* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) { // Eclipse helper - will be ignored in production require_once ('ApiBase.php'); } /** * This is the main API class, used for both external and internal processing. * @addtogroup API */ class ApiMain extends ApiBase { /** * When no format parameter is given, this format will be used */ const API_DEFAULT_FORMAT = 'xmlfm'; /** * List of available modules: action name => module class */ private static $Modules = array ( 'help' => 'ApiHelp', 'login' => 'ApiLogin', 'query' => 'ApiQuery', 'opensearch' => 'ApiOpenSearch', 'feedwatchlist' => 'ApiFeedWatchlist' ); /** * List of available formats: format name => format class */ private static $Formats = array ( 'json' => 'ApiFormatJson', 'jsonfm' => 'ApiFormatJson', 'php' => 'ApiFormatPhp', 'phpfm' => 'ApiFormatPhp', 'wddx' => 'ApiFormatWddx', 'wddxfm' => 'ApiFormatWddx', 'xml' => 'ApiFormatXml', 'xmlfm' => 'ApiFormatXml', 'yaml' => 'ApiFormatYaml', 'yamlfm' => 'ApiFormatYaml', 'rawfm' => 'ApiFormatJson' ); private $mPrinter, $mModules, $mModuleNames, $mFormats, $mFormatNames; private $mResult, $mShowVersions, $mEnableWrite, $mRequest, $mInternalMode, $mSquidMaxage; /** * Constructor * @param $request object - if this is an instance of FauxRequest, errors are thrown and no printing occurs * @param $enableWrite bool should be set to true if the api may modify data */ public function __construct($request, $enableWrite = false) { $this->mInternalMode = ($request instanceof FauxRequest); // Special handling for the main module: $parent === $this parent :: __construct($this, $this->mInternalMode ? 'main_int' : 'main'); $this->mModules = self :: $Modules; $this->mModuleNames = array_keys($this->mModules); // todo: optimize $this->mFormats = self :: $Formats; $this->mFormatNames = array_keys($this->mFormats); // todo: optimize $this->mResult = new ApiResult($this); $this->mShowVersions = false; $this->mEnableWrite = $enableWrite; $this->mRequest = & $request; $this->mSquidMaxage = 0; } public function & getRequest() { return $this->mRequest; } public function getResult() { return $this->mResult; } public function requestWriteMode() { if (!$this->mEnableWrite) $this->dieUsage('Editing of this site is disabled. Make sure the $wgEnableWriteAPI=true; ' . 'statement is included in the site\'s LocalSettings.php file', 'readonly'); } public function setCacheMaxAge($maxage) { $this->mSquidMaxage = $maxage; } public function createPrinterByName($format) { return new $this->mFormats[$format] ($this, $format); } public function execute() { $this->profileIn(); if ($this->mInternalMode) $this->executeAction(); else $this->executeActionWithErrorHandling(); $this->profileOut(); } protected function executeActionWithErrorHandling() { // In case an error occurs during data output, // this clear the output buffer and print just the error information ob_start(); try { $this->executeAction(); } catch (Exception $e) { // // Handle any kind of exception by outputing properly formatted error message. // If this fails, an unhandled exception should be thrown so that global error // handler will process and log it. // // Error results should not be cached $this->setCacheMaxAge(0); // Printer may not be initialized if the extractRequestParams() fails for the main module if (!isset ($this->mPrinter)) { $this->mPrinter = $this->createPrinterByName(self :: API_DEFAULT_FORMAT); if ($this->mPrinter->getNeedsRawData()) $this->getResult()->setRawMode(); } if ($e instanceof UsageException) { // // User entered incorrect parameters - print usage screen // $errMessage = array ( 'code' => $e->getCodeString(), 'info' => $e->getMessage()); ApiResult :: setContent($errMessage, $this->makeHelpMsg()); } else { // // Something is seriously wrong // $errMessage = array ( 'code' => 'internal_api_error', 'info' => "Exception Caught: {$e->getMessage()}" ); ApiResult :: setContent($errMessage, "\n\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}\n\n"); } $headerStr = 'MediaWiki-API-Error: ' . $errMessage['code']; if ($e->getCode() === 0) header($headerStr, true); else header($headerStr, true, $e->getCode()); // Reset and print just the error message ob_clean(); $this->getResult()->reset(); $this->getResult()->addValue(null, 'error', $errMessage); // If the error occured during printing, do a printer->profileOut() $this->mPrinter->safeProfileOut(); $this->printResult(true); } // Set the cache expiration at the last moment, as any errors may change the expiration. // if $this->mSquidMaxage == 0, the expiry time is set to the first second of unix epoch $expires = $this->mSquidMaxage == 0 ? 1 : time() + $this->mSquidMaxage; header('Expires: ' . wfTimestamp(TS_RFC2822, $expires)); header('Cache-Control: s-maxage=' . $this->mSquidMaxage . ', must-revalidate, max-age=0'); ob_end_flush(); } /** * Execute the actual module, without any error handling */ protected function executeAction() { $action = $format = $version = null; extract($this->extractRequestParams()); $this->mShowVersions = $version; // Instantiate the module requested by the user $module = new $this->mModules[$action] ($this, $action); if (!$this->mInternalMode) { // See if custom printer is used $this->mPrinter = $module->getCustomPrinter(); if (is_null($this->mPrinter)) { // Create an appropriate printer $this->mPrinter = $this->createPrinterByName($format); } if ($this->mPrinter->getNeedsRawData()) $this->getResult()->setRawMode(); } // Execute $module->profileIn(); $module->execute(); $module->profileOut(); if (!$this->mInternalMode) { // Print result data $this->printResult(false); } } /** * Internal printer */ protected function printResult($isError) { $printer = $this->mPrinter; $printer->profileIn(); $printer->initPrinter($isError); $printer->execute(); $printer->closePrinter(); $printer->profileOut(); } protected function getAllowedParams() { return array ( 'format' => array ( ApiBase :: PARAM_DFLT => ApiMain :: API_DEFAULT_FORMAT, ApiBase :: PARAM_TYPE => $this->mFormatNames ), 'action' => array ( ApiBase :: PARAM_DFLT => 'help', ApiBase :: PARAM_TYPE => $this->mModuleNames ), 'version' => false ); } protected function getParamDescription() { return array ( 'format' => 'The format of the output', 'action' => 'What action you would like to perform', 'version' => 'When showing help, include version for each module' ); } protected function getDescription() { return array ( '', 'This API allows programs to access various functions of MediaWiki software.', 'For more details see API Home Page @ http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API', '', 'Status: ALPHA -- all features shown on this page should be working,', ' but the API is still in active development, and may change at any time.', ' Make sure you monitor changes to this page, wikitech-l mailing list,', ' or the source code in the includes/api directory for any changes.', '' ); } protected function getCredits() { return array( 'This API is being implemented by Yuri Astrakhan [[User:Yurik]] / FirstnameLastname@gmail.com', 'Please leave your comments and suggestions at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/API' ); } /** * Override the parent to generate help messages for all available modules. */ public function makeHelpMsg() { // Use parent to make default message for the main module $msg = parent :: makeHelpMsg(); $astriks = str_repeat('*** ', 10); $msg .= "\n\n$astriks Modules $astriks\n\n"; foreach( $this->mModules as $moduleName => $unused ) { $msg .= "* action=$moduleName *"; $module = new $this->mModules[$moduleName] ($this, $moduleName); $msg2 = $module->makeHelpMsg(); if ($msg2 !== false) $msg .= $msg2; $msg .= "\n"; } $msg .= "\n$astriks Formats $astriks\n\n"; foreach( $this->mFormats as $formatName => $unused ) { $msg .= "* format=$formatName *"; $module = $this->createPrinterByName($formatName); $msg2 = $module->makeHelpMsg(); if ($msg2 !== false) $msg .= $msg2; $msg .= "\n"; } $msg .= "\n*** Credits: ***\n " . implode("\n ", $this->getCredits()) . "\n"; return $msg; } private $mIsBot = null; public function isBot() { if (!isset ($this->mIsBot)) { global $wgUser; $this->mIsBot = $wgUser->isAllowed('bot'); } return $this->mIsBot; } public function getShowVersions() { return $this->mShowVersions; } public function getVersion() { $vers = array (); $vers[] = __CLASS__ . ': $Id$'; $vers[] = ApiBase :: getBaseVersion(); $vers[] = ApiFormatBase :: getBaseVersion(); $vers[] = ApiQueryBase :: getBaseVersion(); $vers[] = ApiFormatFeedWrapper :: getVersion(); // not accessible with format=xxx return $vers; } } /** * This exception will be thrown when dieUsage is called to stop module execution. * @addtogroup API */ class UsageException extends Exception { private $mCodestr; public function __construct($message, $codestr, $code = 0) { parent :: __construct($message, $code); $this->mCodestr = $codestr; } public function getCodeString() { return $this->mCodestr; } public function __toString() { return "{$this->getCodeString()}: {$this->getMessage()}"; } } ?>