[ikiwiki/poll.git] / poll.pm
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 package IkiWiki::Plugin::poll;
4 use warnings;
5 use strict;
6 use IkiWiki 3.00;
7 use Encode;
9 sub import {
10 hook(type => "getsetup", id => "poll", call => \&getsetup);
11 hook(type => "preprocess", id => "poll", call => \&preprocess);
12 hook(type => "scan", id => "poll", call => \&scan);
13 hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => "poll", call => \&sessioncgi);
14 }
16 my %pagenum;
17 sub getsetup () {
18 return
19 plugin =>
20 { safe => 1
21 , rebuild => undef
22 , section => "widget"
23 };
24 }
25 sub scan (@) {
26 my %params = @_;
27 my $page = $params{page};
28 my $content = $params{content};
29 my $prefix = $config{prefix_directives} ? "!poll" : "poll";
30 my $type = IkiWiki::pagetype($pagesources{$page});
31 if (defined $type and $type eq "mdwn") {
32 my %polls = ();
33 while ($content =~ m{(\\?)\[\[\Q$prefix\E(\s+id="([^"]*)")?\s+(.+?)\s*\]\]}gs) {
34 my ($escape, $poll, $directive) = ($1, $3, $4);
35 next if $escape;
36 $poll = '' unless defined $poll;
37 error("poll id=`$poll' must match (|[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*) on page=`$page'")
38 unless $poll =~ m/^(|[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)$/;
39 my %poll = ();
40 while ($directive =~ m/(^|\s+)(\d+)(="([^"]*)")?\s+"?([^"]*)"?/gs) {
41 my ($unknown_votes, $known_votes, $choice) = ($2, $4, $5);
42 my @known_votes = defined $known_votes ? split(/\s+/, $known_votes) : ();
43 $poll{$choice} =
44 { unknown_votes => $unknown_votes
45 , known_votes => \@known_votes
46 };
47 foreach my $user (@known_votes) {
48 my $userpage = linkpage(($config{userdir}?$config{userdir}.'/':'').$user);
49 add_link($page, $userpage);
50 }
51 }
52 error("poll id=`$poll' already exists on page=`$page'")
53 if exists $polls{$poll};
54 $polls{$poll} = \%poll;
55 }
56 $IkiWiki::pagestate{$page}{poll} = \%polls;
57 }
58 }
59 sub preprocess (@) {
60 my %params=
61 ( open => "yes"
62 , total => "yes"
63 , percent => "yes"
64 , expandable => "no"
65 , @_ );
67 my $open=IkiWiki::yesno($params{open});
68 my $showtotal=IkiWiki::yesno($params{total});
69 my $showpercent=IkiWiki::yesno($params{percent});
70 my $expandable=IkiWiki::yesno($params{expandable});
71 my $num=++$pagenum{$params{page}}{$params{destpage}};
73 my %choices;
74 my @choices;
75 my $total=0;
76 while (@_) {
77 my $unknown_votes = shift;
78 my $known_votes = shift;
79 next
80 unless $unknown_votes =~ /^\d+$/;
81 my @users = $known_votes ? split(/\s+/, $known_votes) : ();
82 my $choice = shift;
83 shift;
84 my $tot = ($unknown_votes + @users);
85 $choices{$choice} =
86 { unknown_votes => $unknown_votes
87 , users => \@users
88 , total => $tot
89 };
90 push @choices, $choice;
91 $total += $tot;
92 }
93 use URI::Escape;
94 my $uri_page = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($params{page}, '^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/');
95 my $ret="";
96 foreach my $choice (@choices) {
97 if ($open && exists $config{cgiurl}) {
98 # use POST to avoid robots
99 $ret.="<form method=\"POST\" action=\"".IkiWiki::cgiurl()."\">\n";
100 }
101 $ret.="<dt class='choice'>";
102 my $percent = $total > 0 ? int($choices{$choice}{total} / $total * 100) : 0;
103 my $votes = $choices{$choice}{total};
104 $votes .= '/'.$total
105 if $showtotal;
106 $votes .= " ($percent%)"
107 if $showpercent;
108 if (@{$choices{$choice}{users}} > 0) {
109 $votes .= " : ".join(', ', map {
110 my $userpage = linkpage(($config{userdir}?$config{userdir}.'/':'').$_);
111 htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, '/'.$userpage, linktext => pagetitle($_))
112 } @{$choices{$choice}{users}});
113 $votes .= " + ".$choices{$choice}{unknown_votes}." "
114 . ($choices{$choice}{unknown_votes} > 1 ? gettext("unknowns") : gettext("unknown"))
115 if $choices{$choice}{unknown_votes};
116 }
117 else {
118 $votes .= " : ".($choices{$choice}{unknown_votes}." ".gettext("unknowns"))
119 if $choices{$choice}{unknown_votes};
120 }
121 if ($open && exists $config{cgiurl}) {
122 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"poll\" />\n";
123 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"num\" value=\"$num\" />\n";
124 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$uri_page\" />\n";
125 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"choice\" value=\"$choice\" />\n";
126 $ret.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".gettext("vote")."\" />\n";
127 }
128 $ret.="<span class='description'>$choice</span>";
129 $ret.="</dt>";
130 $ret.="<dd class='votes'>";
131 $ret.=$votes;
132 $ret.="<hr class='poll' align=left width=\"$percent%\"/>\n";
133 if ($open && exists $config{cgiurl}) {
134 $ret.="</form>\n";
135 }
136 $ret.="</dd>\n";
137 }
139 if ($expandable && $open && exists $config{cgiurl}) {
140 $ret.="<dt>";
141 $ret.="<form method=\"POST\" action=\"".IkiWiki::cgiurl()."\">\n";
142 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"poll\" />\n";
143 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"num\" value=\"$num\" />\n";
144 $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$uri_page\" />\n";
145 $ret.=gettext("Write in").": <input name=\"choice\" size=50 />\n";
146 $ret.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".gettext("vote")."\" />\n";
147 $ret.="</dt>\n";
148 $ret.="<dd>";
149 $ret.="</dd>\n";
150 $ret.="</form>\n";
151 $ret.="</p>\n";
152 }
153 return "<dl class='poll'>$ret</dl>";
154 }
155 sub sessioncgi ($$) {
156 my $cgi=shift;
157 my $session=shift;
158 if (defined $cgi->param('do') && $cgi->param('do') eq "poll") {
159 my $choice=decode_utf8($cgi->param('choice'));
160 if (! defined $choice || not length $choice) {
161 error("no choice specified");
162 }
163 my $num=$cgi->param('num');
164 if (! defined $num) {
165 error("no num specified");
166 }
167 my $page=Encode::decode_utf8(URI::Escape::uri_unescape(IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($cgi->param('page'))));
168 if (! defined $page || ! exists $pagesources{$page}) {
169 use Data::Dumper;
170 error("bad page name");
171 }
173 # Did they vote before? If so, let them change their vote,
174 # and check for dups.
175 my $choice_param="poll_choice_${page}_$num";
176 my $oldchoice=$session->param($choice_param);
177 #if (defined $oldchoice && $oldchoice eq $choice) {
178 # # Same vote; no-op.
179 # IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page));
180 # exit;
181 # }
182 my $prefix=$config{prefix_directives} ? "!poll" : "poll";
183 my $content=readfile(srcfile($pagesources{$page}));
184 # Now parse the content, find the right poll,
185 # and find the choice within it, and increment its number.
186 # If they voted before, decrement that one.
187 my $edit=sub {
188 my $escape=shift;
189 my $params=shift;
190 return $params
191 if $escape;
192 if (--$num == 0) {
193 my $vote = sub {
194 my ($action, $unknown_votes, $known_votes) = @_;
195 my $user = $session->param("name");
196 my %users;
197 foreach (split(/\s+/, $known_votes)) {
198 $users{$_} = 1;
199 }
200 if ($action eq 'add') {
201 if (defined $user) {
202 if (exists $users{$user} or (defined $oldchoice and $oldchoice eq $choice)) {
203 delete $users{$user};
204 $known_votes = join(' ', sort {lc $a <=> lc $b} (keys %users));
205 }
206 else {
207 $known_votes = join(' ', sort {lc $a <=> lc $b} ($user, keys %users));
208 }
209 }
210 else {
211 $unknown_votes += 1;
212 }
213 }
214 elsif ($action eq 'del') {
215 if (defined $user) {
216 if (exists $users{$user}) {
217 delete $users{$user};
218 $known_votes = join(' ', sort {lc $a <=> lc $b} (keys %users));
219 }
220 }
221 else {
222 $unknown_votes = ($unknown_votes-1 >=0 ? $unknown_votes-1 : 0);
223 }
224 }
225 return $unknown_votes.($known_votes?"=\"$known_votes\"":"")
226 };
227 if ($params=~s/(^|\s+)(\d+)(="([^"]*)")?(\s+)"?\Q$choice\E"?(\s+|$)/$1.$vote->('add', $2, $4)."$5\"$choice\"".$6/es) {
228 }
229 elsif ($params=~/expandable=(\w+)/
230 & &IkiWiki::yesno($1)) {
231 $choice=~s/["\]\n\r]//g;
232 $params.=" 1 \"$choice\""
233 if length $choice;
234 }
235 if (defined $oldchoice and not ($oldchoice eq $choice)) {
236 $params=~s/(^|\s+)(\d+)(="([^"]*)")?(\s+)"?\Q$oldchoice\E"?(\s+|$)/$1.$vote->('del', $2, $4)."$5\"$oldchoice\"".$6/es;
237 }
238 }
239 return "$params";
240 };
241 my $id='';
242 $content =~ s{(\\?)\[\[\Q$prefix\E(\s+id="([^"]*)")?(\s+)(.+?)(\s*)\]\]}{$id=$3;$1.'[['.$prefix.$2.$4.$edit->($1, $5).$6.']]'}gse;
244 # Store their vote, update the page, and redirect to it.
245 writefile($pagesources{$page}, $config{srcdir}, $content);
246 if (defined $oldchoice and $choice eq $oldchoice) {
247 $session->param($choice_param, undef);
248 # TOTRY: $session->clear($choice_param);
249 }
250 else {
251 $session->param($choice_param, $choice);
252 }
253 IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
254 if ($config{rcs}) {
255 IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook();
256 IkiWiki::rcs_commit
257 ( file => $pagesources{$page}
258 , message => "poll vote: id=$id: $choice"
259 , session => $session
260 , token => IkiWiki::rcs_prepedit($pagesources{$page})
261 );
262 IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook();
263 IkiWiki::rcs_update();
264 }
265 require IkiWiki::Render;
266 IkiWiki::refresh();
267 IkiWiki::saveindex();
268 # Need to set cookie in same http response that does the redir.
269 eval q{use CGI::Cookie};
270 error($@) if $@;
271 my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new
272 ( -name => $session->name
273 , -value => $session->id );
274 print $cgi->redirect
275 ( -cookie => $cookie
276 , -url => urlto($page) );
277 exit;
278 }
279 }
280 package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
281 sub match_poll ($$;@) {
282 my ($page, $match, %params) = @_;
283 my $polls = $IkiWiki::pagestate{$page}{poll};
284 if (defined $polls and %$polls) {
285 my ($match_poll, $match_user, $match_choice) = $match =~ m/^id=(.*?) user=(.*?) choice=(.*?)$/;
286 if (exists $polls->{$match_poll}) {
287 my %poll = %{$polls->{$match_poll}};
288 my $match_user_re = IkiWiki::glob2re($match_user?$match_user:'*');
289 my $match_choice_re = IkiWiki::glob2re($match_choice?$match_choice:'*');
290 while (my ($choice, $data) = each %poll) {
291 next unless $choice =~ $match_choice_re;
292 if ($match_user eq '') {
293 if ($data->{unknown_votes} > 0) {
294 return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("unkown user has voted for choice=`$choice'", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
295 }
296 else {
297 return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no unkown user has voted for choice=`$choice'", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
298 }
299 }
300 else {
301 foreach my $user (@{$data->{known_votes}}) {
302 next unless $user =~ $match_user_re;
303 return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user=`$user' has voted for choice=`$choice'", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no user=`$match_user' has voted for choice=`$match_choice'", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
308 }
309 else {
310 return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no poll id=`$match_poll'", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
311 }
312 }
313 else {
314 return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no poll", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT);
315 }
316 }
318 1;