assertRequiredOptions( self::$applyDefaultConfigOptions ); global $wgCommandLineMode; $typesWithSchema = self::getDbTypesWithSchemas(); $lbConf += [ 'localDomain' => new DatabaseDomain( $options->get( 'DBname' ), $options->get( 'DBmwschema' ), $options->get( 'DBprefix' ) ), 'profiler' => function ( $section ) { return Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( $section ); }, 'trxProfiler' => Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler(), 'replLogger' => LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DBReplication' ), 'queryLogger' => LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DBQuery' ), 'connLogger' => LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DBConnection' ), 'perfLogger' => LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DBPerformance' ), 'errorLogger' => [ MWExceptionHandler::class, 'logException' ], 'deprecationLogger' => [ static::class, 'logDeprecation' ], 'cliMode' => $wgCommandLineMode, 'hostname' => wfHostname(), 'readOnlyReason' => $readOnlyMode->getReason(), 'defaultGroup' => $options->get( 'DBDefaultGroup' ), ]; $serversCheck = []; // When making changes here, remember to also specify MediaWiki-specific options // for Database classes in the relevant Installer subclass. // Such as MysqlInstaller::openConnection and PostgresInstaller::openConnectionWithParams. if ( $lbConf['class'] === Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::class ) { if ( isset( $lbConf['servers'] ) ) { // Server array is already explicitly configured } elseif ( is_array( $options->get( 'DBservers' ) ) ) { $lbConf['servers'] = []; foreach ( $options->get( 'DBservers' ) as $i => $server ) { $lbConf['servers'][$i] = self::initServerInfo( $server, $options ); } } else { $server = self::initServerInfo( [ 'host' => $options->get( 'DBserver' ), 'user' => $options->get( 'DBuser' ), 'password' => $options->get( 'DBpassword' ), 'dbname' => $options->get( 'DBname' ), 'type' => $options->get( 'DBtype' ), 'load' => 1 ], $options ); $server['flags'] |= $options->get( 'DBssl' ) ? DBO_SSL : 0; $server['flags'] |= $options->get( 'DBcompress' ) ? DBO_COMPRESS : 0; $lbConf['servers'] = [ $server ]; } if ( !isset( $lbConf['externalClusters'] ) ) { $lbConf['externalClusters'] = $options->get( 'ExternalServers' ); } $serversCheck = $lbConf['servers']; } elseif ( $lbConf['class'] === Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactoryMulti::class ) { if ( isset( $lbConf['serverTemplate'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $lbConf['serverTemplate']['type'], $typesWithSchema, true ) ) { $lbConf['serverTemplate']['schema'] = $options->get( 'DBmwschema' ); } $lbConf['serverTemplate']['sqlMode'] = $options->get( 'SQLMode' ); } $serversCheck = [ $lbConf['serverTemplate'] ] ?? []; } self::assertValidServerConfigs( $serversCheck, $options->get( 'DBname' ), $options->get( 'DBprefix' ) ); $lbConf = self::injectObjectCaches( $lbConf, $srvCace, $mainStash, $wanCache ); return $lbConf; } /** * @return array */ private static function getDbTypesWithSchemas() { return [ 'postgres', 'msssql' ]; } /** * @param array $server * @param ServiceOptions $options * @return array */ private static function initServerInfo( array $server, ServiceOptions $options ) { if ( $server['type'] === 'sqlite' ) { $httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? null; // T93097: hint for how file-based databases (e.g. sqlite) should go about locking. // See // See $isHttpRead = in_array( $httpMethod, [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' ] ); $server += [ 'dbDirectory' => $options->get( 'SQLiteDataDir' ), 'trxMode' => $isHttpRead ? 'DEFERRED' : 'IMMEDIATE' ]; } elseif ( $server['type'] === 'postgres' ) { $server += [ 'port' => $options->get( 'DBport' ), // Work around the reserved word usage in MediaWiki schema 'keywordTableMap' => [ 'user' => 'mwuser', 'text' => 'pagecontent' ] ]; } elseif ( $server['type'] === 'oracle' ) { $server += [ // Work around the reserved word usage in MediaWiki schema 'keywordTableMap' => [ 'user' => 'mwuser', 'text' => 'pagecontent' ] ]; } elseif ( $server['type'] === 'mssql' ) { $server += [ 'port' => $options->get( 'DBport' ), 'useWindowsAuth' => $options->get( 'DBWindowsAuthentication' ) ]; } if ( in_array( $server['type'], self::getDbTypesWithSchemas(), true ) ) { $server += [ 'schema' => $options->get( 'DBmwschema' ) ]; } $flags = DBO_DEFAULT; $flags |= $options->get( 'DebugDumpSql' ) ? DBO_DEBUG : 0; if ( $server['type'] === 'oracle' ) { $flags |= $options->get( 'DBOracleDRCP' ) ? DBO_PERSISTENT : 0; } $server += [ 'tablePrefix' => $options->get( 'DBprefix' ), 'flags' => $flags, 'sqlMode' => $options->get( 'SQLMode' ), ]; return $server; } /** * @param array $lbConf * @param BagOStuff $sCache * @param BagOStuff $mStash * @param WANObjectCache $wCache * @return array */ private static function injectObjectCaches( array $lbConf, BagOStuff $sCache, BagOStuff $mStash, WANObjectCache $wCache ) { // Use APC/memcached style caching, but avoids loops with CACHE_DB (T141804) if ( $sCache->getQoS( $sCache::ATTR_EMULATION ) > $sCache::QOS_EMULATION_SQL ) { $lbConf['srvCache'] = $sCache; } if ( $mStash->getQoS( $mStash::ATTR_EMULATION ) > $mStash::QOS_EMULATION_SQL ) { $lbConf['memStash'] = $mStash; } if ( $wCache->getQoS( $wCache::ATTR_EMULATION ) > $wCache::QOS_EMULATION_SQL ) { $lbConf['wanCache'] = $wCache; } return $lbConf; } /** * @param array $servers * @param string $ldDB Local domain database name * @param string $ldTP Local domain prefix */ private static function assertValidServerConfigs( array $servers, $ldDB, $ldTP ) { foreach ( $servers as $server ) { $type = $server['type'] ?? null; $srvDB = $server['dbname'] ?? null; // server DB $srvTP = $server['tablePrefix'] ?? ''; // server table prefix if ( $type === 'mysql' ) { // A DB name is not needed to connect to mysql; 'dbname' is useless. // This field only defines the DB to use for unspecified DB domains. if ( $srvDB !== null && $srvDB !== $ldDB ) { self::reportMismatchedDBs( $srvDB, $ldDB ); } } elseif ( $type === 'postgres' ) { if ( $srvTP !== '' ) { self::reportIfPrefixSet( $srvTP, $type ); } } if ( $srvTP !== '' && $srvTP !== $ldTP ) { self::reportMismatchedPrefixes( $srvTP, $ldTP ); } } } /** * @param string $prefix Table prefix * @param string $dbType Database type */ private static function reportIfPrefixSet( $prefix, $dbType ) { $e = new UnexpectedValueException( "\$wgDBprefix is set to '$prefix' but the database type is '$dbType'. " . "MediaWiki does not support using a table prefix with this RDBMS type." ); MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_PRETTY ); exit; } /** * @param string $srvDB Server config database * @param string $ldDB Local DB domain database */ private static function reportMismatchedDBs( $srvDB, $ldDB ) { $e = new UnexpectedValueException( "\$wgDBservers has dbname='$srvDB' but \$wgDBname='$ldDB'. " . "Set \$wgDBname to the database used by this wiki project. " . "There is rarely a need to set 'dbname' in \$wgDBservers. " . "Cross-wiki database access, use of WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain(), " . "use of Database::getDomainId(), and other features are not reliable when " . "\$wgDBservers does not match the local wiki database/prefix." ); MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_PRETTY ); exit; } /** * @param string $srvTP Server config table prefix * @param string $ldTP Local DB domain database */ private static function reportMismatchedPrefixes( $srvTP, $ldTP ) { $e = new UnexpectedValueException( "\$wgDBservers has tablePrefix='$srvTP' but \$wgDBprefix='$ldTP'. " . "Set \$wgDBprefix to the table prefix used by this wiki project. " . "There is rarely a need to set 'tablePrefix' in \$wgDBservers. " . "Cross-wiki database access, use of WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain(), " . "use of Database::getDomainId(), and other features are not reliable when " . "\$wgDBservers does not match the local wiki database/prefix." ); MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_PRETTY ); exit; } /** * Returns the LBFactory class to use and the load balancer configuration. * * @todo instead of this, use a ServiceContainer for managing the different implementations. * * @param array $config (e.g. $wgLBFactoryConf) * @return string Class name */ public static function getLBFactoryClass( array $config ) { // For configuration backward compatibility after removing // underscores from class names in MediaWiki 1.23. $bcClasses = [ 'LBFactory_Simple' => 'LBFactorySimple', 'LBFactory_Single' => 'LBFactorySingle', 'LBFactory_Multi' => 'LBFactoryMulti' ]; $class = $config['class']; if ( isset( $bcClasses[$class] ) ) { $class = $bcClasses[$class]; wfDeprecated( '$wgLBFactoryConf must be updated. See RELEASE-NOTES for details', '1.23' ); } // For configuration backward compatibility after moving classes to namespaces (1.29) $compat = [ 'LBFactorySingle' => Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySingle::class, 'LBFactorySimple' => Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactorySimple::class, 'LBFactoryMulti' => Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactoryMulti::class ]; if ( isset( $compat[$class] ) ) { $class = $compat[$class]; } return $class; } /** * @param LBFactory $lbFactory * @param string $dbType 'mysql', 'sqlite', etc. */ public static function setSchemaAliases( LBFactory $lbFactory, $dbType ) { if ( $dbType instanceof Config ) { // Before 1.34 this took a whole Config just to get $dbType wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . ' with Config argument', '1.34' ); $dbType = $dbType->get( 'DBtype' ); } if ( $dbType === 'mysql' ) { /** * When SQLite indexes were introduced in r45764, it was noted that * SQLite requires index names to be unique within the whole database, * not just within a schema. As discussed in CR r45819, to avoid the * need for a schema change on existing installations, the indexes * were implicitly mapped from the new names to the old names. * * This mapping can be removed if DB patches are introduced to alter * the relevant tables in existing installations. Note that because * this index mapping applies to table creation, even new installations * of MySQL have the old names (except for installations created during * a period where this mapping was inappropriately removed, see * T154872). */ $lbFactory->setIndexAliases( [ 'ar_usertext_timestamp' => 'usertext_timestamp', 'un_user_id' => 'user_id', 'un_user_ip' => 'user_ip', ] ); } } /** * Log a database deprecation warning * @param string $msg Deprecation message */ public static function logDeprecation( $msg ) { global $wgDevelopmentWarnings; if ( isset( self::$loggedDeprecations[$msg] ) ) { return; } self::$loggedDeprecations[$msg] = true; if ( $wgDevelopmentWarnings ) { trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } wfDebugLog( 'deprecated', $msg, 'private' ); } }