Fixed bug that caused version numbers to be output incorectly. JavaScript's Array...
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / mediawiki / mediawiki.js
1 /*
2 * JavaScript backwards-compatibility and support
3 */
5 // Make calling .indexOf() on an array work on older browsers
6 if ( typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === 'undefined' ) {
7 Array.prototype.indexOf = function( needle ) {
8 for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
9 if ( this[i] === needle ) {
10 return i;
11 }
12 }
13 return -1;
14 };
15 }
16 // Add array comparison functionality
17 if ( typeof === 'undefined' ) {
18 = function( against ) {
19 if ( this.length != against.length ) {
20 return false;
21 }
22 for ( var i = 0; i < against.length; i++ ) {
23 if ( this[i].compare ) {
24 if ( !this[i].compare( against[i] ) ) {
25 return false;
26 }
27 }
28 if ( this[i] !== against[i] ) {
29 return false;
30 }
31 }
32 return true;
33 };
34 }
36 /*
37 * Core MediaWiki JavaScript Library
38 */
39 // Attach to window
40 window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
42 /* Constants */
44 // This will not change until we are 100% ready to turn off legacy globals
45 var LEGACY_GLOBALS = true;
47 /* Private Members */
49 var that = this;
51 /* Prototypes */
53 this.prototypes = {
54 /*
55 * An object which allows single and multiple get/set/exists functionality on a list of key / value pairs
56 *
57 * @param {boolean} global whether to get/set/exists values on the window object or a private object
58 * @param {function} parser function to perform extra processing; in the form of function( value, options )
59 * where value is the data to be parsed and options is additional data passed through to the parser
60 */
61 'configuration': function( global, parser ) {
63 /* Private Members */
65 var that = this;
66 var values = global === true ? window : {};
68 /* Public Methods */
70 /**
71 * Gets one or more values
72 *
73 * If called with no arguments, all values will be returned. If a parser is in use, no parsing will take
74 * place when calling with no arguments or calling with an array of names.
75 *
76 * @param {mixed} selection string name of value to get, array of string names of values to get, or object
77 * of name/option pairs
78 * @param {object} options optional set of options which are also passed to a parser if in use; only used
79 * when selection is a string
80 * @format options
81 * {
82 * // Value to use if key does not exist
83 * 'fallback': ''
84 * }
85 */
86 this.get = function( selection, options ) {
87 if ( typeof selection === 'object' ) {
88 var results = {};
89 for ( var s in selection ) {
90 if ( selection.hasOwnProperty( s ) ) {
91 if ( typeof s === 'string' ) {
92 return that.get( values[s], selection[s] );
93 } else {
94 return that.get( selection[s] );
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 return results;
99 } else if ( typeof selection === 'string' ) {
100 if ( typeof values[selection] === 'undefined' ) {
101 return typeof options === 'object' && 'fallback' in options ?
102 options.fallback : '<' + selection + '>';
103 } else {
104 if ( typeof parser === 'function' ) {
105 return parser( values[selection], options );
106 } else {
107 return values[selection];
108 }
109 }
110 } else {
111 return values;
112 }
113 };
115 /**
116 * Sets one or multiple configuration values using a key and a value or an object of keys and values
117 *
118 * @param {mixed} key string of name by which value will be made accessible, or object of name/value pairs
119 * @param {mixed} value optional value to set, only in use when key is a string
120 */
121 this.set = function( selection, value ) {
122 if ( typeof selection === 'object' ) {
123 for ( var s in selection ) {
124 values[s] = selection[s];
125 }
126 } else if ( typeof selection === 'string' && typeof value !== 'undefined' ) {
127 values[selection] = value;
128 }
129 };
131 /**
132 * Checks if one or multiple configuration fields exist
133 */
134 this.exists = function( selection ) {
135 if ( typeof keys === 'object' ) {
136 for ( var s = 0; s < selection.length; s++ ) {
137 if ( !( selection[s] in values ) ) {
138 return false;
139 }
140 }
141 return true;
142 } else {
143 return selection in values;
144 }
145 };
146 }
147 };
149 /* Methods */
151 /*
152 * Dummy function which in debug mode can be replaced with a function that does something clever
153 */
154 this.log = function() { };
156 /*
157 * List of configuration values
158 *
159 * In legacy mode the values this object wraps will be in the global space
160 */
161 this.config = new this.prototypes.configuration( LEGACY_GLOBALS );
163 /*
164 * Information about the current user
165 */
166 this.user = new ( function() {
168 /* Public Members */
170 this.options = new that.prototypes.configuration();
171 } )();
173 /*
174 * Basic parser, can be replaced with something more robust
175 */
176 this.parser = function( text, options ) {
177 if ( typeof options === 'object' && typeof options.parameters === 'object' ) {
178 for ( var p = 0; p < options.parameters.length; p++ ) {
179 text = text.replace( '\$' + ( parseInt( p ) + 1 ), options.parameters[p] );
180 }
181 }
182 return text;
183 };
185 /*
186 * Localization system
187 */
188 this.msg = new that.prototypes.configuration( false, this.parser );
190 /*
191 * Client-side module loader which integrates with the MediaWiki ResourceLoader
192 */
193 this.loader = new ( function() {
195 /* Private Members */
197 var that = this;
198 /*
199 * Mapping of registered modules
200 *
201 * The jquery module is pre-registered, because it must have already been provided for this object to have
202 * been built, and in debug mode jquery would have been provided through a unique loader request, making it
203 * impossible to hold back registration of jquery until after mediawiki.
204 *
205 * Format:
206 * {
207 * 'moduleName': {
208 * 'dependencies': ['required module', 'required module', ...], (or) function() {}
209 * 'state': 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded', 'ready', or 'error'
210 * 'script': function() {},
211 * 'style': 'css code string',
212 * 'messages': { 'key': 'value' },
213 * 'version': ############## (unix timestamp)
214 * }
215 * }
216 */
217 var registry = {};
218 // List of modules which will be loaded as when ready
219 var batch = [];
220 // List of modules to be loaded
221 var queue = [];
222 // List of callback functions waiting for modules to be ready to be called
223 var jobs = [];
224 // Flag indicating that requests should be suspended
225 var suspended = true;
226 // Flag inidicating that document ready has occured
227 var ready = false;
229 /* Private Methods */
231 /**
232 * Generates an ISO8601 "basic" string from a UNIX timestamp
233 */
234 function formatVersionNumber( timestamp ) {
235 function pad( a, b, c ) {
236 return [a < 10 ? '0' + a : a, b < 10 ? '0' + b : b, c < 10 ? '0' + c : c].join( '' );
237 }
238 var d = new Date()
239 d.setTime( timestamp * 1000 );
240 return [
241 pad( d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate() ), 'T',
242 pad( d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds() ), 'Z'
243 ].join( '' );
244 }
246 /**
247 * Recursively resolves dependencies and detects circular references
248 */
249 function recurse( module, resolved, unresolved ) {
250 unresolved[unresolved.length] = module;
251 // Resolves dynamic loader function and replaces it with it's own results
252 if ( typeof registry[module].dependencies === 'function' ) {
253 registry[module].dependencies = registry[module].dependencies();
254 // Gaurantees the module's dependencies are always in an array
255 if ( typeof registry[module].dependencies !== 'object' ) {
256 registry[module].dependencies = [registry[module].dependencies];
257 }
258 }
259 // Tracks down dependencies
260 for ( var n = 0; n < registry[module].dependencies.length; n++ ) {
261 if ( resolved.indexOf( registry[module].dependencies[n] ) === -1 ) {
262 if ( unresolved.indexOf( registry[module].dependencies[n] ) !== -1 ) {
263 throw new Error(
264 'Circular reference detected: ' + module + ' -> ' + registry[module].dependencies[n]
265 );
266 }
267 recurse( registry[module].dependencies[n], resolved, unresolved );
268 }
269 }
270 resolved[resolved.length] = module;
271 unresolved.splice( unresolved.indexOf( module ), 1 );
272 }
274 /**
275 * Gets a list of modules names that a module dependencies in their proper dependency order
276 *
277 * @param mixed string module name or array of string module names
278 * @return list of dependencies
279 * @throws Error if circular reference is detected
280 */
281 function resolve( module, resolved, unresolved ) {
282 // Allow calling with an array of module names
283 if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
284 var modules = [];
285 for ( var m = 0; m < module.length; m++ ) {
286 var dependencies = resolve( module[m] );
287 for ( var n = 0; n < dependencies.length; n++ ) {
288 modules[modules.length] = dependencies[n];
289 }
290 }
291 return modules;
292 } else if ( typeof module === 'string' ) {
293 // Undefined modules have no dependencies
294 if ( !( module in registry ) ) {
295 return [];
296 }
297 var resolved = [];
298 recurse( module, resolved, [] );
299 return resolved;
300 }
301 throw new Error( 'Invalid module argument: ' + module );
302 };
304 /**
305 * Narrows a list of module names down to those matching a specific state. Possible states are 'undefined',
306 * 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded', or 'ready'
307 *
308 * @param mixed string or array of strings of module states to filter by
309 * @param array list of module names to filter (optional, all modules will be used by default)
310 * @return array list of filtered module names
311 */
312 function filter( states, modules ) {
313 // Allow states to be given as a string
314 if ( typeof states === 'string' ) {
315 states = [states];
316 }
317 // If called without a list of modules, build and use a list of all modules
318 var list = [];
319 if ( typeof modules === 'undefined' ) {
320 modules = [];
321 for ( module in registry ) {
322 modules[modules.length] = module;
323 }
324 }
325 // Build a list of modules which are in one of the specified states
326 for ( var s = 0; s < states.length; s++ ) {
327 for ( var m = 0; m < modules.length; m++ ) {
328 if (
329 ( states[s] == 'undefined' && typeof registry[modules[m]] === 'undefined' ) ||
330 ( typeof registry[modules[m]] === 'object' && registry[modules[m]].state === states[s] )
331 ) {
332 list[list.length] = modules[m];
333 }
334 }
335 }
336 return list;
337 }
339 /**
340 * Executes a loaded module, making it ready to use
341 *
342 * @param string module name to execute
343 */
344 function execute( module ) {
345 if ( typeof registry[module] === 'undefined' ) {
346 throw new Error( 'Module has not been registered yet: ' + module );
347 } else if ( registry[module].state === 'registered' ) {
348 throw new Error( 'Module has not been requested from the server yet: ' + module );
349 } else if ( registry[module].state === 'loading' ) {
350 throw new Error( 'Module has not completed loading yet: ' + module );
351 } else if ( registry[module].state === 'ready' ) {
352 throw new Error( 'Module has already been loaded: ' + module );
353 }
354 // Add style sheet to document
355 if ( typeof registry[module].style === 'string' && registry[module].style.length ) {
356 $( 'head' ).append( '<style type="text/css">' + registry[module].style + '</style>' );
357 } else if ( typeof registry[module].style === 'object' && !( registry[module].style instanceof Array ) ) {
358 for ( var media in registry[module].style ) {
359 $( 'head' ).append(
360 '<style type="text/css" media="' + media + '">' + registry[module].style[media] + '</style>'
361 );
362 }
363 }
364 // Add localizations to message system
365 if ( typeof registry[module].messages === 'object' ) {
366 mediaWiki.msg.set( registry[module].messages );
367 }
368 // Execute script
369 try {
370 registry[module].script();
371 registry[module].state = 'ready';
372 // Run jobs who's dependencies have just been met
373 for ( var j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++ ) {
374 if ( filter( 'ready', jobs[j].dependencies ).compare( jobs[j].dependencies ) ) {
375 if ( typeof jobs[j].ready === 'function' ) {
376 jobs[j].ready();
377 }
378 jobs.splice( j, 1 );
379 j--;
380 }
381 }
382 // Execute modules who's dependencies have just been met
383 for ( r in registry ) {
384 if ( registry[r].state == 'loaded' ) {
385 if ( filter( ['ready'], registry[r].dependencies ).compare( registry[r].dependencies ) ) {
386 execute( r );
387 }
388 }
389 }
390 } catch ( e ) {
391 mediaWiki.log( 'Exception thrown by ' + module + ': ' + e.message );
392 mediaWiki.log( e );
393 registry[module].state = 'error';
394 // Run error callbacks of jobs affected by this condition
395 for ( var j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++ ) {
396 if ( jobs[j].dependencies.indexOf( module ) !== -1 ) {
397 if ( typeof jobs[j].error === 'function' ) {
398 jobs[j].error();
399 }
400 jobs.splice( j, 1 );
401 j--;
402 }
403 }
404 }
405 }
407 /**
408 * Adds a dependencies to the queue with optional callbacks to be run when the dependencies are ready or fail
409 *
410 * @param mixed string moulde name or array of string module names
411 * @param function ready callback to execute when all dependencies are ready
412 * @param function error callback to execute when any dependency fails
413 */
414 function request( dependencies, ready, error ) {
415 // Allow calling by single module name
416 if ( typeof dependencies === 'string' ) {
417 dependencies = [dependencies];
418 if ( dependencies[0] in registry ) {
419 for ( var n = 0; n < registry[dependencies[0]].dependencies.length; n++ ) {
420 dependencies[dependencies.length] = registry[dependencies[0]].dependencies[n];
421 }
422 }
423 }
424 // Add ready and error callbacks if they were given
425 if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
426 jobs[jobs.length] = {
427 'dependencies': filter( ['undefined', 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded'], dependencies ),
428 'ready': ready,
429 'error': error
430 };
431 }
432 // Queue up any dependencies that are undefined or registered
433 dependencies = filter( ['undefined', 'registered'], dependencies );
434 for ( var n = 0; n < dependencies.length; n++ ) {
435 if ( queue.indexOf( dependencies[n] ) === -1 ) {
436 queue[queue.length] = dependencies[n];
437 }
438 }
439 // Work the queue
441 }
443 function sortQuery(o) {
444 var sorted = {}, key, a = [];
445 for ( key in o ) {
446 if ( o.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
447 a.push( key );
448 }
449 }
450 a.sort();
451 for ( key = 0; key < a.length; key++ ) {
452 sorted[a[key]] = o[a[key]];
453 }
454 return sorted;
455 }
457 /* Public Methods */
459 /**
460 * Requests dependencies from server, loading and executing when things when ready.
461 */
462 = function() {
463 // Appends a list of modules to the batch
464 for ( var q = 0; q < queue.length; q++ ) {
465 // Only request modules which are undefined or registered
466 if ( !( queue[q] in registry ) || registry[queue[q]].state == 'registered' ) {
467 // Prevent duplicate entries
468 if ( batch.indexOf( queue[q] ) === -1 ) {
469 batch[batch.length] = queue[q];
470 // Mark registered modules as loading
471 if ( queue[q] in registry ) {
472 registry[queue[q]].state = 'loading';
473 }
474 }
475 }
476 }
477 // Clean up the queue
478 queue = [];
479 // After document ready, handle the batch
480 if ( !suspended && batch.length ) {
481 // Always order modules alphabetically to help reduce cache misses for otherwise identical content
482 batch.sort();
483 // Build a list of request parameters
484 var base = {
485 'skin': mediaWiki.config.get( 'skin' ),
486 'lang': mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
487 'debug': mediaWiki.config.get( 'debug' )
488 };
489 // Extend request parameters with a list of modules in the batch
490 var requests = [];
491 if ( base.debug == '1' ) {
492 for ( var b = 0; b < batch.length; b++ ) {
493 requests[requests.length] = $.extend(
494 { 'modules': batch[b], 'version': registry[batch[b]].version }, base
495 );
496 }
497 } else {
498 // Split into groups
499 var groups = {};
500 for ( var b = 0; b < batch.length; b++ ) {
501 var group = registry[batch[b]].group;
502 if ( !( group in groups ) ) {
503 groups[group] = [];
504 }
505 groups[group][groups[group].length] = batch[b];
506 }
507 for ( var group in groups ) {
508 // Calculate the highest timestamp
509 var version = 0;
510 for ( var g = 0; g < groups[group].length; g++ ) {
511 if ( registry[groups[group][g]].version > version ) {
512 version = registry[groups[group][g]].version;
513 }
514 }
515 requests[requests.length] = $.extend(
516 { 'modules': groups[group].join( '|' ), 'version': formatVersionNumber( version ) }, base
517 );
518 }
519 }
520 // Clear the batch - this MUST happen before we append the script element to the body or it's
521 // possible that the script will be locally cached, instantly load, and work the batch again,
522 // all before we've cleared it causing each request to include modules which are already loaded
523 batch = [];
524 // Asynchronously append a script tag to the end of the body
525 function request() {
526 var html = '';
527 for ( var r = 0; r < requests.length; r++ ) {
528 requests[r] = sortQuery( requests[r] );
529 // Build out the HTML
530 var src = mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgLoadScript' ) + '?' + $.param( requests[r] );
531 html += '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + src + '"></script>';
532 }
533 return html;
534 }
535 // Load asynchronously after doumument ready
536 if ( ready ) {
537 setTimeout( function() { $( 'body' ).append( request() ); }, 0 )
538 } else {
539 document.write( request() );
540 }
541 }
542 };
544 /**
545 * Registers a module, letting the system know about it and it's dependencies. loader.js files contain calls
546 * to this function.
547 */
548 this.register = function( module, version, dependencies, group ) {
549 // Allow multiple registration
550 if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
551 for ( var m = 0; m < module.length; m++ ) {
552 if ( typeof module[m] === 'string' ) {
553 that.register( module[m] );
554 } else if ( typeof module[m] === 'object' ) {
555 that.register.apply( that, module[m] );
556 }
557 }
558 return;
559 }
560 // Validate input
561 if ( typeof module !== 'string' ) {
562 throw new Error( 'module must be a string, not a ' + typeof module );
563 }
564 if ( typeof registry[module] !== 'undefined' ) {
565 throw new Error( 'module already implemeneted: ' + module );
566 }
567 // List the module as registered
568 registry[module] = {
569 'state': 'registered',
570 'group': typeof group === 'string' ? group : null,
571 'dependencies': [],
572 'version': typeof version !== 'undefined' ? parseInt( version ) : 0
573 };
574 if ( typeof dependencies === 'string' ) {
575 // Allow dependencies to be given as a single module name
576 registry[module].dependencies = [dependencies];
577 } else if ( typeof dependencies === 'object' || typeof dependencies === 'function' ) {
578 // Allow dependencies to be given as an array of module names or a function which returns an array
579 registry[module].dependencies = dependencies;
580 }
581 };
583 /**
584 * Implements a module, giving the system a course of action to take upon loading. Results of a request for
585 * one or more modules contain calls to this function.
586 */
587 this.implement = function( module, script, style, localization ) {
588 // Automaically register module
589 if ( typeof registry[module] === 'undefined' ) {
590 that.register( module );
591 }
592 // Validate input
593 if ( typeof script !== 'function' ) {
594 throw new Error( 'script must be a function, not a ' + typeof script );
595 }
596 if ( typeof style !== 'undefined' && typeof style !== 'string' && typeof style !== 'object' ) {
597 throw new Error( 'style must be a string or object, not a ' + typeof style );
598 }
599 if ( typeof localization !== 'undefined' && typeof localization !== 'object' ) {
600 throw new Error( 'localization must be an object, not a ' + typeof localization );
601 }
602 if ( typeof registry[module] !== 'undefined' && typeof registry[module].script !== 'undefined' ) {
603 throw new Error( 'module already implemeneted: ' + module );
604 }
605 // Mark module as loaded
606 registry[module].state = 'loaded';
607 // Attach components
608 registry[module].script = script;
609 if ( typeof style === 'string' || typeof style === 'object' && !( style instanceof Array ) ) {
610 registry[module].style = style;
611 }
612 if ( typeof localization === 'object' ) {
613 registry[module].messages = localization;
614 }
615 // Execute or queue callback
616 if ( filter( ['ready'], registry[module].dependencies ).compare( registry[module].dependencies ) ) {
617 execute( module );
618 } else {
619 request( module );
620 }
621 };
623 /**
624 * Executes a function as soon as one or more required modules are ready
625 *
626 * @param mixed string or array of strings of modules names the callback dependencies to be ready before
627 * executing
628 * @param function callback to execute when all dependencies are ready (optional)
629 * @param function callback to execute when if dependencies have a errors (optional)
630 */
631 this.using = function( dependencies, ready, error ) {
632 // Validate input
633 if ( typeof dependencies !== 'object' && typeof dependencies !== 'string' ) {
634 throw new Error( 'dependencies must be a string or an array, not a ' + typeof dependencies )
635 }
636 // Allow calling with a single dependency as a string
637 if ( typeof dependencies === 'string' ) {
638 dependencies = [dependencies];
639 }
640 // Resolve entire dependency map
641 dependencies = resolve( dependencies );
642 // If all dependencies are met, execute ready immediately
643 if ( filter( ['ready'], dependencies ).compare( dependencies ) ) {
644 if ( typeof ready === 'function' ) {
645 ready();
646 }
647 }
648 // If any dependencies have errors execute error immediately
649 else if ( filter( ['error'], dependencies ).length ) {
650 if ( typeof error === 'function' ) {
651 error();
652 }
653 }
654 // Since some dependencies are not yet ready, queue up a request
655 else {
656 request( dependencies, ready, error );
657 }
658 };
660 /**
661 * Loads an external script or one or more modules for future use
662 *
663 * @param {mixed} modules either the name of a module, array of modules, or a URL of an external script or style
664 * @param {string} type mime-type to use if calling with a URL of an external script or style; acceptable values
665 * are "text/css" and "text/javascript"; if no type is provided, text/javascript is assumed
666 */
667 this.load = function( modules, type ) {
668 // Validate input
669 if ( typeof modules !== 'object' && typeof modules !== 'string' ) {
670 throw new Error( 'dependencies must be a string or an array, not a ' + typeof dependencies )
671 }
672 // Allow calling with an external script or single dependency as a string
673 if ( typeof modules === 'string' ) {
674 // Support adding arbitrary external scripts
675 if ( modules.substr( 0, 7 ) == 'http://' || modules.substr( 0, 8 ) == 'https://' ) {
676 if ( type === 'text/css' ) {
677 setTimeout( function() {
678 $( 'head' ).append( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' ).attr( 'href', modules );
679 }, 0 );
680 return true;
681 } else if ( type === 'text/javascript' || typeof type === 'undefined' ) {
682 setTimeout( function() {
683 $( 'body' ).append( '<script type="text/javascript"></script>' ).attr( 'src', modules )
684 }, 0 );
685 return true;
686 }
687 // Unknown type
688 return false;
689 }
690 // Called with single module
691 modules = [modules];
692 }
693 // Resolve entire dependency map
694 modules = resolve( modules );
695 // If all modules are ready, nothing dependency be done
696 if ( filter( ['ready'], modules ).compare( modules ) ) {
697 return true;
698 }
699 // If any modules have errors return false
700 else if ( filter( ['error'], modules ).length ) {
701 return false;
702 }
703 // Since some modules are not yet ready, queue up a request
704 else {
705 request( modules );
706 return true;
707 }
708 };
710 /**
711 * Flushes the request queue and begin executing load requests on demand
712 */
713 this.go = function() {
714 suspended = false;
716 };
718 /**
719 * Changes the state of a module
720 *
721 * @param mixed module string module name or object of module name/state pairs
722 * @param string state string state name
723 */
724 this.state = function( module, state ) {
725 if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
726 for ( var m in module ) {
727 that.state( m, module[m] );
728 }
729 return;
730 }
731 if ( !( module in registry ) ) {
732 that.register( module );
733 }
734 registry[module].state = state;
735 };
737 /**
738 * Gets the version of a module
739 *
740 * @param string module name of module to get version for
741 */
742 this.version = function( module ) {
743 if ( module in registry && 'version' in registry[module] ) {
744 return formatVersionNumber( registry[module].version );
745 }
746 return null;
747 }
749 /* Cache document ready status */
751 $(document).ready( function() { ready = true; } );
752 } )();
754 /* Extension points */
756 this.util = {};
757 this.legacy = {};
759 } )( jQuery );
762 /* Auto-register from pre-loaded startup scripts */
764 if ( typeof window['startUp'] === 'function' ) {
765 window['startUp']();
766 delete window['startUp'];
767 }