[lhc/ateliers.git] / etc / nginx / site.d / burette / site.conf
1 server_name
2 burettes.heureux-cyclage.org
3 burette.atelierdynamo.fr
4 burette.autourducycle.heureux-cyclage.org
5 burette.bretzselle.heureux-cyclage.org
6 burette.bretzselle.org
7 burette.changedechaine.heureux-cyclage.org
8 burette.cyclocoop.heureux-cyclage.org
9 burette.cyclocoop.org
10 burette.cyclofficineangouleme.heureux-cyclage.org
11 burette.dynamo.heureux-cyclage.org
12 burette.labecaneajules.fr
13 burette.labecaneajules.heureux-cyclage.org
14 burette.laptiterustine.heureux-cyclage.org
15 burette.mobilidees.heureux-cyclage.org
16 burette.mobilidees.org
17 burette.ohcyclo.heureux-cyclage.org
18 burette.ptitvelo.heureux-cyclage.org
19 burette.ptitvelo.net
20 burette.recupr.heureux-cyclage.org
21 burette.repeyre.fr
22 burette.repeyre.heureux-cyclage.org
23 burette.rouepet.heureux-cyclage.org
24 burette.rouepet.org
25 burette.txirrindola.heureux-cyclage.org
26 burette.txirrindola.org
27 burette.velorution.org
28 burette.velorution_idf.heureux-cyclage.org
29 burette.velorutiontoulouse.heureux-cyclage.org
30 burette.velosenville.org
31 burette.vieuxbiclou.heureux-cyclage.org
32 burette.vieuxbiclou.org;
34 client_body_buffer_size 1024k;
35 client_max_body_size 10m;
37 proxy_buffers 16 64k;
38 proxy_buffer_size 128k;
40 location ~ /\. {
41 access_log off;
42 deny all;
43 log_not_found off;
44 }
45 location / {
46 proxy_next_upstream error timeout
47 invalid_header
48 http_500
49 http_502
50 http_503;
51 # NOTE: force timeouts if the backend dies.
52 proxy_pass http://openerp7_burette;
53 proxy_redirect off;
54 # NOTE: by default, do not forward anything
55 proxy_read_timeout 500;
56 proxy_set_header Host $host;
57 proxy_set_header OpenERP-DB-Filter $burette_dbfilter;
58 # TODO: utiliser un certificat utilisateurice X.509
59 # pour initialiser cette variable.
60 proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
61 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
62 # NOTE: let the OpenERP web service know that we're using HTTPS,
63 # otherwise it will generate URL using http:// and not https://
64 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
65 }
67 location ~* ^/web/static/ {
68 # NOTE: cache some static data in memory for 60mins;
69 # under heavy load this should relieve stress on the OpenERP web interface a bit.
70 expires 864000;
71 proxy_buffering on;
72 proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
73 proxy_pass http://openerp7_burette;
74 }
76 # vim: ft=sh