[DATA] -no need to import some datas now
[burette/velocampus_nantes.git] / view / bikecoop.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <openerp>
3 <data>
4 <record id="view_bikecoop_l10n_fr_members_form" model="ir.ui.view">
5 <field name="name">res.partner.form</field>
6 <field name="model">res.partner</field>
7 <field name="inherit_id" ref="bikecoop.view_bikecoop_members_form"/>
8 <field name="arch" type="xml">
9 <xpath expr="//field[@name='nationality_id']" position="replace">
10 <field name="nationality_id" placeholder="France"/>
11 </xpath>
12 <field name="mobile" position="replace"/>
13 <xpath expr="//field[@name='occupation_id']" position="after">
14 <field name="highschool_years" />
15 </xpath>
16 <xpath expr="//label[@string='Want to be volunteer in ...']" position="replace">
17 </xpath>
18 <xpath expr="//field[@name='volunteer_ids']" position="replace">
19 <group>
20 <field name="is_volunteer" string="Do you want to be volunteer?"/>
21 </group>
22 <label for="volunteer_ids" string="Want to be volunteer in …" attrs="{'invisible': [('is_volunteer','=', False)]}"/>
23 <field name="volunteer_ids" attrs="{'invisible': [('is_volunteer','=', False)]}" domain="[('domain','=', 'volunteer')]" context="{'tree_view_ref': 'bikecoop.view_themes_simple_tree'}">
24 <tree string="Volunteer activities">
25 <field name="name"/>
26 </tree>
27 </field>
28 </xpath>
29 </field>
30 </record>
31 </data>
32 </openerp>