setName($name); } $this->data = $data; $this->dataName = $dataName; $this->backupGlobals = false; $this->backupStaticAttributes = false; } function run( PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = NULL ) { if( $this->needsDB() ) { global $wgDBprefix; $this->db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $this->checkDbIsSupported(); $this->oldTablePrefix = $wgDBprefix; $this->destroyDB(); $this->initDB(); $this->addCoreDBData(); $this->addDBData(); parent::run( $result ); $this->destroyDB(); } else { parent::run( $result ); } } function __destruct() { if( $this->needsDB() ) { $this->destroyDB(); } } function needsDB() { $rc = new ReflectionClass( $this ); return strpos( $rc->getDocComment(), '@group Database' ) !== false; } /** * Stub. If a test needs to add additional data to the database, it should * implement this method and do so */ function addDBData() {} private function addCoreDBData() { User::resetIdByNameCache(); //Make sysop user $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' ); if ( $user->idForName() == 0 ) { $user->addToDatabase(); $user->setPassword( 'UTSysopPassword' ); $user->addGroup( 'sysop' ); $user->addGroup( 'bureaucrat' ); $user->saveSettings(); } //Make 1 page with 1 revision $article = new Article( Title::newFromText( 'UTPage' ) ); $article->doEdit( 'UTContent', 'UTPageSummary', EDIT_NEW, false, User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' ) ); } private function initDB() { global $wgDBprefix; $dbType = $this->db->getType(); if ( $wgDBprefix === self::DB_PREFIX || ( $dbType == 'oracle' && $wgDBprefix === self::ORA_DB_PREFIX ) ) { throw new MWException( 'Cannot run unit tests, the database prefix is already "unittest_"' ); } $tables = $this->listTables(); $prefix = $dbType != 'oracle' ? self::DB_PREFIX : self::ORA_DB_PREFIX; $this->dbClone = new CloneDatabase( $this->db, $tables, $prefix ); $this->dbClone->useTemporaryTables( false ); //reported problems with temp tables, disabling until fixed $this->dbClone->cloneTableStructure(); if ( $dbType == 'oracle' ) $this->db->query( 'BEGIN FILL_WIKI_INFO; END;' ); if ( $dbType == 'oracle' ) { # Insert 0 user to prevent FK violations # Anonymous user $this->db->insert( 'user', array( 'user_id' => 0, 'user_name' => 'Anonymous' ) ); } } protected function destroyDB() { if ( $this->useTemporaryTables ) { # Don't need to do anything //return; //Temporary tables seem to be broken ATM, delete anyway } if( is_null( $this->db ) ) { return; } if( $this->db->getType() == 'oracle' ) { $tables = $this->db->listTables( self::ORA_DB_PREFIX, __METHOD__ ); } else { $tables = $this->db->listTables( self::DB_PREFIX, __METHOD__ ); } foreach ( $tables as $table ) { try { $sql = $this->db->getType() == 'oracle' ? "DROP TABLE $table CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE" : "DROP TABLE `$table`"; $this->db->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); } catch( Exception $e ) { } } if ( $this->db->getType() == 'oracle' ) $this->db->query( 'BEGIN FILL_WIKI_INFO; END;', __METHOD__ ); CloneDatabase::changePrefix( $this->oldTablePrefix ); } function __call( $func, $args ) { static $compatibility = array( 'assertInternalType' => 'assertType', 'assertNotInternalType' => 'assertNotType', 'assertInstanceOf' => 'assertType', ); if ( method_exists( $this->suite, $func ) ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this->suite, $func ), $args); } elseif ( isset( $compatibility[$func] ) ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this, $compatibility[$func] ), $args); } else { throw new MWException( "Called non-existant $func method on " . get_class( $this ) ); } } static private function unprefixTable( $tableName ) { global $wgDBprefix; return substr( $tableName, strlen( $wgDBprefix ) ); } protected function listTables() { global $wgDBprefix; $tables = $this->db->listTables( $wgDBprefix, __METHOD__ ); $tables = array_map( array( __CLASS__, 'unprefixTable' ), $tables ); return $tables; } protected function checkDbIsSupported() { if( !in_array( $this->db->getType(), $this->supportedDBs ) ) { throw new MWException( $this->db->getType() . " is not currently supported for unit testing." ); } } public function getCliArg( $offset ) { if( isset( MediaWikiPHPUnitCommand::$additionalOptions[$offset] ) ) { return MediaWikiPHPUnitCommand::$additionalOptions[$offset]; } } public function setCliArg( $offset, $value ) { MediaWikiPHPUnitCommand::$additionalOptions[$offset] = $value; } }