array( 'section' => 'section/subsection', properties... ), ... ) */ static $typeMappings = array( 'text' => 'HTMLTextField', 'select' => 'HTMLSelectField', 'radio' => 'HTMLRadioField', 'multiselect' => 'HTMLMultiSelectField', 'check' => 'HTMLCheckField', 'toggle' => 'HTMLCheckField', 'int' => 'HTMLIntField', 'info' => 'HTMLInfoField', 'selectorother' => 'HTMLSelectOrOtherField', ); function __construct( $descriptor, $messagePrefix ) { $this->mMessagePrefix = $messagePrefix; // Expand out into a tree. $loadedDescriptor = array(); $this->mFlatFields = array(); foreach( $descriptor as $fieldname => $info ) { $section = ''; if ( isset( $info['section'] ) ) $section = $info['section']; $info['name'] = $fieldname; $field = $this->loadInputFromParameters( $info ); $field->mParent = $this; $setSection =& $loadedDescriptor; if ($section) { $sectionParts = explode( '/', $section ); while( count($sectionParts) ) { $newName = array_shift( $sectionParts ); if ( !isset($setSection[$newName]) ) { $setSection[$newName] = array(); } $setSection =& $setSection[$newName]; } } $setSection[$fieldname] = $field; $this->mFlatFields[$fieldname] = $field; } $this->mFieldTree = $loadedDescriptor; $this->mShowReset = true; } static function addJS() { if (self::$jsAdded) return; global $wgOut, $wgStylePath; $wgOut->addScriptFile( "$wgStylePath/common/htmlform.js" ); } static function loadInputFromParameters( $descriptor ) { if ( isset( $descriptor['class'] ) ) { $class = $descriptor['class']; } elseif ( isset( $descriptor['type'] ) ) { $class = self::$typeMappings[$descriptor['type']]; $descriptor['class'] = $class; } if (!$class) { throw new MWException( "Descriptor with no class: ".print_r( $descriptor, true ) ); } $obj = new $class( $descriptor ); return $obj; } function show() { $html = ''; self::addJS(); // Load data from the request. $this->loadData(); // Try a submission global $wgUser, $wgRequest; $editToken = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ); $result = false; if ( $wgUser->matchEditToken( $editToken ) ) $result = $this->trySubmit(); if ($result === true) return $result; // Display form. $this->displayForm( $result ); } /** Return values: * TRUE == Successful submission * FALSE == No submission attempted * Anything else == Error to display. */ function trySubmit() { // Check for validation foreach( $this->mFlatFields as $fieldname => $field ) { if ( !empty($field->mParams['nodata']) ) continue; if ( $field->validate( $this->mFieldData[$fieldname], $this->mFieldData ) !== true ) { return isset($this->mValidationErrorMessage) ? $this->mValidationErrorMessage : array( 'htmlform-invalid-input' ); } } $callback = $this->mSubmitCallback; $data = $this->filterDataForSubmit( $this->mFieldData ); $res = call_user_func( $callback, $data ); return $res; } function setSubmitCallback( $cb ) { $this->mSubmitCallback = $cb; } function setValidationErrorMessage( $msg ) { $this->mValidationErrorMessage = $msg; } function displayForm( $submitResult ) { global $wgOut; if ( $submitResult !== false ) { $this->displayErrors( $submitResult ); } $html = $this->getBody(); // Hidden fields $html .= $this->getHiddenFields(); // Buttons $html .= $this->getButtons(); $html = $this->wrapForm( $html ); $wgOut->addHTML( $html ); } function wrapForm( $html ) { return Xml::tags( 'form', array( 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getFullURL(), 'method' => 'post', ), $html ); } function getHiddenFields() { global $wgUser; $html = ''; $html .= Xml::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken() ) . "\n"; $html .= Xml::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle() ) . "\n"; return $html; } function getButtons() { $html = ''; $attribs = array(); if ( isset($this->mSubmitID) ) $attribs['id'] = $this->mSubmitID; $attribs['class'] = 'mw-htmlform-submit'; $html .= Xml::submitButton( $this->getSubmitText(), $attribs ) . "\n"; if ($this->mShowReset) { $html .= Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'reset', 'value' => wfMsg('htmlform-reset') ) ) . "\n"; } return $html; } function getBody() { return $this->displaySection( $this->mFieldTree ); } function displayErrors( $errors ) { if ( is_array( $errors ) ) { $errorstr = $this->formatErrors( $errors ); } else { $errorstr = $errors; } $errorstr = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'error' ), $errorstr ); global $wgOut; $wgOut->addHTML( $errorstr ); } static function formatErrors( $errors ) { $errorstr = ''; foreach ( $errors as $error ) { if (is_array($error)) { $msg = array_shift($error); } else { $msg = $error; $error = array(); } $errorstr .= Xml::tags( 'li', null, wfMsgExt( $msg, array( 'parseinline' ), $error ) ); } $errorstr = Xml::tags( 'ul', null, $errorstr ); return $errorstr; } function setSubmitText( $t ) { $this->mSubmitText = $t; } function getSubmitText() { return isset($this->mSubmitText) ? $this->mSubmitText : wfMsg('htmlform-submit'); } function setSubmitID( $t ) { $this->mSubmitID = $t; } function setMessagePrefix( $p ) { $this->mMessagePrefix = $p; } function setTitle( $t ) { $this->mTitle = $t; } function getTitle() { return $this->mTitle; } function displaySection( $fields ) { $tableHtml = ''; $subsectionHtml = ''; foreach( $fields as $key => $value ) { if ( is_object( $value ) ) { $v = empty($value->mParams['nodata']) ? $this->mFieldData[$key] : $value->getDefault(); $tableHtml .= $value->getTableRow( $v ); } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) { $section = $this->displaySection( $value ); $legend = wfMsg( "{$this->mMessagePrefix}-$key" ); $subsectionHtml .= Xml::fieldset( $legend, $section ) . "\n"; } } $tableHtml = "\n$tableHtml\n
\n"; return $subsectionHtml . "\n" . $tableHtml; } function loadData() { global $wgRequest; $fieldData = array(); foreach( $this->mFlatFields as $fieldname => $field ) { if ( !empty($field->mParams['nodata']) ) continue; $fieldData[$fieldname] = $field->loadDataFromRequest( $wgRequest ); } // Filter data. foreach( $fieldData as $name => &$value ) { $field = $this->mFlatFields[$name]; $value = $field->filter( $value, $this->mFlatFields ); } $this->mFieldData = $fieldData; } function importData( $fieldData ) { // Filter data. foreach( $fieldData as $name => &$value ) { $field = $this->mFlatFields[$name]; $value = $field->filter( $value, $this->mFlatFields ); } foreach( $this->mFlatFields as $fieldname => $field ) { if ( !isset($fieldData[$fieldname]) ) $fieldData[$fieldname] = $field->getDefault(); } $this->mFieldData = $fieldData; } function suppressReset( $suppressReset = true ) { $this->mShowReset = !$suppressReset; } function filterDataForSubmit( $data ) { return $data; } } abstract class HTMLFormField { abstract function getInputHTML( $value ); function validate( $value, $alldata ) { if ( isset($this->mValidationCallback) ) { return call_user_func( $this->mValidationCallback, $value, $alldata ); } return true; } function filter( $value, $alldata ) { if( isset( $this->mFilterCallback ) ) { $value = call_user_func( $this->mFilterCallback, $value, $alldata ); } return $value; } function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { if ($request->getCheck( $this->mName ) ) { return $request->getText( $this->mName ); } else { return $this->getDefault(); } } function __construct( $params ) { $this->mParams = $params; if (isset( $params['label-message'] ) ) { $msgInfo = $params['label-message']; if ( is_array( $msgInfo ) ) { $msg = array_shift( $msgInfo ); } else { $msg = $msgInfo; $msgInfo = array(); } $this->mLabel = wfMsgExt( $msg, 'parseinline', $msgInfo ); } elseif ( isset($params['label']) ) { $this->mLabel = $params['label']; } if ( isset( $params['name'] ) ) { $this->mName = 'wp'.$params['name']; $this->mID = 'mw-input-'.$params['name']; } if ( isset( $params['default'] ) ) { $this->mDefault = $params['default']; } if ( isset( $params['id'] ) ) { $this->mID = $params['id']; } if ( isset( $params['validation-callback'] ) ) { $this->mValidationCallback = $params['validation-callback']; } if ( isset( $params['filter-callback'] ) ) { $this->mFilterCallback = $params['filter-callback']; } } function getTableRow( $value ) { // Check for invalid data. global $wgRequest; $errors = $this->validate( $value, $this->mParent->mFieldData ); if ( $errors === true || !$wgRequest->wasPosted() ) { $errors = ''; } else { $errors = Xml::tags( 'span', array( 'class' => 'error' ), $errors ); } $html = ''; $html .= Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ), Xml::tags( 'label', array( 'for' => $this->mID ), $this->getLabel() ) ); $html .= Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ), $this->getInputHTML( $value ) ."\n$errors" ); $fieldType = get_class($this); $html = Xml::tags( 'tr', array( 'class' => "mw-htmlform-field-$fieldType" ), $html ) . "\n"; // Help text if ( isset($this->mParams['help-message']) ) { $msg = $this->mParams['help-message']; $text = wfMsgExt( $msg, 'parseinline' ); if (!wfEmptyMsg( $msg, $text ) ) { $row = Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'colspan' => 2, 'class' => 'htmlform-tip' ), $text ); $row = Xml::tags( 'tr', null, $row ); $html .= "$row\n"; } } return $html; } function getLabel() { return $this->mLabel; } function getDefault() { if ( isset( $this->mDefault ) ) { return $this->mDefault; } else { return null; } } static function flattenOptions( $options ) { $flatOpts = array(); foreach( $options as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $flatOpts = array_merge( $flatOpts, self::flattenOptions( $value ) ); } else { $flatOpts[] = $value; } } return $flatOpts; } } class HTMLTextField extends HTMLFormField { function getSize() { return isset($this->mParams['size']) ? $this->mParams['size'] : 45; } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $attribs = array( 'id' => $this->mID ); if ( isset($this->mParams['maxlength']) ) { $attribs['maxlength'] = $this->mParams['maxlength']; } return Xml::input( $this->mName, $this->getSize(), $value, $attribs ); } } class HTMLIntField extends HTMLTextField { function getSize() { return isset($this->mParams['size']) ? $this->mParams['size'] : 20; } function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate($value, $alldata); if ($p !== true) return $p; if ( intval($value) != $value ) { return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-int-invalid', 'parse' ); } $in_range = true; if ( isset($this->mParams['min']) ) { $min = $this->mParams['min']; if ( $min > $value ) return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-int-toolow', 'parse', array($min) ); } if ( isset($this->mParams['max']) ) { $max = $this->mParams['max']; if ($max < $value) return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-int-toohigh', 'parse', array($max) ); } return true; } } class HTMLCheckField extends HTMLFormField { function getInputHTML( $value ) { return Xml::check( $this->mName, $value, array( 'id' => $this->mID ) ) . ' ' . Xml::tags( 'label', array( 'for' => $this->mID ), $this->mLabel ); } function getLabel( ) { return ' '; // In the right-hand column. } function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { $invert = false; if ( isset( $this->mParams['invert'] ) && $this->mParams['invert'] ) { $invert = true; } // GetCheck won't work like we want for checks. if ($request->getCheck( 'wpEditToken' ) ) { // XOR has the following truth table, which is what we want // INVERT VALUE | OUTPUT // true true | false // false true | true // false false | false // true false | true return $request->getBool( $this->mName ) xor $invert; } else { return $this->getDefault(); } } } class HTMLSelectField extends HTMLFormField { function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); if ($p !== true) return $p; $validOptions = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->mParams['options'] ); if ( in_array( $value, $validOptions ) ) return true; else return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-select-badoption', 'parseinline' ); } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $select = new XmlSelect( $this->mName, $this->mID, $value ); $select->addOptions( $this->mParams['options'] ); return $select->getHTML(); } } class HTMLSelectOrOtherField extends HTMLTextField { static $jsAdded = false; function __construct( $params ) { if (! array_key_exists('other', $params['options']) ) { $params['options'][wfMsg( 'htmlform-selectorother-other' )] = 'other'; } parent::__construct( $params ); } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $valInSelect = false; if ($value !== false) $valInSelect = in_array( $value, HTMLFormField::flattenOptions($this->mParams['options']) ); $selected = $valInSelect ? $value : 'other'; $select = new XmlSelect( $this->mName, $this->mID, $selected ); $select->addOptions( $this->mParams['options'] ); $select->setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-htmlform-select-or-other' ); $select = $select->getHTML(); $tbAttribs = array( 'id' => $this->mID.'-other' ); if ( isset($this->mParams['maxlength']) ) { $tbAttribs['maxlength'] = $this->mParams['maxlength']; } $textbox = Xml::input( $this->mName.'-other', $this->getSize(), $valInSelect ? '' : $value, $tbAttribs ); return "$select
\n$textbox"; } function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { if ($request->getCheck( $this->mName ) ) { $val = $request->getText( $this->mName ); if ($val == 'other') { $val = $request->getText( $this->mName.'-other' ); } return $val; } else { return $this->getDefault(); } } } class HTMLMultiSelectField extends HTMLFormField { function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); if ($p !== true) return $p; if (!is_array($value)) return false; // If all options are valid, array_intersect of the valid options and the provided // options will return the provided options. $validOptions = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->mParams['options'] ); $validValues = array_intersect( $value, $validOptions ); if ( count( $validValues ) == count($value) ) return true; else return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-select-badoption', 'parseinline' ); } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $html = $this->formatOptions( $this->mParams['options'], $value ); return $html; } function formatOptions( $options, $value ) { $html = ''; foreach( $options as $label => $info ) { if (is_array($info)) { $html .= Xml::tags( 'h1', null, $label ) . "\n"; $html .= $this->formatOptions( $info, $value ); } else { $checkbox = Xml::check( $this->mName.'[]', in_array( $info, $value ), array( 'id' => $this->mID."-$info", 'value' => $info ) ); $checkbox .= ' ' . Xml::tags( 'label', array( 'for' => $this->mID."-$info" ), $label ); $html .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox ); } } return $html; } function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { // won't work with getCheck if ($request->getCheck( 'wpEditToken' ) ) { $arr = $request->getArray( $this->mName ); if (!$arr) $arr = array(); return $arr; } else { return $this->getDefault(); } } function getDefault() { if ( isset( $this->mDefault ) ) { return $this->mDefault; } else { return array(); } } } class HTMLRadioField extends HTMLFormField { function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); if ($p !== true) return $p; if (!is_string($value) && !is_int($value)) return false; $validOptions = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->mParams['options'] ); if ( in_array( $value, $validOptions ) ) return true; else return wfMsgExt( 'htmlform-select-badoption', 'parseinline' ); } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $html = $this->formatOptions( $this->mParams['options'], $value ); return $html; } function formatOptions( $options, $value ) { $html = ''; foreach( $options as $label => $info ) { if (is_array($info)) { $html .= Xml::tags( 'h1', null, $label ) . "\n"; $html .= $this->formatOptions( $info, $value ); } else { $html .= Xml::radio( $this->mName, $info, $info == $value, array( 'id' => $this->mID."-$info" ) ); $html .= ' ' . Xml::tags( 'label', array( 'for' => $this->mID."-$info" ), $label ); $html .= "
\n"; } } return $html; } } class HTMLInfoField extends HTMLFormField { function __construct( $info ) { $info['nodata'] = true; parent::__construct($info); } function getInputHTML( $value ) { return !empty($this->mParams['raw']) ? $value : htmlspecialchars($value); } function getTableRow( $value ) { if ( !empty($this->mParams['rawrow']) ) { return $value; } return parent::getTableRow( $value ); } }