mRepo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo(); } /** * Overide parent method to make sure to make sure the repo's DB is used * which may not necesarilly be the same as the local DB. * * TODO: allow querying non-local repos. */ protected function getDB() { return $this->mRepo->getSlaveDB(); } public function execute() { $this->run(); } public function getCacheMode( $params ) { return 'public'; } public function executeGenerator( $resultPageSet ) { if ( $resultPageSet->isResolvingRedirects() ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Use "gaifilterredir=nonredirects" option instead of "redirects" when using allimages as a generator', 'params' ); } $this->run( $resultPageSet ); } private function run( $resultPageSet = null ) { $repo = $this->mRepo; if ( !$repo instanceof LocalRepo ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Local file repository does not support querying all images', 'unsupportedrepo' ); } $db = $this->getDB(); $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); // Image filters $dir = ( $params['dir'] == 'descending' ? 'older' : 'newer' ); $from = ( is_null( $params['from'] ) ? null : $this->titlePartToKey( $params['from'] ) ); $this->addWhereRange( 'img_name', $dir, $from, null ); if ( isset( $params['prefix'] ) ) $this->addWhere( 'img_name' . $db->buildLike( $this->titlePartToKey( $params['prefix'] ), $db->anyString() ) ); if ( isset( $params['minsize'] ) ) { $this->addWhere( 'img_size>=' . intval( $params['minsize'] ) ); } if ( isset( $params['maxsize'] ) ) { $this->addWhere( 'img_size<=' . intval( $params['maxsize'] ) ); } $sha1 = false; if ( isset( $params['sha1'] ) ) { $sha1 = wfBaseConvert( $params['sha1'], 16, 36, 31 ); } elseif ( isset( $params['sha1base36'] ) ) { $sha1 = $params['sha1base36']; } if ( $sha1 ) { $this->addWhere( 'img_sha1=' . $db->addQuotes( $sha1 ) ); } $this->addTables( 'image' ); $prop = array_flip( $params['prop'] ); $this->addFields( LocalFile::selectFields() ); $limit = $params['limit']; $this->addOption( 'LIMIT', $limit + 1 ); $this->addOption( 'ORDER BY', 'img_name' . ( $params['dir'] == 'descending' ? ' DESC' : '' ) ); $res = $this->select( __METHOD__ ); $titles = array(); $count = 0; $result = $this->getResult(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( ++ $count > $limit ) { // We've reached the one extra which shows that there are additional pages to be had. Stop here... // TODO: Security issue - if the user has no right to view next title, it will still be shown $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'from', $this->keyToTitle( $row->img_name ) ); break; } if ( is_null( $resultPageSet ) ) { $file = $repo->newFileFromRow( $row ); $info = array_merge( array( 'name' => $row->img_name ), ApiQueryImageInfo::getInfo( $file, $prop, $result ) ); $fit = $result->addValue( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), null, $info ); if ( !$fit ) { $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'from', $this->keyToTitle( $row->img_name ) ); break; } } else { $titles[] = Title::makeTitle( NS_IMAGE, $row->img_name ); } } if ( is_null( $resultPageSet ) ) { $result->setIndexedTagName_internal( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), 'img' ); } else { $resultPageSet->populateFromTitles( $titles ); } } public function getAllowedParams() { return array ( 'from' => null, 'prefix' => null, 'minsize' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer', ), 'maxsize' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer', ), 'limit' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 10, ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit', ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => 1, ApiBase::PARAM_MAX => ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG1, ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2 => ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG2 ), 'dir' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'ascending', ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array( 'ascending', 'descending' ) ), 'sha1' => null, 'sha1base36' => null, 'prop' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => ApiQueryImageInfo::getPropertyNames(), ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'timestamp|url', ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ) ); } public function getParamDescription() { return array( 'from' => 'The image title to start enumerating from', 'prefix' => 'Search for all image titles that begin with this value', 'dir' => 'The direction in which to list', 'minsize' => 'Limit to images with at least this many bytes', 'maxsize' => 'Limit to images with at most this many bytes', 'limit' => 'How many images in total to return', 'sha1' => "SHA1 hash of image. Overrides {$this->getModulePrefix()}sha1base36", 'sha1base36' => 'SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki)', 'prop' => array( 'Which properties to get', ' timestamp - Adds the timestamp when the image was upload', ' user - Adds the username of the last uploader', ' comment - Adds the comment of the last upload', ' url - Adds the URL of the image and its description page', ' size - Adds the size of the image in bytes and its height and width', ' dimensions - Alias of size', ' sha1 - Adds the sha1 of the image', ' mime - Adds the MIME of the image', ' thumbmime - Adds the MIME of the tumbnail for the image', ' archivename - Adds the file name of the archive version for non-latest versions', ' bitdepth - Adds the bit depth of the version', ), ); } public function getDescription() { return 'Enumerate all images sequentially'; } public function getPossibleErrors() { return array_merge( parent::getPossibleErrors(), array( array( 'code' => 'params', 'info' => 'Use "gaifilterredir=nonredirects" option instead of "redirects" when using allimages as a generator' ), array( 'code' => 'unsupportedrepo', 'info' => 'Local file repository does not support querying all images' ), ) ); } protected function getExamples() { return array( 'Simple Use', ' Show a list of images starting at the letter "B"', ' api.php?action=query&list=allimages&aifrom=B', 'Using as Generator', ' Show info about 4 images starting at the letter "T"', ' api.php?action=query&generator=allimages&gailimit=4&gaifrom=T&prop=imageinfo', ); } public function getVersion() { return __CLASS__ . ': $Id$'; } }