Ajout : ./garradin
[garradin.git] / www / admin / static / font / garradin.css
1 @charset "UTF-8";
3 @font-face {
4 font-family: 'garradin';
5 src: url('../font/garradin.eot?36341436');
6 src: url('../font/garradin.eot?36341436#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
7 url('../font/garradin.woff?36341436') format('woff'),
8 url('../font/garradin.ttf?36341436') format('truetype'),
9 url('../font/garradin.svg?36341436#garradin') format('svg');
10 font-weight: normal;
11 font-style: normal;
12 }
13 /* Chrome hack: SVG is rendered more smooth in Windozze. 100% magic, uncomment if you need it. */
14 /* Note, that will break hinting! In other OS-es font will be not as sharp as it could be */
15 /*
16 @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
17 @font-face {
18 font-family: 'garradin';
19 src: url('../font/garradin.svg?36341436#garradin') format('svg');
20 }
21 }
22 */
24 [class^="icn-"]:before, [class*=" icn-"]:before {
25 font-family: "garradin";
26 font-style: normal;
27 font-weight: normal;
28 speak: none;
30 display: inline-block;
31 text-decoration: inherit;
32 width: 1em;
33 margin-right: .2em;
34 text-align: center;
35 /* opacity: .8; */
37 /* For safety - reset parent styles, that can break glyph codes*/
38 font-variant: normal;
39 text-transform: none;
40 }
42 .icn-search:before { content: '๐Ÿ”'; } /* '\1f50d' */
43 .icn-user:before { content: '๐Ÿ‘ค'; } /* '\1f464' */
44 .icn-users:before { content: '๐Ÿ‘ช'; } /* '\1f46a' */
45 .icn-delete:before { content: '\2718'; } /* 'โœ˜' */
46 .icn-plus:before { content: '\2795'; } /* 'โž•' */
47 .icn-minus:before { content: '\2796'; } /* 'โž–' */
48 .icn-help:before { content: '\2753'; } /* 'โ“' */
49 .icn-home:before { content: '\2302'; } /* 'โŒ‚' */
50 .icn-attach:before { content: '๐Ÿ“Ž'; } /* '\1f4ce' */
51 .icn-lock:before { content: '๐Ÿ”’'; } /* '\1f512' */
52 .icn-mail:before { content: '\2709'; } /* 'โœ‰' */
53 .icn-download:before { content: '\21d3'; } /* 'โ‡“' */
54 .icn-edit:before { content: '\270e'; } /* 'โœŽ' */
55 .icn-print:before { content: '\2399'; } /* 'โŽ™' */
56 .icn-alert:before { content: '\26a0'; } /* 'โš ' */
57 .icn-menu:before { content: '๐ข'; } /* '\1d362' */
58 .icn-settings:before { content: '\2638'; } /* 'โ˜ธ' */
59 .icn-down:before { content: '\2193'; } /* 'โ†“' */
60 .icn-up:before { content: '\2191'; } /* 'โ†‘' */
61 .icn-logout:before { content: '\291d'; } /* 'โค' */
62 .icn-check:before { content: '\2611'; } /* 'โ˜‘' */
63 .icn-unlock:before { content: '๐Ÿ”“'; } /* '\1f513' */