[PLUGINS] ~clavette 0.2.0-->0.2.1
[lhc/web/clavette_www.git] / www / plugins-dist / forum / lang / forum_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/forum?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'aucun_message_forum' => 'No forum message',
13 // B
14 'bouton_radio_articles_futurs' => 'only to future articles (no change to the database).',
15 'bouton_radio_articles_tous' => 'to all articles without exception.',
16 'bouton_radio_articles_tous_sauf_forum_desactive' => 'to all articles, except those whose forum was disabled.',
17 'bouton_radio_enregistrement_obligatoire' => 'Registration required (users must subscribe by providing their email address before being able to post contributions).',
18 'bouton_radio_moderation_priori' => 'Pre-moderation (contributions will be shown only after validation by administrators).',
19 'bouton_radio_modere_abonnement' => 'registration required',
20 'bouton_radio_modere_posteriori' => 'post-moderation',
21 'bouton_radio_modere_priori' => 'pre-moderation',
22 'bouton_radio_publication_immediate' => 'Immediate publication of messages
23 (contributions will be shown as soon as they are sent, administrators can
24 then delete them if necessary).',
26 // D
27 'documents_interdits_forum' => 'Documents not allowed in this forum',
29 // E
30 'erreur_enregistrement_message' => 'Your post could not be saved due to technical problem',
32 // F
33 'form_pet_message_commentaire' => 'Any message or comments?',
34 'forum' => 'Forum',
35 'forum_acces_refuse' => 'You no longer have access to these forums.',
36 'forum_attention_dix_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your post must be at least ten characters long.',
37 'forum_attention_message_non_poste' => 'Be careful, you did not post your message!',
38 'forum_attention_nb_caracteres_mini' => '<b>Warning!</b> your message must contain @min@ characters at least.',
39 'forum_attention_trois_caracteres' => '<b>Warning!</b> Your title must be at least three characters long.',
40 'forum_attention_trop_caracteres' => '<b>Warning !</b> Your message is too long (@compte@ characters) to be saved, it cannot contain more than @max@ characters.',
41 'forum_avez_selectionne' => 'You have selected:',
42 'forum_cliquer_retour' => 'Click <a href=\'@retour_forum@\'>here</a> to continue.',
43 'forum_forum' => 'forum',
44 'forum_info_modere' => 'This forum is moderated before publication: your contribution will only appear after being validated by an administrator.',
45 'forum_lien_hyper' => 'Hypertext link',
46 'forum_message' => 'Your post',
47 'forum_message_definitif' => 'Finished editing: submit message',
48 'forum_message_trop_long' => 'Your message is too long. Maximum length is 20000 characters.',
49 'forum_ne_repondez_pas' => 'Do not reply directly to this email - please use the online forum here:',
50 'forum_page_url' => '(If your message refers to an article published on the web or to a page providing further information, please enter the title of the page and its URL below).',
51 'forum_permalink' => 'Permalink to the comment',
52 'forum_poste_par' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ following your article "@titre@".',
53 'forum_poste_par_court' => 'Message posted@parauteur@.',
54 'forum_poste_par_generique' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ (@objet@ "@titre@").',
55 'forum_qui_etes_vous' => 'Who are you?',
56 'forum_saisie_texte_info' => 'This form accepts SPIP shortcuts <code>[-&gt;url] {{bold}} {italic} &lt;quote&gt; &lt;code&gt;</code> and the HTML code <code>&lt;q&gt; &lt;del&gt; &lt;ins&gt;</code>. To create paragraphs, simply leave blank lines.',
57 'forum_texte' => 'Text of your message',
58 'forum_titre' => 'Subject',
59 'forum_url' => 'URL',
60 'forum_valider' => 'Validate your choice',
61 'forum_voir_avant' => 'Preview',
62 'forum_votre_email' => 'Your email address',
63 'forum_votre_nom' => 'Your name',
64 'forum_vous_enregistrer' => 'You must be registered before participating in
65 this forum. Please
66 enter your personal identifier
67 . If you have not yet registered, you must',
68 'forum_vous_inscrire' => 'register.',
70 // I
71 'icone_bruler_message' => 'Report as SPAM',
72 'icone_bruler_messages' => 'Report as SPAM',
73 'icone_legitimer_message' => 'Report as lawful',
74 'icone_poster_message' => 'Post a message',
75 'icone_suivi_forum' => 'Follow public forum: @nb_forums@ contribution(s)',
76 'icone_suivi_forums' => 'Manage forums',
77 'icone_supprimer_message' => 'Delete this post',
78 'icone_supprimer_messages' => 'Delete these posts',
79 'icone_valider_message' => 'Validate message',
80 'icone_valider_messages' => 'Confirm these posts',
81 'icone_valider_repondre_message' => 'Confirm & reply to this post',
82 'info_1_message_forum' => '1 forum message',
83 'info_activer_forum_public' => 'To enable public forums, please choose the default type of moderation:',
84 'info_appliquer_choix_moderation' => 'Apply this choice for moderation:',
85 'info_config_forums_prive' => 'You can activate various types of forum in the private area:',
86 'info_config_forums_prive_admin' => 'A forum reserved for site administrators:',
87 'info_config_forums_prive_global' => 'A global forum, open to all the authors:',
88 'info_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'A forum attached to each article, news item, referenced site, etc.:',
89 'info_desactiver_forum_public' => 'Disable the use of public
90 forums. Public forums can be enabled on a case by case
91 basis for articles; they will be permanently disabled for sections, news, etc.',
92 'info_envoi_forum' => 'Send article forums to the respective authors',
93 'info_fonctionnement_forum' => 'Forum operation:',
94 'info_forums_liees_mot' => 'Forum posts related to this keyword',
95 'info_gauche_suivi_forum_2' => 'The <i>forums management</i> page is a site management tool, not a discussion or editing area. It displays all contributions to the forums, both on the public site and in the private area and allows you to manage these contributions.',
96 'info_liens_syndiques_3' => 'forums',
97 'info_liens_syndiques_4' => 'are',
98 'info_liens_syndiques_5' => 'forum',
99 'info_liens_syndiques_6' => 'is',
100 'info_liens_syndiques_7' => 'awaiting validation.',
101 'info_liens_texte' => 'Link(s) in the post text',
102 'info_liens_titre' => 'Link(s) in the post title',
103 'info_mode_fonctionnement_defaut_forum_public' => 'Default mode for public forums',
104 'info_nb_messages_forum' => '@nb@ forum posts',
105 'info_option_email' => 'When a visitor posts a message to the forum of an article, the article’s author(s) can be informed of this by email. Indicate for each type of forum if this option should be activated.',
106 'info_pas_de_forum' => 'no forum',
107 'info_question_visiteur_ajout_document_forum' => 'If you want to allow visitors to attach documents (images, sound files, etc.) to their forum posts, indicate which file extensions are accepted (e.g. gif, jpg, png, mp3).',
108 'info_question_visiteur_ajout_document_forum_format' => 'If you want to authorise all document types considered safe by SPIP, use an asterisk. Leave empty to block everything.',
109 'info_selectionner_message' => 'Select the messages :',
110 'interface_formulaire' => 'Form interface',
111 'interface_onglets' => 'Interface with tabs',
112 'item_activer_forum_administrateur' => 'Enable administrators’ forum',
113 'item_config_forums_prive_global' => 'Activate the authors’ forum',
114 'item_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'Activate these forums',
115 'item_desactiver_forum_administrateur' => 'Disable administrators’ forum',
116 'item_non_config_forums_prive_global' => 'Disable authors’ forum',
117 'item_non_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'Disable these forums',
119 // L
120 'label_selectionner' => 'Select:',
121 'lien_reponse_article' => 'Comment on this article',
122 'lien_reponse_breve_2' => 'Comment on this news item',
123 'lien_reponse_message' => 'Reply to the post',
124 'lien_reponse_rubrique' => 'Comment on this section',
125 'lien_reponse_site_reference' => 'Comment on this website',
126 'lien_vider_selection' => 'Empty the selection',
128 // M
129 'messages_aucun' => 'None',
130 'messages_meme_auteur' => 'All posts by this author',
131 'messages_meme_email' => 'All posts from this email',
132 'messages_meme_ip' => 'All posts by this IP',
133 'messages_off' => 'Deleted',
134 'messages_perso' => 'Personal',
135 'messages_privadm' => 'Administrators',
136 'messages_prive' => 'Private',
137 'messages_privoff' => 'Deleted',
138 'messages_privrac' => 'General',
139 'messages_prop' => 'Proposed',
140 'messages_publie' => 'Published',
141 'messages_spam' => 'Spam',
142 'messages_tous' => 'All',
144 // O
145 'onglet_messages_internes' => 'Private posts',
146 'onglet_messages_publics' => 'Public posts',
147 'onglet_messages_vide' => 'Posts without text',
149 // R
150 'repondre_message' => 'Reply to this message',
152 // S
153 'statut_off' => 'Deleted',
154 'statut_original' => 'original',
155 'statut_prop' => 'Proposed',
156 'statut_publie' => 'Published',
157 'statut_spam' => 'Spam',
159 // T
160 'text_article_propose_publication_forum' => 'You can comment on this article via the forum below.',
161 'texte_en_cours_validation' => 'Articles, news items, forums below are submitted for publication.',
162 'texte_en_cours_validation_forum' => 'You can comment freely in the forums attached.',
163 'texte_messages_publics' => 'Public posts on:',
164 'titre_cadre_forum_administrateur' => 'Administrators’ private forum',
165 'titre_cadre_forum_interne' => 'Internal forum',
166 'titre_config_forums_prive' => 'Forums in the private area',
167 'titre_forum' => 'Forum',
168 'titre_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
169 'titre_page_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up',
170 'titre_selection_action' => 'Selection',
171 'tout_voir' => 'See all posts',
173 // V
174 'voir_messages_objet' => 'see the posts'
175 );
177 ?>