getCode(); } public function testExpandAttributesSkipsNullAndFalse() { ### EMPTY ######## $this->AssertEmpty( Html::expandAttributes( array( 'foo' => null ) ), 'skip keys with null value' ); $this->AssertEmpty( Html::expandAttributes( array( 'foo' => false ) ), 'skip keys with false value' ); $this->AssertNotEmpty( Html::expandAttributes( array( 'foo' => '' ) ), 'keep keys with an empty string' ); } public function testExpandAttributesForBooleans() { global $wgHtml5; $this->AssertEquals( '', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'selected' => false ) ), 'Boolean attributes do not generates output when value is false' ); $this->AssertEquals( '', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'selected' => null ) ), 'Boolean attributes do not generates output when value is null' ); $this->AssertEquals( $wgHtml5 ? ' selected=""' : ' selected="selected"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'selected' => true ) ), 'Boolean attributes skip value output' ); $this->AssertEquals( $wgHtml5 ? ' selected=""' : ' selected="selected"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'selected' ) ), 'Boolean attributes (ex: selected) do not need a value' ); } /** * Test for Html::expandAttributes() * Please note it output a string prefixed with a space! */ public function testExpandAttributesVariousExpansions() { ### NOT EMPTY #### $this->AssertEquals( ' empty_string=""', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'empty_string' => '' ) ), 'Value with an empty string' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' key="value"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'key' => 'value' ) ), 'Value is a string' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' one="1"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'one' => 1 ) ), 'Value is a numeric one' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' zero="0"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'zero' => 0 ) ), 'Value is a numeric zero' ); } /** * Html::expandAttributes has special features for HTML * attributes that use space separated lists and also * allows arrays to be used as values. */ public function testExpandAttributesListValueAttributes() { ### STRING VALUES $this->AssertEquals( ' class="redundant spaces here"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => ' redundant spaces here ' ) ), 'Normalization should strip redundant spaces' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' class="foo bar"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => 'foo bar foo bar bar' ) ), 'Normalization should remove duplicates in string-lists' ); ### "EMPTY" ARRAY VALUES $this->AssertEquals( ' class=""', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array() ) ), 'Value with an empty array' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' class=""', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array( null, '', ' ', ' ' ) ) ), 'Array with null, empty string and spaces' ); ### NON-EMPTY ARRAY VALUES $this->AssertEquals( ' class="foo bar"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array( 'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', ) ) ), 'Normalization should remove duplicates in the array' ); $this->AssertEquals( ' class="foo bar"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array( 'foo bar', 'bar foo', 'foo', 'bar bar', ) ) ), 'Normalization should remove duplicates in string-lists in the array' ); } /** * Test feature added by r96188, let pass attributes values as * a PHP array. Restricted to class,rel, accesskey. */ function testExpandAttributesSpaceSeparatedAttributesWithBoolean() { $this->assertEquals( ' class="booltrue one"', Html::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array( 'booltrue' => true, 'one' => 1, # Method use isset() internally, make sure we do discard # attributes values which have been assigned well known values 'emptystring' => '', 'boolfalse' => false, 'zero' => 0, 'null' => null, ))) ); } /** * How do we handle duplicate keys in HTML attributes expansion? * We could pass a "class" the values: 'GREEN' and array( 'GREEN' => false ) * The later will take precedence. * * Feature added by r96188 */ function testValueIsAuthoritativeInSpaceSeparatedAttributesArrays() { $this->assertEquals( ' class=""', HTML::expandAttributes( array( 'class' => array( 'GREEN', 'GREEN' => false, 'GREEN', ))) ); } }