message * * Add a WebInstaller_ class */ var $pageSequence = array( 'Language', 'Welcome', 'DBConnect', 'Upgrade', 'DBSettings', 'Name', 'Options', 'Install', 'Complete', ); /** * Out of sequence pages, selectable by the user at any time */ var $otherPages = array( 'Restart', 'Readme', 'ReleaseNotes', 'Copying', 'UpgradeDoc', // Can't use Upgrade due to Upgrade step ); /** * Array of pages which have declared that they have been submitted, have validated * their input, and need no further processing */ var $happyPages; /** * List of "skipped" pages. These are pages that will automatically continue * to the next page on any GET request. To avoid breaking the "back" button, * they need to be skipped during a back operation. */ var $skippedPages; /** * Flag indicating that session data may have been lost */ var $showSessionWarning = false; var $helpId = 0; var $tabIndex = 1; var $currentPageName; /** Constructor */ function __construct( $request ) { parent::__construct(); $this->output = new WebInstallerOutput( $this ); $this->request = $request; } /** * Main entry point. * @param $session Array: initial session array * @return Array: new session array */ function execute( $session ) { $this->session = $session; if ( isset( $session['settings'] ) ) { $this->settings = $session['settings'] + $this->settings; } $this->exportVars(); $this->setupLanguage(); if ( isset( $session['happyPages'] ) ) { $this->happyPages = $session['happyPages']; } else { $this->happyPages = array(); } if ( isset( $session['skippedPages'] ) ) { $this->skippedPages = $session['skippedPages']; } else { $this->skippedPages = array(); } $lowestUnhappy = $this->getLowestUnhappy(); # Special case for Creative Commons partner chooser box if ( $this->request->getVal( 'SubmitCC' ) ) { $page = $this->getPageByName( 'Options' ); $this->output->useShortHeader(); $page->submitCC(); return $this->finish(); } if ( $this->request->getVal( 'ShowCC' ) ) { $page = $this->getPageByName( 'Options' ); $this->output->useShortHeader(); $this->output->addHTML( $page->getCCDoneBox() ); return $this->finish(); } # Get the page name $pageName = $this->request->getVal( 'page' ); if ( in_array( $pageName, $this->otherPages ) ) { # Out of sequence $pageId = false; $page = $this->getPageByName( $pageName ); } else { # Main sequence if ( !$pageName || !in_array( $pageName, $this->pageSequence ) ) { $pageId = $lowestUnhappy; } else { $pageId = array_search( $pageName, $this->pageSequence ); } # If necessary, move back to the lowest-numbered unhappy page if ( $pageId > $lowestUnhappy ) { $pageId = $lowestUnhappy; if ( $lowestUnhappy == 0 ) { # Knocked back to start, possible loss of session data $this->showSessionWarning = true; } } $pageName = $this->pageSequence[$pageId]; $page = $this->getPageByName( $pageName ); } # If a back button was submitted, go back without submitting the form data if ( $this->request->wasPosted() && $this->request->getBool( 'submit-back' ) ) { if ( $this->request->getVal( 'lastPage' ) ) { $nextPage = $this->request->getVal( 'lastPage' ); } elseif ( $pageId !== false ) { # Main sequence page # Skip the skipped pages $nextPageId = $pageId; do { $nextPageId--; $nextPage = $this->pageSequence[$nextPageId]; } while( isset( $this->skippedPages[$nextPage] ) ); } else { $nextPage = $this->pageSequence[$lowestUnhappy]; } $this->output->redirect( $this->getUrl( array( 'page' => $nextPage ) ) ); return $this->finish(); } # Execute the page $this->currentPageName = $page->getName(); $this->startPageWrapper( $pageName ); $localSettings = $this->getLocalSettingsStatus(); if( !$localSettings->isGood() ) { $this->showStatusBox( $localSettings ); $result = 'output'; } else { $result = $page->execute(); } $this->endPageWrapper(); if ( $result == 'skip' ) { # Page skipped without explicit submission # Skip it when we click "back" so that we don't just go forward again $this->skippedPages[$pageName] = true; $result = 'continue'; } else { unset( $this->skippedPages[$pageName] ); } # If it was posted, the page can request a continue to the next page if ( $result === 'continue' && !$this->output->headerDone() ) { if ( $pageId !== false ) { $this->happyPages[$pageId] = true; } $lowestUnhappy = $this->getLowestUnhappy(); if ( $this->request->getVal( 'lastPage' ) ) { $nextPage = $this->request->getVal( 'lastPage' ); } elseif ( $pageId !== false ) { $nextPage = $this->pageSequence[$pageId + 1]; } else { $nextPage = $this->pageSequence[$lowestUnhappy]; } if ( array_search( $nextPage, $this->pageSequence ) > $lowestUnhappy ) { $nextPage = $this->pageSequence[$lowestUnhappy]; } $this->output->redirect( $this->getUrl( array( 'page' => $nextPage ) ) ); } return $this->finish(); } function getLowestUnhappy() { if ( count( $this->happyPages ) == 0 ) { return 0; } else { return max( array_keys( $this->happyPages ) ) + 1; } } /** * Start the PHP session. This may be called before execute() to start the PHP session. */ function startSession() { $sessPath = $this->getSessionSavePath(); if( $sessPath != '' ) { if( strval( ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) ) != '' ) { // we need to skip the following check when open_basedir is on. // The session path probably *wont* be writable by the current // user, and telling them to change it is bad. Bug 23021. } elseif( !is_dir( $sessPath ) || !is_writeable( $sessPath ) ) { $this->showError( 'config-session-path-bad', $sessPath ); return false; } } else { // If the path is unset it'll default to some system bit, which *probably* is ok... // not sure how to actually get what will be used. } if( wfIniGetBool( 'session.auto_start' ) || session_id() ) { // Done already return true; } $this->phpErrors = array(); set_error_handler( array( $this, 'errorHandler' ) ); session_start(); restore_error_handler(); if ( $this->phpErrors ) { $this->showError( 'config-session-error', $this->phpErrors[0] ); return false; } return true; } /** * Get the value of session.save_path * * Per, * this might have some additional preceding parts which need to be * ditched * * @return String */ private function getSessionSavePath() { $path = ini_get( 'session.save_path' ); $path = ltrim( substr( $path, strrpos( $path, ';' ) ), ';'); return $path; } /** * Show an error message in a box. Parameters are like wfMsg(). */ function showError( $msg /*...*/ ) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift( $args ); $args = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', $args ); $msg = wfMsgReal( $msg, $args, false, false, false ); $this->output->addHTML( $this->getErrorBox( $msg ) ); } /** * Temporary error handler for session start debugging */ function errorHandler( $errno, $errstr ) { $this->phpErrors[] = $errstr; } /** * Clean up from execute() */ private function finish() { $this->output->output(); $this->session['happyPages'] = $this->happyPages; $this->session['skippedPages'] = $this->skippedPages; $this->session['settings'] = $this->settings; return $this->session; } /** * Get a URL for submission back to the same script */ function getUrl( $query = array() ) { $url = $this->request->getRequestURL(); # Remove existing query $url = preg_replace( '/\?.*$/', '', $url ); if ( $query ) { $url .= '?' . wfArrayToCGI( $query ); } return $url; } /** * Get a WebInstallerPage from the main sequence, by ID */ function getPageById( $id ) { $pageName = $this->pageSequence[$id]; $pageClass = 'WebInstaller_' . $pageName; return new $pageClass( $this ); } /** * Get a WebInstallerPage by name */ function getPageByName( $pageName ) { $pageClass = 'WebInstaller_' . $pageName; return new $pageClass( $this ); } /** * Get a session variable */ function getSession( $name, $default = null ) { if ( !isset( $this->session[$name] ) ) { return $default; } else { return $this->session[$name]; } } /** * Set a session variable */ function setSession( $name, $value ) { $this->session[$name] = $value; } /** * Get the next tabindex attribute value */ function nextTabIndex() { return $this->tabIndex++; } /** * Initializes language-related variables */ function setupLanguage() { global $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgLanguageCode; if ( $this->getSession( 'test' ) === null && !$this->request->wasPosted() ) { $wgLanguageCode = $this->getAcceptLanguage(); $wgLang = $wgContLang = Language::factory( $wgLanguageCode ); $this->setVar( 'wgLanguageCode', $wgLanguageCode ); $this->setVar( '_UserLang', $wgLanguageCode ); } else { $wgLanguageCode = $this->getVar( 'wgLanguageCode' ); $wgLang = Language::factory( $this->getVar( '_UserLang' ) ); $wgContLang = Language::factory( $wgLanguageCode ); } } /** * Retrieves MediaWiki language from Accept-Language HTTP header */ function getAcceptLanguage() { global $wgLanguageCode; $mwLanguages = Language::getLanguageNames(); $langs = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; foreach ( explode( ';', $langs ) as $splitted ) { foreach ( explode( ',', $splitted ) as $lang ) { $lang = trim( strtolower( $lang ) ); if ( $lang == '' || $lang[0] == 'q' ) { continue; } if ( isset( $mwLanguages[$lang] ) ) { return $lang; } $lang = preg_replace( '/^(.*?)(?=-[^-]*)$/', '\\1', $lang ); if ( $lang != '' && isset( $mwLanguages[$lang] ) ) { return $lang; } } } return $wgLanguageCode; } /** * Called by execute() before page output starts, to show a page list */ function startPageWrapper( $currentPageName ) { $s = "
\n" . "
    \n"; $lastHappy = -1; foreach ( $this->pageSequence as $id => $pageName ) { $happy = !empty( $this->happyPages[$id] ); $s .= $this->getPageListItem( $pageName, $happy || $lastHappy == $id - 1, $currentPageName ); if ( $happy ) { $lastHappy = $id; } } $s .= "

    \n"; foreach ( $this->otherPages as $pageName ) { $s .= $this->getPageListItem( $pageName, true, $currentPageName ); } $s .= "
\n". // end list pane "
\n" . Xml::element( 'h2', array(), wfMsg( 'config-page-' . strtolower( $currentPageName ) ) ); $this->output->addHTMLNoFlush( $s ); } /** * Get a list item for the page list */ function getPageListItem( $pageName, $enabled, $currentPageName ) { $s = "
  • "; $name = wfMsg( 'config-page-' . strtolower( $pageName ) ); if ( $enabled ) { $query = array( 'page' => $pageName ); if ( !in_array( $pageName, $this->pageSequence ) ) { if ( in_array( $currentPageName, $this->pageSequence ) ) { $query['lastPage'] = $currentPageName; } $link = Xml::element( 'a', array( 'href' => $this->getUrl( $query ) ), $name ); } else { $link = htmlspecialchars( $name ); } if ( $pageName == $currentPageName ) { $s .= "$link"; } else { $s .= $link; } } else { $s .= Xml::element( 'span', array( 'class' => 'config-page-disabled' ), $name ); } $s .= "
  • \n"; return $s; } /** * Output some stuff after a page is finished */ function endPageWrapper() { $this->output->addHTMLNoFlush( "
    \n" . "
    \n" . "
    " ); } /** * Get HTML for an error box with an icon * * @param $text String: wikitext, get this with wfMsgNoTrans() */ function getErrorBox( $text ) { return $this->getInfoBox( $text, 'critical-32.png', 'config-error-box' ); } /** * Get HTML for a warning box with an icon * * @param $text String: wikitext, get this with wfMsgNoTrans() */ function getWarningBox( $text ) { return $this->getInfoBox( $text, 'warning-32.png', 'config-warning-box' ); } /** * Get HTML for an info box with an icon * * @param $text String: wikitext, get this with wfMsgNoTrans() * @param $icon String: icon name, file in skins/common/images * @param $class String: additional class name to add to the wrapper div */ function getInfoBox( $text, $icon = 'info-32.png', $class = false ) { $s = "
    \n" . "
    \n" . Xml::element( 'img', array( 'src' => '../skins/common/images/' . $icon, 'alt' => wfMsg( 'config-information' ), ) ) . "\n" . "
    \n" . "
    \n" . $this->parse( $text ) . "\n" . "
    \n" . "
    \n" . "
    \n"; return $s; } /** * Get small text indented help for a preceding form field. * Parameters like wfMsg(). */ function getHelpBox( $msg /*, ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift( $args ); $args = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', $args ); $text = wfMsgReal( $msg, $args, false, false, false ); $html = $this->parse( $text, true ); $id = $this->helpId++; $alt = wfMsg( 'help' ); return "
    \n" . "
    \n" . $html . "
    \n" . "\n" . "\n
    \n"; } /** * Output a help box */ function showHelpBox( $msg /*, ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); $html = call_user_func_array( array( $this, 'getHelpBox' ), $args ); $this->output->addHTML( $html ); } /** * Show a short informational message * Output looks like a list. */ function showMessage( $msg /*, ... */ ) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift( $args ); $html = '
    ' . $this->parse( wfMsgReal( $msg, $args, false, false, false ) ) . "
    \n"; $this->output->addHTML( $html ); } /** * Label a control by wrapping a config-input div around it and putting a * label before it */ function label( $msg, $forId, $contents ) { if ( strval( $msg ) == '' ) { $labelText = ' '; } else { $labelText = wfMsgHtml( $msg ); } $attributes = array( 'class' => 'config-label' ); if ( $forId ) { $attributes['for'] = $forId; } return "
    \n" . Xml::tags( 'label', $attributes, $labelText ) . "\n" . $contents . "
    \n"; } /** * Get a labelled text box to configure a variable * * @param $params Array * Parameters are: * var: The variable to be configured (required) * label: The message name for the label (required) * attribs: Additional attributes for the input element (optional) * controlName: The name for the input element (optional) * value: The current value of the variable (optional) */ function getTextBox( $params ) { if ( !isset( $params['controlName'] ) ) { $params['controlName'] = 'config_' . $params['var']; } if ( !isset( $params['value'] ) ) { $params['value'] = $this->getVar( $params['var'] ); } if ( !isset( $params['attribs'] ) ) { $params['attribs'] = array(); } return $this->label( $params['label'], $params['controlName'], Xml::input( $params['controlName'], 30, // intended to be overridden by CSS $params['value'], $params['attribs'] + array( 'id' => $params['controlName'], 'class' => 'config-input-text', 'tabindex' => $this->nextTabIndex() ) ) ); } /** * Get a labelled password box to configure a variable * * Implements password hiding * @param $params Array * Parameters are: * var: The variable to be configured (required) * label: The message name for the label (required) * attribs: Additional attributes for the input element (optional) * controlName: The name for the input element (optional) * value: The current value of the variable (optional) */ function getPasswordBox( $params ) { if ( !isset( $params['value'] ) ) { $params['value'] = $this->getVar( $params['var'] ); } if ( !isset( $params['attribs'] ) ) { $params['attribs'] = array(); } $params['value'] = $this->getFakePassword( $params['value'] ); $params['attribs']['type'] = 'password'; return $this->getTextBox( $params ); } /** * Get a labelled checkbox to configure a boolean variable * * @param $params Array * Parameters are: * var: The variable to be configured (required) * label: The message name for the label (required) * attribs: Additional attributes for the input element (optional) * controlName: The name for the input element (optional) * value: The current value of the variable (optional) */ function getCheckBox( $params ) { if ( !isset( $params['controlName'] ) ) { $params['controlName'] = 'config_' . $params['var']; } if ( !isset( $params['value'] ) ) { $params['value'] = $this->getVar( $params['var'] ); } if ( !isset( $params['attribs'] ) ) { $params['attribs'] = array(); } if( isset( $params['rawtext'] ) ) { $labelText = $params['rawtext']; } else { $labelText = $this->parse( wfMsg( $params['label'] ) ); } return "
    \n" . "\n" . "
    \n"; } /** * Get a set of labelled radio buttons * * @param $params Array * Parameters are: * var: The variable to be configured (required) * label: The message name for the label (required) * itemLabelPrefix: The message name prefix for the item labels (required) * values: List of allowed values (required) * itemAttribs Array of attribute arrays, outer key is the value name (optional) * commonAttribs Attribute array applied to all items * controlName: The name for the input element (optional) * value: The current value of the variable (optional) */ function getRadioSet( $params ) { if ( !isset( $params['controlName'] ) ) { $params['controlName'] = 'config_' . $params['var']; } if ( !isset( $params['value'] ) ) { $params['value'] = $this->getVar( $params['var'] ); } if ( !isset( $params['label'] ) ) { $label = ''; } else { $label = $this->parse( wfMsgNoTrans( $params['label'] ) ); } $s = "\n" . "\n"; return $s; } /** * Output an error or warning box using a Status object */ function showStatusBox( $status ) { if( !$status->isGood() ) { $text = $status->getWikiText(); if( $status->isOk() ) { $box = $this->getWarningBox( $text ); } else { $box = $this->getErrorBox( $text ); } $this->output->addHTML( $box ); } } function showStatusMessage( $status ) { $text = $status->getWikiText(); $this->output->addWikiText( "
    \n" . $text . "
    " ); } /** * Convenience function to set variables based on form data. * Assumes that variables containing "password" in the name are (potentially * fake) passwords. * * @param $varNames Array * @param $prefix String: the prefix added to variables to obtain form names */ function setVarsFromRequest( $varNames, $prefix = 'config_' ) { $newValues = array(); foreach ( $varNames as $name ) { $value = trim( $this->request->getVal( $prefix . $name ) ); $newValues[$name] = $value; if ( $value === null ) { // Checkbox? $this->setVar( $name, false ); } else { if ( stripos( $name, 'password' ) !== false ) { $this->setPassword( $name, $value ); } else { $this->setVar( $name, $value ); } } } return $newValues; } /** * Get the starting tags of a fieldset * * @param $legend String: message name */ function getFieldsetStart( $legend ) { return "\n
    " . wfMsgHtml( $legend ) . "\n"; } /** * Get the end tag of a fieldset */ function getFieldsetEnd() { return "
    \n"; } /** * Helper for Installer::docLink() */ function getDocUrl( $page ) { $url = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=" . urlencode( $page ); if ( in_array( $this->currentPageName, $this->pageSequence ) ) { $url .= '&lastPage=' . urlencode( $this->currentPageName ); } return $url; } } abstract class WebInstallerPage { function __construct( $parent ) { $this->parent = $parent; } function addHTML( $html ) { $this->parent->output->addHTML( $html ); } function startForm() { $this->addHTML( "
    \n" . Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $this->parent->getUrl( array( 'page' => $this->getName() ) ) ) ) . "\n" ); } function endForm( $continue = 'continue' ) { $this->parent->output->outputWarnings(); $s = "
    \n"; $id = $this->getId(); if ( $id === false ) { $s .= Xml::hidden( 'lastPage', $this->parent->request->getVal( 'lastPage' ) ); } if ( $continue ) { // Fake submit button for enter keypress $s .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( "config-$continue" ), array( 'name' => "enter-$continue", 'style' => 'display:none' ) ) . "\n"; } if ( $id !== 0 ) { $s .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'config-back' ), array( 'name' => 'submit-back', 'tabindex' => $this->parent->nextTabIndex() ) ) . "\n"; } if ( $continue ) { $s .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( "config-$continue" ), array( 'name' => "submit-$continue", 'tabindex' => $this->parent->nextTabIndex(), ) ) . "\n"; } $s .= "
    \n"; $this->addHTML( $s ); } function getName() { return str_replace( 'WebInstaller_', '', get_class( $this ) ); } function getId() { return array_search( $this->getName(), $this->parent->pageSequence ); } abstract function execute(); function getVar( $var ) { return $this->parent->getVar( $var ); } function setVar( $name, $value ) { $this->parent->setVar( $name, $value ); } } class WebInstaller_Language extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { global $wgLang; $r = $this->parent->request; $userLang = $r->getVal( 'UserLang' ); $contLang = $r->getVal( 'ContLang' ); $lifetime = intval( ini_get( 'session.gc_maxlifetime' ) ); if ( !$lifetime ) { $lifetime = 1440; // PHP default } if ( $r->wasPosted() ) { # Do session test if ( $this->parent->getSession( 'test' ) === null ) { $requestTime = $r->getVal( 'LanguageRequestTime' ); if ( !$requestTime ) { // The most likely explanation is that the user was knocked back // from another page on POST due to session expiry $msg = 'config-session-expired'; } elseif ( time() - $requestTime > $lifetime ) { $msg = 'config-session-expired'; } else { $msg = 'config-no-session'; } $this->parent->showError( $msg, $wgLang->formatTimePeriod( $lifetime ) ); } else { $languages = Language::getLanguageNames(); if ( isset( $languages[$userLang] ) ) { $this->setVar( '_UserLang', $userLang ); } if ( isset( $languages[$contLang] ) ) { $this->setVar( 'wgLanguageCode', $contLang ); if ( $this->getVar( '_AdminName' ) === null ) { // Load localised sysop username in *content* language $this->setVar( '_AdminName', wfMsgForContent( 'config-admin-default-username' ) ); } } return 'continue'; } } elseif ( $this->parent->showSessionWarning ) { # The user was knocked back from another page to the start # This probably indicates a session expiry $this->parent->showError( 'config-session-expired', $wgLang->formatTimePeriod( $lifetime ) ); } $this->parent->setSession( 'test', true ); if ( !isset( $languages[$userLang] ) ) { $userLang = $this->getVar( '_UserLang', 'en' ); } if ( !isset( $languages[$contLang] ) ) { $contLang = $this->getVar( 'wgLanguageCode', 'en' ); } $this->startForm(); $s = Xml::hidden( 'LanguageRequestTime', time() ) . $this->getLanguageSelector( 'UserLang', 'config-your-language', $userLang ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-your-language-help' ) . $this->getLanguageSelector( 'ContLang', 'config-wiki-language', $contLang ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-wiki-language-help' ); $this->addHTML( $s ); $this->endForm(); } /** * Get a \n"; return $this->parent->label( $label, $name, $s ); } } class WebInstaller_Welcome extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { if ( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() ) { if ( $this->getVar( '_Environment' ) ) { return 'continue'; } } $this->parent->output->addWikiText( wfMsgNoTrans( 'config-welcome' ) ); $status = $this->parent->doEnvironmentChecks(); if ( $status ) { $this->parent->output->addWikiText( wfMsgNoTrans( 'config-copyright', wfMsg( 'config-authors' ) ) ); $this->startForm(); $this->endForm(); } } } class WebInstaller_DBConnect extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { $r = $this->parent->request; if ( $r->wasPosted() ) { $status = $this->submit(); if ( $status->isGood() ) { $this->setVar( '_UpgradeDone', false ); return 'continue'; } else { $this->parent->showStatusBox( $status ); } } $this->startForm(); $types = "
    \n"; $this->addHTML( $this->parent->label( 'config-db-type', false, $types ) . $settings ); $this->endForm(); } function submit() { $r = $this->parent->request; $type = $r->getVal( 'DBType' ); $this->setVar( 'wgDBtype', $type ); $installer = $this->parent->getDBInstaller( $type ); if ( !$installer ) { return Status::newFatal( 'config-invalid-db-type' ); } return $installer->submitConnectForm(); } } class WebInstaller_Upgrade extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { if ( $this->getVar( '_UpgradeDone' ) ) { if ( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() ) { // Done message acknowledged return 'continue'; } else { // Back button click // Show the done message again // Make them click back again if they want to do the upgrade again $this->showDoneMessage(); return 'output'; } } // wgDBtype is generally valid here because otherwise the previous page // (connect) wouldn't have declared its happiness $type = $this->getVar( 'wgDBtype' ); $installer = $this->parent->getDBInstaller( $type ); if ( !$installer->needsUpgrade() ) { return 'skip'; } if ( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() ) { $this->addHTML( '' . '' . ' ' ); $this->parent->output->flush(); if ( $result ) { $this->setVar( '_UpgradeDone', true ); $this->showDoneMessage(); return 'output'; } } $this->startForm(); $this->addHTML( $this->parent->getInfoBox( wfMsgNoTrans( 'config-can-upgrade', $GLOBALS['wgVersion'] ) ) ); $this->endForm(); } function showDoneMessage() { $this->startForm(); $this->addHTML( $this->parent->getInfoBox( wfMsgNoTrans( 'config-upgrade-done', $GLOBALS['wgServer'] . $this->getVar( 'wgScriptPath' ) . '/index' . $this->getVar( 'wgScriptExtension' ) ), 'tick-32.png' ) ); $this->endForm( 'regenerate' ); } } class WebInstaller_DBSettings extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { $installer = $this->parent->getDBInstaller( $this->getVar( 'wgDBtype' ) ); $r = $this->parent->request; if ( $r->wasPosted() ) { $status = $installer->submitSettingsForm(); if ( $status === false ) { return 'skip'; } elseif ( $status->isGood() ) { return 'continue'; } else { $this->parent->showStatusBox( $status ); } } $form = $installer->getSettingsForm(); if ( $form === false ) { return 'skip'; } $this->startForm(); $this->addHTML( $form ); $this->endForm(); } } class WebInstaller_Name extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { $r = $this->parent->request; if ( $r->wasPosted() ) { if ( $this->submit() ) { return 'continue'; } } $this->startForm(); if ( $this->getVar( 'wgSitename' ) == $GLOBALS['wgSitename'] ) { $this->setVar( 'wgSitename', '' ); } // Set wgMetaNamespace to something valid before we show the form. // $wgMetaNamespace defaults to $wgSiteName which is 'MediaWiki' $metaNS = $this->getVar( 'wgMetaNamespace' ); $this->setVar( 'wgMetaNamespace', wfMsgForContent( 'config-ns-other-default' ) ); $this->addHTML( $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => 'wgSitename', 'label' => 'config-site-name', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-site-name-help' ) . $this->parent->getRadioSet( array( 'var' => '_NamespaceType', 'label' => 'config-project-namespace', 'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-ns-', 'values' => array( 'site-name', 'generic', 'other' ), 'commonAttribs' => array( 'class' => 'enableForOther', 'rel' => 'config_wgMetaNamespace' ), ) ) . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => 'wgMetaNamespace', 'label' => '', 'attribs' => array( 'disabled' => '' ), ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-project-namespace-help' ) . $this->parent->getFieldsetStart( 'config-admin-box' ) . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => '_AdminName', 'label' => 'config-admin-name' ) ) . $this->parent->getPasswordBox( array( 'var' => '_AdminPassword', 'label' => 'config-admin-password', ) ) . $this->parent->getPasswordBox( array( 'var' => '_AdminPassword2', 'label' => 'config-admin-password-confirm' ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-admin-help' ) . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => '_AdminEmail', 'label' => 'config-admin-email' ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-admin-email-help' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => '_Subscribe', 'label' => 'config-subscribe' ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-subscribe-help' ) . $this->parent->getFieldsetEnd() . $this->parent->getInfoBox( wfMsg( 'config-almost-done' ) ) . $this->parent->getRadioSet( array( 'var' => '_SkipOptional', 'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-optional-', 'values' => array( 'continue', 'skip' ) ) ) ); // Restore the default value $this->setVar( 'wgMetaNamespace', $metaNS ); $this->endForm(); return 'output'; } function submit() { $retVal = true; $this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( array( 'wgSitename', '_NamespaceType', '_AdminName', '_AdminPassword', '_AdminPassword2', '_AdminEmail', '_Subscribe', '_SkipOptional' ) ); // Validate site name if ( strval( $this->getVar( 'wgSitename' ) ) === '' ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-site-name-blank' ); $retVal = false; } // Fetch namespace $nsType = $this->getVar( '_NamespaceType' ); if ( $nsType == 'site-name' ) { $name = $this->getVar( 'wgSitename' ); // Sanitize for namespace // This algorithm should match the JS one in WebInstallerOutput.php $name = preg_replace( '/[\[\]\{\}|#<>%+? ]/', '_', $name ); $name = str_replace( '&', '&', $name ); $name = preg_replace( '/__+/', '_', $name ); $name = ucfirst( trim( $name, '_' ) ); } elseif ( $nsType == 'generic' ) { $name = wfMsg( 'config-ns-generic' ); } else { // other $name = $this->getVar( 'wgMetaNamespace' ); } // Validate namespace if ( strpos( $name, ':' ) !== false ) { $good = false; } else { // Title-style validation $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); if ( !$title ) { $good = $nsType == 'site-name' ? true : false; } else { $name = $title->getDBkey(); $good = true; } } if ( !$good ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-ns-invalid', $name ); $retVal = false; } $this->setVar( 'wgMetaNamespace', $name ); // Validate username for creation $name = $this->getVar( '_AdminName' ); if ( strval( $name ) === '' ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-admin-name-blank' ); $cname = $name; $retVal = false; } else { $cname = User::getCanonicalName( $name, 'creatable' ); if ( $cname === false ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-admin-name-invalid', $name ); $retVal = false; } else { $this->setVar( '_AdminName', $cname ); } } // Validate password $msg = false; $pwd = $this->getVar( '_AdminPassword' ); $user = User::newFromName( $cname ); $valid = $user->getPasswordValidity( $pwd ); if ( strval( $pwd ) === '' ) { # $user->getPasswordValidity just checks for $wgMinimalPasswordLength. # This message is more specific and helpful. $msg = 'config-admin-password-blank'; } elseif ( $pwd !== $this->getVar( '_AdminPassword2' ) ) { $msg = 'config-admin-password-mismatch'; } elseif ( $valid !== true ) { # As of writing this will only catch the username being e.g. 'FOO' and # the password 'foo' $msg = $valid; } if ( $msg !== false ) { $this->parent->showError( $msg ); $this->setVar( '_AdminPassword', '' ); $this->setVar( '_AdminPassword2', '' ); $retVal = false; } return $retVal; } } class WebInstaller_Options extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { if ( $this->getVar( '_SkipOptional' ) == 'skip' ) { return 'skip'; } if ( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() ) { if ( $this->submit() ) { return 'continue'; } } $this->startForm(); $this->addHTML( # User Rights $this->parent->getRadioSet( array( 'var' => '_RightsProfile', 'label' => 'config-profile', 'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-profile-', 'values' => array_keys( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ), ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-profile-help' ) . # Licensing $this->parent->getRadioSet( array( 'var' => '_LicenseCode', 'label' => 'config-license', 'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-license-', 'values' => array_keys( $this->parent->licenses ), 'commonAttribs' => array( 'class' => 'licenseRadio' ), ) ) . $this->getCCChooser() . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-license-help' ) . # E-mail $this->parent->getFieldsetStart( 'config-email-settings' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEnableEmail', 'label' => 'config-enable-email', 'attribs' => array( 'class' => 'showHideRadio', 'rel' => 'emailwrapper' ), ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-enable-email-help' ) . "
    " . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => 'wgPasswordSender', 'label' => 'config-email-sender' ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-sender-help' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEnableUserEmail', 'label' => 'config-email-user', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-user-help' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEnotifUserTalk', 'label' => 'config-email-usertalk', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-usertalk-help' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEnotifWatchlist', 'label' => 'config-email-watchlist', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-watchlist-help' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEmailAuthentication', 'label' => 'config-email-auth', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-auth-help' ) . "
    " . $this->parent->getFieldsetEnd() ); $extensions = $this->parent->findExtensions(); if( $extensions ) { $extHtml = $this->parent->getFieldsetStart( 'config-extensions' ); foreach( array_keys($extensions) as $ext ) { $extHtml .= $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => "ext-$ext", 'rawtext' => $ext, ) ); } $extHtml .= $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-extensions-help' ) . $this->parent->getFieldsetEnd(); $this->addHTML( $extHtml ); } $this->addHTML( # Uploading $this->parent->getFieldsetStart( 'config-upload-settings' ) . $this->parent->getCheckBox( array( 'var' => 'wgEnableUploads', 'label' => 'config-upload-enable', 'attribs' => array( 'class' => 'showHideRadio', 'rel' => 'uploadwrapper' ), ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-upload-help' ) . '' . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => 'wgLogo', 'label' => 'config-logo' ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-logo-help' ) . $this->parent->getFieldsetEnd() ); $caches = array( 'none' ); if( count( $this->getVar( '_Caches' ) ) ) { $caches[] = 'accel'; $selected = 'accel'; } $caches[] = 'memcached'; $this->addHTML( # Advanced settings $this->parent->getFieldsetStart( 'config-advanced-settings' ) . # Object cache settings $this->parent->getRadioSet( array( 'var' => 'wgMainCacheType', 'label' => 'config-cache-options', 'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-cache-', 'values' => $caches, 'value' => $selected, ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-cache-help' ) . '
    ' . $this->parent->getTextBox( array( 'var' => '_MemCachedServers', 'label' => 'config-memcached-servers', ) ) . $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-memcached-help' ) . '
    ' . $this->parent->getFieldsetEnd() ); $this->endForm(); } function getCCPartnerUrl() { global $wgServer; $exitUrl = $wgServer . $this->parent->getUrl( array( 'page' => 'Options', 'SubmitCC' => 'indeed', 'config__LicenseCode' => 'cc', 'config_wgRightsUrl' => '[license_url]', 'config_wgRightsText' => '[license_name]', 'config_wgRightsIcon' => '[license_button]', ) ); $styleUrl = $wgServer . dirname( dirname( $this->parent->getUrl() ) ) . '/skins/common/config-cc.css'; $iframeUrl = '' . wfArrayToCGI( array( 'partner' => 'MediaWiki', 'exit_url' => $exitUrl, 'lang' => $this->getVar( '_UserLang' ), 'stylesheet' => $styleUrl, ) ); return $iframeUrl; } function getCCChooser() { $iframeAttribs = array( 'class' => 'config-cc-iframe', 'name' => 'config-cc-iframe', 'id' => 'config-cc-iframe', 'frameborder' => 0, 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '100%', ); if ( $this->getVar( '_CCDone' ) ) { $iframeAttribs['src'] = $this->parent->getUrl( array( 'ShowCC' => 'yes' ) ); } else { $iframeAttribs['src'] = $this->getCCPartnerUrl(); } return "
    \n" . Xml::element( 'iframe', $iframeAttribs, '', false /* not short */ ) . "
    \n"; } function getCCDoneBox() { $js = "parent.document.getElementById('config-cc-wrapper').style.height = '$1';"; // If you change this height, also change it in config.css $expandJs = str_replace( '$1', '54em', $js ); $reduceJs = str_replace( '$1', '70px', $js ); return '

    '. Xml::element( 'img', array( 'src' => $this->getVar( 'wgRightsIcon' ) ) ) . '  ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->getVar( 'wgRightsText' ) ) . "

    \n" . "

    " . Xml::element( 'a', array( 'href' => $this->getCCPartnerUrl(), 'onclick' => $expandJs, ), wfMsg( 'config-cc-again' ) ) . "

    \n" . "\n"; } function submitCC() { $newValues = $this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( array( 'wgRightsUrl', 'wgRightsText', 'wgRightsIcon' ) ); if ( count( $newValues ) != 3 ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-cc-error' ); return; } $this->setVar( '_CCDone', true ); $this->addHTML( $this->getCCDoneBox() ); } function submit() { $this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( array( '_RightsProfile', '_LicenseCode', 'wgEnableEmail', 'wgPasswordSender', 'wgEnableUpload', 'wgLogo', 'wgEnableUserEmail', 'wgEnotifUserTalk', 'wgEnotifWatchlist', 'wgEmailAuthentication', 'wgMainCacheType', '_MemCachedServers' ) ); if ( !in_array( $this->getVar( '_RightsProfile' ), array_keys( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ) ) ) { reset( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ); $this->setVar( '_RightsProfile', key( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ) ); } $code = $this->getVar( '_LicenseCode' ); if ( $code == 'cc-choose' ) { if ( !$this->getVar( '_CCDone' ) ) { $this->parent->showError( 'config-cc-not-chosen' ); return false; } } elseif ( in_array( $code, array_keys( $this->parent->licenses ) ) ) { $entry = $this->parent->licenses[$code]; if ( isset( $entry['text'] ) ) { $this->setVar( 'wgRightsText', $entry['text'] ); } else { $this->setVar( 'wgRightsText', wfMsg( 'config-license-' . $code ) ); } $this->setVar( 'wgRightsUrl', $entry['url'] ); $this->setVar( 'wgRightsIcon', $entry['icon'] ); } else { $this->setVar( 'wgRightsText', '' ); $this->setVar( 'wgRightsUrl', '' ); $this->setVar( 'wgRightsIcon', '' ); } $exts = $this->parent->getVar( '_Extensions' ); foreach( $exts as $key => $ext ) { if( !$this->parent->request->getCheck( 'config_ext-' . $ext ) ) { unset( $exts[$key] ); } } $this->parent->setVar( '_Extensions', $exts ); return true; } } class WebInstaller_Install extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { if( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() ) { return 'continue'; } $this->startForm(); $this->addHTML(""); $this->endForm(); return true; } public function startStage( $step ) { $this->addHTML( "
  • " . wfMsgHtml( "config-install-$step" ) . wfMsg( 'ellipsis') ); } public function endStage( $step, $status ) { $success = $status->isGood(); $msg = $success ? 'config-install-step-done' : 'config-install-step-failed'; $html = wfMsgHtml( 'word-separator' ) . wfMsgHtml( $msg ); if ( !$success ) { $this->parent->showStatusBox( $status ); $html = "$html"; } $this->addHTML( $html . "
  • \n" ); } } class WebInstaller_Complete extends WebInstallerPage { public function execute() { global $IP; $this->startForm(); $msg = file_exists( "$IP/LocalSettings.php" ) ? 'config-install-done-moved' : 'config-install-done'; $this->addHTML( $this->parent->getInfoBox( wfMsgNoTrans( $msg, $GLOBALS['wgServer'] . $this->getVar( 'wgScriptPath' ) . '/index' . $this->getVar( 'wgScriptExtension' ) ), 'tick-32.png' ) ); $this->endForm( false ); } } class WebInstaller_Restart extends WebInstallerPage { function execute() { $r = $this->parent->request; if ( $r->wasPosted() ) { $really = $r->getVal( 'submit-restart' ); if ( $really ) { $this->parent->session = array(); $this->parent->happyPages = array(); $this->parent->settings = array(); } return 'continue'; } $this->startForm(); $s = $this->parent->getWarningBox( wfMsgNoTrans( 'config-help-restart' ) ); $this->addHTML( $s ); $this->endForm( 'restart' ); } } abstract class WebInstaller_Document extends WebInstallerPage { abstract function getFileName(); function execute() { $text = $this->getFileContents(); $this->parent->output->addWikiText( $text ); $this->startForm(); $this->endForm( false ); } function getFileContents() { return file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../' . $this->getFileName() ); } protected function formatTextFile( $text ) { $text = str_replace( array( '<', '{{', '[[' ), array( '<', '{{', '[[' ), $text ); // replace numbering with [1], [2], etc with MW-style numbering $text = preg_replace( "/\r?\n(\r?\n)?\\[\\d+\\]/m", "\\1#", $text ); // join word-wrapped lines into one do { $prev = $text; $text = preg_replace( "/\n([\\*#])([^\r\n]*?)\r?\n([^\r\n#\\*:]+)/", "\n\\1\\2 \\3", $text ); } while ( $text != $prev ); // turn (bug nnnn) into links $text = preg_replace_callback('/bug (\d+)/', array( $this, 'replaceBugLinks' ), $text ); // add links to manual to every global variable mentioned $text = preg_replace_callback('/(\$wg[a-z0-9_]+)/i', array( $this, 'replaceConfigLinks' ), $text ); // special case for
     - formatted links
    		do {
    			$prev = $text;
    			$text = preg_replace( '/^([^\\s].*?)\r?\n[\\s]+(https?:\/\/)/m', "\\1\n:\\2", $text );
    		} while ( $text != $prev );
    		return $text;
    	private function replaceBugLinks( $matches ) {
    		return '[' .
    			$matches[1] . ' bug ' . $matches[1] . ']';
    	private function replaceConfigLinks( $matches ) {
    		return '[' .
    			$matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[1] . ']';
    class WebInstaller_Readme extends WebInstaller_Document {
    	function getFileName() { return 'README'; }
    	function getFileContents() {
    		return $this->formatTextFile( parent::getFileContents() );
    class WebInstaller_ReleaseNotes extends WebInstaller_Document {
    	function getFileName() { return 'RELEASE-NOTES'; }
    	function getFileContents() {
    		return $this->formatTextFile( parent::getFileContents() );
    class WebInstaller_UpgradeDoc extends WebInstaller_Document {
    	function getFileName() { return 'UPGRADE'; }
    	function getFileContents() {
    		return $this->formatTextFile( parent::getFileContents() );
    class WebInstaller_Copying extends WebInstaller_Document {
    	function getFileName() { return 'COPYING'; }
    	function getFileContents() {
    		$text = parent::getFileContents();
    		$text = str_replace( "\x0C", '', $text );
    		$text = preg_replace_callback( '/\n[ \t]+/m', array( 'WebInstaller_Copying', 'replaceLeadingSpaces' ), $text );
    		$text = '' . nl2br( $text ) . '';
    		return $text;
    	private static function replaceLeadingSpaces( $matches ) {
    		return "\n" . str_repeat( ' ', strlen( $matches[0] ) );