# http://www.mediawiki.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html /** * * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage SpecialPage */ /** * * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage SpecialPage */ class Validation { var $topicList; var $voteCache; var $rev2date; var $date2ref; # Reads all revision information of the specified article function prepareRevisions( $id ) { global $wgDBprefix; $this->rev2date = array(); $this->date2rev = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}revision WHERE rev_page='{$id}'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $this->rev2date[$x->rev_id] = $x; $this->date2rev[$x->rev_timestamp] = $x; } } # Returns a HTML link to the specified article revision function getVersionLink( &$article, $revision, $text = "" ) { $t = $article->getTitle(); if( $text == "" ) $text = wfMsg("val_view_version"); $ret = "getLocalURL( htmlspecialchars("oldid={$revision}" )) . "\">" . $this->getParsedWiki($text) . ""; return $ret; } # Returns an array containing all topics you can vote on function getTopicList() { global $wgDBprefix; $ret = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE val_page=0"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $ret[$x->val_type] = $x; } ksort( $ret ); return $ret; } # Merges one dataset into another function mergeInto( &$source, &$dest ) { $ret = false; foreach( $source as $x => $y ) { $doit = false; if( !isset( $dest[$x] ) ) { $doit = true; } elseif( $dest[$x]->value == 0 ) { $doit = true; } if( $doit ) { $dest[$x] = $y; $ret = true; } } if( $ret ) { ksort ( $dest ); } return $ret; } # Merges all votes prior to the given revision into it function mergeOldRevisions( &$article, $revision ) { $tmp = $this->voteCache; krsort( $tmp ); $update = false; $ts = $this->getTimestamp( $revision ); $data = $this->voteCache[$ts]; foreach( $tmp as $x => $y ) { if( $x < $ts ) { if( $this->mergeInto( $y, $data ) ) { $update = true; } } } if( $update ) { $this->setRevision( $article, $revision, $data ); } } # Clears all votes prior to the given revision function clearOldRevisions( &$article, $revision ) { $tmp = $this->voteCache; $ts = $this->getTimestamp( $revision ); foreach( $tmp as $x => $y ) { if( $x < $ts ) { $this->deleteRevision ( $article, $this->getRevisionNumber( $x ) ); } } } # Updates the votes for the given revision from the FORM data function updateRevision( &$article, $revision ) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest; if( isset( $this->voteCache[$this->getTimestamp( $revision )] ) ) { $data = $this->voteCache[$this->getTimestamp( $revision )]; } else { $data = array(); } $nv = $wgRequest->getArray( "re_v_{$revision}", array() ); $nc = $wgRequest->getArray( "re_c_{$revision}", array() ); foreach( $nv as $x => $y ) { $data[$x]->value = $y; $data[$x]->comment = $nc[$x]; } krsort( $data ); $this->setRevision( $article, $revision, $data ); } # Sets a specific revision to both cache and database function setRevision( &$article, $revision, &$data ) { global $wgUser; $this->deleteRevision( $article, $revision ); $this->voteCache[$this->getTimestamp( $revision )] = $data; foreach( $data as $x => $y ) { if( $y->value > 0 ) { $ip = $wgUser->isAnon() ? $wgUser->getName() : ''; $dbw =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->insert( 'validate', array( 'val_user' => $wgUser->getId(), 'val_page' => $article->getId(), 'val_revision' => $revision, 'val_type' => $x, 'val_value' => $y->value, 'val_comment' => $y->comment, 'val_ip' => $ip ), 'Validation::setRevision' ); } } } # This function returns a MySQL statement to identify the current user function identifyMe( $user = "" ) { global $wgUser; if( $user == "" ) $user = $wgUser->GetID(); if( User::isIP( $user ) ) { return "(val_user='0' AND val_ip='{$user}')"; } else { return "(val_user='{$user}')"; } } # Deletes a specific vote set in both cache and database function deleteRevision( &$article, $revision ) { global $wgUser, $wgDBprefix; $ts = $this->getTimestamp( $revision ); if( !isset ( $this->voteCache[$ts] ) ) { return; # Nothing to do } $sql = "DELETE FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE" . $this->identifyMe() . " AND "; $sql .= " val_page='" . $article->getID() . "' AND val_revision='{$revision}'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); unset( $this->voteCache[$ts] ); } # Reads the entire vote list for this user for the given article function getVoteList( $id, $user = "" ) { global $wgUser, $wgDBprefix; if( $user == "" ) { $user = $wgUser->GetID(); } $r = array() ; # Revisions $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE val_page=" . $id . " AND " . $this->identifyMe( $user ); $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { #$y = $x->val_revision; $y = $this->rev2date[$x->val_revision]; $y = $y->rev_timestamp; if( !isset( $r[$y] ) ) { $r[$y] = array(); } $r[$y][$x->val_type]->value = $x->val_value; $r[$y][$x->val_type]->comment = $x->val_comment; } return $r; } # Reads the entire vote list for this user for all articles function getAllVoteLists( $user ) { global $wgDBprefix; $r = array() ; # Revisions $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE " . $this->identifyMe( $user ); $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $a = $x->val_page; $y = $x->val_revision; if( !isset( $r[$a] ) ) { $r[$a] = array(); } if( !isset( $r[$a][$y] ) ) { $r[$a][$y] = array(); } $r[$a][$y][$x->val_type] = $x; } return $r; } # This functions adds a topic to the database function addTopic( $topic, $limit ) { global $wgDBprefix; $a = 1; while( isset( $this->topicList[$a] ) ) { $a++; } $sql = "INSERT INTO {$wgDBprefix}validate (val_user,val_page,val_revision,val_type,val_value,val_comment,val_ip) VALUES ("; $sql .= "'0','0','0','{$a}','{$limit}','"; $sql .= Database::strencode( $topic ) . "','')"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); $x->val_user = $x->val_page = $x->val_revision = 0; $x->val_type = $a; $x->val_value = $limit; $x->val_comment = $topic; $x->val_ip = ""; $this->topicList[$a] = $x; ksort( $this->topicList ); } # This functions adds a topic to the database function deleteTopic( $id ) { global $wgDBprefix; $dbw =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->delete( 'validate', array( 'val_type' => $id ), 'Validation::deleteTopic' ); unset( $this->topicList[$id] ); } # This function returns a link text to the page validation statistics function link2statistics( &$article ) { $nt = $article->getTitle(); $url = $nt->escapeLocalURL( "action=validate&mode=list" ); return wfMsg( 'val_rev_stats_link', $nt->getPrefixedText(), $url ); } # This function returns a link text to the page validation statistics of a single revision function link2revisionstatistics( &$article, $revision ) { $nt = $article->getTitle(); $url = $nt->escapeLocalURL( "action=validate&mode=details&revision={$revision}" ); return '(' . $this->getParsedWiki( 'val_revision_stats_link') . ')' ; } # This function returns a link text to the user rating statistics page function link2userratings( $user, $text ) { global $wgUser; if( $user == 0 ) { $user = $wgUser->GetName(); } $nt = Title::newFromText( "Special:Validate" ); $url = $nt->getLocalURL( "mode=userstats&user=" . htmlspecialchars ( $user ) ); return "{$text}"; } # Returns the timestamp of a revision based on the revision number function getTimestamp( $revision ) { $ts = $this->rev2date[$revision]; $ts = $ts->rev_timestamp; return $ts; } # Returns the revision number of a revision based on the timestamp function getRevisionNumber( $ts ) { $revision = $this->date2rev[$ts]; $revision = $revision->rev_id; return $revision; } # HTML generation functions from this point on # Returns the metadata string for a revision function getMetadata( $idx ) { $metadata = ""; $x = $this->rev2date[$idx]; $metadata .= wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $x->rev_timestamp ); $metadata .= " by "; if( $x->rev_user == 0 ) { $metadata .= $x->rev_user_text; } else { $u = new User; $u->setId( $x->rev_user ); $u->setName( $x->rev_user_text ); $nt = $u->getUserPage(); $url = "" . $nt->getText() . ""; $metadata .= $url; } $metadata .= " : \"" . $this->getParsedWiki( $x->rev_comment ) . "\""; return $metadata; } # Generates a link to the topic description function linkTopic ( $s ) { $t = Title::newFromText ( wfMsg ( 'val_topic_desc_page' ) ) ; $r = "getLocalURL () ; $r .= "#" . urlencode ( $s ) ; $r .= "\">{$s}" ; return $r ; } # Generates HTML from a wiki text, e.g., a wfMsg function getParsedWiki ( $text ) { global $wgOut , $wgTitle, $wgParser ; $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text , $wgTitle, $wgOut->mParserOptions,false); return $parserOutput->getText() ; } # Generates a form for a single revision function getRevisionForm( &$article, $idx, &$data, $focus = false ) { # Fill data with blank values $ts = $idx; $revision = $this->getRevisionNumber( $ts ); foreach( $this->topicList as $x => $y ) { if( !isset( $data[$x] ) ) { $data[$x]->value = 0; $data[$x]->comment = ""; } } ksort( $data ) ; # Generate form $ret = "
"; $ret .= "\n"; $head = "Revision #" . $revision; $link = " " . $this->getVersionLink( $article, $revision ); $metadata = $this->getMetadata( $revision ); $ret .= "\n"; $line = 0; foreach( $data as $x => $y ) { $line = 1 - $line; $trclass = $line == 1 ? "revision_tr_first" : "revision_tr_default"; $idx = "_{$revision}[{$x}]"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $tlx = $this->topicList[$x]; $vote = ""; $max = $tlx->val_value; for( $a = 0 ; $a <= $max ; $a++ ) { if( $a == 0 ) { $vote .= wfMsg ( "val_noop" ); } $vote .= "value ) { $vote .= " checked"; } $vote .= "/>"; if( $max == 2 && $a == 1 ) { $vote .= wfMsg( "val_no" ) . " "; } elseif( $max == 2 && $a == 2 ) { $vote .= wfMsg( "val_yes" ); } elseif( $a != 0 ) { $vote .= $a . " "; } if ( $a == 0 ) { $vote .= "   "; } } $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; } $checked = $focus ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
" . $head . " ({$link}) {$metadata}
"; $ret .= $this->linkTopic ( $this->topicList[$x]->val_comment ) ; $ret .= "{$vote}"; $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= "" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( 'val_merge_old' ) ) . " \n"; $ret .= "" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( 'val_clear_old' ) ) . " \n"; $ret .= "\n"; if( $focus ) { $ret .= "
\n" . $this->getParsedWiki ( wfMsg( "val_form_note" ) ) . ""; } $ret .= "
\n\n"; return $ret; } # Generates the page from the validation tab function validatePageForm( &$article, $revision ) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser; $ret = ""; $this->prepareRevisions( $article->getID() ); $this->topicList = $this->getTopicList(); $this->voteCache = $this->getVoteList( $article->getID() ); # Check for POST data $re = $wgRequest->getArray( 're_submit' ); if ( isset( $re ) ) { $id = array_keys( $re ); $id = $id[0] ; # $id is now the revision number the user clicked "OK" for $clearOldRev = $wgRequest->getVal( "re_clear_{$id}", 0 ); $mergeOldRev = $wgRequest->getVal( "re_merge_{$id}", 0 ); $this->updateRevision( $article, $id ); if( $mergeOldRev ) { $this->mergeOldRevisions( $article, $id ); } if( $clearOldRev ) { $this->clearOldRevisions( $article, $id ); } $ret .= "

" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( 'val_revision_changes_ok' ) ) . "

"; } else $ret .= wfMsg ( 'val_votepage_intro' ) ; # Make sure the requested revision exists $ts = $this->rev2date[$revision]->rev_timestamp; if( !isset( $this->voteCache[$ts] ) ) { $this->voteCache[$ts] = array(); } # Sort revisions list, newest first krsort( $this->voteCache ); # Output $title = $article->getTitle(); $title = $title->getPrefixedText(); $wgOut->setPageTitle( str_replace ( '$1' , $title , wfMsg( 'val_rev_for' ) ) ); foreach( $this->voteCache as $x => $y ) { $ret .= $this->getRevisionForm( $article, $x, $y, $x == $ts ); $ret .= "
\n"; } $ret .= $this->link2statistics( $article ); $ret .= "

" . $this->link2userratings( $wgUser->getID(), wfMsg( 'val_show_my_ratings' ) ) . "

"; return $ret ; } # This function performs the "management" mode on Special:Validate function manageTopics() { global $wgRequest; $this->topicList = $this->getTopicList(); $iamsure = $wgRequest->getVal( "iamsure", "0" ) == 1; if( $iamsure && $wgRequest->getVal( "m_add", "--" ) != "--" ) { $new_topic = $wgRequest->getVal( "m_topic" ); $new_limit = $wgRequest->getVal( "m_limit" ); if( $new_topic != "" && $new_limit > 1 ) { $this->addTopic( $new_topic, $new_limit ); } } $da = $wgRequest->getArray( "m_del" ); if( $iamsure && isset( $da ) && count( $da ) > 0 ) { $id = array_keys( $da ); $id = array_shift( $id ); $this->deleteTopic( $id ); } # FIXME: Wikitext this $r = "

" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( 'val_warning' ) ) . "

\n"; $r .= "
\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "" . wfMsg( 'val_list_header' ) . "\n"; foreach( $this->topicList as $x => $y ) { $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; } $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "\n"; $r .= "
" . $this->getParsedWiki( $y->val_type ) . "" . $this->linkTopic ( $y->val_comment ) . "1 .. " . intval( $y->val_value ) . "
\n"; $r .= "
\n"; $r .= "" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( 'val_iamsure' ) ) . "\n"; $r .= "
\n"; return $r; } # Generates a user ID for both logged-in users and anons; $x is an object from an SQL query function make_user_id( &$x ) { if( $x->val_user == 0 ) { return $x->val_ip; } else { return $x->val_user; } } function showDetails( &$article, $revision ) { global $wgDBprefix, $wgOut, $wgUser; $this->prepareRevisions( $article->getID() ); $this->topicList = $this->getTopicList(); $title = $article->getTitle(); $wgOut->setPageTitle( str_replace( '$1', $title->getPrefixedText(), wfMsg( 'val_validation_of' ) ) ); # Collecting statistic data $id = $article->getID(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE val_page='{$id}' AND val_revision='{$revision}'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); $data = array(); $users = array(); $topics = array(); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $data[$this->make_user_id($x)][$x->val_type] = $x; $users[$this->make_user_id($x)] = true; $topics[$x->val_type] = true; } # Sorting lists of topics and users ksort( $users ); ksort( $topics ); $ts = $this->getTimestamp( $revision ); $url = $this->getVersionLink( $article, $revision, wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $ts ) ); # Table headers $ret = "" ; $ret .= "

" . str_replace( '$1', $url, wfMsg( 'val_revision_of' ) ) . "

\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "\n"; # Table data foreach( $users as $u => $dummy ) { # Every row a user $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; foreach( $topics as $t => $dummy ) { # Every column a topic if( !isset( $data[$u][$t] ) ) { $ret .= ""; } } $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
"; foreach( $topics as $t => $dummy ) { $ret .= "" . $this->linkTopic ( $this->topicList[$t]->val_comment ) . "
"; if( !User::IsIP( $u ) ) { # Logged-in user rating $ret .= $this->link2userratings( $u, User::whoIs( $u ) ); } else { # Anon rating $ret .= $this->link2userratings( $u, $u ); } $ret .= ""; } else { $ret .= ""; $ret .= $data[$u][$t]->val_value; if( $data[$u][$t]->val_comment != "" ) { $ret .= " (" . $this->getParsedWiki( $data[$u][$t]->val_comment ) . ")"; } $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "

" . $this->link2statistics( $article ) . "

"; $ret .= "

" . $this->link2userratings( $wgUser->GetID(), wfMsg( 'val_show_my_ratings' ) ) . "

"; return $ret; } function showList( &$article ) { global $wgDBprefix, $wgOut, $wgUser; $this->prepareRevisions( $article->getID() ); $this->topicList = $this->getTopicList(); $title = $article->getTitle(); $wgOut->setPageTitle( str_replace( '$1', $title->getPrefixedText(), wfMsg( 'val_validation_of' ) ) ); # Collecting statistic data $id = $article->getID(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wgDBprefix}validate WHERE val_page='{$id}'"; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ ); $data = array(); while( $x = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $idx = $this->getTimestamp( $x->val_revision ); if( !isset( $data[$idx] ) ) { $data[$idx] = array(); } if( !isset( $data[$idx][$x->val_type] ) ) { $data[$idx][$x->val_type]->count = 0; $data[$idx][$x->val_type]->sum = 0; } $data[$idx][$x->val_type]->count++; $data[$idx][$x->val_type]->sum += $x->val_value; } krsort( $data ); $ret = ""; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= ""; foreach( $this->topicList as $x => $y ) { $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "\n"; foreach( $data as $ts => $y ) { $revision = $this->getRevisionNumber( $ts ); $url = $this->getVersionLink( $article, $revision, wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $ts ) ); $detailsurl = $this->link2revisionstatistics( $article, $revision ); $ret .= ""; foreach( $this->topicList as $topicID => $dummy ) { if( isset( $y[$topicID] ) ) { $z = $y[$topicID]; if( $z->count == 0 ) { $a = 0; } else { $a = $z->sum / $z->count; } $ret .= sprintf( "", $a, $z->count ); } else { $ret .= ""; } } $ret .= "\n"; } $ret .= "
" . $this->getParsedWiki( wfMsg( "val_revision" ) ) . "" . $this->linkTopic ( $y->val_comment ) . "
{$url} {$detailsurl}%1.1f (%d)
\n"; $ret .= "

" . $this->link2userratings( $wgUser->getID(), wfMsg( 'val_show_my_ratings' ) ) . "

"; return $ret; } function getRatingText( $value, $max ) { if( $max == 2 && $value == 1 ) { $ret = wfMsg ( "val_no" ) . " "; } elseif( $max == 2 && $value == 2 ) { $ret = wfMsg( "val_yes" ); } elseif( $value != 0 ) { $ret = wfMsg( "val_of", $value, $max ) . " "; } else { $ret = ""; } return $ret; } function showUserStats( $user ) { global $wgDBprefix, $wgOut, $wgUser; $this->topicList = $this->getTopicList(); $data = $this->getAllVoteLists( $user ); if( $user == $wgUser->getID() ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle ( wfMsg ( 'val_my_stats_title' ) ); } elseif( !User::IsIP( $user ) ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'val_user_stats_title', User::whoIs( $user ) ) ); } else { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'val_user_stats_title', $user ) ); } $ret = "\n"; foreach( $data as $articleid => $revisions ) { $title = Title::newFromID( $articleid ); $ret .= ""; krsort( $revisions ); foreach( $revisions as $revid => $revision ) { $url = $title->getLocalURL( "oldid={$revid}" ); $ret .= ""; ksort( $revision ); $initial = true; foreach( $revision as $topic => $rating ) { if( !$initial ) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } } $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
escapeLocalURL() . "\">" . $title->getEscapedText() . "
" . wfMsg( 'val_revision_number', $revid ) . "
"; } $initial = false; $ret .= "" . $this->linkTopic ( $this->topicList[$topic]->val_comment ) . "" . $this->getRatingText( $rating->val_value, $this->topicList[$topic]->val_value ) . "" . $this->getParsedWiki( $rating->val_comment ) . "
"; return $ret; } } /** * constructor */ function wfSpecialValidate( $page = '' ) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUseValidation, $wgUser, $wgContLang; if( !$wgUseValidation ) { $wgOut->errorpage( "nosuchspecialpage", "nospecialpagetext" ); return; } /* # Can do? if( ! $wgUser->isAllowed('change_validation') ) { $wgOut->sysopRequired(); return; } */ $mode = $wgRequest->getVal( "mode" ); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); if( $mode == "manage" ) { $v = new Validation(); $html = $v->manageTopics(); } elseif( $mode == "userstats" ) { $v = new Validation(); $user = $wgRequest->getVal( "user" ); $html = $v->showUserStats( $user ); } else { $html = "$mode"; $html .= "\n"; } $wgOut->addHTML( $html ); } ?>