[velocampus/web/www.git] / www / plugins / auto / couteau_suisse / couteau_suisse / lang / couteauprive_sk.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.org
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // 2
11 '2pts_non' => ' : č.',
12 '2pts_oui' => ' : áno',
14 // S
15 'SPIP_liens:description' => '@puce@ Podľa prvotných nastavení sa všetky stránky odkazy otvárajú v aktuálnom okne. Ale môže byť užitočné otvárať externé odkazy v novom okne, tzv. pridať {target="_blank"} ku všetkým tagom odkazov z tried SPIPU {spip_out}, {spip_url} alebo {spip_glossaire}. Niekedy je potrebné pridať niektorú z týchto tried do šablón stránky (html súborov), aby bola táto funkcia efektívna v plnom rozsahu.[[%radio_target_blank3%]]
17 @puce@ SPIP poskytuje skratku <code>[?word]</code> na prepájanie slova a jeho definície. Podľa prvotných nastavení (alebo ak pole nevyplníte), ako externý slovník sa použije wikipedia.org. Môžete si vybrať inú adresu. <br />Testovací odkaz: [?SPIP][[%url_glossaire_externe2%]]',
18 'SPIP_liens:description1' => '@puce@ SPIP obsahuje štýl CSS pre odkazy na e-mailové odkazy - malá obálka sa zobrazuje pred každým odkazom "mailto". Nie všetky prehliadače ju však vedia zobraziť(konkrétne IE6, IE7 a SAF3). Je na vás, aby ste sa rozhodli, či využijete toto rozšírenie.
19 _ Testovací odkaz:[->test@test.com] (Na otestovanie znova načítajte stránku.)[[%enveloppe_mails%]]',
20 'SPIP_liens:nom' => 'SPIP a externé odkazy',
21 'SPIP_tailles:description' => '@puce@ Na zmenšenie operačnej pamäte na serveri vám SPIP umožňuje obmedziť rozmery (výšku a šírku) a veľkosť súborov a obrázkov, log alebo dokumentov, ktoré sú pripojené k rôznym prvkom stránky. Ak daný súbor presahuje určenú veľkosť, formulár vráti tieto údaje, ale budú zničené a SPIP ich nebude uchovávať na ďalšie použitie ani v priečinku IMG/ ani v databáze. Správa s upozornením sa potom odošle používateľovi.
23 Nulová alebo prázdna hodnota určuje neobmedzenú hodnotu.
24 [[Výška: %img_Hmax% pixelov]][[->Šírka: %img_Wmax% pixelov]][[->Veľkosť súboru: %img_Smax% kB]]
25 [[Výška: %logo_Hmax% pixelov]][[->Šírka: %logo_Wmax% pixelov]][[->Veľkosť súboru: %logo_Smax% kB]]
26 [[Veľkosť súboru: %doc_Smax% kB]]
28 @puce@ Sem zadajte maximálny priestor vyhradený pre vzdialené súbory, ktoré bude môcť SPIP stiahnuť (zo serveru na server) a uložiť na vašej stránke. Predvolená hodnota je tu 16 MB. [[%copie_Smax% MB]]
30 @puce@ Aby sa predišlo preťaženiu PHP pamäte pri spracúvaní veľkých obrázkov knižnicou GD2, SPIP otestuje možnosti servera a potom môžu odmietnuť spracovať obrázky, ktoré sú príliš veľké. Tento test sa dá deaktivovať tak, že manuálne definujete maximálny počet pixelov podporovaný pre proces spracovania.
32 Hodnota 1~000~000 pixelov sa zdá byť rozumná na nastavenie, ak máte málo dostupnej pamäte. Nulová alebo prázdna hodnota bude znamenať, že na serveri sa uskutoční test.
33 [[%img_GDmax% pixels au maximum]]
34 @puce@ Knižnica GD2 sa používa na upravenie kvality kompresie každého obrázka JPG. Vyššie percento znamená lepšiu kvalitu.
35 [[%img_GDqual% %]]',
36 'SPIP_tailles:nom' => 'Obmedzenia pamäte',
38 // A
39 'acces_admin' => 'Prístup administrátorov:',
40 'action_rapide' => 'Rýchla akcia, iba ak viete, čo robíte!',
41 'action_rapide_non' => 'Rapid action, available when this tool is activated:',
42 'admins_seuls' => 'Len administrátori',
43 'aff_tout:description' => 'Il parfois utile d\'afficher toutes les rubriques ou tous les auteurs de votre site sans tenir compte de leur statut (pendant la période de développement par exemple). Par défaut, SPIP n\'affiche en public que les auteurs et les rubriques ayant au moins un élément publié.
45 Bien qu\'il soit possible de contourner ce comportement à l\'aide du critère [<html>{tout}</html>->http://www.spip.net/fr_article4250.html], cet outil automatise le processus et vous évite d\'ajouter ce critère à toutes les boucles RUBRIQUES et/ou AUTEURS de vos squelettes.', # NEW
46 'aff_tout:nom' => 'Affiche tout', # NEW
47 'attente' => 'Čaká sa...',
48 'auteur_forum:description' => 'Požiadajte všetkých autorov verejných stráv, aby vyplnili (aspoň jedným písmenom!) meno a/alebo email, aby sa predišlo úplne anonymným správam. Majte na pamäti, že tento nástroj vykonáva overenie cez Javascript v prehliadači používateľa. [[%auteur_forum_nom%]][[->%auteur_forum_email%]][[->%auteur_forum_deux%]]
49 {Upozornenie: Tretia možnosť ruší ostatné. Je dôležité overiť si, že formuláre vašej šablóny sú kompatibilné s týmto nástrojom.}',
50 'auteur_forum:nom' => 'Žiadne anonymné diskusné fóra',
51 'auteur_forum_deux' => 'alebo aspoň jedno z dvoch predchádzajúcich polí',
52 'auteur_forum_email' => 'Pole „\84@_CS_FORUM_EMAIL@\93“',
53 'auteur_forum_nom' => 'Pole „\84@_CS_FORUM_NOM@\93“',
54 'auteurs:description' => 'Tento nástroj nastavuje vzhľad [stránky autorov->./?exec=auteurs] v súkromnej zóne
56 @puce@ Tu určte maximálny počet autorov, ktorý sa zobrazí v strednom ráme stránky autorov. Za týmto číslom bude nasledovať číslovanie strán. [[%max_auteurs_page%]]
58 @puce@ Aký typ autorov by sa mal objaviť na stránke autorov?
59 [[%auteurs_tout_voir%[[->%auteurs_0%]][[->%auteurs_1%]][[->%auteurs_5%]][[->%auteurs_6%]][[->%auteurs_n%]]]]',
60 'auteurs:nom' => 'Stránka autorov',
61 'autobr:description' => 'Použije sa na niektoré filtre SPIPU na text, {|post_autobr} všetky zlomy na nové riadky sa nahradia zlomom na jeden nový riadok <br />.[[%alinea%]][[->%alinea2%]]',
62 'autobr:nom' => 'Automatické zlomy riadkov',
63 'autobr_non' => 'Vnútorné tagy &lt;alinea>&lt;/alinea>',
64 'autobr_oui' => 'Články a verejné správy (tagy @BALISES@)',
65 'autobr_racc' => 'Návrat na riadok: <b><alinea></alinea></b>',
67 // B
68 'balise_set:description' => 'Na zjednodušenie prvkov kódu, ako <code>#SET{x,#GET{x}|a_filter}</code>, tento nástroj ponúka tieto skratky: <code>#SET_UN_FILTRE{x}.</code> Filter, ktorý sa použil na premennú sa preto prenáša v názve tagu.
70 Príklady: <code>#SET{x,1}#SET_PLUS{x,2}</code> alebo <code>#SET{x,avions}#SET_REPLACE{x,ons,ez}.</code>',
71 'balise_set:nom' => 'Tag #SET rozšírený',
72 'barres_typo_edition' => 'Úprava obsahu',
73 'barres_typo_forum' => 'Príspevky v diskusnom fóre',
74 'barres_typo_intro' => 'The «Porte-Plume» plugin is installed. Please choose here the typographical bars on which to insert various buttons.',
75 'basique' => 'Základný',
76 'blocs:aide' => 'Folding blocks: <b><bloc></bloc></b> (alias: <b><invisible></invisible></b>) and <b><visible></visible></b>',
77 'blocs:description' => 'Umožňuje vám vytvárať bloky, ktoré sa zobrazujú/schovávajú, keď kliknete na názov.
79 @puce@ {{V textoch SPIPU:}} autori môžu používať tagy <bloc> (alebo <invisible>) a <visible> rovnakým spôsobom:
81 <quote><code>
82 <bloc>
83 Klikateľný názov
85 Text, ktorý sa zobrazí/skryje po dvoch nových riadkoch.
86 </bloc>
87 </code></quote>
89 @puce@ {{V šablónach:}} môžete používať tagy #BLOC_TITRE, #BLOC_DEBUT a #BLOC_FIN takto:
90 <quote><code> #BLOC_TITRE
91 Môj názov
92 #BLOC_RESUME (voliteľné)
93 zhrnutie nasledujúceho bloku
95 Môj skladací blok (ktorý, ak treba, vie spustiť internetová adresa typu AJAX URL)
96 #BLOC_FIN</code></quote>
98 @puce@ Ak nižšie zaškrtnete "Áno", pri otvorení jedného bloku sa všetky ostatné bloky na stránke zatvoria. Tzn., že naraz je otvorený len jeden blok.[[%bloc_unique%]]
100 @puce@ Ak nižšie zaškrtnete "Áno", stav očíslovaných blokov sa uloží do cookie, aby sa zachoval vzhľad stránky tak dlho, kým so stránkou budete pracovať.[[%blocs_cookie%]]
102 @puce@ Podľa prvotných nastavení Vreckový nožík používa pre názvy skladacích blokov HTML tag <h4>. Iný tag môžete určiť tu <hN>:[[%bloc_h4%]]',
103 'blocs:nom' => 'Folding Blocks',
104 'boites_privees:description' => 'Všetky polia opísané nižšie sú tu alebo v súkromnej zóne.[[%cs_rss%]][[->%format_spip%]][[->%stat_auteurs%]][[->%qui_webmasters%]][[->%bp_urls_propres%]][[->%bp_tri_auteurs%]]
105 - {{Aktualizácie nástroja Vreckový nožík:}} rámec tejto aktuálnej nastavovacej stránky, ktoré zobrazujú najnovšie úpravy kódu zásuvného modulu ([Source->@_CS_RSS_SOURCE@]).
106 - {{Články vo formáte SPIP:}} skladací rám na články, ktorý vám umožňuje vidieť zdrojový kód, ktorý použili ich autori.
107 - {{Aktualizácie autorov:}} skladací rám na [authors page->./?exec=auteurs], ktorý zobrazuje 10 najneskôr pripojených autorov a nepotvrdený obsah, ktorý vytvorili. Tieto údaje môžu vidieť iba administrátori.
108 - {{Webmasteri SPIPU:}} skladací rám na [author\'s page->./?exec=auteurs], ktorá obsahuje zoznam administrátorov, ktorým bola pridelená funkcie webmastera. Tieto údaje môtu vidieť len administrátori. Ak ste sám jedným z webmasterov, tiež môžete vidieť nástroj " [.->webmestres] ".
109 - {{Čisté www adresy:}} skladací rám na každý prvok obsahu (článok, rubriku, autora,...) s čistou adresou, ako aj možnými aliasmi, ktoré existujú. Nástroj " [.->type_urls] " vám ponúka podrobné nastavenie adriesť webu.
110 - {{Zotriedení autori:}} skladací rám na články, ktoré majú viac ako jedného autora, a ktorý poskytuje jednoduchý mechanizmus na prispôsobenie triedenia ich poradia.',
111 'boites_privees:nom' => 'Private boxes',
112 'bp_tri_auteurs' => 'Poradie autorov',
113 'bp_urls_propres' => 'Vyčistené URL',
114 'brouteur:description' => 'Ak je viac ako %rubrique_brouteur% rubrík, použiť označovač rubriky AJAX.',
115 'brouteur:nom' => 'Nastavenie prepínačov',
117 // C
118 'cache_controle' => 'Cache control',
119 'cache_nornal' => 'Bežné použitie',
120 'cache_permanent' => 'Trvalá cache',
121 'cache_sans' => 'Žiadna cache',
122 'categ:admin' => '1. Administrácia',
123 'categ:divers' => '60. Rôzne',
124 'categ:interface' => '10. Private interface',
125 'categ:public' => '40. Verejná stránka',
126 'categ:securite' => '5. Bezpečnosť',
127 'categ:spip' => '50. Tags, filters, criteria',
128 'categ:typo-corr' => '20. Text improvements',
129 'categ:typo-racc' => '30. Klávesové skratky',
130 'certaines_couleurs' => 'Only the tags defined below @_CS_ASTER@:',
131 'chatons:aide' => 'Smajlíky: @liste@',
132 'chatons:description' => 'Nahradiť <code>názov</code> obrázkami smajlíkov.
133 _ Tento nástroj nahradí skratky obrázkami s rovnakým názvom, ktoré sa našli v priečinku <code>mon_squelette_toto/img/chatons/</code>, alebo podľa predvolených nastavení v priečinku <code>couteau_suisse/img/chatons/</code>.',
134 'chatons:nom' => 'Smajlíky',
135 'citations_bb:description' => 'Na dodržanie HTML v spipovskom obsahu vašej stránky (články, rubriky, atď.) tento nástroj nahradí označenie <quote> označením <q> tam, kde je prázdny riadok. ',
136 'citations_bb:nom' => 'Well delimited citations',
137 'class_spip:description1' => 'Here you can define some SPIP shortcuts. An empty value is equivalent to using the default.[[%racc_hr%]]',
138 'class_spip:description2' => '@puce@ {{skratky SPIPU}}.
140 Tu môžete definovať skratky SPIPU. Prázdna hodnota je ekvivalentom k použitiu predvolenej. [[%racc_hr%]][[%puce%]]',
141 'class_spip:description3' => '
143 {Pozn. Ak je nástroj "[.->pucesli]" aktívny, potom sa nahradenie pomlčky "-" už viac nebude robiť; namiesto toho sa použije sa zoznam <ul><li>.}
145 SPIP na podnadpisy štandardne používa tag <h3>. Tu môžete vybrať iný tag: [[%racc_h1%]][[->%racc_h2%]]',
146 'class_spip:description4' => '
148 Na označenie tučného písma SPIP obyčajne používa tag <strong>. Ale tag <b> môžete použiť tiež. Môžete si vybrať: [[%racc_g1%]][[->%racc_g2%]]
150 Na označenie kurzívy SPIP obyčajne používa tag <i>. Ale tag <em> môžete použiť tiež. Môžete si vybrať: [[%racc_i1%]][[->%racc_i2%]]
152 Môžete definovať aj kód, ktorý sa bude používať na otváranie a uzatváranie volania poznámok pod čiarou.(Pozn. Tieto zmeny uvidíte len na verejne prístupnej stránke.): [[%ouvre_ref%]][[->%ferme_ref%]]
154 Môžete definovať aj kód, ktorý sa bude používať na otváranie a uzatváranie poznámok pod čiarou: [[%ouvre_note%]][[->%ferme_note%]]
156 @puce@ {{Štýly SPIPu}}. Do verzie 1.92, klávesové skratky vytvárali HTML tagy, ktoré boli označené ako trieda "spip". Napríklad <code><p class="spip"></code>. Tu môžete definovať štýl týchto tagov, aby sa prepojili s vaším štýlopisom. Prázdne pole znamená, že sa nepoužije žiaden štýl.
158 {Pozn. Ak sa niektorá zo skratiek uvedených vyššie zmení (vodorovná čiara, podnázov, kurzíva, tučné písmo), potom sa štýly uvedené nižšie nepoužijú.}
160 <q1>
161 _ {{1.}} Tagy <p>, <i>, <strong>: [[%style_p%]]
162 _ {{2.}} Tagy <tables>, <hr>, <h3>, <blockquote> a zoznamy (<ol>, <ul>, atď.):[[%style_h%]]
164 Pozn.: zmenou druhého parametra stratíte štandardné štýly priradené k týmto tagom.</q1>',
165 'class_spip:nom' => 'SPIP and its shortcuts...',
166 'code_css' => 'CSS',
167 'code_fonctions' => 'Funkcie',
168 'code_jq' => 'jQuery',
169 'code_js' => 'JavaScript',
170 'code_options' => 'Možnosti',
171 'code_spip_options' => 'Možnosti SPIPU',
172 'compacte_css' => 'Kompaktné CSS',
173 'compacte_js' => 'Kompaktný Javascript',
174 'compacte_prive' => 'Nekomprimovať nič v súkromnej zóne',
175 'compacte_tout' => 'Vôbec žiadna kompresia (vynuluje predchádzajúce možnosti)',
176 'contrib' => 'Viac informácií: @url@',
177 'copie_vers' => 'Kópia do: @dir@',
178 'corbeille:description' => 'SPIP automatically deletes objets which have been put in the dustbin after one day. This is done by a "Cron" job, usually at 4 am. Here, you can block this process taking place in order to regulate the dustbin emptying yourself. [[%arret_optimisation%]]',
179 'corbeille:nom' => 'Kôš',
180 'corbeille_objets' => '@nb@ objekt(ov) v koši.',
181 'corbeille_objets_lies' => '@nb_lies@ connection(s) detected.',
182 'corbeille_objets_vide' => 'Žiadne objekty v koši.',
183 'corbeille_objets_vider' => 'Delete the selected objects',
184 'corbeille_vider' => 'Empty the wastebin:',
185 'couleurs:aide' => 'Farba textu: <b>[coul]text[/coul]</b>@fond@ with <b>coul</b> = @liste@',
186 'couleurs:description' => '<MODIF>Provide shortcuts to add colours in any text of the site (articles, news items, titles, forums, ...)
188 Here are two identical examples to change the colour of text:@_CS_EXEMPLE_COULEURS2@
190 In the same way, to change the font if the following option allows:@_CS_EXEMPLE_COULEURS3@
192 [[%couleurs_fonds%]]
193 [[%set_couleurs%]][[->%couleurs_perso%]]
194 @_CS_ASTER@The format of this personalised tags have to be of existing colours or define pairs «tag=colour», separated by comas. Examples : «grey, red», «smooth=yellow, strong=red», «low=#99CC11, high=brown» but also «grey=#DDDDCC, red=#EE3300». For the first and last example, the allowed tags are: <code>[grey]</code> et <code>[red]</code> (<code>[fond grey]</code> et <code>[fond red]</code> if the backgrounds are allowed).', # MODIF
195 'couleurs:nom' => 'Zafarbený text',
196 'couleurs_fonds' => ', <b>[fond coul]text[/coul]</b>, <b>[bg coul]text[/coul]</b>',
197 'cs_comportement:description' => '<MODIF>@puce@ {{Logs.}} Record a lot of information about the working of the Penknife in the {spip.log} files which can be found in this directory: {@_CS_DIR_TMP@}[[%log_couteau_suisse%]]
199 @puce@ {{SPIP options.}} SPIP places plugins in order. To be sure that the Penknife is at the head and is thus able to control certain SPIP options, check the following option. If the permissions on your server allow it, the file {@_CS_FILE_OPTIONS@} will be modified to include {@_CS_DIR_TMP@couteau-suisse/mes_spip_options.php}.
200 [[%spip_options_on%]]
202 @puce@ {{External requests.}} The Penknife checks regularly for new versions of the plugin and shows available updates on its configuration page. If the external requests involved do not work from your server, check this box to turn this off.[[%distant_off%]]', # MODIF
203 'cs_comportement:nom' => 'Správanie sa modulu Vreckový nožík',
204 'cs_distant_off' => 'Checks of remote versions',
205 'cs_distant_outils_off' => 'Nástroje modulu Vreckový nožík so vzdialenými súbormiVypočuť',
206 'cs_log_couteau_suisse' => 'Detailed logs of the Penknife',
207 'cs_reset' => 'Are you sure you wish to completely reset the Penknife?',
208 'cs_reset2' => 'All activated tools will be deactivated and their options reset.',
209 'cs_spip_options_erreur' => 'Varovanie: Nepodarilo sa zmeniť súbor "<html>@_CS_FILE_OPTIONS@</html>"!',
210 'cs_spip_options_on' => 'Možnosti SPIPU v súbore „@_CS_FILE_OPTIONS@“',
212 // D
213 'decoration:aide' => 'Décoration: <b>&lt;tag&gt;test&lt;/tag&gt;</b>, with<b>tag</b> = @liste@',
214 'decoration:description' => 'Nové, konfigurovateľné štýly v texte pomocou uhlových zátvoriek a tagov. Príklady:
215 <mytag>text</mytag> alebo: <mytag/>.<br />Nižšie definujte CSS štýly, ktoré potrebujete. Každý tag zadajte na samostatný riadok pomocou tejto syntaxe:
216 - {type.mytag = môj štýl CSS}
217 - {type.mytag.class = moja trieda CSS}
218 - {type.mytag.lang = môj jazyk (napr.: sk)}
219 - {unalias = mytag}
221 Parameter {typ}, ktorý je uvedený vyššie, môže mať tri hodnoty:
222 - {span:} inline tag
223 - {div:} tag prvku bloku
224 - {auto:} tag zvolený automaticky zásuvným modulom
226 [[%decoration_styles%]]',
227 'decoration:nom' => 'Decoration',
228 'decoupe:aide' => 'Blok kariet: <b><onglets></onglets></b><br/>Oddeľovač stránok alebo kariet: @sep@',
229 'decoupe:aide2' => 'Alias: @sep@',
230 'decoupe:description' => '@puce@ Divides the display of an article into pages using automatic page numbering. Simply place four consecutive + signes (<code>++++</code>) where you wish a page break to occur.
232 By default, the Penknife inserts the pagination links at the top and bottom of the page. But you can place the links elsewhere in your template by using the #CS_DECOUPE tag, which you can activate here:
233 [[%balise_decoupe%]]
235 @puce@ If you use this separator between <onglets> and </onglets> tags, then you will receive a tabbed page instead.
237 In templates you can use the tags #ONGLETS_DEBUT, #ONGLETS_TITRE and #ONGLETS_FIN.
239 This tool may be combined with "[.->sommaire]".', # MODIF
240 'decoupe:nom' => 'Division in pages and tabs',
241 'desactiver_flash:description' => 'Deletes the flash objects from your site and replaces them by the associated alternative content.',
242 'desactiver_flash:nom' => 'Deactivate flash objects',
243 'detail_balise_etoilee' => '{{N.B.}} : Check the use made in your templates of starred tags. This tool will not apply its treatment to the following tag(s): @bal@.',
244 'detail_disabled' => 'Parametre, ktoré sa nedajú zmeniť:',
245 'detail_fichiers' => 'Súbory:',
246 'detail_fichiers_distant' => 'Vzdialené súbory:',
247 'detail_inline' => 'Inline kód:',
248 'detail_jquery2' => 'Tento nástroj využíva knižnicu {jQuery}.',
249 'detail_jquery3' => '{{N.B.}}: this tool requires the plugin [jQuery pour SPIP 1.92->http://files.spip.org/spip-zone/jquery_192.zip] in order to function correctly with this version of SPIP.',
250 'detail_pipelines' => 'Potrubie:',
251 'detail_raccourcis' => 'Tento nástroj upravil nasledovné klávesové skratky.',
252 'detail_spip_options' => '{{Poznámka:}} Ak tento nástroj nefunguje, určte prioritu nastaveniam SPIPU pomocou utility "@lien@".',
253 'detail_spip_options2' => 'Odporúča sa určiť prioritu nastavení SPIPU pomocou nástroja "[.->cs_comportement]".',
254 'detail_spip_options_ok' => '{{Poznámka:}} Tento nástroj momentálne určuje prioritu nastavení SPIPU pomocou utility "@lien@".',
255 'detail_surcharge' => 'Preťažený nástroj:',
256 'detail_traitements' => 'Riešenie:',
257 'devdebug:description' => '{{Tento nástroj vám umožňuje vidieť všetky chyby PHP na obrazovke.}}<br />Môžete si zvoliť úroveň vykonávacích chýb PHP, ktorá sa zobrazí, keď budú ladič ako aj miesto, na ktoré sa tieto nastavenia použijú, aktívne.',
258 'devdebug:item_e_all' => 'Všetky správy o chybách (všetky)',
259 'devdebug:item_e_error' => 'Vážne alebo fatálne chyby',
260 'devdebug:item_e_notice' => 'Oznámenia o vykonaní',
261 'devdebug:item_e_strict' => 'Všetky správy a varovania PHP',
262 'devdebug:item_e_warning' => 'Varovania',
263 'devdebug:item_espace_prive' => 'Súkromná zóna',
264 'devdebug:item_espace_public' => 'Verejná zóna',
265 'devdebug:item_tout' => 'Celý SPIP',
266 'devdebug:nom' => 'Vývojový ladič',
267 'distant_aide' => 'This tool requires remote files which must all be correctly installed in the library. Before activating this tool or updating this frame, make sure that the required files really are available on the remote server.', # NEW
268 'distant_charge' => 'Súbor sa správne stiahol a nainštaloval do knižnice.',
269 'distant_charger' => 'Začať sťahovanie',
270 'distant_echoue' => 'Chyba pri nahrávaní, tento nástroj možno nefunguje!',
271 'distant_inactif' => 'Súbor sa nenašiel (nástroj neaktívny).',
272 'distant_present' => 'Súbor existuje v knižnici od @date@.',
273 'docgen' => 'Documentation générale', # NEW
274 'docwiki' => 'Carnet d\'idées', # NEW
275 'dossier_squelettes:description' => 'Changes which template directory to use. For example: "squelettes/mytemplate". You can register several directories by separating them with a colon <html>":"</html>. If you leave the following box empty (or type "dist" in it), then the default "dist" template, supplied with SPIP, will be used.[[%dossier_squelettes%]]',
276 'dossier_squelettes:nom' => 'Priečinok šablón',
278 // E
279 'ecran_activer' => 'Povoliť bezpečnostnú obrazovku',
280 'ecran_conflit' => 'Varovanie: súbor "@file@" spôsobuje konflikt a mal by byť odstránený!',
281 'ecran_conflit2' => 'Poznámka: statický súbor s názvom "@file@" sa našiel a bol aktivovaný. Modul Vreckový nožík ho nevedel aktualizovať ani nastaviť.', # MODIF
282 'ecran_ko' => 'Neaktívna obrazovka!',
283 'ecran_maj_ko' => 'K dispozícii je verzia {{@n@}} bezpečnostnej obrazovky. Prosím, aktualizujte vzdialený súbor tejto utility.',
284 'ecran_maj_ko2' => 'K dispozícii je verzia @n@ bezpečnostnej obrazovky. Môžete aktualizovať vzdialený súbor " [.->ecran_securite] ".',
285 'ecran_maj_ok' => '(zdá sa, že je aktuálny).',
286 'ecran_securite:description' => 'The security screen is a PHP file directly downloaded from the official SPIP site which protects your sites by blocking certain attacks aimed at specific security flaws. This system allows you to react very quickly whenever a problem is discovered, by covering up for such flaws without needing to immediately update your site nor apply any complex patches.
288 Important note: the screen locks down certain variables. For example, the variables named as <code>id_xxx</code> are all checked as being whole integer numbers in order to avoid SQL code injections via this very common URL variable. Certain plugins are not compatible with all of the rules imposed by this screen, including those that might use a syntax like <code>&id_x=new</code> to create a new object {x}.
290 In addition to the security, this screen has a configurable ability to restrict access by indexing robots to the PHP scripts, in such a way as to indicate that they should " come back later " whenever the server is currently saturated.[[ %ecran_actif%]][[->
291 @puce@ Adjust the anti-robot protection when the server load exceeds the value: %ecran_load%
292 _ {The default value is 4. Assign a value of 0 to deactivate this process.}@_ECRAN_CONFLIT@]]
294 When making an official update, update the associated remote file (click above on [update]) to take advantage of the most recent protective measures.
296 - Local file version: ', # NEW
297 'ecran_securite:nom' => 'Bezpečnostná obrazovka',
298 'effaces' => 'Deleted',
299 'en_travaux:description' => '<MODIF>Makes it possible to display a customised message on the public site and also in the editing area during maintenance work.
300 [[%message_travaux%]][[%titre_travaux%]][[%admin_travaux%]][[%prive_travaux%]]', # MODIF
301 'en_travaux:nom' => 'Stránka v režime údržby',
302 'erreur:bt' => '<span style=\\"color:red;\\">Warning:</span> the typographical bar appears to be an old version (@version@).<br />The Penknife is compatible only with version @mini@ or newer.', # MODIF
303 'erreur:description' => 'missing id in the tool\'s definition!',
304 'erreur:distant' => 'Vzdialený server',
305 'erreur:jquery' => '{{N.B.}} : {jQuery} does not appear to be active for this page. Please consult the paragraph about the plugin\'s required libraries [in this article->http://www.spip-contrib.net/?article2166] or reload this page.',
306 'erreur:js' => 'A Javascript error appears to have occurred on this page, hindering its action. Please activate Javascript in your browser, or try deactivating some SPIP plugins which may be causing interference.',
307 'erreur:nojs' => 'Javascript has been deactivated on this page.',
308 'erreur:nom' => 'Chyba!',
309 'erreur:probleme' => 'Problem with: @pb@',
310 'erreur:traitements' => 'The Penknife - Compilation error: forbidden mixing of \'typo\' and \'propre\'!',
311 'erreur:version' => 'Tento nástroj je v tejto verzii SPIPU nedostupný.',
312 'erreur_groupe' => 'Varovanie: skupina "@groupe@" nebola definovaná!',
313 'erreur_mot' => 'Varovanie: Kľúčové slovo "@mot@" nebolo definované!',
314 'etendu' => 'Expanded',
316 // F
317 'f_jQuery:description' => '<MODIF>Prevents the installation of {jQuery} on the public site in order to economise some "machine resources". The jQuery library ([->http://jquery.com/]) is useful in Javascript programming and many plugins use it. SPIP uses it in the editing interface.
319 N.B: some Penknife tools require {jQuery} to be installed. ', # MODIF
320 'f_jQuery:nom' => 'Deactivate jQuery',
321 'filets_sep:aide' => 'Oddeľovacie čiary: <b>__i__</b> alebo <b>i</b> je číslo.<br />Iné dostupné čiary: @liste@',
322 'filets_sep:description' => 'Inserts separating lines for any SPIP texts which can be customised with a stylesheet.
323 _ The syntax is: "__code__", where "code" is either the identifying number (from 0 to 7) of the line to insert and which is linked to the corresponding style, or the name of an image in the plugins/couteau_suisse/img/filets directory.', # MODIF
324 'filets_sep:nom' => 'Dividing lines',
325 'filtrer_javascript:description' => 'Three modes are available for controlling JavaScript inserted directly in the text of articles:
326 - <i>never</i>: JavaScript is prohibited everywhere
327 - <i>default</i>: the presence of Javascript is highlighted in red in the editing interface
328 - <i>always</i>: JavaScript is always accepted.
330 N.B.: in forums, petitions, RSS feeds, etc., JavaScript is <b>always</b> made secure.[[%radio_filtrer_javascript3%]]', # MODIF
331 'filtrer_javascript:nom' => 'Riadenie JavaScriptu',
332 'flock:description' => 'Deactivates the file-locking system which uses the PHP {flock()} function. Some web-hoting environments are unable to work with this function. Do not activate this tool if your site is functioning normally.',
333 'flock:nom' => 'Súbory nie sú zamknuté',
334 'fonds' => 'Pozadia:',
335 'forcer_langue:description' => 'Forces the language context for multiligual templates which have a language menu able to manage the language cookie.
337 Technically, this tool does this:
338 - deactivates the choice of template according to the object\'s language.
339 - deactivates the automatic <code>{lang_select}</code> criterion on SPIP objects (articles, news items, sections, etc.).
341 Thus multi blocks are always displayed in the language requested by the visitor.', # MODIF
342 'forcer_langue:nom' => 'Nanútiť jazyk',
343 'format_spip' => 'Články vo formáte SPIPU',
344 'forum_lgrmaxi:description' => 'By default forum messages are not limited in size. If this tool is activated, an error message is shown each time someone tries to post a message larger than the size given, and the message is refused. An empty value (or 0) means that no limit will be imposed.[[%forum_lgrmaxi%]]',
345 'forum_lgrmaxi:nom' => 'Veľkosť diskusných fór',
347 // G
348 'glossaire:aide' => 'Text bez slovníka: <b>@_CS_SANS_GLOSSAIRE@</b>',
349 'glossaire:description' => '@puce@ Use one or several groups of keywords to manage an internal glossary. Enter the names of the groups here, separating them by colons (:). If you leave the box empty (or enter "Glossaire"), it is the "Glossaire" group which will be used.[[%glossaire_groupes%]]
351 @puce@ You can indicate the maximum number of links to create in a text for each word. A null or negative value will mean that all instances of the words will be treated. [[%glossaire_limite% par mot-clé]]
353 @puce@ There is a choice of two options for generating the small window which appears on the mouseover. [[%glossaire_js%]]', # MODIF
354 'glossaire:nom' => 'Interný slovník',
355 'glossaire_css' => 'Riešenie CSS',
356 'glossaire_erreur' => 'Kvôli kľúčovému slovu "@mot1@" sa kľúčové slovo "@mot2@" nedá zistiť',
357 'glossaire_inverser' => 'Navrhnutá oprava: prehoďte poradie kľúčových slov v databáze.',
358 'glossaire_js' => 'Riešenie JavaScriptom',
359 'glossaire_ok' => 'Zoznam @nb@ kľúčových slov v databáze sa zdá byť správny.',
360 'guillemets:description' => 'Automatically replaces straight inverted commas (") by curly ones, using the correct ones for the current language. The replacement does not change the text stored in the database, but only the display on the screen.', # MODIF
361 'guillemets:nom' => 'Okrúhle opačné bodky',
363 // H
364 'help' => '{{This page is only accessible to main site administrators.}} It gives access to the configuration of some additional functions of the {{Penknife}}.',
365 'help2' => 'Lokálna verzia: @version@',
366 'help3' => '<p>Odkazy na dokumentáciu:<br/>• [{{Vreckový nožík}}->http://www.spip-contrib.net/?article2166]@contribs@</p><p>Obnovenie:
367 _ • [Skryté nastavenia|Návrat na pôvodný vzhľad tejto stránky->@hide@]
368 _ • [Celý zásuvný modul|Nastaviť na pôvodné nastavenia zásuvného modulu->@reset@]@install@
369 </p>',
370 'horloge:description' => 'Nástroj vo vývoji. Ponúka javascriptové hodiny. Tag: <code>#HORLOGE{format,utc,id}</code>. Model: <code><horloge></code>',
371 'horloge:nom' => 'Hodiny',
373 // I
374 'icone_visiter:description' => '<MODIF>Replaces the standard "Visit" button (top right on this page) by the site logo, if it exists.
376 To set this logo, go to the page "Site configuration" by clicking the "Configuration" button.', # MODIF
377 'icone_visiter:nom' => 'Tlačidlo "Navštíviť"',
378 'insert_head:description' => 'Activate the tag [#INSERT_HEAD->http://www.spip.net/en_article2421.html] in all templates, whether or not this tag is present between <head> et </head>. This option can be used to allow plugins to insert javascript code (.js) or stylesheets (.css).',
379 'insert_head:nom' => 'Tag #INSERT_HEAD',
380 'insertions:description' => 'N.B.: tool in development!! [[%insertions%]]',
381 'insertions:nom' => 'Automatické opravy',
382 'introduction:description' => '<MODIF>This tag can be used in templates to generate short summaries of articles, new items, etc.</p>
383 <p>{{Beware}} : If you have another plugin defining the fonction {balise_INTRODUCTION()} or you have defined it in your templates, you will get a compilation error.</p>
384 @puce@ You can specify (as a percentage of the default value) the length of the text generated by the tag #INTRODUCTION. A null value, or a value equal to 100 will not modify anything and return the defaults: 500 characters for the articles, 300 for the news items and 600 for forums and sections.
385 [[%lgr_introduction%&nbsp;%]]
386 @puce@ By default, if the text is too long, #INTRODUCTION will end with 3 dots: <html>&laquo;&nbsp;(…)&raquo;</html>. You can change this to a customized string which shows that there is more text available.
387 [[%suite_introduction%]]
388 @puce@ If the #INTRODUCTION tag is used to give a summary of an article, the Penknife can generate a link to the article on the 3 dots or string marking that there is more text available. For example : &laquo;Read the rest of the article…&raquo;
389 [[%lien_introduction%]]
390 ',
391 'introduction:nom' => 'Tag #INTRODUCTION',
393 // J
394 'jcorner:description' => '"Pretty Corners" is a tool which makes it easy to change the appearance of the corners of {{coloured boxes}} on the public pages of your site. Almost anything is possible!
395 _ See this page for examples: [->http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/].
397 Make a list below of the elements in your templates which are to be rounded. Use CSS syntax (.class, #id, etc. ). Use the sign " = " to specify the jQuery command to apply, and a double slash (" // ") for comments. If no equals sign is provided, rounded corners equivalent to <code>.ma_classe = .corner()</code> will be applied.[[%jcorner_classes%]]
399 N.B. This tool requires the {Round Corners} jQuery plugin in order to function. The Penknife can install it automatically if you check this box. [[%jcorner_plugin%]]', # MODIF
400 'jcorner:nom' => 'Pekné rohy',
401 'jcorner_plugin' => '" Round Corners plugin "',
402 'jq_localScroll' => 'jQuery.LocalScroll ([demo->http://demos.flesler.com/jquery/localScroll/])',
403 'jq_scrollTo' => 'jQuery.ScrollTo ([demo->http://demos.flesler.com/jquery/scrollTo/])',
404 'js_defaut' => 'Default',
405 'js_jamais' => 'Nikdy',
406 'js_toujours' => 'Vždy',
407 'jslide_aucun' => 'Žiadna animácia',
408 'jslide_fast' => 'Rýchla prezentácia',
409 'jslide_lent' => 'Pomalá prezentácia',
410 'jslide_millisec' => 'Rýchlosť snímku:',
411 'jslide_normal' => 'Normálna prezentácia',
413 // L
414 'label:admin_travaux' => 'Zatvoriť verejnú stránku pre:',
415 'label:alinea' => 'Oblasť použitia:',
416 'label:arret_optimisation' => 'Stop SPIP from emptying the wastebin automatically:',
417 'label:auteur_forum_nom' => 'The visitor must specify:',
418 'label:auto_sommaire' => 'Systematic creation of a summary:',
419 'label:balise_decoupe' => 'Aktivovať tag #CS_DECOUPE:',
420 'label:balise_sommaire' => 'Aktivovať tag #CS_SOMMAIRE:',
421 'label:bloc_h4' => 'Tag for the titles:',
422 'label:bloc_unique' => 'Len jeden otvorený blok na stránke:',
423 'label:blocs_cookie' => 'Použitie cookie:',
424 'label:blocs_slide' => 'Typ animácie:',
425 'label:compacte_css' => 'Kompresia hlavičky:',
426 'label:copie_Smax' => 'Maximálny priestor na miestne kópie:',
427 'label:couleurs_fonds' => 'Povoliť pozadia:',
428 'label:cs_rss' => 'Aktivovať:',
429 'label:debut_urls_propres' => 'Beginning of the URLs:',
430 'label:decoration_styles' => 'Your personalised style tags:',
431 'label:derniere_modif_invalide' => 'Refresh immediately after a modification:',
432 'label:devdebug_espace' => 'Filtrovanie priestoru:',
433 'label:devdebug_mode' => 'Aktivovať ladenie',
434 'label:devdebug_niveau' => 'Filtrovanie závažnosti nahlásených chýb:',
435 'label:distant_off' => 'Deactivate:',
436 'label:doc_Smax' => 'Maximálna veľkosť dokumentov:',
437 'label:dossier_squelettes' => 'Directory(ies) to use:',
438 'label:duree_cache' => 'Duration of local cache:',
439 'label:duree_cache_mutu' => 'Duration of mutualised cache:',
440 'label:ecran_actif' => '@_CS_CHOIX@',
441 'label:enveloppe_mails' => 'Malá obálka pred e-mailovou adresou:',
442 'label:expo_bofbof' => 'Na horný index meniť: <html>St(e)(s), Bx, Bd(s) et Fb(s)</html>',
443 'label:forum_lgrmaxi' => 'Value (in characters):',
444 'label:glossaire_groupes' => 'Group(s) used:',
445 'label:glossaire_js' => 'Technique used:',
446 'label:glossaire_limite' => 'Maximum number of links created:',
447 'label:i_align' => 'Zarovnanie textu:',
448 'label:i_couleur' => 'Farba písma:',
449 'label:i_hauteur' => 'Výška riadka:',
450 'label:i_largeur' => 'Maximálna šírka riadka:',
451 'label:i_padding' => 'Obtekanie textu:',
452 'label:i_police' => 'Súbor písma priečinky ({polices/}):',
453 'label:i_taille' => 'Veľkosť písma:',
454 'label:img_GDmax' => 'Výpočty obrázkov s GD:',
455 'label:img_Hmax' => 'Maximálna výška obrázka:',
456 'label:insertions' => 'Automatické opravy:',
457 'label:jcorner_classes' => 'Improve the corners of the following CSS selectors:',
458 'label:jcorner_plugin' => 'Nainštalovať tento zásuvný modul {jQuery:}',
459 'label:jolies_ancres' => 'Vypočítať pekné rohy:',
460 'label:lgr_introduction' => 'Length of summary:',
461 'label:lgr_sommaire' => 'Length of summary (9 to 99):',
462 'label:lien_introduction' => 'Body na mape:',
463 'label:liens_interrogation' => 'Protect URLs:',
464 'label:liens_orphelins' => 'Klikateľné odkazy:',
465 'label:log_couteau_suisse' => 'Aktivovať:',
466 'label:logo_Hmax' => 'Maximálna výška loga:',
467 'label:long_url' => 'Dĺžka klikateľného popisu:',
468 'label:marqueurs_urls_propres' => '<MODIF>Add markers to distinguish between objects (SPIP>=2.0) :<br/>(e.g.. : " - " for -My-section-, " @ " for @My-site@) ',
469 'label:max_auteurs_page' => 'Autorov na stránku:',
470 'label:message_travaux' => 'Vaša správa týkajúca sa údržby:',
471 'label:moderation_admin' => 'Automaticky schvaľovať príspevky od:',
472 'label:mot_masquer' => 'Kľúčové slovo skrývajúce obsah:',
473 'label:ouvre_note' => 'Otváracie a uzatváracie označenia koncových poznámok',
474 'label:ouvre_ref' => 'Otváracie a uzatváracie označenia odkazov na koncové poznámky',
475 'label:paragrapher' => 'Vždy vkladať odseky:',
476 'label:prive_travaux' => 'Access to the editing area for:',
477 'label:prof_sommaire' => 'Udržiavaná hĺbka (od 1 do 4):',
478 'label:puce' => 'Public bullet «<html>-</html>»:',
479 'label:quota_cache' => 'Hodnota kvóty:',
480 'label:racc_g1' => 'Beginning and end of "<html>{{bolded text}}</html>":',
481 'label:racc_h1' => 'Beginning and end of a «<html>{{{subtitle}}}</html>»:',
482 'label:racc_hr' => 'Horizontal line (<html>----</html>) :',
483 'label:racc_i1' => 'Beginning and end of «<html>{italics}</html>»:',
484 'label:radio_desactive_cache3' => 'Využitie cache:',
485 'label:radio_desactive_cache4' => 'Využitie cache',
486 'label:radio_target_blank3' => 'New window for external links:',
487 'label:radio_type_urls3' => 'Formát www adries:',
488 'label:scrollTo' => 'Nainštalovať tieto zásuvné moduly {jQuery:}',
489 'label:separateur_urls_page' => 'Oddeľovač \'type-id\'<br/>(napr.: ?article-123):',
490 'label:set_couleurs' => 'Set to be used ',
491 'label:spam_ips' => 'IP adresy, ktoré treba zablokovať:',
492 'label:spam_mots' => 'Prohibited sequences:',
493 'label:spip_options_on' => 'Zaradiť:',
494 'label:spip_script' => 'Volanie skriptu:',
495 'label:style_h' => 'Váš štýl:',
496 'label:style_p' => 'Váš štýl:',
497 'label:suite_introduction' => 'Body na mape:',
498 'label:terminaison_urls_page' => 'URL endings (e.g.: .html):',
499 'label:titre_travaux' => 'Názov príspevku:',
500 'label:titres_etendus' => 'Activate the extended use of the tags #TITRE_XXX:',
501 'label:tout_rub' => 'Afficher en public tous les objets suivants :', # NEW
502 'label:url_arbo_minuscules' => 'Nechať veľkosť písma podľa názvu vo www adrese:',
503 'label:url_arbo_sep_id' => 'Oddeľovač \'title-id\', ktorý sa použije v prípade duplicity:<br/>(nepoužívajte /)',
504 'label:url_glossaire_externe2' => 'Odkaz na externý slovník:',
505 'label:url_max_propres' => 'Maximálna dĺžka URL (v znakoch):',
506 'label:urls_arbo_sans_type' => 'Vo www adresách zobraziť typ objektu SPIPU:',
507 'label:urls_avec_id' => 'A systematic id, but ...',
508 'label:webmestres' => 'Zoznam webmasterov:',
509 'liens_en_clair:description' => 'Makes the filter: \'liens_en_clair\' available to you. Your text probably contains hyperlinks which are not visible when the page is printed. This filter adds the link code between square brackets for every clickabel link (external links and email addresses). N.B: in printing mode (when using the parameter \'cs=print\' or \'page=print\' in the URL), this treatment is automatically applied.',
510 'liens_en_clair:nom' => 'Viditeľné odkazy',
511 'liens_orphelins:description' => 'This tool has two functions:
513 @puce@ {{Correct Links}}.
515 In French texts, SPIP follows the rules of French typography and inserts a space before question and exclamation marks. This tool prevents this from happening in URLs.[[%liens_interrogation%]]
517 @puce@ {{Orphan links}}.
519 Systematically replaces all URLs which authors have placed in texts (especially often in forums) and which are thus not clickable, by links in the SPIP format. For example, {<html>www.spip.net</html>} will be replaced by: [->www.spip.net].
521 You can choose the manner of replacement:
522 _ • {Basic}: links such as {<html>http://spip.net</html>} (whatever protocol) and {<html>www.spip.net</html>} are replaced.
523 _ • {Extended}: additionally links such as these are also replaced: {<html>me@spip.net</html>}, {<html>mailto:myaddress</html>} ou {<html>news:mynews</html>}.
524 _ • {By default}: automatic replacement (from SPIP version 2.0).
525 [[%liens_orphelins%]]', # MODIF
526 'liens_orphelins:description1' => '[[Ak má internetová adresa viac ako %long_url% znakov, SPIP ju zmenší na %coupe_url% znakov]].',
527 'liens_orphelins:nom' => 'Pekné www adresy',
529 // M
530 'mailcrypt:description' => 'Hides all the email links in your textes and replaces them with a Javascript link which activates the visitor\'s email programme when the link is clicked. This antispam tool attempts to prevent web robots from collecting email addresses which have been placed in forums or in the text displayed by the tags in your templates.',
531 'mailcrypt:nom' => 'Šifrovanie pošty',
532 'maj_auto:description' => '<NEW>Cet outil vous permet de gérer facilement la mise à jour de vos différents plugins, récupérant notamment le numéro de révision contenu dans le fichier <code>svn.revision</code> et le comparant avec celui trouvé sur <code>zone.spip.org</code>.
534 La liste ci-dessus offre la possibilité de lancer le processus de mise à jour automatique de SPIP sur chacun des plugins préalablement installés dans le dossier <code>plugins/auto/</code>. Les autres plugins se trouvant dans le dossier <code>plugins/</code> sont simplement listés à titre d\'information. Si la révision distante n\'a pas pu être trouvée, alors tentez de procéder manuellement à la mise à jour du plugin.
536 Note : les paquets <code>.zip</code> n\'étant pas reconstruits instantanément, il se peut que vous soyez obligé d\'attendre un certain délai avant de pouvoir effectuer la totale mise à jour d\'un plugin tout récemment modifié.', # MODIF
537 'maj_auto:nom' => 'Automatické aktualizácie',
538 'masquer:description' => '<NEW>Cet outil permet de masquer sur le site public et sans modification particulière de vos squelettes, les contenus (rubriques ou articles) qui ont le mot-clé défini ci-dessous. Si une rubrique est masquée, toute sa branche l\'est aussi.[[%mot_masquer%]]
540 Pour forcer l\'affichage des contenus masqués, il suffit d\'ajouter le critère <code>{tout_voir}</code> aux boucles de votre squelette.', # MODIF
541 'masquer:nom' => 'Šifrovanie odkazu',
542 'meme_rubrique:description' => 'Define here the number of objects listed in the panel labelled "<:info_meme_rubrique:>" available on some of the private zone pages.[[%meme_rubrique%]]', # NEW
543 'message_perso' => 'Veľká vďaka prekladateľom, ktorí sa dostali až sem. Pat ;-)',
544 'moderation_admins' => 'authenticated administrators',
545 'moderation_message' => 'This forum is pre-moderated: your contribution will only appear once it has been validated by one of the site administrators (unless you are logged in and authorised to post directly).',
546 'moderation_moderee:description' => 'Makes it possible to moderate the moderation of the <b>pre-moderated</b> public forums for logged-in visitors.<br />Example: I am the webmaster of a site, and I reply to the message of a user who asks why they need to validate their own message. Moderating moderation does it for me! [[%moderation_admin%]][[-->%moderation_redac%]][[-->%moderation_visit%]]',
547 'moderation_moderee:nom' => 'Moderate moderation',
548 'moderation_redacs' => 'authenticated authors',
549 'moderation_visits' => 'Visitors authenticated',
550 'modifier_vars' => 'Change these @nb@ parameters',
551 'modifier_vars_0' => 'Change these parameters',
553 // N
554 'no_IP:description' => 'Deactivates, in order to preserve confidentiality, the mechanism which records the IP addresses of visitors to your site. SPIP will thus no longer record any IP addresses, neither temporarily at the time of the visits (used for managing statistics or for spip.log), nor in the forums (source of posts).',
555 'no_IP:nom' => 'Bez zaznamenávania IP adries',
556 'nouveaux' => 'Nový',
558 // O
559 'orientation:description' => '3 new criteria for your templates: <code>{portrait}</code>, <code>{carre}</code> et <code>{paysage}</code>. Ideal for sorting photos according to their format (carre = square; paysage = landscape).',
560 'orientation:nom' => 'Orientácia obrázka',
561 'outil_actif' => 'Aktivovaný nástroj',
562 'outil_actif_court' => 'aktívny',
563 'outil_activer' => 'Aktivovať',
564 'outil_activer_le' => 'Aktivovať nástroj',
565 'outil_cacher' => 'Už viac nezobrazovať',
566 'outil_desactiver' => 'Deactivate',
567 'outil_desactiver_le' => 'Deactivate this tool',
568 'outil_inactif' => 'Neaktívny nástroj',
569 'outil_intro' => 'This page lists the functionalities which the plugin makes available to you.<br /><br />By clicking on the names of the tools below, you choose the ones which you can then switch on/off using the central button: active tools will be disabled and <i>vice versa</i>. When you click, the tools description is shown above the list. The tool categories are collapsible to hide the tools they contain. A double-click allows you to directly switch a tool on/off.<br /><br />For first use, it is recommended to activate tools one by one, thus reavealing any incompatibilites with your templates, with SPIP or with other plugins.<br /><br />N.B.: simply loading this page recompiles all the Penknife tools.',
570 'outil_intro_old' => 'This is the old interface.<br /><br />If you have difficulties in using <a href=\\\'./?exec=admin_couteau_suisse\\\'>the new interface</a>, please let us know in the forum of <a href=\\\'http://www.spip-contrib.net/?article2166\\\'>Spip-Contrib</a>.',
571 'outil_nb' => '@pipe@: @nb@ nástroj',
572 'outil_nbs' => '@pipe@: @nb@ nástrojov',
573 'outil_permuter' => 'Switch the tool: « @text@ » ?',
574 'outils_actifs' => 'Aktivované nástroje:',
575 'outils_caches' => 'Hidden tools:',
576 'outils_cliquez' => 'Ak chcete zobraziť popis, kliknite na názov príslušného nástroja.',
577 'outils_concernes' => 'Ovplyvnený: ',
578 'outils_desactives' => 'Deaktivované: ',
579 'outils_inactifs' => 'Neaktívne nástroje:',
580 'outils_liste' => 'Zoznam nástrojov modulu Vreckový nožík',
581 'outils_non_parametrables' => 'Cannot be configured:',
582 'outils_permuter_gras1' => 'Zapnúť nástroje zobrazené tučným písmom',
583 'outils_permuter_gras2' => 'Zapnúť @nb@ nástrojov zobrazených tučným písmom?',
584 'outils_resetselection' => 'Reset the selection',
585 'outils_selectionactifs' => 'Select all the active tools',
586 'outils_selectiontous' => 'VŠETKO',
588 // P
589 'pack_actuel' => 'Balík @date@',
590 'pack_actuel_avert' => '<MODIF>Warning: the overrides of globals and of "define()" are not specified here',
592 'pack_alt' => 'See the current configuration parameters',
593 'pack_delete' => 'Vymazanie balíka s nastaveniami',
594 'pack_descrip' => 'Your "Current configuration pack" brings together all the parameters activated for the Penknife plugin. It remembers both whether a tool is activated or not and, if so, what options have been chosen.
596 This PHP code may be placed in the /config/mes_options.php file. It will place a reset link on the page of the "pack {@pack@}". Of course, you can change its name below.
598 If you reset the plugin by clicking on a pack, the Penknife will reconfigure itself according to the values defined in that pack.', # MODIF
599 'pack_du' => '• of the pack @pack@',
600 'pack_installe' => 'Inštalácia balíka s nastaveniami',
601 'pack_installer' => 'Are you sure you want to re-initialise the Penknife and install the « @pack@ » pack?',
602 'pack_nb_plrs' => 'V tejto chvíli je k dispozícii @nb@ "balíkov s nastaveniami".',
603 'pack_nb_un' => '"Balík s nastaveniami" je teraz k dispozícii.',
604 'pack_nb_zero' => 'No "configuration pack" is currently available.',
605 'pack_outils_defaut' => 'Installation of the default tools',
606 'pack_sauver' => 'Uložiť aktuálne nastavenia',
607 'pack_sauver_descrip' => 'The button below allows you to insert into your <b>@file@</b> file the parameters needed for an additional "configuration pack" in the the lefthand menu. This makes it possible to reconfigure the Penknife with a single click to the current state.',
608 'pack_supprimer' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť balík " @pack@ "?',
609 'pack_titre' => 'Aktuálne nastavenia',
610 'pack_variables_defaut' => 'Installation of the default variables',
611 'par_defaut' => 'By default',
612 'paragrapher2:description' => 'The SPIP function <code>paragrapher()</code> inserts the tags <p> and </p> around all texts which do not have paragraphs. In order to have a finer control over your styles and layout, you can give a uniform look to your texts throughout the site.[[%paragrapher%]]',
613 'paragrapher2:nom' => 'Odseky',
614 'pipelines' => 'Entry points used:',
615 'previsualisation:description' => '<NEW>Par défaut, SPIP permet de prévisualiser un article dans sa version publique et stylée, mais uniquement lorsque celui-ci a été « proposé à l’évaluation ». Hors cet outil permet aux auteurs de prévisualiser également les articles pendant leur rédaction. Chacun peut alors prévisualiser et modifier son texte à sa guise.
619 @puce@ Attention : cette fonctionnalité ne modifie pas les droits de prévisualisation. Pour que vos rédacteurs aient effectivement le droit de prévisualiser leurs articles « en cours de rédaction », vous devez l’autoriser (dans le menu {[Configuration&gt;Fonctions avancées->./?exec=config_fonctions]} de l’espace privé).', # MODIF
620 'previsualisation:nom' => 'Zobrazujú sa články',
621 'puceSPIP' => 'Povoliť klávesové skratky "*"',
622 'puceSPIP_aide' => 'Odrážka SPIPU: <b>*</b>',
623 'pucesli:description' => '<MODIF>Replaces bullets «-» (simple dash) in articles with ordered lists «-*» (transformed into &lt;ul>&lt;li>…&lt;/li>&lt;/ul> in HTML) whose style may be customised using CSS.', # MODIF
624 'pucesli:nom' => 'Pekné odrážky',
626 // Q
627 'qui_webmestres' => 'Webmasteri SPIPU',
629 // R
630 'raccourcis' => 'Active Penknife typographical shortcuts:',
631 'raccourcis_barre' => 'Klávesové skratky modulu Vreckový nožík',
632 'reserve_admin' => 'Access restricted to administrators',
633 'rss_actualiser' => 'Aktualizovať',
634 'rss_attente' => 'Čaká sa na RSS...',
635 'rss_desactiver' => 'Deactivate «Penknife updates»',
636 'rss_edition' => 'RSS feed updated:',
637 'rss_source' => 'Zdroj RSS',
638 'rss_titre' => 'Development of the «The Penknife»:',
639 'rss_var' => 'Penknife updates',
641 // S
642 'sauf_admin' => 'Všetci okrem administrátorov',
643 'sauf_admin_redac' => 'Každý okrem administrátorov a redaktorov',
644 'sauf_identifies' => 'Každý okrem vymenovaných autorov',
645 'set_options:description' => 'Preselects the type of interface (simplified or advanced) for all editors, both existing and future ones. At the same time the button offering the choice between the two interfaces is also removed.[[%radio_set_options4%]]',
646 'set_options:nom' => 'Type of private interface',
647 'sf_amont' => 'Upstream',
648 'sf_tous' => 'Všetko',
649 'simpl_interface:description' => 'Deactivates the pop-up menu for changing article status which shows onmouseover on the coloured status bullets. This can be useful if you wish to have an editing interface which is as simple as possible for the users.',
650 'simpl_interface:nom' => 'Simplification of the editing interface',
651 'smileys:aide' => 'Smajlíky: @liste@',
652 'smileys:description' => '<MODIF>Inserts smileys in texts containing a shortcut in this form <acronym>:-)</acronym>. Ideal for forums.
653 _ A tag is available for displaying a table of smileys in templates: #SMILEYS.
654 _ Images : [Sylvain Michel->http://www.guaph.net/]', # MODIF
655 'smileys:nom' => 'Smajlíky',
656 'soft_scroller:description' => 'Gives a slow scroll effect when a visitor clicks on a link with an anchor tag. This helps the visitor to know where they are in a long text.
658 N.B. In order to work, this tool needs to be used in «DOCTYPE XHTML» pages (not HTML!). It also requires two {jQuery} plugins: {ScrollTo} et {LocalScroll}. The Penknife can install them itself if you check the following two boxes. [[%scrollTo%]][[->%LocalScroll%]]
660 'soft_scroller:nom' => 'Ľahké kotvy',
661 'sommaire:description' => '<MODIF>Builds a summary of your articles in order to access the main headings quickly (HTML tags &lt;h3>A Subtitle&lt;/h3> or SPIP subtitle shortcuts in the form: <code>{{{My subtitle}}}</code>).
663 @puce@ You can define the maximum number of characters of the subtitles used to make the summary:[[%lgr_sommaire% characters]]
665 @puce@ You can also determine the way in which the plugin constructs the summary:
666 _ • Systematically, for each article (a tag <code>@_CS_SANS_SOMMAIRE@</code> placed anywhere within the text of the article will make an exception to the rule).
667 _ • Only for articles containing the <code>@_CS_AVEC_SOMMAIRE@</code> tag.
669 [[%auto_sommaire%]]
671 @puce@ By default, the Penknife inserts the summary at the top of the article. But you can place it elsewhere, if you wish, by using the #CS_SOMMAIRE tag, which you can activate here:
672 [[%balise_sommaire%]]
674 The summary can be used in conjunction with : {[.->decoupe]}.', # MODIF
675 'sommaire:nom' => 'Automatické zhrnutie',
676 'sommaire_ancres' => 'Vybrané kotvy: <b><html>{{{My Názov<my_anchor>}}}</html></b>',
677 'sommaire_avec' => 'An article with summary: <b>@_CS_AVEC_SOMMAIRE@</b>',
678 'sommaire_sans' => 'An article without summary: <b>@_CS_SANS_SOMMAIRE@</b>',
679 'sommaire_titres' => 'Štruktúrované podnadpisy: <b><html>{{{*Nadpis}}}</html></b>, <b><html>{{{**Podnadpis}}}</html></b>, atď.',
680 'spam:description' => '<MODIF>Attempts to fight against the sending of abusive and automatic messages through forms on the public site. Some words and the tags &lt;a>&lt;/a> are prohibited. Train your authors to use SPIP shortcuts for links.
682 @puce@ List here the sequences you wish to prohibit separating them with spaces. [[%spam_mots%]]
683 <q1>• Expressions containing spaces should be placed within inverted commas.
684 _ • To specify a whole word, place it in brackets. For example: {(asses)}.
685 _ • To use a regular expression, first check the syntax, then place it between slashes and inverted commas.
686 _ Example:~{<html>\\"/@test.(com|en)/\\"</html>}.
687 _ • Pour une expression régulière devant agir sur des caractères HTML, placez le test entre «&#» et «;».
688 _ Example:~{<html>\\"/&#(?:1[4-9][0-9]{3}|[23][0-9]{4});/\\"</html>}.</q1>
690 @puce@ Certaines adresses IP peuvent également être bloquées à la source. Sachez toutefois que derrière ces adresses (souvent variables), il peut y avoir plusieurs utilisateurs, voire un réseau entier.[[%spam_ips%]]
691 <q1>• Utilisez le caractère «*» pour plusieurs chiffres, «?» pour un seul et les crochets pour des classes de chiffres.</q1>', # MODIF
692 'spam:nom' => 'Boj proti SPAMU',
693 'spam_ip' => 'Zablokovanie IP adresy @ip@:',
694 'spam_test_ko' => 'This message would be blocked by the anti-SPAM filter!',
695 'spam_test_ok' => 'This message would be accepted by the anti-SPAM filter!',
696 'spam_tester_bd' => 'Also test your database and list the messages which have been blocked by the tool\'s current configuration settings.', # NEW
697 'spam_tester_label' => 'Tu otestujte svoj zoznam zakázaných slov:',
698 'spip_cache:description' => '@puce@ The cache occupies disk space and SPIP can limit the amount of space taken up. Leaving empty or putting 0 means that no limit will be applied.[[%quota_cache% Mo]]
700 @puce@ When the site\'s contents are changed, SPIP immediately invalidates the cache without waiting for the next periodic recalculation. If your site experiences performance problems because of the load of repeated recalculations, you can choose "no" for this option.[[%derniere_modif_invalide%]]
702 @puce@ If the #CACHE tag is not found in a template then by default SPIP caches a page for 24 hours before recalculating it. You can modify this default here.[[%duree_cache% heures]]
704 @puce@ If you are running several mutualised sites, you can specify here the default value for all the local sites (SPIP 2.0 mini).[[%duree_cache_mutu% heures]]', # MODIF
705 'spip_cache:description1' => '<MODIF>@puce@ By default, SPIP calculates all the public pages and caches them in order to accelerate their display. It can be useful, when developing the site to disable the cache temporarily, in order to see the effect of changes immediately.@_CS_CACHE_EXTENSION@[[%radio_desactive_cache3%]]',
706 'spip_cache:description2' => '@puce@ Four options to configure the cache: <q1>
707 _ • {Normal usage}: SPIP places all the calculated pages of the public site in the cache in order to speed up their delivery. After a certain time the cache is recalculated and stored again.
708 _ • {Permanent cache}: the cache is never recalculated (time limits in the templates are ignored).
709 _ • {No cache}: temporarily deactivating the cache can be useful when the site is being developed. With this option, nothing is cached on disk.
710 _ • {Cache checking}: similar to the preceding option. However, all results are written to disk in order to be able to check them.</q1>[[%radio_desactive_cache4%]]', # MODIF
711 'spip_cache:description3' => '@puce@ The "Compresser" extension available in SPIP is used to compress the various CSS and JavaScript code sections of your pages and insert them in a static cache file. This speeds up the display of your site, and limits both the number of calls made to the server and the size of the files that need to be retrieved.', # NEW
712 'spip_cache:nom' => 'SPIP and the cache',
713 'spip_ecran:description' => 'Specify the screen width imposed on everyone in the private zone. A narrow screen will display two columns and a wide screen will display three. The default settings leaves the user to make their own choice which will be stored in a browser cookie.[[%spip_ecran%]]', # NEW
714 'spip_ecran:nom' => 'Šírka obrazovky',
715 'stat_auteurs' => 'Autori v štatistikách',
716 'statuts_spip' => 'Iba tento status SPIPU:',
717 'statuts_tous' => 'Všetky stavy',
718 'suivi_forums:description' => 'The author of an article is always informed when a message is posted in the article\'s public forum. It is also possible to inform others: either all the forum\'s participants, or just all the authors of messages higher in the thread.[[%radio_suivi_forums3%]]',
719 'suivi_forums:nom' => 'Zoznam verejných diskusných fór',
720 'supprimer_cadre' => 'Odstrániť tento rám',
721 'supprimer_numero:description' => 'Applies the supprimer_numero() SPIP function to all {{titles}}, {{names}} and {{types}} (of keywords) of the public site, without needing the filter to be present in the templates.<br />For a multilingual site, follow this syntax: <code>1. <multi>My Title[fr]Mon Titre[de]Mein Titel</multi></code>',
722 'supprimer_numero:nom' => 'Delete the number',
724 // T
725 'titre' => 'Vreckový nožík',
726 'titre_parent:description' => 'Within a loop it is common to want to show the title of the parent of the current object. You normally need to use a second loop to do this, but a new tag #TITRE_PARENT makes the syntax easier. In the case of a MOTS loop, the tag gives the title of the keyword group. For other objetcs (articles, sections, news items, etc.) it gives the title of the parent section (if it exists).
728 Note: For keywords, #TITRE_GROUPE is an alias of #TITRE_PARENT. SPIP treats the contents of these new tags as it does other #TITRE tags.
730 @puce@ If you are using SPIP 2.0, then you can use an array of tags of this form: #TITRE_XXX, which give you the title of the object \'xxx\', provided that the field \'id_xxx\' is present in the current table (i.e. #ID_XXX is available in the current loop).
732 For example, in an (ARTICLES) loop, #TITRE_SECTEUR will give the title of the sector of the current article, since the identifier #ID_SECTEUR (or the field \'id_secteur\') is available in the loop.[[%titres_etendus%]]', # MODIF
733 'titre_parent:nom' => 'Tagy #TITRE_PARENT/OBJECT',
734 'titre_tests' => 'The Penknife - Test page',
735 'titres_typo:description' => '<NEW>Transforme tous les intertitres <html>« {{{Mon intertitre}}} »</html> en image typographique paramétrable.[[%i_taille% pt]][[%i_couleur%]][[%i_police%
737 Polices disponibles : @_CS_FONTS@]][[%i_largeur% px]][[%i_hauteur% pt]][[%i_padding% px]][[%i_align%]]
739 Cet outil est compatible avec : « [.->sommaire] ».', # MODIF
740 'titres_typo:nom' => 'Medzititulok v obrázku',
741 'tous' => 'Všetko',
742 'toutes_couleurs' => '36 farieb v štýloch CSS: @_CS_EXEMPLE_COULEURS@',
743 'toutmulti:aide' => 'Multilingual blocks: <b><:trad:></b>',
744 'toutmulti:description' => 'Makes it possible to use the shortcut <code><:a_text:></code> in order to place multilingual blocks from language files, whether SPIP\'s own or your customised ones, anywhere in the text, titles, etc. of an article.
746 More information on this can be found in [this article->http://www.spip.net/en_article2444.html].
748 User variables can also be added to the shortcuts. This was introduced with SPIP 2.0. For example, <code><:a_text{name=John, tel=2563}:></code> makes it possible to pass the values to the SPIP language file: <code>\'a_text\'=>\'Please contact @name@, the administrator, on @tel@.</code>.
750 The SPIP function used is: <code>_T(\'a_text\')</code> (with no parmameters), and <code>_T(\'a_text\', array(\'arg1\'=>\'some words\', \'arg2\'=>\'other words\'))</code> (with parameters).
752 Do not forget to check that the variable used <code>\'a_text\'</code> is defined in the language files.', # MODIF
753 'toutmulti:nom' => 'Viacjazyčné bloky',
754 'travaux_masquer_avert' => 'Schovať rám, ktorý uvádza na verejnej stránke, že sa vykonáva údržba',
755 'travaux_nocache' => 'Désactiver également le cache de SPIP', # NEW
756 'travaux_nom_site' => '@_CS_NOM_SITE@',
757 'travaux_prochainement' => 'This site will be back online soon.
758 _ Thank you for your understanding.',
759 'travaux_titre' => '@_CS_TRAVAUX_TITRE@',
760 'tri_articles:description' => '<MODIF>Choose the sort order to be used for displaying articles in the editing interface ([->./?exec=auteurs]), within the sections.
762 The options below use the SQL function \'ORDER BY\'. Only use the customised option if you know what you are doing (the available fields are: {id_article, id_rubrique, titre, soustitre, surtitre, statut, date_redac, date_modif, lang, etc.})
763 [[%tri_articles%]][[->%tri_perso%]]', # MODIF
764 'tri_articles:nom' => 'Triedenie SPIPU',
765 'tri_groupe' => 'Zotriediť podľa čísla skupiny (ZORADIŤ PODĽA id_groupe)',
766 'tri_modif' => 'Zotriediť podľa dátumu poslednej zmeny (ZORADIŤ PODĽA date_modif)',
767 'tri_perso' => 'Sort by customised SQL, ORDER BY:',
768 'tri_publi' => 'Zotriediť podľa dátumu publikovania (ZORADIŤ PODĽA DÁTUMU PUBLIKOVANIA)',
769 'tri_titre' => 'Zotriediť podľa názvu (ZORADIŤ PODĽA 0+názov, názov)',
770 'trousse_balises:description' => '<MODIF>Tool in development. It offers a few simple tags for templates.
772 @puce@ {{#BOLO}}: generates a dummy text of about 3000 characters ("bolo" ou "lorem ipsum") for use with templates in development. An optional argument specifies the length of the text, e.g. <code>#BOLO{300}</code>. The tag accepts all SPIP\'s filters. For example, <code>[(#BOLO|majuscules)]</code>.
773 _ It can also be used as a model in content. Place <code><bolo300></code> in any text zone in order to obtain 300 characters of dummy text.
775 @puce@ {{#MAINTENANT}} (or {{#NOW}}): renders the current date, just like: <code>#EVAL{date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\')}</code>. An optional argument specifies the format. For example, <code>#MAINTENANT{Y-m-d}</code>. As with <code>#DATE</code> the display can be customised using filters: <code>[(#MAINTENANT|affdate)]</code>.
777 - {{#CHR<html>{XX}</html>}}: a tag equivalent to <code>#EVAL{"chr(XX)"}</code> which is useful for inserting special characters (such as a line feed) or characters which are reserved for special use by the SPIP compiler (e.g. square and curly brackets).
779 @puce@ {{#LESMOTS}}: ', # MODIF
780 'trousse_balises:nom' => 'Box of tags',
781 'type_urls:description' => '<MODIF>@puce@ SPIP offers a choice between several types of URLs for your site:
783 More information: [->http://www.spip.net/en_article3588.html] The "[.->boites_privees]" tool allows you to see on the page of each SPIP object the clean URL which is associated with it.
784 [[%radio_type_urls3%]]
785 <q3>@_CS_ASTER@to use the types {html}, {propres}, {propres2}, {libres} or {arborescentes}, copy the file "htaccess.txt" from the root directory of the SPIP site to a file (also at the root) named ".htaccess" (be careful not to overwrite any existing configuration if there already is a file of this name). If your site is in a subdirectory, you may need to edit the line "RewriteBase" in the file in order for the defined URLs to direct requests to the SPIP files.</q3>
787 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="page">@puce@ {{URLs «page»}}: the default type for SPIP since version 1.9x.
788 _ Example: <code>/spip.php?article123</code>.
789 [[%terminaison_urls_page%]][[%separateur_urls_page%]]</radio_type_urls3>
791 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="html">@puce@ {{URLs «html»}}: URLs take the form of classic html pages.
792 _ Example : <code>/article123.html</code></radio_type_urls3>
794 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="propres">@puce@ {{URLs «propres»}}: URLs are constructed using the title of the object. Markers (_, -, +, @, etc.) surround the titles, depending on the type of object.
795 _ Examples : <code>/My-article-title</code> or <code>/-My-section-</code> or <code>/@My-site@</code>[[%terminaison_urls_propres%]][[%debut_urls_propres%]][[%marqueurs_urls_propres%]]</radio_type_urls3>
797 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="propres2">@puce@ {{URLs «propres2»}}: the extension \'.html\' is added to the URLs generated.
798 _ Example : <code>/My-article-title.html</code> or <code>/-My-section-.html</code>
799 [[%debut_urls_propres2%]][[%marqueurs_urls_propres2%]]</radio_type_urls3>
801 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="libres">@puce@ {{URLs «libres»}} : the URLs are like {«propres»}, but without markers (_, -, +, @, etc.) to differentiate the objects.
802 _ Example : <code>/My-article-title</code> or <code>/My-section</code>
803 [[%terminaison_urls_libres%]][[%debut_urls_libres%]]</radio_type_urls3>
805 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="arbo">@puce@ {{URLs «arborescentes»}}: URLs are built in a tree structure.
806 _ Example : <code>/sector/section1/section2/My-article-title</code>
807 [[%url_arbo_minuscules%]][[%urls_arbo_sans_type%]][[%url_arbo_sep_id%]][[%terminaison_urls_arbo%]]</radio_type_urls3>
809 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="propres-qs">@puce@ {{URLs «propres-qs»}}: this system functions using a "Query-String", in other words, without using the .htaccess file. The URLs are of the form. URLs are similar in form to {«propres»}.
810 _ Example : <code>/?My-article-title</code>
811 [[%terminaison_urls_propres_qs%]]</radio_type_urls3>
813 <radio_type_urls3 valeur="standard">@puce@ {{URLs «standard»}}: these now discarded URLs were used by SPIP up to version 1.8.
814 _ Example : <code>article.php3?id_article=123</code>
815 </radio_type_urls3>
817 @puce@ If you are using the type {page} described above or if the object requested is not recognised, you can choose the calling script for SPIP. By default, SPIP uses {spip.php}, but {index.php} (format: <code>/index.php?article123</code>) or an empty value (format: <code>/?article123</code>) are also possible. To use any other value, you need to create the corresponding file at the root of your site with the same contents as in the file {index.php}.
818 [[%spip_script%]]', # MODIF
819 'type_urls:description1' => '@puce@ If you are using a format based on URLs «propres» ({propres}, {propres2}, {libres}, {arborescentes} ou {propres_qs}), the Penknife can:
820 <q1>• make sure the URL is in {{lower case}}.</q1>[[%urls_minuscules%]]
821 <q1>• systematically add the {{ID of the object}} to the URL (as a suffix, prefix, etc.).
822 _ (examples: <code>/My-article-title,457</code> or <code>/457-My-article-title</code>)</q1>', # MODIF
823 'type_urls:nom' => 'Formát www adries',
824 'typo_exposants:description' => '{{Text in French}}: improves the typographical rendering of common abbreviations by adding superscript where necessary (thus, {<acronym>Mme</acronym>} becomes {M<sup>me</sup>}). Common errors corrected: ({<acronym>2ème</acronym>} and {<acronym>2me</acronym>}, for example, become {2<sup>e</sup>}, the only correct abbreviation).
826 The rendered abbreviations correspond to those of the Imprimerie nationale given in the {Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l\'Imprimerie nationale} (article « Abréviations », Presses de l\'Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 2002).
828 The following expressions are also handled: <html>Dr, Pr, Mgr, St, Bx, m2, m3, Mn, Md, Sté, Éts, Vve, bd, Cie, 1o, 2o, etc.</html>
830 You can also choose here to use superscript for some other abbreviations, despite the negative opinion of the Imprimerie nationale:[[%expo_bofbof%]]
832 {{English text}}: the suffixes of ordinal numbers are placed in superscript: <html>1st, 2nd</html>, etc.', # MODIF
833 'typo_exposants:nom' => 'Horný index',
835 // U
836 'url_arbo' => 'stromovité @_CS_ASTER@',
837 'url_html' => 'html@_CS_ASTER@',
838 'url_libres' => 'libres@_CS_ASTER@',
839 'url_page' => 'stránka',
840 'url_propres' => 'propres@_CS_ASTER@',
841 'url_propres-qs' => 'propres-qs',
842 'url_propres2' => 'propres2@_CS_ASTER@',
843 'url_propres_qs' => 'propres_qs',
844 'url_standard' => 'štandardná',
845 'url_verouillee' => 'Adresa uzavretá',
846 'urls_3_chiffres' => 'Vyžadovať aspoň 3 číslice',
847 'urls_avec_id' => 'Zapísať ako dolný index',
848 'urls_avec_id2' => 'Place as a prefix',
849 'urls_base_total' => 'Momentálne je v databáze @nb@ adresa (-ies)',
850 'urls_base_vide' => 'Databáza www adries je prázdna',
851 'urls_choix_objet' => 'Edit the URL of a specific object in the database:',
852 'urls_edit_erreur' => 'The current URL format ("@type@") does not permit editing.',
853 'urls_enregistrer' => 'Zapísať túto adresu do databázy',
854 'urls_id_sauf_rubriques' => 'Vylúčiť tieto objekty (oddelené znakom ":"):',
855 'urls_minuscules' => 'Malé písmená',
856 'urls_nouvelle' => 'Upraviť "čistú" www adresu:',
857 'urls_num_objet' => 'Number:',
858 'urls_purger' => 'Vymazať všetko',
859 'urls_purger_tables' => 'empty tables selected',
860 'urls_purger_tout' => 'Reset the URLs stored in the database:',
861 'urls_rechercher' => 'Nájsť tento objekt v databáze',
862 'urls_titre_objet' => 'Saved title:',
863 'urls_type_objet' => '<MODF>Order:',
864 'urls_url_calculee' => 'URL PUBLIC « @type@ »:',
865 'urls_url_objet' => 'Uložená "čistá" adresa:',
866 'urls_valeur_vide' => '(Prázdna hodnota prepína na obnovenie adresy stránky)',
867 'urls_verrouiller' => '{{Zamknite}} túto internetovú adresu, aby ju SPIP nemohol zmeniť, napr. keď niekto klikne na " @voir@ " alebo keď sa zmení nadpis.',
869 // V
870 'validez_page' => 'To access modifications:',
871 'variable_vide' => '(Prázdne)',
872 'vars_modifiees' => 'The data has been modified',
873 'version_a_jour' => 'Vaša verzia je aktuálna.',
874 'version_distante' => 'Vzdialená verzia...',
875 'version_distante_off' => 'REmote checking deactivated',
876 'version_nouvelle' => 'Nová verzia: @version@',
877 'version_revision' => 'Oprava: @revision@',
878 'version_update' => 'Automatic update',
879 'version_update_chargeur' => 'Automatic download',
880 'version_update_chargeur_title' => 'Download the latest version of the plugin using the plugin «Downloader»',
881 'version_update_title' => 'Downloads the latest version of the plugin and updates it automatically.',
882 'verstexte:description' => '2 filters for your templates which make it possible to produce lighter pages.
883 _ version_texte : extracts the text content of an HTML page, excluding some basic tags.
884 _ version_plein_texte : extracts the full text content from an html page.', # MODIF
885 'verstexte:nom' => 'Textová verzia',
886 'visiteurs_connectes:description' => 'Vytvorí fragment HTML pre vaše šablóny, ktorý zobrazí počet návštevníkov, ktorí sú práve pripojení na verejnej stránke.
888 Jednoducho do šablóny pridajte <code><INCLURE{fond=fonds/visiteurs_connectes}>.</code>',
889 'visiteurs_connectes:inactif' => 'Attention : les statistiques du site ne sont pas activées.', # NEW
890 'visiteurs_connectes:nom' => 'Prihlásení návštevníci',
891 'voir' => 'Pozri: @voir@',
892 'votre_choix' => 'Váš výber:',
894 // W
895 'webmestres:description' => 'For SPIP, a {{webmaster}} means an {{administrator}} who has an FTP access to the site. By default, from SPIP 2.0 on, this is assumed to be the administrator whose <code>id_auteur=1</code>. Webmasters defined here have the privelege of no longer needing to use FTP to validate important actions on the site, such as upgrading the database format or restoring a backup.
897 Current webmasters: {@_CS_LISTE_WEBMESTRES@}.
898 _ Eligible administrators: {@_CS_LISTE_ADMINS@}.
900 As a webmaster yourself, you can change this list od IDs. Use a colon as a separator if there are more than one. e.g. "1:5:6".[[%webmestres%]]', # MODIF
901 'webmestres:nom' => 'Zoznam webmasterov',
903 // X
904 'xml:description' => 'Activates the XML validator for the public site, as described in the [documentation->http://www.spip.net/en_article3582.html]. An « Analyse XML » button is added to the other admin buttons.',
905 'xml:nom' => 'Validátor XML'
906 );
908 ?>