for('vote', idvote=voteid)
606 BODY = string.join((
607 "From: %s" % EMAIL,
608 "To: %s" % user['email'],
609 "Subject: [Cavote] %s" % gettext(u"A vote has been opened for your group"),
610 "Date: %s" % time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()).decode('utf-8'),
611 "X-Mailer: %s" % VERSION,
612 "",
613 "%(text)s %(title)s" % {"text": gettext(u"A vote has been opened and you are in a group concerned by it :"), "title": request.form['title']},
614 "",
615 gettext(u"This link will bring you to the form where you will be able to vote :"),
616 link,
617 "",
618 gettext(u"If you think this mail is not for you, please ignore and delete it.")
619 ), "\r\n")
620 server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
621 server.sendmail(EMAIL, [user['email']], BODY.encode('utf-8'))
622 server.quit()
623 else:
624 flash(u'Vous devez proposer au moins deux choix pour ouvrir le vote.', 'error')
625 elif request.form['status'] == u'Terminé':
626 isterminated = 1
627 if vote['is_open']:
628 isopen = 1
629 g.db.execute('update votes set title = ?, description = ?, category = ?, is_transparent = ?, is_public = ?, is_open = ?, is_terminated = ?, date_end = ?, reminder_last_days = ? where id = ?', [request.form['title'], request.form['description'], request.form['category'], transparent, public, isopen, isterminated, date_end, request.form['reminder'], voteid])
630 g.db.commit()
631 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id = ?', [voteid], one=True)
632 flash(u"Le vote a bien été mis à jour.", "success")
633 else:
634 flash(u'Vous devez spécifier un titre.', 'error')
635 vote['duration'] = (datetime.strptime(vote['date_end'], "%Y-%m-%d") - datetime.strptime(vote['date_begin'], "%Y-%m-%d")).days
636 group = query_db('select name from groups where id = ?', [vote['id_group']], one=True)
637 choices = query_db('select * from choices where id_vote = ?', [voteid])
638 attachments = query_db('select * from attachments where id_vote = ?', [voteid])
639 if date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") > vote['date_end']:
640 flash(u'La deadline du vote est expirée, vous devriez terminer le vote.')
641 return render_template('admin_vote_edit.html', vote=vote, group=group, choices=choices, attachments=attachments)
643 @app.route('/admin/votes/delete/<idvote>')
644 def admin_vote_del(idvote):
645 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
646 abort(401)
647 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id = ?', [idvote], one=True)
648 if vote is None:
649 abort(404)
650 g.db.execute('update votes set is_hidden=1 where id = ?', [idvote])
651 g.db.commit()
652 return redirect(url_for('admin_votes'))
654 @app.route('/admin/votes/addchoice/<voteid>', methods=['POST'])
655 def admin_vote_addchoice(voteid):
656 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
657 abort(401)
658 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id = ?', [voteid], one=True)
659 if vote is None:
660 abort(404)
661 g.db.execute('insert into choices (name, id_vote) values (?, ?)', [request.form['title'], voteid])
662 g.db.commit()
663 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=voteid))
665 @app.route('/admin/votes/editchoice/<voteid>/<choiceid>', methods=['POST', 'DELETE'])
666 def admin_vote_editchoice(voteid, choiceid):
667 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
668 abort(401)
669 choice = query_db('select * from choices where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [choiceid, voteid], one=True)
670 if choice is None:
671 abort(404)
672 if request.method == 'POST':
673 g.db.execute('update choices set name=? where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [request.form['title'], choiceid, voteid])
674 g.db.commit()
675 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=voteid))
677 @app.route('/admin/votes/deletechoice/<voteid>/<choiceid>')
678 def admin_vote_deletechoice(voteid, choiceid):
679 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
680 abort(401)
681 choice = query_db('select * from choices where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [choiceid, voteid], one=True)
682 if choice is None:
683 abort(404)
684 g.db.execute('delete from choices where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [choiceid, voteid])
685 g.db.commit()
686 choices = query_db('select id_vote, count(*) as nb from choices where id_vote = ? group by id_vote', [voteid], one=True)
687 if choices is None or choices['nb'] < 2:
688 g.db.execute('update votes set is_open=0 where id = ?', [voteid])
689 g.db.commit()
690 flash(u'Attention ! Il y a moins de deux choix. Le vote a été fermé.', 'error')
691 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=voteid))
693 @app.route('/admin/votes/addattachment/<voteid>', methods=['POST'])
694 def admin_vote_addattachment(voteid):
695 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
696 abort(401)
697 vote = query_db('select * from votes where id = ?', [voteid], one=True)
698 if vote is None:
699 abort(404)
700 g.db.execute('insert into attachments (url, id_vote) values (?, ?)', [request.form['url'], voteid])
701 g.db.commit()
702 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=voteid))
704 @app.route('/admin/votes/deleteattachment/<voteid>/<attachmentid>')
705 def admin_vote_deleteattachment(voteid, attachmentid):
706 if not session.get('user').get('is_admin'):
707 abort(401)
708 attachment = query_db('select * from attachments where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [attachmentid, voteid], one=True)
709 if attachment is None:
710 abort(404)
711 g.db.execute('delete from attachments where id = ? and id_vote = ?', [attachmentid, voteid])
712 g.db.commit()
713 return redirect(url_for('admin_vote_edit', voteid=voteid))
715 #------
716 # Main
718 if __name__ == '__main__':
719 app.run()