Even a bit nicer, the return there should be unreachable code.
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / skins / common / mwsuggest.js
1 /*
2 * OpenSearch ajax suggestion engine for MediaWiki
3 *
4 * uses core MediaWiki open search support to fetch suggestions
5 * and show them below search boxes and other inputs
6 *
7 * by Robert Stojnic (April 2008)
8 */
10 // search_box_id -> Results object
11 var os_map = {};
12 // cached data, url -> json_text
13 var os_cache = {};
14 // global variables for suggest_keypress
15 var os_cur_keypressed = 0;
16 var os_last_keypress = 0;
17 var os_keypressed_count = 0;
18 // type: Timer
19 var os_timer = null;
20 // tie mousedown/up events
21 var os_mouse_pressed = false;
22 var os_mouse_num = -1;
23 // if true, the last change was made by mouse (and not keyboard)
24 var os_mouse_moved = false;
25 // delay between keypress and suggestion (in ms)
26 var os_search_timeout = 250;
27 // these pairs of inputs/forms will be autoloaded at startup
28 var os_autoload_inputs = new Array('searchInput', 'powerSearchText', 'searchText');
29 var os_autoload_forms = new Array('searchform', 'powersearch', 'search' );
30 // if we stopped the service
31 var os_is_stopped = false;
32 // max lines to show in suggest table
33 var os_max_lines_per_suggest = 7;
34 // if we are about to focus the searchbox for the first time
35 var os_first_focus = true;
37 /** Timeout timer class that will fetch the results */
38 function os_Timer(id,r,query){
39 this.id = id;
40 this.r = r;
41 this.query = query;
42 }
44 /** Property class for single search box */
45 function os_Results(name, formname){
46 this.searchform = formname; // id of the searchform
47 this.searchbox = name; // id of the searchbox
48 this.container = name+"Suggest"; // div that holds results
49 this.resultTable = name+"Result"; // id base for the result table (+num = table row)
50 this.resultText = name+"ResultText"; // id base for the spans within result tables (+num)
51 this.toggle = name+"Toggle"; // div that has the toggle (enable/disable) link
52 this.query = null; // last processed query
53 this.results = null; // parsed titles
54 this.resultCount = 0; // number of results
55 this.original = null; // query that user entered
56 this.selected = -1; // which result is selected
57 this.containerCount = 0; // number of results visible in container
58 this.containerRow = 0; // height of result field in the container
59 this.containerTotal = 0; // total height of the container will all results
60 this.visible = false; // if container is visible
61 }
63 /** Hide results div */
64 function os_hideResults(r){
65 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
66 if(c != null)
67 c.style.visibility = "hidden";
68 r.visible = false;
69 r.selected = -1;
70 }
72 /** Show results div */
73 function os_showResults(r){
74 if(os_is_stopped)
75 return;
76 os_fitContainer(r);
77 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
78 r.selected = -1;
79 if(c != null){
80 c.scrollTop = 0;
81 c.style.visibility = "visible";
82 r.visible = true;
83 }
84 }
86 function os_operaWidthFix(x){
87 // TODO: better css2 incompatibility detection here
88 if(is_opera || is_khtml || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox/1')!=-1){
89 return x - 30; // opera&konqueror & old firefox don't understand overflow-x, estimate scrollbar width
90 }
91 return x;
92 }
94 function os_encodeQuery(value){
95 if (encodeURIComponent) {
96 return encodeURIComponent(value);
97 }
98 if(escape) {
99 return escape(value);
100 }
101 }
102 function os_decodeValue(value){
103 if (decodeURIComponent) {
104 return decodeURIComponent(value);
105 }
106 if(unescape){
107 return unescape(value);
108 }
109 }
111 /** Brower-dependent functions to find window inner size, and scroll status */
112 function f_clientWidth() {
113 return f_filterResults (
114 window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : 0,
115 document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : 0,
116 document.body ? document.body.clientWidth : 0
117 );
118 }
119 function f_clientHeight() {
120 return f_filterResults (
121 window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : 0,
122 document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : 0,
123 document.body ? document.body.clientHeight : 0
124 );
125 }
126 function f_scrollLeft() {
127 return f_filterResults (
128 window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset : 0,
129 document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0,
130 document.body ? document.body.scrollLeft : 0
131 );
132 }
133 function f_scrollTop() {
134 return f_filterResults (
135 window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 0,
136 document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0,
137 document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0
138 );
139 }
140 function f_filterResults(n_win, n_docel, n_body) {
141 var n_result = n_win ? n_win : 0;
142 if (n_docel && (!n_result || (n_result > n_docel)))
143 n_result = n_docel;
144 return n_body && (!n_result || (n_result > n_body)) ? n_body : n_result;
145 }
147 /** Get the height available for the results container */
148 function os_availableHeight(r){
149 var absTop = document.getElementById(r.container).style.top;
150 var px = absTop.lastIndexOf("px");
151 if(px > 0)
152 absTop = absTop.substring(0,px);
153 return f_clientHeight() - (absTop - f_scrollTop());
154 }
157 /** Get element absolute position {left,top} */
158 function os_getElementPosition(elemID){
159 var offsetTrail = document.getElementById(elemID);
160 var offsetLeft = 0;
161 var offsetTop = 0;
162 while (offsetTrail){
163 offsetLeft += offsetTrail.offsetLeft;
164 offsetTop += offsetTrail.offsetTop;
165 offsetTrail = offsetTrail.offsetParent;
166 }
167 if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1 && typeof document.body.leftMargin != 'undefined'){
168 offsetLeft += document.body.leftMargin;
169 offsetTop += document.body.topMargin;
170 }
171 return {left:offsetLeft,top:offsetTop};
172 }
174 /** Create the container div that will hold the suggested titles */
175 function os_createContainer(r){
176 var c = document.createElement("div");
177 var s = document.getElementById(r.searchbox);
178 var pos = os_getElementPosition(r.searchbox);
179 var left = pos.left;
180 var top = pos.top + s.offsetHeight;
181 var body = document.getElementById("globalWrapper");
182 c.className = "os-suggest";
183 c.setAttribute("id", r.container);
184 body.appendChild(c);
186 // dynamically generated style params
187 // IE workaround, cannot explicitely set "style" attribute
188 c = document.getElementById(r.container);
189 c.style.top = top+"px";
190 c.style.left = left+"px";
191 c.style.width = s.offsetWidth+"px";
193 // mouse event handlers
194 c.onmouseover = function(event) { os_eventMouseover(r.searchbox, event); };
195 c.onmousemove = function(event) { os_eventMousemove(r.searchbox, event); };
196 c.onmousedown = function(event) { return os_eventMousedown(r.searchbox, event); };
197 c.onmouseup = function(event) { os_eventMouseup(r.searchbox, event); };
198 return c;
199 }
201 /** change container height to fit to screen */
202 function os_fitContainer(r){
203 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
204 var h = os_availableHeight(r) - 20;
205 var inc = r.containerRow;
206 h = parseInt(h/inc) * inc;
207 if(h < (2 * inc) && r.resultCount > 1) // min: two results
208 h = 2 * inc;
209 if((h/inc) > os_max_lines_per_suggest )
210 h = inc * os_max_lines_per_suggest;
211 if(h < r.containerTotal){
212 c.style.height = h +"px";
213 r.containerCount = parseInt(Math.round(h/inc));
214 } else{
215 c.style.height = r.containerTotal+"px";
216 r.containerCount = r.resultCount;
217 }
218 }
219 /** If some entries are longer than the box, replace text with "..." */
220 function os_trimResultText(r){
221 var w = document.getElementById(r.container).offsetWidth;
222 if(r.containerCount < r.resultCount){
223 w -= 20; // give 20px for scrollbar
224 } else
225 w = os_operaWidthFix(w);
226 if(w < 10)
227 return;
228 for(var i=0;i<r.resultCount;i++){
229 var e = document.getElementById(r.resultText+i);
230 var replace = 1;
231 var lastW = e.offsetWidth+1;
232 var iteration = 0;
233 var changedText = false;
234 while(e.offsetWidth > w && (e.offsetWidth < lastW || iteration<2)){
235 changedText = true;
236 lastW = e.offsetWidth;
237 var l = e.innerHTML;
238 e.innerHTML = l.substring(0,l.length-replace)+"...";
239 iteration++;
240 replace = 4; // how many chars to replace
241 }
242 if(changedText){
243 // show hint for trimmed titles
244 document.getElementById(r.resultTable+i).setAttribute("title",r.results[i]);
245 }
246 }
247 }
249 /** Handles data from XMLHttpRequest, and updates the suggest results */
250 function os_updateResults(r, query, text, cacheKey){
251 os_cache[cacheKey] = text;
252 r.query = query;
253 r.original = query;
254 if(text == ""){
255 r.results = null;
256 r.resultCount = 0;
257 os_hideResults(r);
258 } else{
259 try {
260 var p = eval('('+text+')'); // simple json parse, could do a safer one
261 if(p.length<2 || p[1].length == 0){
262 r.results = null;
263 r.resultCount = 0;
264 os_hideResults(r);
265 return;
266 }
267 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
268 if(c == null)
269 c = os_createContainer(r);
270 c.innerHTML = os_createResultTable(r,p[1]);
271 // init container table sizes
272 var t = document.getElementById(r.resultTable);
273 r.containerTotal = t.offsetHeight;
274 r.containerRow = t.offsetHeight / r.resultCount;
275 os_trimResultText(r);
276 os_showResults(r);
277 } catch(e){
278 // bad response from server or such
279 os_hideResults(r);
280 os_cache[cacheKey] = null;
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 /** Create the result table to be placed in the container div */
286 function os_createResultTable(r, results){
287 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
288 var width = os_operaWidthFix(c.offsetWidth);
289 var html = "<table class=\"os-suggest-results\" id=\""+r.resultTable+"\" style=\"width: "+width+"px;\">";
290 r.results = new Array();
291 r.resultCount = results.length;
292 for(i=0;i<results.length;i++){
293 var title = os_decodeValue(results[i]);
294 r.results[i] = title;
295 html += "<tr><td class=\"os-suggest-result\" id=\""+r.resultTable+i+"\"><span id=\""+r.resultText+i+"\">"+title+"</span></td></tr>";
296 }
297 html+="</table>"
298 return html;
299 }
301 /** Fetch namespaces from checkboxes or hidden fields in the search form,
302 if none defined use wgSearchNamespaces global */
303 function os_getNamespaces(r){
304 var namespaces = "";
305 var elements = document.forms[r.searchform].elements;
306 for(i=0; i < elements.length; i++){
307 var name = elements[i].name;
308 if(typeof name != 'undefined' && name.length > 2
309 && name[0]=='n' && name[1]=='s'
310 && ((elements[i].type=='checkbox' && elements[i].checked)
311 || (elements[i].type=='hidden' && elements[i].value=="1")) ){
312 if(namespaces!="")
313 namespaces+="|";
314 namespaces+=name.substring(2);
315 }
316 }
317 if(namespaces == "")
318 namespaces = wgSearchNamespaces.join("|");
319 return namespaces;
320 }
322 /** Update results if user hasn't already typed something else */
323 function os_updateIfRelevant(r, query, text, cacheKey){
324 var t = document.getElementById(r.searchbox);
325 if(t != null && t.value == query){ // check if response is still relevant
326 os_updateResults(r, query, text, cacheKey);
327 }
328 r.query = query;
329 }
331 /** Fetch results after some timeout */
332 function os_delayedFetch(){
333 if(os_timer == null)
334 return;
335 var r = os_timer.r;
336 var query = os_timer.query;
337 os_timer = null;
338 var path = wgMWSuggestTemplate.replace("{namespaces}",os_getNamespaces(r))
339 .replace("{dbname}",wgDBname)
340 .replace("{searchTerms}",os_encodeQuery(query));
342 // try to get from cache, if not fetch using ajax
343 var cached = os_cache[path];
344 if(cached != null){
345 os_updateIfRelevant(r, query, cached, path);
346 } else{
347 var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
348 if(xmlhttp){
349 try {
350 xmlhttp.open("GET", path, true);
351 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){
352 if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && typeof os_updateIfRelevant == 'function') {
353 os_updateIfRelevant(r, query, xmlhttp.responseText, path);
354 }
355 };
356 xmlhttp.send(null);
357 } catch (e) {
358 if (window.location.hostname == "localhost") {
359 alert("Your browser blocks XMLHttpRequest to 'localhost', try using a real hostname for development/testing.");
360 }
361 throw e;
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 }
367 /** Init timed update via os_delayedUpdate() */
368 function os_fetchResults(r, query, timeout){
369 if(query == ""){
370 os_hideResults(r);
371 return;
372 } else if(query == r.query)
373 return; // no change
375 os_is_stopped = false; // make sure we're running
377 /* var cacheKey = wgDBname+":"+query;
378 var cached = os_cache[cacheKey];
379 if(cached != null){
380 os_updateResults(r,wgDBname,query,cached);
381 return;
382 } */
384 // cancel any pending fetches
385 if(os_timer != null && os_timer.id != null)
386 clearTimeout(os_timer.id);
387 // schedule delayed fetching of results
388 if(timeout != 0){
389 os_timer = new os_Timer(setTimeout("os_delayedFetch()",timeout),r,query);
390 } else{
391 os_timer = new os_Timer(null,r,query);
392 os_delayedFetch(); // do it now!
393 }
395 }
396 /** Change the highlighted row (i.e. suggestion), from position cur to next */
397 function os_changeHighlight(r, cur, next, updateSearchBox){
398 if (next >= r.resultCount)
399 next = r.resultCount-1;
400 if (next < -1)
401 next = -1;
402 r.selected = next;
403 if (cur == next)
404 return; // nothing to do.
406 if(cur >= 0){
407 var curRow = document.getElementById(r.resultTable + cur);
408 if(curRow != null)
409 curRow.className = "os-suggest-result";
410 }
411 var newText;
412 if(next >= 0){
413 var nextRow = document.getElementById(r.resultTable + next);
414 if(nextRow != null)
415 nextRow.className = "os-suggest-result-hl";
416 newText = r.results[next];
417 } else
418 newText = r.original;
420 // adjust the scrollbar if any
421 if(r.containerCount < r.resultCount){
422 var c = document.getElementById(r.container);
423 var vStart = c.scrollTop / r.containerRow;
424 var vEnd = vStart + r.containerCount;
425 if(next < vStart)
426 c.scrollTop = next * r.containerRow;
427 else if(next >= vEnd)
428 c.scrollTop = (next - r.containerCount + 1) * r.containerRow;
429 }
431 // update the contents of the search box
432 if(updateSearchBox){
433 os_updateSearchQuery(r,newText);
434 }
435 }
437 function os_updateSearchQuery(r,newText){
438 document.getElementById(r.searchbox).value = newText;
439 r.query = newText;
440 }
442 /** Find event target */
443 function os_getTarget(e){
444 if (!e) var e = window.event;
445 if (e.target) return e.target;
446 else if (e.srcElement) return e.srcElement;
447 else return null;
448 }
452 /********************
453 * Keyboard events
454 ********************/
456 /** Event handler that will fetch results on keyup */
457 function os_eventKeyup(e){
458 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
459 var r = os_map[targ.id];
460 if(r == null)
461 return; // not our event
463 // some browsers won't generate keypressed for arrow keys, catch it
464 if(os_keypressed_count == 0){
465 os_processKey(r,os_cur_keypressed,targ);
466 }
467 var query = targ.value;
468 os_fetchResults(r,query,os_search_timeout);
469 }
471 /** catch arrows up/down and escape to hide the suggestions */
472 function os_processKey(r,keypressed,targ){
473 if (keypressed == 40){ // Arrow Down
474 if (r.visible) {
475 os_changeHighlight(r, r.selected, r.selected+1, true);
476 } else if(os_timer == null){
477 // user wants to get suggestions now
478 r.query = "";
479 os_fetchResults(r,targ.value,0);
480 }
481 } else if (keypressed == 38){ // Arrow Up
482 if (r.visible){
483 os_changeHighlight(r, r.selected, r.selected-1, true);
484 }
485 } else if(keypressed == 27){ // Escape
486 document.getElementById(r.searchbox).value = r.original;
487 r.query = r.original;
488 os_hideResults(r);
489 } else if(r.query != document.getElementById(r.searchbox).value){
490 // os_hideResults(r); // don't show old suggestions
491 }
492 }
494 /** When keys is held down use a timer to output regular events */
495 function os_eventKeypress(e){
496 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
497 var r = os_map[targ.id];
498 if(r == null)
499 return; // not our event
501 var keypressed = os_cur_keypressed;
502 if(keypressed == 38 || keypressed == 40){
503 var d = new Date()
504 var now = d.getTime();
505 if(now - os_last_keypress < 120){
506 os_last_keypress = now;
507 return;
508 }
509 }
511 os_keypressed_count++;
512 os_processKey(r,keypressed,targ);
513 }
515 /** Catch the key code (Firefox bug) */
516 function os_eventKeydown(e){
517 if (!e) var e = window.event;
518 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
519 var r = os_map[targ.id];
520 if(r == null)
521 return; // not our event
523 os_mouse_moved = false;
525 if(os_first_focus){
526 // firefox bug, focus&defocus to make autocomplete=off valid
527 targ.blur(); targ.focus();
528 os_first_focus = false;
529 }
531 os_cur_keypressed = (window.Event) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
532 os_last_keypress = 0;
533 os_keypressed_count = 0;
534 }
536 /** Event: loss of focus of input box */
537 function os_eventBlur(e){
538 if(os_first_focus)
539 return; // we are focusing/defocusing
540 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
541 var r = os_map[targ.id];
542 if(r == null)
543 return; // not our event
544 if(!os_mouse_pressed)
545 os_hideResults(r);
546 }
548 /** Event: focus (catch only when stopped) */
549 function os_eventFocus(e){
550 if(os_first_focus)
551 return; // we are focusing/defocusing
552 }
556 /********************
557 * Mouse events
558 ********************/
560 /** Mouse over the container */
561 function os_eventMouseover(srcId, e){
562 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
563 var r = os_map[srcId];
564 if(r == null || !os_mouse_moved)
565 return; // not our event
566 var num = os_getNumberSuffix(targ.id);
567 if(num >= 0)
568 os_changeHighlight(r,r.selected,num,false);
570 }
572 /* Get row where the event occured (from its id) */
573 function os_getNumberSuffix(id){
574 var num = id.substring(id.length-2);
575 if( ! (num.charAt(0) >= '0' && num.charAt(0) <= '9') )
576 num = num.substring(1);
577 if(os_isNumber(num))
578 return parseInt(num);
579 else
580 return -1;
581 }
583 /** Save mouse move as last action */
584 function os_eventMousemove(srcId, e){
585 os_mouse_moved = true;
586 }
588 /** Mouse button held down, register possible click */
589 function os_eventMousedown(srcId, e){
590 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
591 var r = os_map[srcId];
592 if(r == null)
593 return; // not our event
594 var num = os_getNumberSuffix(targ.id);
596 os_mouse_pressed = true;
597 if(num >= 0){
598 os_mouse_num = num;
599 // os_updateSearchQuery(r,r.results[num]);
600 }
601 // keep the focus on the search field
602 document.getElementById(r.searchbox).focus();
604 return false; // prevents selection
605 }
607 /** Mouse button released, check for click on some row */
608 function os_eventMouseup(srcId, e){
609 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
610 var r = os_map[srcId];
611 if(r == null)
612 return; // not our event
613 var num = os_getNumberSuffix(targ.id);
615 if(num >= 0 && os_mouse_num == num){
616 os_updateSearchQuery(r,r.results[num]);
617 os_hideResults(r);
618 document.getElementById(r.searchform).submit();
619 }
620 os_mouse_pressed = false;
621 // keep the focus on the search field
622 document.getElementById(r.searchbox).focus();
623 }
625 /** Check if x is a valid integer */
626 function os_isNumber(x){
627 if(x == "" || isNaN(x))
628 return false;
629 for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){
630 var c = x.charAt(i);
631 if( ! (c >= '0' && c <= '9') )
632 return false;
633 }
634 return true;
635 }
638 /** When the form is submitted hide everything, cancel updates... */
639 function os_eventOnsubmit(e){
640 var targ = os_getTarget(e);
642 os_is_stopped = true;
643 // kill timed requests
644 if(os_timer != null && os_timer.id != null){
645 clearTimeout(os_timer.id);
646 os_timer = null;
647 }
648 // Hide all suggestions
649 for(i=0;i<os_autoload_inputs.length;i++){
650 var r = os_map[os_autoload_inputs[i]];
651 if(r != null){
652 var b = document.getElementById(r.searchform);
653 if(b != null && b == targ){
654 // set query value so the handler won't try to fetch additional results
655 r.query = document.getElementById(r.searchbox).value;
656 }
657 os_hideResults(r);
658 }
659 }
660 return true;
661 }
663 /** Init Result objects and event handlers */
664 function os_initHandlers(name, formname, element){
665 var r = new os_Results(name, formname);
666 // event handler
667 element.onkeyup = function(event) { os_eventKeyup(event); };
668 element.onkeydown = function(event) { os_eventKeydown(event); };
669 element.onkeypress = function(event) { os_eventKeypress(event); };
670 element.onblur = function(event) { os_eventBlur(event); };
671 element.onfocus = function(event) { os_eventFocus(event); };
672 element.setAttribute("autocomplete","off");
673 // stopping handler
674 document.getElementById(formname).onsubmit = function(event){ return os_eventOnsubmit(event); };
675 os_map[name] = r;
676 // toggle link
677 if(document.getElementById(r.toggle) == null){
678 // TODO: disable this while we figure out a way for this to work in all browsers
679 /* if(name=='searchInput'){
680 // special case: place above the main search box
681 var t = os_createToggle(r,"os-suggest-toggle");
682 var searchBody = document.getElementById('searchBody');
683 var first = searchBody.parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling.appendChild(t);
684 } else{
685 // default: place below search box to the right
686 var t = os_createToggle(r,"os-suggest-toggle-def");
687 var top = element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight;
688 var left = element.offsetLeft + element.offsetWidth;
689 t.style.position = "absolute";
690 t.style.top = top + "px";
691 t.style.left = left + "px";
692 element.parentNode.appendChild(t);
693 // only now width gets calculated, shift right
694 left -= t.offsetWidth;
695 t.style.left = left + "px";
696 t.style.visibility = "visible";
697 } */
698 }
700 }
702 /** Return the span element that contains the toggle link */
703 function os_createToggle(r,className){
704 var t = document.createElement("span");
705 t.className = className;
706 t.setAttribute("id", r.toggle);
707 var link = document.createElement("a");
708 link.setAttribute("href","javascript:void(0);");
709 link.onclick = function(){ os_toggle(r.searchbox,r.searchform) };
710 var msg = document.createTextNode(wgMWSuggestMessages[0]);
711 link.appendChild(msg);
712 t.appendChild(link);
713 return t;
714 }
716 /** Call when user clicks on some of the toggle links */
717 function os_toggle(inputId,formName){
718 r = os_map[inputId];
719 var msg = '';
720 if(r == null){
721 os_enableSuggestionsOn(inputId,formName);
722 r = os_map[inputId];
723 msg = wgMWSuggestMessages[0];
724 } else{
725 os_disableSuggestionsOn(inputId,formName);
726 msg = wgMWSuggestMessages[1];
727 }
728 // change message
729 var link = document.getElementById(r.toggle).firstChild;
730 link.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(msg),link.firstChild);
731 }
733 /** Call this to enable suggestions on input (id=inputId), on a form (name=formName) */
734 function os_enableSuggestionsOn(inputId, formName){
735 os_initHandlers( inputId, formName, document.getElementById(inputId) );
736 }
738 /** Call this to disable suggestios on input box (id=inputId) */
739 function os_disableSuggestionsOn(inputId){
740 r = os_map[inputId];
741 if(r != null){
742 // cancel/hide results
743 os_timer = null;
744 os_hideResults(r);
745 // turn autocomplete on !
746 document.getElementById(inputId).setAttribute("autocomplete","on");
747 // remove descriptor
748 os_map[inputId] = null;
749 }
750 }
752 /** Initialization, call upon page onload */
753 function os_MWSuggestInit() {
754 for(i=0;i<os_autoload_inputs.length;i++){
755 var id = os_autoload_inputs[i];
756 var form = os_autoload_forms[i];
757 element = document.getElementById( id );
758 if(element != null)
759 os_initHandlers(id,form,element);
760 }
761 }
763 hookEvent("load", os_MWSuggestInit);