enableExceptions(true); // Activer les contraintes des foreign keys $this->exec('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;'); $this->createFunction('transliterate_to_ascii', ['Garradin\utils', 'transliterateToAscii']); $this->createFunction('base64', 'base64_encode'); $this->createFunction('rank', [$this, 'sql_rank']); $this->createFunction('running_sum', [$this, 'sql_running_sum']); } public function sql_running_sum($data) { // Why is this function called two times for the first row?! // Dunno but here is a workaround if (is_null($this->_running_sum)) { $this->_running_sum = 0.0; return $this->_running_sum; } $this->_running_sum += $data; return $this->_running_sum; } public function resetRunningSum() { $this->_running_sum = null; } public function sql_rank($aMatchInfo) { $iSize = 4; // byte size $iPhrase = (int) 0; // Current phrase // $score = (double)0.0; // Value to return // /* Check that the number of arguments passed to this function is correct. ** If not, jump to wrong_number_args. Set aMatchinfo to point to the array ** of unsigned integer values returned by FTS function matchinfo. Set ** nPhrase to contain the number of reportable phrases in the users full-text ** query, and nCol to the number of columns in the table. */ $aMatchInfo = (string) func_get_arg(0); $nPhrase = ord(substr($aMatchInfo, 0, $iSize)); $nCol = ord(substr($aMatchInfo, $iSize, $iSize)); if (func_num_args() > (1 + $nCol)) { throw new \Exception("Invalid number of arguments : ".$nCol); } // Iterate through each phrase in the users query. // for ($iPhrase = 0; $iPhrase < $nPhrase; $iPhrase++) { $iCol = (int) 0; // Current column // /* Now iterate through each column in the users query. For each column, ** increment the relevancy score by: ** ** ( / ) * ** ** aPhraseinfo[] points to the start of the data for phrase iPhrase. So ** the hit count and global hit counts for each column are found in ** aPhraseinfo[iCol*3] and aPhraseinfo[iCol*3+1], respectively. */ $aPhraseinfo = substr($aMatchInfo, (2 + $iPhrase * $nCol * 3) * $iSize); for ($iCol = 0; $iCol < $nCol; $iCol++) { $nHitCount = ord(substr($aPhraseinfo, 3 * $iCol * $iSize, $iSize)); $nGlobalHitCount = ord(substr($aPhraseinfo, (3 * $iCol + 1) * $iSize, $iSize)); $weight = ($iCol < func_num_args() - 1) ? (double) func_get_arg($iCol + 1) : 0; if ($nHitCount > 0) { $score += ((double)$nHitCount / (double)$nGlobalHitCount) * $weight; } } } return $score; } public function escape($str) { return $this->escapeString($str); } public function e($str) { return $this->escapeString($str); } public function begin() { if (!$this->_transaction) { $this->exec('BEGIN;'); } $this->_transaction++; return $this->_transaction == 1 ? true : false; } public function commit() { if ($this->_transaction == 1) { $this->exec('END;'); } if ($this->_transaction > 0) { $this->_transaction--; } return $this->_transaction ? false : true; } public function rollback() { $this->exec('ROLLBACK;'); $this->_transaction = 0; return true; } protected function _getArgType($arg, $name = '') { if (is_float($arg)) return SQLITE3_FLOAT; elseif (is_int($arg)) return SQLITE3_INTEGER; elseif (is_bool($arg)) return SQLITE3_INTEGER; elseif (is_null($arg)) return SQLITE3_NULL; elseif (is_string($arg)) return SQLITE3_TEXT; else throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Argument '.$name.' is of invalid type '.gettype($arg)); } public function simpleStatement($query, $args = []) { $statement = $this->prepare($query); $nb = $statement->paramCount(); if (!empty($args)) { if (is_array($args) && count($args) == 1 && is_array(current($args))) { $args = current($args); } if (count($args) != $nb) { throw new \LengthException('Arguments error: '.count($args).' supplied, but '.$nb.' are required by query.'); } reset($args); if (is_int(key($args))) { foreach ($args as $i=>$arg) { $statement->bindValue((int)$i+1, $arg, $this->_getArgType($arg, $i+1)); } } else { foreach ($args as $key=>$value) { if (is_int($key)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__FUNCTION__ . ' requires argument to be a named-associative array, but key '.$key.' is an integer.'); } $statement->bindValue(':'.$key, $value, $this->_getArgType($value, $key)); } } } try { return $statement->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $query . "\n" . json_encode($args, true)); } } public function simpleStatementFetch($query, $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH) { if ($mode != SQLITE3_BOTH && $mode != SQLITE3_ASSOC && $mode != SQLITE3_NUM) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Mode argument should be either SQLITE3_BOTH, SQLITE3_ASSOC or SQLITE3_NUM.'); } $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2); return $this->fetchResult($this->simpleStatement($query, $args), $mode); } public function simpleStatementFetchAssoc($query) { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); return $this->fetchResultAssoc($this->simpleStatement($query, $args)); } public function simpleStatementFetchAssocKey($query, $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH) { if ($mode != SQLITE3_BOTH && $mode != SQLITE3_ASSOC && $mode != SQLITE3_NUM) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Mode argument should be either SQLITE3_BOTH, SQLITE3_ASSOC or SQLITE3_NUM.'); } $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2); return $this->fetchResultAssocKey($this->simpleStatement($query, $args), $mode); } public function escapeAuto($value, $name = '') { $type = $this->_getArgType($value, $name); switch ($type) { case SQLITE3_FLOAT: return floatval($value); case SQLITE3_INTEGER: return intval($value); case SQLITE3_NULL: return 'NULL'; case SQLITE3_TEXT: return '\'' . $this->escapeString($value) . '\''; } } /** * Simple INSERT query */ public function simpleInsert($table, $fields) { $fields_names = array_keys($fields); return $this->simpleStatement('INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.implode(', ', $fields_names).') VALUES (:'.implode(', :', $fields_names).');', $fields); } public function simpleUpdate($table, $fields, $where) { if (empty($fields)) return false; $query = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET '; foreach ($fields as $key=>$value) { $query .= $key . ' = :'.$key.', '; } $query = substr($query, 0, -2); $query .= ' WHERE '.$where.';'; return $this->simpleStatement($query, $fields); } /** * Formats and escapes a statement and then returns the result of exec() */ public function simpleExec($query) { return $this->simpleStatement($query, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1)); } public function simpleQuerySingle($query, $all_columns = false) { $res = $this->simpleStatement($query, array_slice(func_get_args(), 2)); $row = $res->fetchArray($all_columns ? SQLITE3_ASSOC : SQLITE3_NUM); if (!$all_columns) { if (isset($row[0])) return $row[0]; return false; } else { return $row; } } public function queryFetch($query, $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH) { return $this->fetchResult($this->query($query), $mode); } public function queryFetchAssoc($query) { return $this->fetchResultAssoc($this->query($query)); } public function queryFetchAssocKey($query, $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH) { return $this->fetchResultAssocKey($this->query($query), $mode); } public function fetchResult($result, $mode = \SQLITE3_BOTH) { $out = []; while ($row = $result->fetchArray($mode)) { $out[] = $row; } $result->finalize(); unset($result, $row); return $out; } protected function fetchResultAssoc($result) { $out = []; while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $out[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $result->finalize(); unset($result, $row); return $out; } protected function fetchResultAssocKey($result, $mode = \SQLITE3_BOTH) { $out = []; while ($row = $result->fetchArray($mode)) { $key = current($row); $out[$key] = $row; } $result->finalize(); unset($result, $row); return $out; } public function countRows($result) { $i = 0; while ($result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) $i++; return $i; } } ?>