[SPIP] +2.1.12
[velocampus/web/www.git] / www / ecrire / lang / spip_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://www.spip.net/trad-lang/
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // 0
11 '0_URL' => 'http://listes.rezo.net/mailman/listinfo/spip-dev',
12 '0_langue' => 'English [en]',
13 '0_liste' => 'spip-en@rezo.net',
14 '0_mainteneur' => 'George Kandalaft (george@diwanalarab.com)',
16 // A
17 'access_interface_graphique' => 'Back to the complete template interface',
18 'access_mode_texte' => 'Show the simplified text interface',
19 'admin_debug' => 'debug',
20 'admin_modifier_article' => 'Modify this article',
21 'admin_modifier_auteur' => 'Modify this author',
22 'admin_modifier_breve' => 'Modify this news item',
23 'admin_modifier_mot' => 'Modify this keyword',
24 'admin_modifier_rubrique' => 'Modify this section',
25 'admin_recalculer' => 'Recalculate this page',
26 'afficher_trad' => 'show translations',
27 'alerte_maj_impossible' => '<b>Warning!</b> Failed to update the SQL database to version @version@. This may be due to a permissions problem on the database. Please contact your ISP.',
28 'alerte_modif_info_concourante' => 'WARNING: This information has been modified elsewhere. The current value is&nbsp;:',
29 'analyse_xml' => 'XML parsing',
30 'annuler' => 'Cancel',
31 'antispam_champ_vide' => 'Please leave this field empty:',
32 'articles_recents' => 'The most recent articles',
33 'avis_archive_incorrect' => 'archive file is not a valid SPIP file',
34 'avis_archive_invalide' => 'archive file is not valid',
35 'avis_attention' => 'CAUTION!',
36 'avis_champ_incorrect_type_objet' => 'Invalid field name @name@ for object of type @type@',
37 'avis_colonne_inexistante' => 'Column @col@ does not exist',
38 'avis_echec_syndication_01' => 'Syndication failed: either the selected backend is unreadable or it does not offer any article.',
39 'avis_echec_syndication_02' => 'Syndication failed: could not reach the backend of this site.',
40 'avis_erreur' => 'Error: see below',
41 'avis_erreur_connexion' => 'Connection error',
42 'avis_erreur_cookie' => 'cookie problem',
43 'avis_erreur_fonction_contexte' => 'Programming error. This function musn\'t be called in this context.',
44 'avis_erreur_mysql' => 'SQL error',
45 'avis_erreur_sauvegarde' => 'Error in backup (@type@ @id_objet@)!',
46 'avis_erreur_visiteur' => 'Problem entering the private area',
48 // B
49 'barre_a_accent_grave' => 'Insert a capital A with grave accent',
50 'barre_aide' => 'Use the typographic short cuts to refine your layout',
51 'barre_e_accent_aigu' => 'Insert a capital E with acute accent',
52 'barre_eo' => 'Insert an oe-ligature',
53 'barre_eo_maj' => 'Insert a capital EO-ligature',
54 'barre_euro' => 'Insert the &euro; symbol',
55 'barre_gras' => 'Put in {{bold type}}',
56 'barre_guillemets' => 'Place between "double quotes"',
57 'barre_guillemets_simples' => 'Place between ‘single quotes’',
58 'barre_intertitre' => 'Turn into a {{{subheading}}}',
59 'barre_italic' => 'Put in {italics}',
60 'barre_lien' => 'Turn into a [hyperlink->http://...]',
61 'barre_lien_input' => 'Please enter the target of your hyperlink (you may give an internet URL in the form http://www.mysite.com or else simply the number of an article on this site).',
62 'barre_note' => 'Turn into a [[Footnote]]',
63 'barre_paragraphe' => 'Create a paragraph',
64 'barre_quote' => '<quote>Quote a message</quote>',
65 'bouton_ajouter_document' => 'Add a document',
66 'bouton_ajouter_image' => 'Add an image',
67 'bouton_ajouter_image_document' => 'Add an image or a document',
68 'bouton_changer' => 'Modify',
69 'bouton_chercher' => 'Search',
70 'bouton_choisir' => 'Select',
71 'bouton_download' => 'Download',
72 'bouton_enregistrer' => 'Save',
73 'bouton_radio_desactiver_messagerie_interne' => 'Disable internal messaging',
74 'bouton_radio_envoi_annonces' => 'Send editorial announcements',
75 'bouton_radio_non_envoi_annonces' => 'Do not send any announcements',
76 'bouton_radio_non_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Do not send latest news list',
77 'bouton_recharger_page' => 'reload this page',
78 'bouton_telecharger' => 'Upload',
79 'bouton_valider' => 'Submit',
81 // C
82 'cal_apresmidi' => 'afternoon (p.m.)',
83 'cal_jour_entier' => 'entire day',
84 'cal_matin' => 'morning (a.m.)',
85 'cal_par_jour' => 'daily calendar',
86 'cal_par_mois' => 'monthly calendar',
87 'cal_par_semaine' => 'weekly calendar',
88 'choix_couleur_interface' => 'colour',
89 'choix_interface' => 'choice of interface',
90 'colonne' => 'Column',
91 'confirm_changer_statut' => 'Confirmation required: You have asked to change this article\'s status. Do you wish to continue?',
92 'correcte' => 'correct',
94 // D
95 'date_aujourdhui' => 'today',
96 'date_avant_jc' => 'B.C.',
97 'date_dans' => 'in @delai@',
98 'date_de_mois_1' => '@j@ @nommois@',
99 'date_de_mois_10' => '@j@ @nommois@',
100 'date_de_mois_11' => '@j@ @nommois@',
101 'date_de_mois_12' => '@j@ @nommois@',
102 'date_de_mois_2' => '@j@ @nommois@',
103 'date_de_mois_3' => '@j@ @nommois@',
104 'date_de_mois_4' => '@j@ @nommois@',
105 'date_de_mois_5' => '@j@ @nommois@',
106 'date_de_mois_6' => '@j@ @nommois@',
107 'date_de_mois_7' => '@j@ @nommois@',
108 'date_de_mois_8' => '@j@ @nommois@',
109 'date_de_mois_9' => '@j@ @nommois@',
110 'date_demain' => 'tomorrow',
111 'date_fmt_heures_minutes' => '@h@:@m@',
112 'date_fmt_jour_heure' => '@jour@ at @heure@',
113 'date_fmt_jour_mois' => '@jourmois@',
114 'date_fmt_jour_mois_annee' => '@jourmois@ @annee@',
115 'date_fmt_mois_annee' => '@nommois@ @annee@',
116 'date_fmt_nomjour_date' => 'on @nomjour@ @date@',
117 'date_heures' => 'hours',
118 'date_hier' => 'yesterday',
119 'date_il_y_a' => '@delai@ ago',
120 'date_jnum1' => '1',
121 'date_jnum10' => '10',
122 'date_jnum11' => '11',
123 'date_jnum12' => '12',
124 'date_jnum13' => '13',
125 'date_jnum14' => '14',
126 'date_jnum15' => '15',
127 'date_jnum16' => '16',
128 'date_jnum17' => '17',
129 'date_jnum18' => '18',
130 'date_jnum19' => '19',
131 'date_jnum2' => '2',
132 'date_jnum20' => '20',
133 'date_jnum21' => '21',
134 'date_jnum22' => '22',
135 'date_jnum23' => '23',
136 'date_jnum24' => '24',
137 'date_jnum25' => '25',
138 'date_jnum26' => '26',
139 'date_jnum27' => '27',
140 'date_jnum28' => '28',
141 'date_jnum29' => '29',
142 'date_jnum3' => '3',
143 'date_jnum30' => '30',
144 'date_jnum31' => '31',
145 'date_jnum4' => '4',
146 'date_jnum5' => '5',
147 'date_jnum6' => '6',
148 'date_jnum7' => '7',
149 'date_jnum8' => '8',
150 'date_jnum9' => '9',
151 'date_jour_1' => 'Sunday',
152 'date_jour_1_abbr' => 'Sun.',
153 'date_jour_1_initiale' => 'S.',
154 'date_jour_2' => 'Monday',
155 'date_jour_2_abbr' => 'Mon.',
156 'date_jour_2_initiale' => 'M.',
157 'date_jour_3' => 'Tuesday',
158 'date_jour_3_abbr' => 'Tue.',
159 'date_jour_3_initiale' => 'T.',
160 'date_jour_4' => 'Wednesday',
161 'date_jour_4_abbr' => 'Wed.',
162 'date_jour_4_initiale' => 'W.',
163 'date_jour_5' => 'Thursday',
164 'date_jour_5_abbr' => 'Thu.',
165 'date_jour_5_initiale' => 'T.',
166 'date_jour_6' => 'Friday',
167 'date_jour_6_abbr' => 'Fri.',
168 'date_jour_6_initiale' => 'F.',
169 'date_jour_7' => 'Saturday',
170 'date_jour_7_abbr' => 'Sat.',
171 'date_jour_7_initiale' => 'S.',
172 'date_jours' => 'days',
173 'date_minutes' => 'minutes',
174 'date_mois' => 'months',
175 'date_mois_1' => 'January',
176 'date_mois_10' => 'October',
177 'date_mois_11' => 'November',
178 'date_mois_12' => 'December',
179 'date_mois_2' => 'February',
180 'date_mois_3' => 'March',
181 'date_mois_4' => 'April',
182 'date_mois_5' => 'May',
183 'date_mois_6' => 'June',
184 'date_mois_7' => 'July',
185 'date_mois_8' => 'August',
186 'date_mois_9' => 'September',
187 'date_saison_1' => 'winter',
188 'date_saison_2' => 'spring',
189 'date_saison_3' => 'summer',
190 'date_saison_4' => 'autumn',
191 'date_secondes' => 'seconds',
192 'date_semaines' => 'weeks',
193 'date_un_mois' => 'month',
194 'date_une_heure' => 'hour',
195 'date_une_minute' => 'minute',
196 'date_une_seconde' => 'second',
197 'date_une_semaine' => 'week',
198 'dirs_commencer' => ' in order to really start the installation',
199 'dirs_preliminaire' => 'Preliminary: <b>Setting up access permissions</b>',
200 'dirs_probleme_droits' => 'Problem in access permissions',
201 'dirs_repertoires_absents' => '<p><b>The following directories have not been found: </b></p><ul>@bad_dirs@.</ul>
202 <p>It is probable that this is due to inappropriate lower or upper case letters in the directory names.
203 Please check that the case of the letters in the names of these directories match what is displayed
204 above. If they don\'t, rename the directories using your FTP client in order to correct the error.</p>
205 <p>Once this is done, you can',
206 'dirs_repertoires_suivants' => '<p><b>The following directories do not have write permission: </b></p><ul>@bad_dirs@</ul>
207 <p>To change this, use your FTP client to set access permissions for each
208 of these directories. The procedure is detailed in the installation guide.</p>
209 <p>Once you have done this, you can ',
210 'double_occurrence' => 'Two instances of @balise@',
212 // E
213 'en_cours' => 'processing',
214 'entree_dimensions' => 'Size:',
215 'entree_titre_document' => 'Document title:',
216 'entree_titre_image' => 'Image title:',
217 'envoi_via_le_site' => 'Sent via the site',
218 'erreur' => 'Error',
219 'erreur_balise_non_fermee' => 'last tag not closed:',
220 'erreur_texte' => 'error(s)',
221 'etape' => 'Stage',
223 // F
224 'fichier_introuvable' => 'File not found: @fichier@',
225 'form_auteur_confirmation' => 'Please confirm your email address',
226 'form_auteur_email_modifie' => 'Your email address has been changed.',
227 'form_auteur_envoi_mail_confirmation' => 'A confirmation email has been sent to @email@. You need to visit the URL mentioned in this message in order to validate your email address.',
228 'form_auteur_mail_confirmation' => 'Hello,
230 You have asked to change your email address.
231 To confirm your new address, you need to connect to
232 the address below. (Otherwise your request will be ignored.):
234 @url@
235 ',
236 'form_deja_inscrit' => 'You are already registered.',
237 'form_email_non_valide' => 'Your e-mail address is not valid.',
238 'form_forum_access_refuse' => 'You do not have access to this site anymore.',
239 'form_forum_bonjour' => 'Good day @nom@,',
240 'form_forum_email_deja_enregistre' => 'This e-mail address is already registered, consequently you can use your usual password.',
241 'form_forum_identifiant_mail' => 'Your new identifier has just been sent to you by e-mail.',
242 'form_forum_identifiants' => 'Personal identifiers',
243 'form_forum_indiquer_nom_email' => 'Enter here your name and e-mail address. You will receive your personal identifier shortly by e-mail.',
244 'form_forum_login' => 'login:',
245 'form_forum_message_auto' => '(this is an automated message)',
246 'form_forum_pass' => 'password:',
247 'form_forum_probleme_mail' => 'Mail problem: the identifier could not be sent.',
248 'form_forum_voici1' => 'Here are your identifiers to participate in the site\'s life
249 "@nom_site_spip@" (@adresse_site@):',
250 'form_forum_voici2' => 'Here are your identifiers to submit articles for
251 the site "@nom_site_spip@" (@adresse_login@):',
252 'form_indiquer_email' => 'Please enter your e-mail address.',
253 'form_indiquer_nom' => 'Please enter your name.',
254 'form_indiquer_nom_site' => 'Please enter your site’s name.',
255 'form_pet_adresse_site' => 'Your site\'s URL',
256 'form_pet_aucune_signature' => 'No signature matches this code...',
257 'form_pet_confirmation' => 'Please confirm your signature:',
258 'form_pet_deja_enregistre' => 'This site is already registered',
259 'form_pet_deja_signe' => 'You have already signed this text.',
260 'form_pet_envoi_mail_confirmation' => 'A confirmation email has just been sent to @email@. You should visit the URL given in this email to validate your signature.',
261 'form_pet_mail_confirmation' => 'Hello,
263 You asked to sign the petition:
264 @titre@.
266 You provided the following information:
267 Name: @nom_email@
268 Site: @nom_site@ - @url_site@
269 @message@
272 To validate your signature, you just need to connect to
273 the address below (otherwise your request
274 will be rejected):
275 @url@
277 Thank you for your participation!
278 ',
279 'form_pet_message_commentaire' => 'Any message or comment?',
280 'form_pet_nom_site2' => 'Name of your web site',
281 'form_pet_probleme_liens' => 'Please edit your message, taking out all hyperlinks.',
282 'form_pet_probleme_technique' => 'Technical problem, signatures are interrupted momentarily.',
283 'form_pet_signature_pasprise' => 'Your signature has been ignored.',
284 'form_pet_signature_validee' => 'Your signature is valid. Thank you!',
285 'form_pet_site_deja_enregistre' => 'This site is already registered',
286 'form_pet_url_invalide' => 'The URL that you have entered is not valid.',
287 'form_pet_votre_email' => 'Your e-mail address',
288 'form_pet_votre_nom' => 'Your name or alias',
289 'form_pet_votre_site' => 'If you have a web site, you can enter it below',
290 'form_prop_confirmer_envoi' => 'Confirm dispatch',
291 'form_prop_description' => 'Description/comment',
292 'form_prop_enregistre' => 'Your proposal has been recorded, it will appear online after being validated by the administrators of this site.',
293 'form_prop_envoyer' => 'Send a message',
294 'form_prop_indiquer_email' => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address',
295 'form_prop_indiquer_nom_site' => 'Please enter the site\'s name.',
296 'form_prop_indiquer_sujet' => 'Please enter a subject',
297 'form_prop_message_envoye' => 'Message sent',
298 'form_prop_nom_site' => 'Site\'s name',
299 'form_prop_non_enregistre' => 'Your proposal has not been recorded.',
300 'form_prop_sujet' => 'Subject',
301 'form_prop_url_site' => 'Site\'s URL',
302 'forum_acces_refuse' => 'You have not access to these forums anymore.',
303 'forum_attention_dix_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your message needs to be at least ten characters in length.',
304 'forum_attention_trois_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your title needs to be at least three characters in length.',
305 'forum_attention_trop_caracteres' => '<b>Warning&nbsp;!</b> your message is too long (@compte@ characters)&nbsp;: to be able to save it, the message should not contain more than @max@ characters.',
306 'forum_avez_selectionne' => 'You have selected:',
307 'forum_cliquer_retour' => 'Click <a href=\'@retour_forum@\'>here</a> to continue.',
308 'forum_forum' => 'forum',
309 'forum_info_modere' => 'This forum is moderated beforehand: your contribution will only appear after being validated by a site administrator.',
310 'forum_lien_hyper' => '<b>Hypertext link</b> (optional)',
311 'forum_message_definitif' => 'Final message: send to the site',
312 'forum_message_trop_long' => 'Your message is too long. Maximum length should be 20000 characters.',
313 'forum_ne_repondez_pas' => 'Do not reply to this mail but in the forum at the following address:',
314 'forum_non_inscrit' => 'Either you are not registered or the address or password are wrong.',
315 'forum_page_url' => '(If your message refers to an article published on the web or to a page providing further information, please enter the title of the page and its URL below).',
316 'forum_par_auteur' => 'by @auteur@',
317 'forum_poste_par' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ following your article "@titre@".',
318 'forum_probleme_database' => 'Database problem, your message could not be recorded.',
319 'forum_qui_etes_vous' => '<b>Who are you?</b> (optional)',
320 'forum_texte' => 'Text of your message:',
321 'forum_titre' => 'Subject:',
322 'forum_titre_erreur' => 'Error...',
323 'forum_url' => 'URL:',
324 'forum_valider' => 'Validate this choice',
325 'forum_voir_avant' => 'Preview message before posting',
326 'forum_votre_email' => 'Your e-mail address:',
327 'forum_votre_nom' => 'Your name (or alias):',
328 'forum_vous_enregistrer' => 'Prior to participating in
329 this forum, you must register. Thank you
330 for entering the personal identifier
331 supplied to you. If you are not already registered, you must',
332 'forum_vous_inscrire' => 'register.',
334 // I
335 'ical_texte_rss_articles' => 'The address of the backend file of the site\'s articles is:',
336 'ical_texte_rss_articles2' => 'Also, you can get backend files for the articles of each section of the site:',
337 'ical_texte_rss_breves' => 'Furthermore, there is a file containing the site\'s news items. By selecting a section number, you could get only the news items of that section.',
338 'icone_a_suivre' => 'Launch pad',
339 'icone_admin_site' => 'Site administration',
340 'icone_agenda' => 'Calendar',
341 'icone_aide_ligne' => 'Help',
342 'icone_articles' => 'Articles',
343 'icone_auteurs' => 'Authors',
344 'icone_breves' => 'News',
345 'icone_brouteur' => 'Quick browsing',
346 'icone_configuration_site' => 'Configuration',
347 'icone_configurer_site' => 'Configure your site',
348 'icone_creer_nouvel_auteur' => 'Create a new author',
349 'icone_creer_rubrique' => 'Create a section',
350 'icone_creer_sous_rubrique' => 'Create a sub-section',
351 'icone_deconnecter' => 'Log out',
352 'icone_discussions' => 'Discussions',
353 'icone_doc_rubrique' => 'Attached documents',
354 'icone_ecrire_article' => 'Write a new article',
355 'icone_edition_site' => 'Site edit',
356 'icone_forum_administrateur' => 'Administrators\' forum',
357 'icone_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
358 'icone_gestion_langues' => 'Language management',
359 'icone_informations_personnelles' => 'Personal information',
360 'icone_interface_complet' => 'complete interface',
361 'icone_interface_simple' => 'Simplified interface',
362 'icone_maintenance_site' => 'Site maintenance',
363 'icone_messagerie_personnelle' => 'Personal messaging',
364 'icone_mots_cles' => 'Keywords',
365 'icone_nouvelle_breve' => 'Write a new news item',
366 'icone_repartition_actuelle' => 'Show current distribution',
367 'icone_repartition_debut' => 'Show distribution from the start',
368 'icone_repartition_visites' => 'Visits distribution',
369 'icone_rubriques' => 'Sections',
370 'icone_sauver_site' => 'Site backup',
371 'icone_site_entier' => 'The entire site',
372 'icone_sites_references' => 'Referenced sites',
373 'icone_statistiques' => 'Site statistics',
374 'icone_statistiques_visites' => 'Statistics',
375 'icone_suivi_activite' => 'Follow-up of the site\'s activity',
376 'icone_suivi_actualite' => 'Site statistics',
377 'icone_suivi_forums' => 'Manage forums',
378 'icone_suivi_pettions' => 'Manage petitions',
379 'icone_suivi_revisions' => 'Article revisions',
380 'icone_supprimer_document' => 'Delete this document',
381 'icone_supprimer_image' => 'Delete this image',
382 'icone_supprimer_message' => 'Delete this message',
383 'icone_tous_articles' => 'All your articles',
384 'icone_tous_auteur' => 'All the authors',
385 'icone_valider_message' => 'Validate this message',
386 'icone_visiter_site' => 'Visit',
387 'icone_voir_en_ligne' => 'View online',
388 'image_tourner_180' => 'Rotate 180&deg;',
389 'image_tourner_droite' => 'Rotate 90&deg; right',
390 'image_tourner_gauche' => 'Rotate 90&deg; left',
391 'img_indisponible' => 'image unavailable',
392 'impossible' => 'impossible',
393 'info_a_suivre' => 'LAUNCH PAD&raquo;',
394 'info_a_valider' => '[to be validated]',
395 'info_acces_interdit' => 'Access forbidden',
396 'info_acces_refuse' => 'Access denied',
397 'info_action' => 'Action: @action@',
398 'info_administrer_rubriques' => 'You can manage this section and its sub-sections',
399 'info_adresse_non_indiquee' => 'You did not specify an address to test!',
400 'info_aide' => 'HELP:',
401 'info_ajouter_mot' => 'Add this keyword',
402 'info_annonce' => 'ANNOUNCEMENT',
403 'info_annonces_generales' => 'General announcements:',
404 'info_article_propose' => 'Article submitted',
405 'info_article_publie' => 'Article published',
406 'info_article_redaction' => 'Article in progress',
407 'info_article_refuse' => 'Article rejected',
408 'info_article_supprime' => 'Article deleted',
409 'info_articles' => 'Articles',
410 'info_articles_a_valider' => 'Articles to be validated',
411 'info_articles_nb' => '@nb@ articles',
412 'info_articles_proposes' => 'Articles submitted',
413 'info_articles_un' => '1 article',
414 'info_auteurs_nombre' => 'author(s):',
415 'info_authentification_ftp' => 'Authentication (by FTP).',
416 'info_bloquer_lien' => 'block this link',
417 'info_breves_02' => 'News',
418 'info_breves_2' => 'news',
419 'info_breves_nb' => '@nb@ news items',
420 'info_breves_un' => '1 news item',
421 'info_breves_valider' => 'News items to be validated',
422 'info_connexion_refusee' => 'Connection denied',
423 'info_contact_developpeur' => 'Please contact a developer.',
424 'info_contenance' => 'This site contains:',
425 'info_contribution' => 'forum contributions',
426 'info_copyright' => '@spip@ is free software distributed @lien_gpl@.',
427 'info_copyright_doc' => 'For more information, see <a href="@spipnet@">http://www.spip.net/en</a>.',
428 'info_copyright_gpl' => 'under the GPL license',
429 'info_cours_edition' => 'Your articles in progress',
430 'info_creer_repertoire' => 'Please create a file or a directory called:',
431 'info_creer_repertoire_2' => 'inside the sub-directory <b>@repertoire@</b>, then',
432 'info_creer_vignette' => 'automated creation of the thumbnail',
433 'info_deplier' => 'Unfold',
434 'info_descriptif_nombre' => 'description(s):',
435 'info_description' => 'Description:',
436 'info_description_2' => 'Description:',
437 'info_dimension' => 'Size:',
438 'info_document' => 'Document',
439 'info_document_indisponible' => 'This document is unavailable',
440 'info_documents' => 'Documents',
441 'info_documents_nb' => '@nb@ documents',
442 'info_documents_un' => '1 document',
443 'info_echange_message' => 'SPIP allows the exchange of messages and the creation of private
444 discussion forums between participants to the site. You can enable or
445 disable this feature.',
446 'info_ecire_message_prive' => 'Write a private message',
447 'info_email_invalide' => 'Invalid e-mail address.',
448 'info_en_cours_validation' => 'Your articles in progress',
449 'info_en_ligne' => 'Online now:',
450 'info_envoyer_message_prive' => 'Send a private message to this author',
451 'info_erreur_requete' => 'Error in query:',
452 'info_erreur_squelette2' => 'No available template <b>@fichier@</b>...',
453 'info_erreur_systeme' => 'System error (errno @errsys@)',
454 'info_erreur_systeme2' => 'The hard disk may be full or the database damaged. <br />
455 <font color=\'red\'>Try <a href=\'@script@\'>repairing the database</a>,
456 or contact your service provider.</font>',
457 'info_fini' => 'Done!',
458 'info_format_image' => 'Image format to be used for the creation of vignettes: @gd_formats@.',
459 'info_format_non_defini' => 'undefined format',
460 'info_grand_ecran' => 'Large display',
461 'info_image_aide' => 'HELP',
462 'info_image_process_titre' => 'How to create thumbnails',
463 'info_impossible_lire_page' => '<b>Error!</b> The page <tt><html>@test_proxy@</html></tt> cannot be read through the proxy',
464 'info_inclusion_directe' => 'Direct inclusion:',
465 'info_inclusion_vignette' => 'Include vignette:',
466 'info_installation_systeme_publication' => 'Publication system installation ...',
467 'info_installer_documents' => 'You can automatically install all the documents which are in the folder @upload@.',
468 'info_installer_ftp' => 'As an administrator, you can install (by FTP) files in the folder @upload@ in order to select them later directly from here.',
469 'info_installer_images' => 'You can install images of formats JPEG, GIF et PNG.',
470 'info_installer_images_dossier' => 'Install images in folder @upload@ to be able to select them here.',
471 'info_installer_tous_documents' => 'Install all the documents',
472 'info_interface_complete' => 'complete interface',
473 'info_interface_simple' => 'Simplified interface',
474 'info_joindre_document_article' => 'You can attach to your article documents of types',
475 'info_joindre_document_rubrique' => 'You can add to this section documents of types',
476 'info_joindre_documents_article' => 'You can attach to your article documents of types:',
477 'info_l_article' => 'the article',
478 'info_la_breve' => 'the news item',
479 'info_la_rubrique' => 'the section',
480 'info_langue_principale' => 'Main site language',
481 'info_largeur_vignette' => '@largeur_vignette@ &times; @hauteur_vignette@ pixels',
482 'info_les_auteurs_1' => 'by @les_auteurs@',
483 'info_logo_format_interdit' => 'Only logos in the formats @formats@ are allowed.',
484 'info_logo_max_poids' => 'Logos must be less than @maxi@ (this file is @actuel@).',
485 'info_logo_max_taille' => 'Logos must be less than @maxi@ (this file is @actuel@).',
486 'info_mail_fournisseur' => 'you@isp.com',
487 'info_message_2' => 'MESSAGE',
488 'info_message_supprime' => 'MESSAGE DELETED',
489 'info_messages_nb' => '@nb@ messages',
490 'info_messages_un' => '1 message',
491 'info_mise_en_ligne' => 'Date of online publication:',
492 'info_modification_parametres_securite' => 'modifying security parameters',
493 'info_mois_courant' => 'During the month:',
494 'info_mot_cle_ajoute' => 'The following keyword was added to',
495 'info_multi_herit' => 'Default language',
496 'info_multi_langues_soulignees' => 'The <u>underlined languages</u> provide a translation of all the texts of the interface. If you select these languages, many elements of the public site (dates, forms) will be automatically translated. As for the non-underlined languages, those elements will appear in the main language of the site.',
497 'info_multilinguisme' => 'Multilingual',
498 'info_nom_non_utilisateurs_connectes' => 'Your name does not appear in the list of connected users.',
499 'info_nom_utilisateurs_connectes' => 'Your name appears in the list of connected users.',
500 'info_nombre_en_ligne' => 'Online now:',
501 'info_non_resultat' => 'No results for "@cherche_mot@"',
502 'info_non_utilisation_messagerie' => 'You are not using the internal messaging of this site.',
503 'info_nouveau_message' => 'YOU HAVE A NEW MESSAGE',
504 'info_nouveaux_messages' => 'YOU HAVE @total_messages@ NEW MESSAGES',
505 'info_numero_abbreviation' => 'No',
506 'info_obligatoire' => 'This information is required',
507 'info_panne_site_syndique' => 'Syndicated site out of order',
508 'info_pense_bete' => 'MEMO',
509 'info_petit_ecran' => 'Small display',
510 'info_petition_close' => 'Petition closed',
511 'info_pixels' => 'pixels',
512 'info_plusieurs_mots_trouves' => 'Several keywords were found for "@cherche_mot@":',
513 'info_popularite_5' => 'popularity:',
514 'info_portfolio' => 'Portfolio',
515 'info_portfolio_automatique' => 'Automated portfolio:',
516 'info_premier_resultat' => '[@debut_limit@ first results out of @total@]',
517 'info_premier_resultat_sur' => '[@debut_limit@ first results out of @total@]',
518 'info_probleme_grave' => 'error of',
519 'info_propose_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] Submitted: @titre@',
520 'info_propose_2' => 'Article submitted
521 -----------------',
522 'info_propose_3' => 'The article "@titre@" is submitted for publication.',
523 'info_propose_4' => 'You are invited to review it and to give your opinion',
524 'info_propose_5' => 'in the forum linked to it. It is available at the address:',
525 'info_publie_01' => 'The article "@titre@" was validated by @connect_nom@.',
526 'info_publie_1' => '[@nom_site_spip@] PUBLISHED: @titre@',
527 'info_publie_2' => 'Article published
528 -----------------',
529 'info_rechercher' => 'Search',
530 'info_rechercher_02' => 'Search:',
531 'info_remplacer_vignette' => 'Replace the default vignette by a customised logo:',
532 'info_retablir_lien' => 'restore this link',
533 'info_retirer_mot' => 'Remove this keyword',
534 'info_retirer_mots' => 'Remove all keywords',
535 'info_rubriques_nb' => '@nb@ sections',
536 'info_rubriques_un' => '1 section',
537 'info_sans_titre_2' => 'untitled',
538 'info_selectionner_fichier' => 'You can select a file from the folder @upload@',
539 'info_selectionner_fichier_2' => 'Select a file:',
540 'info_signature_supprimee' => 'Signature deleted',
541 'info_signature_supprimee_erreur' => 'Error: this deletion code does not correspond to any signature',
542 'info_site_attente' => 'Web site pending validation',
543 'info_site_reference' => 'Referenced sites online',
544 'info_site_refuse' => 'Web site rejected',
545 'info_sites_nb' => '@nb@ sites',
546 'info_sites_referencer' => 'Reference a site',
547 'info_sites_un' => '1 site',
548 'info_supprimer_vignette' => 'delete the vignette',
549 'info_symbole_bleu' => 'A <b>blue</b> symbol indicates a <b>memo</b>: i.e. a message for your personal use.',
550 'info_symbole_jaune' => 'A <b>yellow</b> symbol indicates an <b>announcement to all editors</b>: it can be edited by all administrators, and is visible to all editors.',
551 'info_symbole_vert' => 'A <b>green</b> symbol indicates the <b>messages exchanged with other users</b> of the site.',
552 'info_syndication' => 'syndication:',
553 'info_syndication_articles' => 'article(s)',
554 'info_telecharger' => 'Upload from your computer:',
555 'info_telecharger_nouveau_logo' => 'Upload a new logo:',
556 'info_telecharger_ordinateur' => 'Upload from your computer:',
557 'info_tous_resultats_enregistres' => '[all the results are recorded]',
558 'info_tout_afficher' => 'Show all',
559 'info_travaux_texte' => 'This site is not yet set up. Please come back later...',
560 'info_travaux_titre' => 'Site under construction',
561 'info_trop_resultat' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_mot@"; please refine the search.',
562 'info_utilisation_messagerie_interne' => 'You are using the internal messaging of this site.',
563 'info_valider_lien' => 'validate this link',
564 'info_verifier_image' => ', please make sure your images have been transferred correctly.',
565 'info_vignette_defaut' => 'Default vignette',
566 'info_vignette_personnalisee' => 'Customised vignette',
567 'info_visite' => 'visit:',
568 'info_visites' => 'visits:',
569 'info_vos_rendez_vous' => 'Your future appointments',
570 'info_zoom' => 'zoom',
571 'infos_vos_pense_bete' => 'Your memos',
572 'item_breve_proposee' => 'News item submitted',
574 // L
575 'lien_afficher_icones_seuls' => 'Show icons only',
576 'lien_afficher_texte_icones' => 'Show icons and text',
577 'lien_afficher_texte_seul' => 'Show text only',
578 'lien_liberer' => 'release',
579 'lien_liberer_tous' => 'release these articles',
580 'lien_nouvea_pense_bete' => 'NEW MEMO',
581 'lien_nouveau_message' => 'NEW MESSAGE',
582 'lien_nouvelle_annonce' => 'NEW ANNOUNCEMENT',
583 'lien_petitions' => 'PETITION',
584 'lien_popularite' => 'popularity: @popularite@%',
585 'lien_racine_site' => 'SITE ROOT',
586 'lien_reessayer' => 'try again',
587 'lien_repondre_message' => 'Reply to this message',
588 'lien_supprimer' => 'delete',
589 'lien_tout_afficher' => 'Show all',
590 'lien_visite_site' => 'visit this site',
591 'lien_visites' => '@visites@ visits',
592 'lien_voir_auteur' => 'Check this author',
593 'ligne' => 'Line',
594 'login' => 'Connection',
595 'login_acces_prive' => 'access to the private area',
596 'login_autre_identifiant' => 'use a different ID',
597 'login_cookie_accepte' => 'Please set your browser to accept them (at least for this site).',
598 'login_cookie_oblige' => 'To identify yourself securely, you must accept cookies.',
599 'login_deconnexion_ok' => 'Logged out.',
600 'login_erreur_pass' => 'Password error.',
601 'login_espace_prive' => 'private area',
602 'login_identifiant_inconnu' => 'The identifier "@login@" is unknown.',
603 'login_login' => 'Login:',
604 'login_login2' => 'Login (identifier for connection to the site):',
605 'login_login_pass_incorrect' => '(Wrong login or password).',
606 'login_motpasseoublie' => 'password forgotten?',
607 'login_non_securise' => 'Caution, this form is not secure.
608 If you do not want your password to be open to
609 interception on the network, please activate Javascript
610 in your browser and',
611 'login_nouvelle_tentative' => 'New attempt',
612 'login_par_ici' => 'You are registered... this way...',
613 'login_pass2' => 'Password:',
614 'login_preferez_refuser' => '<b>If you prefer to refuse the cookies</b>, there is another connection method (less secure) at your disposal:',
615 'login_recharger' => 'reload this page',
616 'login_rester_identifie' => 'Remember my ID for a few days',
617 'login_retour_public' => 'Back to the public site',
618 'login_retour_site' => 'Back to the public site',
619 'login_retoursitepublic' => 'back to the public site',
620 'login_sans_cookiie' => 'Identification without cookie',
621 'login_securise' => 'Secured login',
622 'login_sinscrire' => 'register',
623 'login_test_navigateur' => 'testing browser/reconnection',
624 'login_verifiez_navigateur' => '(However, verify that your browser did not memorize your password...)',
626 // M
627 'masquer_colonne' => 'Hide this column',
628 'masquer_trad' => 'hide translations',
629 'module_fichiers_langues' => 'Language files',
631 // N
632 'navigateur_pas_redirige' => 'If your browser is not redirected, click here to continue.',
633 'numero' => 'Number',
635 // O
636 'occurence' => 'Instance',
637 'onglet_affacer_base' => 'Delete the database',
638 'onglet_auteur' => 'The author',
639 'onglet_contenu_site' => 'The site\'s content',
640 'onglet_evolution_visite_mod' => 'Visits level',
641 'onglet_fonctions_avances' => 'Advanced functions',
642 'onglet_informations_personnelles' => 'Personal Information',
643 'onglet_interactivite' => 'Interactivity',
644 'onglet_messagerie' => 'Messaging',
645 'onglet_messages_internes' => 'Internal messages',
646 'onglet_messages_publics' => 'Public messages',
647 'onglet_messages_vide' => 'Messages without text',
648 'onglet_origine_visites' => 'Visits Origin',
649 'onglet_repartition_debut' => 'from the start',
650 'onglet_repartition_lang' => 'Distribution by languages',
651 'onglet_repartition_rubrique' => 'Distribution by section',
652 'onglet_save_restaur_base' => 'Backup/restore the database',
653 'onglet_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
655 // P
656 'pass_choix_pass' => 'Please choose your new password:',
657 'pass_erreur' => 'Error',
658 'pass_erreur_acces_refuse' => '<b>Error:</b> you do not have access to this site anymore.',
659 'pass_erreur_code_inconnu' => '<b>Error:</b> this code does not match any visitor with access permission to this site.',
660 'pass_erreur_non_enregistre' => '<b>Error :</b> the address <tt>@email_oubli@</tt> is not registered in this site.',
661 'pass_erreur_non_valide' => '<b>Error :</b> the e-mail <tt>@email_oubli@</tt> is not valid!',
662 'pass_erreur_probleme_technique' => '<b>Error :</b> this e-mail could not be sent due to a technical problem.',
663 'pass_espace_prive_bla' => 'The private area of this site is opened to
664 visitors after registration. Once you have registered,
665 you can review the articles in progress,
666 submit articles and participate in all the forums.',
667 'pass_forum_bla' => 'You have requested to take part in a forum
668 reserved for registered visitors.',
669 'pass_indiquez_cidessous' => 'Enter below the e-mail address with which you
670 registered previously. You
671 will receive an e-mail explaining how you
672 can retreive your access.',
673 'pass_mail_passcookie' => '(this is an automated message)
675 To retrieve your access to the site
676 @nom_site_spip@ (@adresse_site@)
678 Please go to the following address:
679 @sendcookie@
681 You can then enter a new password
682 and connect again to the site.
683 ',
684 'pass_mot_oublie' => 'Password forgotten',
685 'pass_nouveau_enregistre' => 'Your new password has been recorded.',
686 'pass_nouveau_pass' => 'New password',
687 'pass_ok' => 'OK',
688 'pass_oubli_mot' => 'Forgotten password',
689 'pass_quitter_fenetre' => 'Close this window',
690 'pass_rappel_login' => 'Reminder: your identifier (login) is "@login@".',
691 'pass_recevoir_mail' => 'You will receive an e-mail explaining how you can retrieve your access to the site.',
692 'pass_retour_public' => 'Back to the public site',
693 'pass_rien_a_faire_ici' => 'Nothing to do here.',
694 'pass_vousinscrire' => 'Registering with the site',
695 'precedent' => 'previous',
696 'previsualisation' => 'Preview',
697 'previsualiser' => 'Show preview',
699 // R
700 'retour' => 'Return',
702 // S
703 'spip_conforme_dtd' => 'SPIP finds this page to be in compliance with its DOCTYPE:',
704 'squelette' => 'template',
705 'squelette_inclus_ligne' => 'included template, line',
706 'squelette_ligne' => 'template, line',
707 'stats_visites_et_popularite' => '@visites@ visits; popularity: @popularite@',
708 'suivant' => 'next',
710 // T
711 'taille_ko' => '@taille@&nbsp;kb',
712 'taille_mo' => '@taille@&nbsp;Mb',
713 'taille_octets' => '@taille@&nbsp;bytes',
714 'texte_actualite_site_1' => 'When you become familiar with the interface, click on the &laquo;',
715 'texte_actualite_site_2' => 'complete interface',
716 'texte_actualite_site_3' => '&raquo; to make more features available.',
717 'texte_creation_automatique_vignette' => 'Automated creation of preview vignettes is enabled in this site. if you install, through this form, images in the format(s) @gd_formats@, they will be coupled with a vignette which maximum size is @taille_preview@ pixels.',
718 'texte_documents_associes' => 'The following documents are associated with the article,,
719 but they were not directly
720 inserted. Based on the public site\'s layout,
721 they could appear as attached documents.',
722 'texte_erreur_mise_niveau_base' => 'Database error during the upgrade.
723 The image <b>@fichier@</b> did not pass (article @id_article@).<p>
724 Note this reference carefully, try the upgrade procedure again,
725 and check afterwards that the images still appear
726 in the articles.',
727 'texte_erreur_visiteur' => 'You have tried to enter the private area using a login which does not permit this.',
728 'texte_inc_auth_1' => 'You identified yourself with the login
729 <b>@auth_login@</b>, but it does not exist in the database (anymore).
730 Try to',
731 'texte_inc_auth_2' => 'reconnect',
732 'texte_inc_auth_3' => ', having quit then
733 restarted your browser if necessary.',
734 'texte_inc_config' => 'Changes made to the options on these pages have a great effect on
735 the functioning of the site. You are advised not to make any changes unless you are
736 familiar with how SPIP works. <br /><br /><b>In
737 general, you are strongly advised
738 to let the main webmaster of the site deal with these pages.</b>',
739 'texte_inc_meta_1' => 'The system encountered an error when trying to write the file <code>@fichier@</code>. As a site administrator, please',
740 'texte_inc_meta_2' => 'verify write permissions',
741 'texte_inc_meta_3' => 'of the directory <code>@repertoire@</code>.',
742 'texte_statut_en_cours_redaction' => 'editing in progress',
743 'texte_statut_poubelle' => 'in the dustbin',
744 'texte_statut_propose_evaluation' => 'submitted for evaluation',
745 'texte_statut_publie' => 'published online',
746 'texte_statut_refuse' => 'rejected',
747 'titre_ajouter_mot_cle' => 'ADD A KEYWORD:',
748 'titre_breve_proposee' => 'Submitted news item',
749 'titre_breve_publiee' => 'News item published',
750 'titre_breve_refusee' => 'News item rejected',
751 'titre_cadre_raccourcis' => 'SHORTCUTS:',
752 'titre_changer_couleur_interface' => 'Changing interface colour',
753 'titre_forum' => 'Forum',
754 'titre_image_admin_article' => 'You can administer this article',
755 'titre_image_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
756 'titre_image_aide' => 'Help on this item',
757 'titre_image_auteur_supprime' => 'Author deleted',
758 'titre_image_redacteur' => 'Editor without access',
759 'titre_image_redacteur_02' => 'Editor',
760 'titre_image_visiteur' => 'Visitor',
761 'titre_joindre_document' => 'ATTACH A DOCUMENT',
762 'titre_liens_entrants' => 'Incoming links',
763 'titre_mots_cles' => 'KEYWORDS',
764 'titre_probleme_technique' => 'Warning: a technical problem (SQL server) prevents access to this part of the site. Thank you for your understanding.',
765 'titre_publier_document' => 'PUBLISH A DOCUMENT IN THIS SECTION',
766 'titre_signatures_attente' => 'Signatures awaiting validation',
767 'titre_signatures_confirmees' => 'Confirmed signatures',
768 'titre_statistiques' => 'Site statistics',
769 'titre_titre_document' => 'Document title:',
770 'todo' => 'to come',
771 'trad_reference' => '(reference article)',
773 // Z
774 'zbug_balise_b_aval' => ': B tag too late in loop',
775 'zbug_balise_inexistante' => 'Tag @balise@ wrongly declared for @from@',
776 'zbug_balise_sans_argument' => 'Missing argument in the @balise@ tag',
777 'zbug_boucle' => 'loop',
778 'zbug_boucle_recursive_undef' => 'undefined recursive loop: @nom@',
779 'zbug_calcul' => 'calculation',
780 'zbug_champ_hors_boucle' => 'Field @champ@ outside loop',
781 'zbug_champ_hors_motif' => 'Field @champ@ outside context @motif@',
782 'zbug_code' => 'code',
783 'zbug_critere_inconnu' => 'Unknown criterion @critere@',
784 'zbug_distant_interdit' => 'External data forbidden',
785 'zbug_doublon_table_sans_cle_primaire' => 'Duplicate entries on a table which does not have a simple primary key',
786 'zbug_doublon_table_sans_index' => 'Duplicate entries on a table without an index',
787 'zbug_erreur_boucle_double' => 'Loop @id@: double definition',
788 'zbug_erreur_boucle_fermant' => 'Loop @id@: missing closing tag',
789 'zbug_erreur_boucle_syntaxe' => 'Syntax error in loop (BOUCLE)',
790 'zbug_erreur_compilation' => 'Compilation error',
791 'zbug_erreur_execution_page' => 'Execution error',
792 'zbug_erreur_filtre' => 'Undefined filter @filtre@',
793 'zbug_erreur_meme_parent' => '{meme_parent} only applies to loops (FORUMS) and (RUBRIQUES)',
794 'zbug_erreur_squelette' => 'Error(s) in template',
795 'zbug_hors_compilation' => 'Uncompiled',
796 'zbug_info_erreur_squelette' => '&#1615;Error in the site',
797 'zbug_inversion_ordre_inexistant' => 'Reversion of non-existent order',
798 'zbug_pagination_sans_critere' => '#PAGINATION tag without {pagination} criterion, or used in a recursive loop',
799 'zbug_parametres_inclus_incorrects' => 'Wrong inclusion parameter: @param@',
800 'zbug_profile' => 'Calculation time: @time@',
801 'zbug_resultat' => 'result',
802 'zbug_serveur_indefini' => 'Undefined SQL server',
803 'zbug_statistiques' => 'SQL query statistics in order of duration',
804 'zbug_table_inconnue' => 'Unknown SQL table "@table@"',
805 'zxml_connus_attributs' => 'known attributes',
806 'zxml_de' => 'from',
807 'zxml_inconnu_attribut' => 'unknown attribute',
808 'zxml_inconnu_balise' => 'unknown tag',
809 'zxml_inconnu_entite' => 'unknown entity',
810 'zxml_inconnu_id' => 'unknown ID',
811 'zxml_mais_de' => 'but from',
812 'zxml_non_conforme' => 'not true to the principle',
813 'zxml_non_fils' => 'is not a child of',
814 'zxml_nonvide_balise' => 'tag not empty',
815 'zxml_obligatoire_attribut' => 'required attribute absent in',
816 'zxml_succession_fils_incorrecte' => 'incorrect child inheritance',
817 'zxml_survoler' => 'to see the correct ones, hover with the cursor',
818 'zxml_valeur_attribut' => 'attribute value',
819 'zxml_vide_balise' => 'empty tag',
820 'zxml_vu' => 'seen before'
821 );
823 ?>