PHPUnit_TestCase( $name ); } function setUp() { } function tearDown() { } function testAscii() { $text = 'This is plain ASCII text.'; $this->assertEquals( $text, UtfNormal::cleanUp( $text ) ); } function testNull() { $text = "a \x00 null"; $expect = "a \xef\xbf\xbd null"; $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $expect ), bin2hex( UtfNormal::cleanUp( $text ) ) ); } function testLatin() { $text = "L'\xc3\xa9cole"; $this->assertEquals( $text, UtfNormal::cleanUp( $text ) ); } function testLatinNormal() { $text = "L'e\xcc\x81cole"; $expect = "L'\xc3\xa9cole"; $this->assertEquals( $expect, UtfNormal::cleanUp( $text ) ); } # This test is *very* expensive! function XtestAllChars() { $rep = UTF8_REPLACEMENT; global $utfCanonicalComp, $utfCanonicalDecomp; for( $i = 0x0; $i < UNICODE_MAX; $i++ ) { $char = codepointToUtf8( $i ); $clean = UtfNormal::cleanUp( $char ); $x = sprintf( "%04X", $i ); if( $i % 0x1000 == 0 ) echo "U+$x\n"; if( $i == 0x0009 || $i == 0x000a || $i == 0x000d || ($i > 0x001f && $i < UNICODE_SURROGATE_FIRST) || ($i > UNICODE_SURROGATE_LAST && $i < 0xfdd0 ) || ($i > 0xfdef && $i < 0xfffe ) || ($i > 0xffff && $i <= UNICODE_MAX ) ) { if( isset( $utfCanonicalComp[$char] ) || isset( $utfCanonicalDecomp[$char] ) ) { $comp = UtfNormal::NFC( $char ); $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $comp ), bin2hex( $clean ), "U+$x should be decomposed" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $char ), bin2hex( $clean ), "U+$x should be intact" ); } } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $rep ), bin2hex( $clean ), $x ); } } } function testAllBytes() { $this->doTestBytes( '', '' ); $this->doTestBytes( 'x', '' ); $this->doTestBytes( '', 'x' ); $this->doTestBytes( 'x', 'x' ); } function doTestBytes( $head, $tail ) { for( $i = 0x0; $i < 256; $i++ ) { $char = $head . chr( $i ) . $tail; $clean = UtfNormal::cleanUp( $char ); $x = sprintf( "%02X", $i ); if( $i == 0x0009 || $i == 0x000a || $i == 0x000d || ($i > 0x001f && $i < 0x80) ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $char ), bin2hex( $clean ), "ASCII byte $x should be intact" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden byte $x should be rejected" ); } } } function testDoubleBytes() { $this->doTestDoubleBytes( '', '' ); $this->doTestDoubleBytes( 'x', '' ); $this->doTestDoubleBytes( '', 'x' ); $this->doTestDoubleBytes( 'x', 'x' ); } function doTestDoubleBytes( $head, $tail ) { for( $first = 0xc0; $first < 0x100; $first++ ) { for( $second = 0x80; $second < 0x100; $second++ ) { $char = $head . chr( $first ) . chr( $second ) . $tail; $clean = UtfNormal::cleanUp( $char ); $x = sprintf( "%02X,%02X", $first, $second ); if( $first > 0xc1 && $first < 0xe0 && $second < 0xc0 ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( UtfNormal::NFC( $char ) ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Pair $x should be intact" ); } elseif( $first > 0xfd || $second > 0xbf ) { # fe and ff are not legal head bytes -- expect two replacement chars $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden pair $x should be rejected" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden pair $x should be rejected" ); } } } } function testTripleBytes() { $this->doTestTripleBytes( '', '' ); #$this->doTestTripleBytes( 'x', '' ); #$this->doTestTripleBytes( '', 'x' ); #$this->doTestTripleBytes( 'x', 'x' ); } function doTestTripleBytes( $head, $tail ) { for( $first = 0xc0; $first < 0x100; $first++ ) { for( $second = 0x80; $second < 0x100; $second++ ) { #for( $third = 0x80; $third < 0x100; $third++ ) { for( $third = 0x80; $third < 0x81; $third++ ) { $char = $head . chr( $first ) . chr( $second ) . chr( $third ) . $tail; $clean = UtfNormal::cleanUp( $char ); $x = sprintf( "%02X,%02X,%02X", $first, $second, $third ); if( $first >= 0xe0 && $first < 0xf0 && $second < 0xc0 && $third < 0xc0 ) { if( $first == 0xe0 && $second < 0xa0 ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( UTF8_REPLACEMENT ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Overlong triplet $x should be rejected" ); } elseif( $first == 0xed && ( chr( $first ) . chr( $second ) . chr( $third )) >= UTF8_SURROGATE_FIRST ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( UTF8_REPLACEMENT ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Surrogate triplet $x should be rejected" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( UtfNormal::NFC( $char ) ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Triplet $x should be intact" ); } } elseif( $first > 0xc1 && $first < 0xe0 && $second < 0xc0 ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UtfNormal::NFC( chr( $first ) . chr( $second ) ) . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Valid 2-byte $x + broken tail" ); } elseif( $second > 0xc1 && $second < 0xe0 && $third < 0xc0 ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . UtfNormal::NFC( chr( $second ) . chr( $third ) ) . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Broken head + valid 2-byte $x" ); } elseif( $first > 0xfd && ( ( $second > 0xbf && $third > 0xbf ) || ($second < 0xc0 && $third < 0xc0 ) || ($second > 0xfd ) || ($third > 0xfd) ) ) { # fe and ff are not legal head bytes -- expect three replacement chars $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden triplet $x should be rejected" ); } elseif( $second < 0xc0 && $second < 0xc0 ) { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden triplet $x should be rejected" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( bin2hex( $head . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . UTF8_REPLACEMENT . $tail ), bin2hex( $clean ), "Forbidden triplet $x should be rejected" ); } } } } } } $suite =& new PHPUnit_TestSuite( 'CleanUpTest' ); $result = PHPUnit::run( $suite ); echo $result->toString(); ?>