getVal( 'from' ); $namespace = $wgRequest->getInt( 'namespace' ); $namespaces = $wgContLang->getNamespaces(); $indexPage = new SpecialAllpages(); $wgOut->setPagetitle( ( $namespace > 0 && in_array( $namespace, array_keys( $namespaces) ) ) ? wfMsg( 'allinnamespace', str_replace( '_', ' ', $namespaces[$namespace] ) ) : wfMsg( 'allarticles' ) ); if ( isset($par) ) { $indexPage->showChunk( $namespace, $par, $specialPage->including() ); } elseif ( isset($from) ) { $indexPage->showChunk( $namespace, $from, $specialPage->including() ); } else { $indexPage->showToplevel ( $namespace, $specialPage->including() ); } } /** * Implements Special:Allpages * @addtogroup SpecialPage */ class SpecialAllpages { /** * Maximum number of pages to show on single subpage. */ protected $maxPerPage = 960; /** * Name of this special page. Used to make title objects that reference back * to this page. */ protected $name = 'Allpages'; /** * Determines, which message describes the input field 'nsfrom'. */ protected $nsfromMsg = 'allpagesfrom'; /** * HTML for the top form * @param integer $namespace A namespace constant (default NS_MAIN). * @param string $from Article name we are starting listing at. */ function namespaceForm ( $namespace = NS_MAIN, $from = '' ) { global $wgScript, $wgContLang; $t = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->name ); $align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; $out = Xml::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'namespaceoptions' ) ); $out .= Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript ) ); $out .= Xml::hidden( 'title', $t->getPrefixedText() ); $out .= Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'id' => 'nsselect', 'class' => 'allpages' ) ); $out .= " " . Xml::label( wfMsg( $this->nsfromMsg ), 'nsfrom' ) . " " . Xml::input( 'from', 20, $from, array( 'id' => 'nsfrom' ) ) . " " . Xml::label( wfMsg( 'namespace' ), 'namespace' ) . " " . Xml::namespaceSelector( $namespace, null ) . Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'allpagessubmit' ) ) . " "; $out .= Xml::closeElement( 'table' ); $out .= Xml::closeElement( 'form' ); $out .= Xml::closeElement( 'div' ); return $out; } /** * @param integer $namespace (default NS_MAIN) */ function showToplevel ( $namespace = NS_MAIN, $including = false ) { global $wgOut, $wgContLang; $align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; # TODO: Either make this *much* faster or cache the title index points # in the querycache table. $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $out = ""; $where = array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace ); global $wgMemc; $key = wfMemcKey( 'allpages', 'ns', $namespace ); $lines = $wgMemc->get( $key ); if( !is_array( $lines ) ) { $options = array( 'LIMIT' => 1 ); if ( ! $dbr->implicitOrderby() ) { $options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title'; } $firstTitle = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'page_title', $where, __METHOD__, $options ); $lastTitle = $firstTitle; # This array is going to hold the page_titles in order. $lines = array( $firstTitle ); # If we are going to show n rows, we need n+1 queries to find the relevant titles. $done = false; for( $i = 0; !$done; ++$i ) { // Fetch the last title of this chunk and the first of the next $chunk = is_null( $lastTitle ) ? '' : 'page_title >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $lastTitle ); $res = $dbr->select( 'page', /* FROM */ 'page_title', /* WHAT */ $where + array($chunk), __METHOD__, array ('LIMIT' => 2, 'OFFSET' => $this->maxPerPage - 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'page_title') ); if ( $s = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { array_push( $lines, $s->page_title ); } else { // Final chunk, but ended prematurely. Go back and find the end. $endTitle = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'MAX(page_title)', array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace, $chunk ), __METHOD__ ); array_push( $lines, $endTitle ); $done = true; } if( $s = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { array_push( $lines, $s->page_title ); $lastTitle = $s->page_title; } else { // This was a final chunk and ended exactly at the limit. // Rare but convenient! $done = true; } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); } $wgMemc->add( $key, $lines, 3600 ); } // If there are only two or less sections, don't even display them. // Instead, display the first section directly. if( count( $lines ) <= 2 ) { $this->showChunk( $namespace, '', $including ); return; } # At this point, $lines should contain an even number of elements. $out .= ""; while ( count ( $lines ) > 0 ) { $inpoint = array_shift ( $lines ); $outpoint = array_shift ( $lines ); $out .= $this->showline ( $inpoint, $outpoint, $namespace, false ); } $out .= '
'; $nsForm = $this->namespaceForm( $namespace, '', false ); # Is there more? if ( $including ) { $out2 = ''; } else { $morelinks = ''; if ( $morelinks != '' ) { $out2 = ''; $out2 .= '
' . $nsForm; $out2 .= ''; $out2 .= $morelinks . '

'; } else { $out2 = $nsForm . '
'; } } $wgOut->addHtml( $out2 . $out ); } /** * @todo Document * @param string $from * @param integer $namespace (Default NS_MAIN) */ function showline( $inpoint, $outpoint, $namespace = NS_MAIN ) { global $wgContLang; $align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; $inpointf = htmlspecialchars( str_replace( '_', ' ', $inpoint ) ); $outpointf = htmlspecialchars( str_replace( '_', ' ', $outpoint ) ); $queryparams = ($namespace ? "namespace=$namespace" : ''); $special = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->name, $inpoint ); $link = $special->escapeLocalUrl( $queryparams ); $out = wfMsgHtml( 'alphaindexline', "$inpointf", "$outpointf" ); return ''.$out.''; } /** * @param integer $namespace (Default NS_MAIN) * @param string $from list all pages from this name (default FALSE) */ function showChunk( $namespace = NS_MAIN, $from, $including = false ) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgContLang; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $fromList = $this->getNamespaceKeyAndText($namespace, $from); $namespaces = $wgContLang->getNamespaces(); $align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; $n = 0; if ( !$fromList ) { $out = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'allpagesbadtitle' ); } elseif ( !in_array( $namespace, array_keys( $namespaces ) ) ) { // Show errormessage and reset to NS_MAIN $out = wfMsgExt( 'allpages-bad-ns', array( 'parseinline' ), $namespace ); $namespace = NS_MAIN; } else { list( $namespace, $fromKey, $from ) = $fromList; $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'page', array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_is_redirect' ), array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $fromKey ) ), __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage + 1, 'USE INDEX' => 'name_title', ) ); $out = ''; while( ($n < $this->maxPerPage) && ($s = $dbr->fetchObject( $res )) ) { $t = Title::makeTitle( $s->page_namespace, $s->page_title ); if( $t ) { $link = ($s->page_is_redirect ? '
' : '' ) . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $t, htmlspecialchars( $t->getText() ), false, false ) . ($s->page_is_redirect ? '
' : '' ); } else { $link = '[[' . htmlspecialchars( $s->page_title ) . ']]'; } if( $n % 3 == 0 ) { $out .= ''; } $out .= ""; $n++; if( $n % 3 == 0 ) { $out .= ''; } } if( ($n % 3) != 0 ) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '
'; } if ( $including ) { $out2 = ''; } else { if( $from == '' ) { // First chunk; no previous link. $prevTitle = null; } else { # Get the last title from previous chunk $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res_prev = $dbr->select( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title < '.$dbr->addQuotes($from) ), __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_title DESC', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage, 'OFFSET' => ($this->maxPerPage - 1 ) ) ); # Get first title of previous complete chunk if( $dbr->numrows( $res_prev ) >= $this->maxPerPage ) { $pt = $dbr->fetchObject( $res_prev ); $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $pt->page_title ); } else { # The previous chunk is not complete, need to link to the very first title # available in the database $options = array( 'LIMIT' => 1 ); if ( ! $dbr->implicitOrderby() ) { $options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title'; } $reallyFirstPage_title = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace ), __METHOD__, $options ); # Show the previous link if it s not the current requested chunk if( $from != $reallyFirstPage_title ) { $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $reallyFirstPage_title ); } else { $prevTitle = null; } } } $nsForm = $this->namespaceForm( $namespace, $from ); $out2 = ''; $out2 .= '
' . $nsForm; $out2 .= '' . $sk->makeKnownLink( $wgContLang->specialPage( "Allpages" ), wfMsgHtml ( 'allpages' ) ); $self = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Allpages' ); # Do we put a previous link ? if( isset( $prevTitle ) && $pt = $prevTitle->getText() ) { $q = 'from=' . $prevTitle->getPartialUrl() . ( $namespace ? '&namespace=' . $namespace : '' ); $prevLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $self, wfMsgHTML( 'prevpage', $pt ), $q ); $out2 .= ' | ' . $prevLink; } if( $n == $this->maxPerPage && $s = $dbr->fetchObject($res) ) { # $s is the first link of the next chunk $t = Title::MakeTitle($namespace, $s->page_title); $q = 'from=' . $t->getPartialUrl() . ( $namespace ? '&namespace=' . $namespace : '' ); $nextLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $self, wfMsgHtml( 'nextpage', $t->getText() ), $q ); $out2 .= ' | ' . $nextLink; } $out2 .= "

"; } $wgOut->addHtml( $out2 . $out ); if( isset($prevLink) or isset($nextLink) ) { $wgOut->addHtml( '

' ); if( isset( $prevLink ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $prevLink ); } if( isset( $prevLink ) && isset( $nextLink ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( ' | ' ); } if( isset( $nextLink ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $nextLink ); } $wgOut->addHTML( '

' ); } } /** * @param int $ns the namespace of the article * @param string $text the name of the article * @return array( int namespace, string dbkey, string pagename ) or NULL on error * @static (sort of) * @access private */ function getNamespaceKeyAndText ($ns, $text) { if ( $text == '' ) return array( $ns, '', '' ); # shortcut for common case $t = Title::makeTitleSafe($ns, $text); if ( $t && $t->isLocal() ) { return array( $t->getNamespace(), $t->getDBkey(), $t->getText() ); } else if ( $t ) { return NULL; } # try again, in case the problem was an empty pagename $text = preg_replace('/(#|$)/', 'X$1', $text); $t = Title::makeTitleSafe($ns, $text); if ( $t && $t->isLocal() ) { return array( $t->getNamespace(), '', '' ); } else { return NULL; } } } ?>