Correction : config vim.
[tool/hledger.git] / script / hledger-range-voting.hs
1 #!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
2 {-|
3 hledger-range-voting [-f JOURNALFILE]
5 Perform range voting calculus
6 on the default or specified journal.
7 |-}
9 import Data.List
10 --import Data.List (mapAccumL)
11 import Data.Maybe
12 import Data.Ord
13 import Data.Time.Calendar
14 import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
15 import Text.Printf
16 import qualified Data.Map as Map
18 import Hledger
19 import Hledger.Cli
20 import Hledger.Cli.Options
21 -- import Prelude hiding (putStr)
22 import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (putStr)
25 argsmode :: Mode RawOpts
26 argsmode = (defCommandMode ["range-voting"])
27 { modeHelp = "perform range voting"
28 , modeGroupFlags = Group
29 { groupNamed =
30 [ ("Input",inputflags)
31 , ("Reporting",reportflags)
32 , ("Misc",helpflags)
33 ]
34 , groupUnnamed = []
35 , groupHidden = []
36 }
37 }
40 -- like Register.summarisePostings
41 -- | Print various statistics for the journal.
42 main :: IO ()
43 main = do
44 opts <- getCliOpts argsmode
45 withJournalDo opts $
46 \CliOpts{reportopts_=reportopts_} j -> do
47 d <- getCurrentDay
48 let q = queryFromOpts d reportopts_
49 let l = ledgerFromJournal q j
50 let reportspan = (ledgerDateSpan l) `spanDefaultsFrom` (queryDateSpan False q)
51 let intervalspans = splitSpan (intervalFromOpts reportopts_) reportspan
52 let s = intercalate "\n" $ map (showRangeVoting reportopts_{empty_=True} l d) intervalspans
53 putStr s
55 data Stats =
56 Stats
57 { stats_choice :: String
58 , stats_sum :: Double
59 , stats_blank_count :: Int
60 , stats_null_count :: Int
61 , stats_null_value :: Double
62 , stats_values :: [(Int,Int)]
63 }
64 stats :: Stats
65 stats = Stats
66 { stats_choice = ""
67 , stats_sum = 0.0
68 , stats_blank_count = 0
69 , stats_null_count = 0
70 , stats_null_value = 0.0
71 , stats_values = []
72 }
75 showRangeVoting :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> Day -> DateSpan -> String
76 showRangeVoting ropts l today span =
77 unlines $ map (\(label,value) -> concatBottomPadded [printf fmt1 label, value]) main
78 where
79 fmt1 = "%-" ++ show w1 ++ "s: "
80 -- fmt2 = "%-" ++ show w2 ++ "s"
81 w1 = maximum $ map (length . fst) main
82 -- w2 = maximum $ map (length . show . snd) main
83 main =
84 concat $
85 [ [("Span vote (official)", printf "%s to %s (%d days)" (show $ (tdate opening)) (show $ (tdate2 opening)) votedays)
86 ,("Span vote (actual)", printf "%s to %s (%d days)" (start span) (end span) days)
87 ,("Cardinal", printf "%d" cardinal)
88 ,("Values", "{"++(intercalate "," $ map (printf "%d") values)++"}")
89 ,("Quorum", printf "%d/%d (%f%%)" votesnum votersnum (fromIntegral votesnum*100.0/fromIntegral votersnum::Double))
90 ,("Blanks", printf "%d" $ foldl (\acc t -> acc + stats_blank_count t) 0 stats)
91 ,("Nulls", printf "%d" $ foldl (\acc t -> acc + stats_null_count t) 0 stats)
92 ,("Medians", "")
93 ]
94 , map (\t ->
95 ( printf " - %s" (stats_choice t)
96 , printf "sum: %+.f" (stats_sum t)
97 ) ) medians
98 , [("Choices", printf "%d" nchoices)
99 ]
100 , map
101 (\t ->
102 ( printf " - %s" (stats_choice t)
103 , printf "sum: %+f = %d*(0:blank) + %d*(%+.2f:null) + %s"
104 (stats_sum t)
105 (stats_blank_count t)
106 (stats_null_count t)
107 (stats_null_value t)
108 (intercalate " + " $ map (\(value,sum) -> printf "%d*(%+d)" sum value) (stats_values t))
109 )
110 ) stats
111 --,("Commodities", printf "%s (%s)" (show $ length cs) (intercalate ", " cs))
112 ]
113 where
114 j = ljournal l
115 ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (spanContainsDate span . tdate) $ jtxns j
116 as = nub $ map paccount $ concatMap tpostings ts
117 cs = Map.keys $ canonicalStyles $ concatMap amounts $ map pamount $ concatMap tpostings ts
118 showelapsed Nothing = ""
119 showelapsed (Just days) = printf " (%d %s)" days' direction
120 where days' = abs days
121 direction | days >= 0 = "days ago" :: String
122 | otherwise = "days from now"
123 start (DateSpan (Just d) _) = show d
124 start _ = ""
125 end (DateSpan _ (Just d)) = show d
126 end _ = ""
127 days = fromMaybe 0 $ daysInSpan span
128 votedays = fromMaybe 0 $ daysInSpan
129 (DateSpan
130 (Just (tdate opening))
131 (maybe Nothing Just (tdate2 opening)))
132 acctnum = length as
133 openings = filter ((== "Opening") . tdescription) $ ts
134 opening | null openings = error' "\"Opening\" transaction is missing"
135 | otherwise = head $ openings
136 cardinals = filter ((== "Cardinal") . fst) $ ttags opening
137 cardinal | null cardinals = error' "\"Cardinal\" tag is missing on \"Opening\" transaction"
138 | otherwise = read $ snd $ head $ cardinals :: Int
139 values | (cardinal `mod` 2 == 0) = delete 0 [-cardinal`div`2..cardinal`div`2]
140 | otherwise = [-(cardinal-1)`div`2..(cardinal-1)`div`2]
141 choices =
142 map paccount $
143 filter (isPrefixOf "Choice:" . paccount) $
144 tpostings opening
146 votes = filter ((== "Vote") . tdescription) $ ts
147 stats =
148 sortBy (\a b -> (stats_sum b) `compare` (stats_sum a)) $
149 map (\s ->
150 let mean = fromIntegral (foldl (\acc (v,c) -> acc + (v * c)) 0 (stats_values s)) / fromIntegral (length (stats_values s)) in
151 s
152 { stats_null_value = mean
153 , stats_sum = (stats_sum s) + (mean * fromIntegral (stats_null_count s))
154 }) $
155 foldl (\s vote ->
156 map (\s ->
157 case filter ((== stats_choice s) . paccount) (tpostings vote) of
158 [] -> s { stats_blank_count = stats_blank_count s + 1 }
159 [choice_posting] ->
160 case pamount choice_posting of
161 Mixed [Amount{acommodity="", aquantity=q, aprice=NoPrice}] ->
162 let i = floor q in
163 if snd (properFraction q) == 0.0 && i `elem` values
164 then s
165 { stats_sum = stats_sum s + fromIntegral i
166 , stats_values = map (\(v,c) -> if v == i then (v,c+1) else (v,c)) (stats_values s)
167 }
168 else s { stats_null_count = stats_null_count s + 1 } -- error' $ printf "TODO: null vote: invalid value: %f" q
169 _ -> s { stats_null_count = stats_null_count s + 1 } -- error' "TODO: null vote: too much informations"
170 _ -> s { stats_null_count = stats_null_count s + 1 }
171 )
172 s
173 )
174 [ Stats
175 { stats_choice = choice
176 , stats_sum = 0.0
177 , stats_blank_count = 0
178 , stats_null_count = 0
179 , stats_null_value = 0.0
180 , stats_values = [(value,0) | value<-values]
181 }
182 | choice<-choices ]
183 votes
185 medians =
186 filter (\c -> stats_sum c `elem` medians) stats
187 where medians =
188 if length choices `mod` 2 == 0
189 then map (stats_sum . (!!) stats) [nchoices `div` 2 - 1, nchoices `div` 2 + 1]
190 else map (stats_sum . (!!) stats) [(nchoices - 1) `div` 2]
192 nchoices = length choices
194 -- choicesbalancesropts = ropts{query_="Choice:"}
195 -- choicesbalances = tail $ fst $ balanceReport ropts (queryFromOpts today choicesbalancesropts) j
197 voteras = filter (isPrefixOf "Voter:" . paccount) $ tpostings opening
198 votests = filter ((== "Vote") . tdescription) $ ts
199 votesnum = length votests
200 votersnum = length voteras
201 votechoicesps = filter (isPrefixOf "Choice:" . paccount) $ tpostings opening