modif creation dossier common app nextcloud
[lhc/ansible.git] / tasks / config_postgres.yml
1 - name: Etckeeper commit if necessary
2 ansible.builtin.command: etckeeper commit "commit by ansible because installing {{ DOMAIN }}/{{ config_ss_domain }}"
3 ignore_errors: true
5 - name: Install required packages
6 ansible.builtin.apt:
7 name:
8 # - php-ctype
9 - php-curl
10 # - php-dom
11 # - php-fileinfo
12 - php-gd
13 - php-json
14 - "php{{ php_version }}-xml"
15 - php-mbstring
16 # - php-openssl
17 # - php-posix
18 # - php-session
19 # - php-simplexml
20 # - php-xmlreader
21 # - php-xmlwriter
22 - php-zip
23 # - php-zlib
24 # - php-pdo_pgsql
25 - "php{{ php_version }}-pgsql"
26 - php-pgsql
27 - php-intl
28 - php-bz2
29 # - php-sodium
30 - php-gmp
31 # - php-exif
32 - php-redis
33 - php-imagick
34 - python3-psycopg2 # module ansible psql
35 state: present
37 - name: Boucle d'ajout du user php dans plusieurs groupe
38 ansible.builtin.user:
39 name: "php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
40 groups: "{{ item }}"
41 append: true
42 loop:
43 - nextcloud
44 - postgres-data
45 - redis
46 - "site_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
48 - name: Bloc nouvelle version nextcloud
49 when: nouvelle_version is undefined
50 block:
51 - name: Demande la version de nextcloud à installer
52 ansible.builtin.pause:
53 prompt: "Quelle version de nextcloud doit être utilisée"
54 echo: true
55 register: nextcloud_version_prompt
57 - name: Definir nouvelle_version
58 ansible.builtin.set_fact:
59 nouvelle_version: "{{ nextcloud_version_prompt.user_input }}"
61 - name: Bloc ancienne version nextcloud
62 when: ancienne_version is undefined
63 block:
64 - name: Demande la version de nextcloud déjà installée
65 ansible.builtin.pause:
66 prompt: "Quelle version de nextcloud déjà installée"
67 echo: true
68 register: ancienne_version_prompt
70 - name: Definir ancienne_version
71 ansible.builtin.set_fact:
72 ancienne_version: "{{ ancienne_version_prompt.user_input }}"
74 - name: Inclure la verif de l'install nextcloud
75 ansible.builtin.include_tasks: tasks/verif_installation_nextcloud.yml
77 - name: PostgreSQL - nextcloud_php_user role is created
78 become_user: postgres
79 become: true
80 community.postgresql.postgresql_user:
81 name: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
82 state: present
83 role_attr_flags: CREATEDB
85 - name: PostgreSQL - nextcloud_db_name database is created
86 become_user: postgres
87 become: true
88 community.postgresql.postgresql_db:
89 name: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
90 state: "{{ item }}"
91 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
92 loop:
93 - absent
94 - present
96 - name: Pour chaque base, ajouter les droits suivants à l'utilisateur php
97 become_user: postgres
98 become: true
99 community.postgresql.postgresql_privs:
100 db: "{{ item.db }}"
101 privs: "{{ item.privs }}"
102 type: "{{ item.type |default(omit) }}"
103 objs: "{{ item.objs }}"
104 role: "{{ item.role }}"
105 grant_option: "{{ item.grant_option |default(omit) }}"
106 loop_control:
107 label: "{{ }}"
108 loop:
109 - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
110 privs: "ALL"
111 type: "schema"
112 objs: "public"
113 role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
114 grant_option: true
115 name: "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage WITH GRANT OPTION;"
117 - name: Autoriser l'utilisateur php à se connecter à la bdd nextcloud
118 community.postgresql.postgresql_pg_hba:
119 dest: "/etc/postgresql/{{ postgres_version }}/main/pg_hba.conf"
120 contype: local
121 users: "php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
122 databases: "php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
123 method: peer
124 keep_comments_at_rules: true
125 comment: "autoriser le user php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }} à se connecter à la bdd du meme nom"
127 - name: Boucle création des répertoires app, config et data nextcloud
128 ansible.builtin.file:
129 path: "{{ item.path }}"
130 state: "{{ item.state }}"
131 owner: "{{ item.owner }}"
132 group: "{{ }}"
133 mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
134 loop_control:
135 label: "{{ item.path }}"
136 loop:
137 - path: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/apps"
138 state: directory
139 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
140 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
141 mode: '2750'
142 - path: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/config"
143 state: directory
144 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
145 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
146 mode: '2750'
147 - path: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/data"
148 state: directory
149 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
150 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
151 mode: '2750'
153 - name: Create nextcloud root dir symbolic link
154 ansible.builtin.file:
155 src: "{{ nextcloud_symbolic_source }}"
156 dest: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/nextcloud"
157 owner: nextcloud
158 group: nextcloud
159 state: link
160 follow: false
162 - name: Create nextcloud common app dir symbolic link
163 ansible.builtin.file:
164 src: "{{ nextcloud_symbolic_common }}"
165 dest: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/common"
166 owner: nextcloud
167 group: nextcloud
168 state: link
169 follow: false
171 - name: Créer les fichiers spécifiques nextcloud
172 ansible.builtin.template:
173 src: "templates/{{ item.src }}"
174 dest: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/{{ item.dest }}"
175 owner: "{{ item.owner }}"
176 group: "{{ }}"
177 mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
178 loop:
179 - src: "nextcloud_cron.j2"
180 dest: "cron"
181 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
182 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
183 mode: '750'
184 - src: "nextcloud_console.j2"
185 dest: "console"
186 owner: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
187 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
188 mode: '750'
189 - src: "nextcloud_install_config.j2"
190 dest: "config/config.php"
191 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
192 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
193 mode: '640'
195 - name: Recharger plusieurs services
196 ansible.builtin.service:
197 name: "{{ item }}"
198 state: reloaded
199 loop:
200 - "postgresql"
201 - "php{{ php_version }}-fpm"
203 - name: Lancement du script d'installation nextcloud # noqa : command-instead-of-module
204 become_user: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
205 become: true
206 ansible.builtin.command: >
207 ./console maintenance:install
208 --database='pgsql'
209 --database-name="php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
210 --database-user="php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
211 --database-host="/var/run/postgresql/"
212 --database-pass=""
213 --admin-user='admin'
214 --admin-pass='ckoideja'
215 --data-dir="/home/sites/data/{{ TLD }}/{{ DOMAIN }}/{{ config_ss_domain }}/data/"
216 args:
217 chdir: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}"
218 register: install_result
219 ignore_errors: true
221 - name: Afficher les logs du script d'install
222 ansible.builtin.debug:
223 var: install_result
224 when: install_result is defined
226 - name: Afficher les logs du script d'install
228 msg: "Le script d'install a échoué: Voir les logs ci-dessus"
229 when: install_result.failed
231 - name: Créer les fichiers spécifiques nextcloud
232 ansible.builtin.template:
233 src: "templates/{{ item.src }}"
234 dest: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/{{ item.dest }}"
235 owner: "{{ item.owner }}"
236 group: "{{ }}"
237 mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
238 loop:
239 - src: "nextcloud_sigle_config.j2"
240 dest: "config/{{ SIGLE }}.config.php"
241 owner: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
242 group: "{{ nextcloud_websrv_user }}"
243 mode: '640'
245 - name: Creation d'un lien symbolique vers le configuration nextcloud commun
246 ansible.builtin.file:
247 src: "../../../../nextcloud/common.config.php"
248 path: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/config/common.config.php"
249 owner: nextcloud
250 group: nextcloud
251 state: link
252 follow: false
254 - name: Pour chaque base, ajouter les droits suivants à l'utilisateur php
255 become_user: postgres
256 become: true
257 community.postgresql.postgresql_privs:
258 db: "{{ item.db }}"
259 privs: "{{ item.privs }}"
260 type: "{{ item.type | default(omit) }}"
261 objs: "{{ item.objs }}"
262 role: "{{ item.role }}"
263 grant_option: "{{ item.grant_option | default(omit) }}"
264 loop_control:
265 label: "{{ }}"
266 loop:
267 - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
268 privs: "USAGE,CREATE"
269 type: "schema"
270 objs: "public"
271 role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
272 name: "GRANT USAGE,CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
273 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
274 # privs: "SELECT"
275 # type: "table"
276 # objs: "pg_namespace"
277 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
278 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_namespace TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
279 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
280 # privs: "SELECT"
281 # type: "table"
282 # objs: "pg_collation"
283 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
284 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_collation TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
285 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
286 # privs: "SELECT"
287 # type: "table"
288 # objs: "pg_index"
289 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
290 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_index TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
291 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
292 # privs: "SELECT"
293 # type: "table"
294 # objs: "pg_attrdef"
295 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
296 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_attrdef TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
297 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
298 # privs: "SELECT"
299 # type: "table"
300 # objs: "pg_description"
301 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
302 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_description TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
303 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
304 # privs: "SELECT"
305 # type: "table"
306 # objs: "pg_settings"
307 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
308 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_settings TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
309 # - db: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
310 # privs: "SELECT"
311 # objs: "pg_database"
312 # role: "{{ nextcloud_php_user }}"
313 # name: "GRANT SELECT ON pg_database TO php_{{ SIGLE }}_nuage;"
315 - name: Creation d'un fichier cron pour /etc/cron.d
316 ansible.builtin.cron:
317 name: "nextcloud {{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }} taches d'arriere plan toutes les 5 mins"
318 minute: "*/5"
319 user: "php_{{ SIGLE }}_{{ config_ss_domain }}"
320 job: "{{ nextcloud_webroot }}/cron"
322 - name: Recharger plusieurs services
323 ansible.builtin.service:
324 name: "{{ item }}"
325 state: reloaded
326 loop:
327 - "php{{ php_version }}-fpm"
328 - "nginx"