[PLUGINS] ~maj globale
[lhc/web/www.git] / www / plugins / formidable / lang / formidable_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/formidable?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) {
7 return;
8 }
10 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
12 // A
13 'activer_pages_explication' => 'By default, public pages of the forms are not allowed',
14 'activer_pages_label' => 'Allow creation of public pages for the forms.',
15 'admin_reponses_auteur' => 'Allow forms author to modify the answers',
16 'admin_reponses_auteur_explication' => 'Only administrators can normally modify the answers filled in a form (to the bin, published, proposed to evaluation). This option allows the author of a form to modify the status (with the risk to alterate potentiall statistics)
17 ',
18 'analyse_avec_reponse' => 'Non-empty answers',
19 'analyse_exclure_champs_explication' => 'Insert the name of the fields to exclude, separated by <code>|</code>. Do not insert <code>@</code>.
21 ',
22 'analyse_exclure_champs_label' => 'Fields to exclude',
23 'analyse_exporter' => 'Export analysis',
24 'analyse_longueur_moyenne' => 'Average number in words length',
25 'analyse_nb_reponses_total' => '@nb@ people responded to this form.',
26 'analyse_sans_reponse' => 'Stayed unanswered',
27 'analyse_une_reponse_total' => 'One person responded to this form.',
28 'analyse_zero_reponse_total' => 'No one responded to this form.',
29 'aucun_traitement' => 'No treatment',
30 'autoriser_admin_restreint' => 'Allow restricted administrators to create and modify forms',
31 'autoriser_admin_restreint_explication' => 'By default, only administrators have access to the creation and modification of forms',
33 // B
34 'bouton_formulaires' => 'Forms',
35 'bouton_revert_formulaire' => 'Back to the last saved version',
37 // C
38 'cfg_analyse_classe_explication' => 'You can specify CSS classes that will be added on the container of each graph, such as
39 <code>gray</code>,<code>blue</code>,
40 <code>orange</code>, <code>green</code> or whatever you like!',
41 'cfg_analyse_classe_label' => 'CSS class of the progress bar',
42 'cfg_titre_page_configurer_formidable' => 'Configure Formidable',
43 'cfg_titre_parametrages_analyse' => 'Settings in the answers analysis',
44 'champs' => 'Fields',
45 'changer_statut' => 'This form is:',
47 // E
48 'echanger_formulaire_forms_importer' => 'Forms & Tables (.xml)',
49 'echanger_formulaire_wcs_importer' => 'W.C.S. (.wcs)',
50 'echanger_formulaire_yaml_importer' => 'Formidable (.yaml)',
51 'editer_apres_choix_formulaire' => 'The form, again',
52 'editer_apres_choix_redirige' => 'Redirect to a new address',
53 'editer_apres_choix_rien' => 'Nothing',
54 'editer_apres_choix_stats' => 'Answers statistics',
55 'editer_apres_choix_valeurs' => 'The entered values',
56 'editer_apres_explication' => 'After validation, display instead of the form:',
57 'editer_apres_label' => 'Display then',
58 'editer_descriptif' => 'Description',
59 'editer_descriptif_explication' => 'An explanation of the form for the private area.',
60 'editer_identifiant' => 'Login',
61 'editer_identifiant_explication' => 'Give a single textual identifier that allows you to call the form more easily.',
62 'editer_menu_auteurs' => 'Configure authors',
63 'editer_menu_champs' => 'Configure the fields',
64 'editer_menu_formulaire' => 'Configure the form',
65 'editer_menu_traitements' => 'Configure the treatments',
66 'editer_message_erreur_unicite_explication' => 'If you leave this field empty, the Formidable default error message will be shown',
67 'editer_message_erreur_unicite_label' => 'Error message when a field is not unique',
68 'editer_message_ok' => 'Return message',
69 'editer_message_ok_explication' => 'You can customize the message that will be displayed to the user after submitting a valid form.',
70 'editer_modifier_formulaire' => 'Modify the form',
71 'editer_nouveau' => 'New form',
72 'editer_redirige_url' => 'Forwarding address after validation',
73 'editer_redirige_url_explication' => 'Leave blank if you want to stay on the same page',
74 'editer_resume_reponse' => 'Display summary of the response',
75 'editer_resume_reponse_explication' => '
76 This string is used to display a summary of each reply in the lists. Fields such as <tt>@input_1@</tt> will be replaced as indicated by the following reminder',
77 'editer_titre' => 'Title',
78 'editer_unicite_explication' => 'Save the form only if a field is unique',
79 'editer_unicite_label' => 'Verify that this field is unique',
80 'erreur_autorisation' => 'You do not have the right to edit the website forms',
81 'erreur_base' => 'An error occurred as the data was being saved.',
82 'erreur_generique' => 'There are errors in the fields below. Please check.',
83 'erreur_identifiant' => 'This login is already used.',
84 'erreur_identifiant_format' => 'The ID can only contain numbers, letters and "_" character',
85 'erreur_importer_forms' => 'Error while importing the Forms&Tables form',
86 'erreur_importer_wcs' => 'Error while importing the W.C.S form',
87 'erreur_importer_yaml' => 'Error while importing the YAML file',
88 'erreur_inexistant' => 'This form doesn’t exist.',
89 'erreur_unicite' => 'This value is already in use',
90 'exporter_formulaire_format_label' => 'File format',
91 'exporter_formulaire_statut_label' => 'Answers',
93 // F
94 'formulaire_anonyme_explication' => 'This form is anonymous; meaning that the user’s identity won’t be recorded.',
95 'formulaires_aucun' => 'There is no form for now',
96 'formulaires_aucun_champ' => 'There is currently no entry field for this form.',
97 'formulaires_dupliquer' => 'Duplicate the form',
98 'formulaires_dupliquer_copie' => '(copy)',
99 'formulaires_introduction' => 'Create and configure forms on your site here.',
100 'formulaires_nouveau' => 'Create a new form',
101 'formulaires_supprimer' => 'Delete the form',
102 'formulaires_supprimer_confirmation' => 'Beware, it will also remove all the results. Are you sure you want to delete this form?',
103 'formulaires_tous' => 'All forms',
105 // I
106 'identification_par_cookie' => 'By cookie',
107 'identification_par_id_auteur' => 'By login (id_auteur) of the authenticated person',
108 'importer_formulaire' => 'Import a form',
109 'importer_formulaire_fichier_label' => 'File to import',
110 'importer_formulaire_format_label' => 'File format',
111 'info_1_formulaire' => '1 form',
112 'info_1_reponse' => '1 answer',
113 'info_aucun_formulaire' => 'No form',
114 'info_aucune_reponse' => 'No answer',
115 'info_formulaire_refuse' => 'Archived',
116 'info_formulaire_utilise_par' => 'Form used by:',
117 'info_nb_formulaires' => '@nb@ forms',
118 'info_nb_reponses' => '@nb@ answers',
119 'info_reponse_proposee' => 'To moderate',
120 'info_reponse_proposees' => 'To moderate',
121 'info_reponse_publiee' => 'Validated',
122 'info_reponse_publiees' => 'Validated',
123 'info_reponse_supprimee' => 'Deleted',
124 'info_reponse_supprimees' => 'Deleted',
125 'info_reponse_toutes' => 'All',
126 'info_utilise_1_formulaire' => 'Form used:',
127 'info_utilise_nb_formulaires' => 'Forms used:',
129 // M
130 'modele_label_formulaire_formidable' => 'Which form ?',
131 'modele_nom_formulaire' => 'one form',
133 // N
134 'noisette_label_afficher_titre_formulaire' => 'Dispaly the title of the form ?',
135 'noisette_label_identifiant' => 'Form to display :',
136 'noisette_nom_noisette_formulaire' => 'Form',
138 // R
139 'reponse_aucune' => 'No answer',
140 'reponse_intro' => '@auteur@ answered to the form @formulaire@',
141 'reponse_numero' => 'Answer number :',
142 'reponse_statut' => 'This answer is :',
143 'reponse_supprimer' => 'Delete this reply',
144 'reponse_supprimer_confirmation' => 'Do you really wish to delete this reply?',
145 'reponse_une' => '1 reply',
146 'reponses_analyse' => 'Answer analysis',
147 'reponses_anonyme' => 'Anonymous',
148 'reponses_auteur' => 'User',
149 'reponses_exporter' => 'Export the answers',
150 'reponses_exporter_format_csv' => 'Spreadsheet.CSV',
151 'reponses_exporter_format_xls' => 'Excel .XLS',
152 'reponses_exporter_statut_publie' => 'Published',
153 'reponses_exporter_statut_tout' => 'All',
154 'reponses_exporter_telecharger' => 'Download',
155 'reponses_ip' => 'IP address',
156 'reponses_liste' => 'Answers list',
157 'reponses_liste_prop' => 'Answers pending for validation',
158 'reponses_liste_publie' => 'All validated answers',
159 'reponses_nb' => '@nb@ answers',
160 'reponses_supprimer' => 'Delete all the answers to this form', # MODIF
161 'reponses_supprimer_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all answers to this form?',
162 'reponses_voir_detail' => 'See the answer',
163 'retour_aucun_traitement' => 'Your reply was accepted. But as the function of the form has not yet been configured, nothing was done with your data!',
165 // S
166 'sans_reponses' => 'Unanswered',
168 // T
169 'texte_statut_poubelle' => 'deleted',
170 'texte_statut_propose_evaluation' => 'proposed',
171 'texte_statut_publie' => 'validated',
172 'texte_statut_refuse' => 'archived',
173 'titre_cadre_raccourcis' => 'Shortcuts',
174 'titre_formulaires_archives' => 'Archives',
175 'titre_reponses' => 'Answers',
176 'traitements_actives' => 'Activated treatments',
177 'traitements_aide_memoire' => 'List of shortcuts:',
178 'traitements_avertissement_creation' => 'Changes to the form fields have been successfully saved. You can now define which treatments will be performed when using the form.',
179 'traitements_avertissement_modification' => 'Changes to the form fields have been successfully saved. <strong>Some treatments may need to be reconfigured accordingly.</ strong>',
180 'traitements_champ_aucun' => 'None',
181 'traiter_email_description' => 'Post the form results by email to a list of recipients.',
182 'traiter_email_horodatage' => 'Form "@formulaire@" sent on @date@ at @heure@.',
183 'traiter_email_message_erreur' => 'An error occurred when sending the email.',
184 'traiter_email_message_ok' => 'Your message has been successfully sent by email.',
185 'traiter_email_option_activer_accuse_label' => 'Acknowledgement of receipt',
186 'traiter_email_option_activer_accuse_label_case' => 'Also send an email to the sender with a confirmation message.',
187 'traiter_email_option_courriel_envoyeur_accuse_explication' => 'Specify the email used to send the acknowledgment. Otherwise, the recipient will be the sender.',
188 'traiter_email_option_courriel_envoyeur_accuse_label' => 'Email of the acknowledgement of receipt',
189 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_champ_form_explication' => 'If one of the fields is an email address and you want to send the form to this address, select the field.',
190 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_champ_form_label' => 'The recipient is in one of the fields of the forms',
191 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_explication' => 'Choose the field that corresponds to the message recipients.',
192 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_label' => 'Recipients',
193 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_plus_explication' => 'A list of addresses separated by commas.',
194 'traiter_email_option_destinataires_plus_label' => 'Extra recipients',
195 'traiter_email_option_envoyeur_courriel_explication' => 'Select the field that will contain the email address of the sender.',
196 'traiter_email_option_envoyeur_courriel_label' => 'Sender Email',
197 'traiter_email_option_envoyeur_nom_explication' => 'Build this name using the @raccourcis@ (see the notes). If you enter nothing, it will be the name of the site.',
198 'traiter_email_option_envoyeur_nom_label' => 'Name of sender',
199 'traiter_email_option_nom_envoyeur_accuse_explication' => 'Specify the name of the sender used to send the acknowledgment. Otherwise, the recipient will be the sender.',
200 'traiter_email_option_nom_envoyeur_accuse_label' => 'Name of the sender of the acknowledgment',
201 'traiter_email_option_sujet_accuse_label' => 'Subject of the acknowledgement of receipt',
202 'traiter_email_option_sujet_explication' => 'Build topic using @raccourcis@. If you enter nothing, the subject will be built automatically.',
203 'traiter_email_option_sujet_label' => 'Message subject',
204 'traiter_email_option_vrai_envoyeur_explication' => 'Some SMTP servers do not allow to use arbitrary email for the "From" field. For this reason Formidable inserts the default email sender in the "Reply-To". Tick here to insert the email in the "From" field.',
205 'traiter_email_option_vrai_envoyeur_label' => 'Insert email of the sender in the "From" field',
206 'traiter_email_page' => '<a href="@url@">From this page</a>.',
207 'traiter_email_sujet' => '@nom@ has written to you.',
208 'traiter_email_sujet_accuse' => 'Thank you for you reply.',
209 'traiter_email_titre' => 'Send by email',
210 'traiter_email_url_enregistrement' => 'You can manage the answers <a href="@url@">on this page</a>.',
211 'traiter_enregistrement_description' => 'Saves the form results in the database',
212 'traiter_enregistrement_erreur_base' => 'An error occurred while writing to the database',
213 'traiter_enregistrement_erreur_deja_repondu' => 'You have already filled in this form.',
214 'traiter_enregistrement_erreur_edition_reponse_inexistante' => 'The answer to edit can not be found.',
215 'traiter_enregistrement_message_ok' => 'Thanks. Your answers have been correctly saved',
216 'traiter_enregistrement_option_anonymiser_explication' => 'Results anonymous (don’t keep any tracks of user who have answered).',
217 'traiter_enregistrement_option_anonymiser_label' => 'Anonymize form',
218 'traiter_enregistrement_option_anonymiser_variable_explication' => 'What system variable used to calculate a single value for each author without revealing his identity.',
219 'traiter_enregistrement_option_anonymiser_variable_label' => 'Variable from witch the form will be anonymized',
220 'traiter_enregistrement_option_auteur' => 'Link authors to the forms',
221 'traiter_enregistrement_option_auteur_explication' => 'Bind one or more authors to a form. If activated, this option prevents anyone except the author(s) to access form’s configuration or results.',
222 'traiter_enregistrement_option_choix_select_label' => 'Select a variable from the available',
223 'traiter_enregistrement_option_identification_explication' => 'If the answers can be changed, which method is used first to know the answer to modify ?',
224 'traiter_enregistrement_option_identification_label' => 'Identification',
225 'traiter_enregistrement_option_ip_label' => 'Record IPs (hidden after a period of retention)',
226 'traiter_enregistrement_option_moderation_label' => 'Moderation',
227 'traiter_enregistrement_option_modifiable_explication' => 'Editable: Visitors can change their answers afterwards.',
228 'traiter_enregistrement_option_modifiable_label' => 'Answers can be modified',
229 'traiter_enregistrement_option_multiple_explication' => 'Multiple: A single person may answer several times.',
230 'traiter_enregistrement_option_multiple_label' => 'Multiple answers',
231 'traiter_enregistrement_titre' => 'Record the results',
233 // V
234 'voir_exporter' => 'Export the form',
235 'voir_numero' => 'Form number :',
236 'voir_reponses' => 'See the answers',
237 'voir_traitements' => 'Treatments'
238 );