get( $key ); if ( $cached !== false && $cached !== null ) { return $cached; } // Run the filter try { switch ( $filter ) { case 'minify-js': $result = JSMin::minify( $data ); break; case 'minify-css': $result = CSSMin::minify( $data ); break; case 'flip-css': $result = CSSJanus::transform( $data, true, false ); break; default: // Don't cache anything, just pass right through return $data; } } catch ( Exception $exception ) { throw new MWException( 'Filter threw an exception: ' . $exception->getMessage() ); } // Save to memcached $wgMemc->set( $key, $result ); return $result; } /* Static Methods */ /** * Registers a module with the ResourceLoader system. * * Note that registering the same object under multiple names is not supported and may silently fail in all * kinds of interesting ways. * * @param $name Mixed: string of name of module or array of name/object pairs * @param $object ResourceLoaderModule: module object (optional when using multiple-registration calling style) * @return Boolean: false if there were any errors, in which case one or more modules were not registered * * @todo We need much more clever error reporting, not just in detailing what happened, but in bringing errors to * the client in a way that they can easily see them if they want to, such as by using FireBug */ public static function register( $name, ResourceLoaderModule $object = null ) { self::initialize(); // Allow multiple modules to be registered in one call if ( is_array( $name ) && !isset( $object ) ) { foreach ( $name as $key => $value ) { self::register( $key, $value ); } return; } // Disallow duplicate registrations if ( isset( self::$modules[$name] ) ) { // A module has already been registered by this name throw new MWException( 'Another module has already been registered as ' . $name ); } // Attach module self::$modules[$name] = $object; $object->setName( $name ); } /** * Gets a map of all modules and their options * * @return Array: array( modulename => ResourceLoaderModule ) */ public static function getModules() { self::initialize(); return self::$modules; } /** * Get the ResourceLoaderModule object for a given module name * * @param $name String: module name * @return mixed ResourceLoaderModule or null if not registered */ public static function getModule( $name ) { self::initialize(); return isset( self::$modules[$name] ) ? self::$modules[$name] : null; } /** * Gets registration code for all modules, except pre-registered ones listed in self::$preRegisteredModules * * @param $context ResourceLoaderContext object * @return String: JavaScript code for registering all modules with the client loader */ public static function getModuleRegistrations( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { self::initialize(); $scripts = ''; $registrations = array(); foreach ( self::$modules as $name => $module ) { // Support module loader scripts if ( ( $loader = $module->getLoaderScript() ) !== false ) { $deps = FormatJson::encode( $module->getDependencies() ); $version = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, round( $module->getModifiedTime( $context ), -2 ) ); $scripts .= "( function( name, version, dependencies ) { $loader } )( '$name', '$version', $deps );"; } // Automatically register module else { // Modules without dependencies pass two arguments (name, timestamp) to mediaWiki.loader.register() if ( !count( $module->getDependencies() ) ) { $registrations[] = array( $name, $module->getModifiedTime( $context ) ); } // Modules with dependencies pass three arguments (name, timestamp, dependencies) to mediaWiki.loader.register() else { $registrations[] = array( $name, $module->getModifiedTime( $context ), $module->getDependencies() ); } } } return $scripts . "mediaWiki.loader.register( " . FormatJson::encode( $registrations ) . " );"; } /** * Get the highest modification time of all modules, based on a given combination of language code, * skin name and debug mode flag. * * @param $context ResourceLoaderContext object * @return Integer: UNIX timestamp */ public static function getHighestModifiedTime( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { self::initialize(); $time = 1; // wfTimestamp() treats 0 as 'now', so that's not a suitable choice foreach ( self::$modules as $module ) { $time = max( $time, $module->getModifiedTime( $context ) ); } return $time; } /** * Outputs a response to a resource load-request, including a content-type header * * @param $context ResourceLoaderContext object */ public static function respond( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { global $wgResourceLoaderVersionedClientMaxage, $wgResourceLoaderVersionedServerMaxage; global $wgResourceLoaderUnversionedServerMaxage, $wgResourceLoaderUnversionedClientMaxage; self::initialize(); // Split requested modules into two groups, modules and missing $modules = array(); $missing = array(); foreach ( $context->getModules() as $name ) { if ( isset( self::$modules[$name] ) ) { $modules[] = $name; } else { $missing[] = $name; } } // If a version wasn't specified we need a shorter expiry time for updates to propagate to clients quickly if ( is_null( $context->getVersion() ) ) { $maxage = $wgResourceLoaderUnversionedClientMaxage; $smaxage = $wgResourceLoaderUnversionedServerMaxage; } // If a version was specified we can use a longer expiry time since changing version numbers causes cache misses else { $maxage = $wgResourceLoaderVersionedClientMaxage; $smaxage = $wgResourceLoaderVersionedServerMaxage; } // To send Last-Modified and support If-Modified-Since, we need to detect the last modified time $mtime = 1; foreach ( $modules as $name ) { $mtime = max( $mtime, self::$modules[$name]->getModifiedTime( $context ) ); } header( 'Content-Type: ' . ( $context->getOnly() === 'styles' ? 'text/css' : 'text/javascript' ) ); header( 'Last-Modified: ' . wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $mtime ) ); header( "Cache-Control: public, max-age=$maxage, s-maxage=$smaxage" ); header( 'Expires: ' . wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, min( $maxage, $smaxage ) + time() ) ); // If there's an If-Modified-Since header, respond with a 304 appropriately $ims = $context->getRequest()->getHeader( 'If-Modified-Since' ); if ( $ims !== false && $mtime >= wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $ims ) ) { header( 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified' ); header( 'Status: 304 Not Modified' ); return; } // Use output buffering ob_start(); // Pre-fetch blobs $blobs = $context->shouldIncludeMessages() ? MessageBlobStore::get( $modules, $context->getLanguage() ) : array(); // Generate output foreach ( $modules as $name ) { // Scripts $scripts = ''; if ( $context->shouldIncludeScripts() ) { $scripts .= self::$modules[$name]->getScript( $context ); } // Styles $styles = array(); if ( $context->shouldIncludeStyles() && ( count( $styles = self::$modules[$name]->getStyles( $context ) ) ) ) { foreach ( $styles as $media => $style ) { if ( self::$modules[$name]->getFlip( $context ) ) { $styles[$media] = self::filter( 'flip-css', $style ); } if ( !$context->getDebug() ) { $styles[$media] = self::filter( 'minify-css', $style ); } } } // Messages $messages = isset( $blobs[$name] ) ? $blobs[$name] : '{}'; // Output if ( $context->getOnly() === 'styles' ) { if ( $context->getDebug() ) { echo "/* $name */\n"; foreach ( $styles as $media => $style ) { echo "@media $media {\n" . str_replace( "\n", "\n\t", "\t" . $style ) . "\n}\n"; } } else { foreach ( $styles as $media => $style ) { if ( strlen( $style ) ) { echo "@media $media{" . $style . "}"; } } } } else if ( $context->getOnly() === 'scripts' ) { echo $scripts; } else if ( $context->getOnly() === 'messages' ) { echo "mediaWiki.msg.set( $messages );\n"; } else { $styles = FormatJson::encode( $styles ); echo "mediaWiki.loader.implement( '$name', function() {{$scripts}},\n$styles,\n$messages );\n"; } } // Update the status of script-only modules if ( $context->getOnly() === 'scripts' && !in_array( 'startup', $modules ) ) { $statuses = array(); foreach ( $modules as $name ) { $statuses[$name] = 'ready'; } $statuses = FormatJson::encode( $statuses ); echo "mediaWiki.loader.state( $statuses );\n"; } // Register missing modules if ( $context->shouldIncludeScripts() ) { foreach ( $missing as $name ) { echo "mediaWiki.loader.register( '$name', null, 'missing' );\n"; } } // Output the appropriate header if ( $context->getOnly() !== 'styles' ) { if ( $context->getDebug() ) { ob_end_flush(); } else { echo self::filter( 'minify-js', ob_get_clean() ); } } } }