[local/dovecot-user-add] ~correction champ from du courriel de bienvenu
[lhc/ateliers.git] / lhc-remorque / ikiwiki.setup
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {
4 wikiname => 'Remorque',
5 adminemail => 'admin+lhc-remorque@heureux-cyclage.org',
6 adminuser => [qw{
7 julm
8 lchevalier
9 }],
10 banned_users => [],
11 srcdir => "/home/lhc/var/ikiwiki/remorque",
12 destdir => "/home/www/data/lhc-remorque",
13 #templatedir => "/home/lhc/var/ikiwiki/remorque/tmpl",
14 templatedir => '/usr/share/ikiwiki/templates',
15 underlaydir => '/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki',
16 url => '/',
17 cgiurl => '/cgi/ikiwiki.cgi',
18 #prefsurl => "https://$ENV{site}/cgi/ikiwiki.cgi",
19 #cgi_wrapper => 'cgi/ikiwiki.cgi',
20 #cgi_wrappermode => '02750',
21 cgiauthurl => "https://remorque.heureux-cyclage.org/cgi/ikiwiki.cgi",
22 #httpauth_pagespec => '!*/discussion and !tmp',
23 #anonok_pagespec => '*/discussion or tmp',
24 locked_pages => '(user(git) and * and !*/discussion and !tmp) and !*/discussion',
25 rcs => "git",
26 historyurl => "/gitweb/?p=lhc/remorque.git;a=history;f=[[file]]",
27 diffurl => "/gitweb/?p=lhc/remorque.git;a=blobdiff;f=[[file]];h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_commit]];hpb=[[sha1_parent]]",
28 gitorigin_branch => "origin",
29 gitmaster_branch => "master",
30 wrappers => [
31 { cgi => 1
32 , wrapper => "/home/www/data/lhc-remorque/cgi/ikiwiki.cgi"
33 , wrappermode => "00750"
34 }
35 , { post_commit => 1
36 , wrapper => "/home/git/hooks/lhc/remorque/post-update.ikiwiki"
37 , wrappermode => "06750"
38 , wrapper_background_command => ""
39 }
40 # , { post_commit => 1
41 # , wrapper => "/home/git/pub/lhc/remorque/hooks/post-receive.iki"
42 # , wrappermode => "06750"
43 # , wrapper_background_command => ""
44 # }
45 # , { test_receive => 1
46 # , wrapper => "/home/git/pub/lhc/remorque.git/hooks/pre-receive.iki"
47 # , wrappermode => "06750"
48 # }
49 ],
50 #untrusted_committers => undef,
51 add_plugins => [qw{
52 404
53 attachment
54 brokenlinks
55 cutpaste
56 editdiff
57 favicon
58 htmlscrubber
59 httpauth
60 img
61 inline
62 link
63 lockedit
64 map
65 orphans
66 pagecount
67 pagestats
68 progress
69 recentchanges
70 recentchangesdiff
71 remove
72 rename
73 repolist
74 search
75 sidebar
76 table
77 tag
78 template
79 toc
80 }],
81 disable_plugins => [qw{
82 anonok
83 httpauth
84 mail
85 more
86 openid
87 passwordauth
88 rename
89 shortcut
90 signinedit
91 toggle
92 }],
93 verbose => 1,
94 #syslog => 1,
95 usedirs => 1,
96 prefix_directives => 1,
97 indexpages => 0,
98 discussion => 1,
99 discussionpage => 'discussion',
100 html5 => 0,
101 sslcookie => 1,
102 default_pageext => 'mdwn',
103 htmlext => 'xhtml',
104 timeformat => '%c',
105 locale => 'fr_FR.UTF-8',
106 #userdir => 'usr',
107 numbacklinks => 10,
108 hardlink => 0,
109 umask => 002,
110 #wrappergroup => 'ikiwiki',
111 #libdir => '/home/lhc/var/ikiwiki/lhc/remorque/.ikiwiki',
112 libdir => '',
113 ENV => {},
114 #include => '^\\.htaccess$',
115 exclude => '^/etc$',
116 #wiki_file_chars => '-[:alnum:]+/.:_@’()&',
117 wiki_file_chars => '-[:alnum:]+/.:_',
118 allow_symlinks_before_srcdir => 1,
119 #htmlscrubber_skip => '!*/discussion',
120 #rss => 0,
121 atom => 1,
122 #allowrss => 0,
123 allowatom => 1,
124 pingurl => [],
125 #blogspam_pagespec => 'postcomment(*)',
126 #blogspam_options => 'blacklist=,blacklist=,max-links=10',
127 #blogspam_server => '',
128 #moderate_pagespec => 'user(http://*)',
129 #openid_realm => '',
130 #openid_cgiurl => '',
131 #openidsignup => 'http://myopenid.com/',
132 #account_creation_password => 'w3_sh411_0v3rc0m3',
133 password_cost => 8,
134 #tohighlight => '.c .h .cpp .pl .py Makefile:make',
135 #multimarkdown => 0,
136 #allowed_attachments =>
137 # ' (mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(100kb))
138 # or (mimetype(application/pdf) and maxsize(2mb)
139 # )',
140 #virus_checker => 'clamdscan -',
141 #comments_pagespec => 'blog/* and !*/discussion',
142 #comments_closed_pagespec => 'blog/controversial or blog/flamewar',
143 #comments_pagename => '',
144 #comments_allowdirectives => 0,
145 #comments_allowauthor => 0,
146 #comments_commit => 1,
147 #getsource_mimetype => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
148 #mirrorlist => {},
149 repositories =>
150 [ "git://git.heureux-cyclage.org/lhc/remorque.git"
151 , "git\@git.heureux-cyclage.org:lhc/remorque.git"
152 ],
153 omega_cgi => '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/omega/omega',
154 search_pagespec => '* and !recentchanges/*',
155 #websetup_force_plugins => [],
156 #websetup_unsafe => [],
157 #websetup_show_unsafe => 1,
158 #archivebase => 'archives',
159 #archive_pagespec => 'posts/* and !*/discussion',
160 #directive_description_dir => 'ikiwiki/directive',
161 #teximg_dvipng => '',
162 #teximg_prefix => '\\documentclass{article}
163 #\\usepackage{amsmath}
164 #\\usepackage{amsfonts}
165 #\\usepackage{amssymb}
166 #\\pagestyle{empty}
167 #\\begin{document}
168 #',
169 #teximg_postfix => '\\end{document}',
170 #aggregateinternal => 1,
171 #aggregate_webtrigger => 0,
172 #camelcase_ignore => [],
173 #pinger_timeout => 15,
174 #prettydateformat => '%X, %B %o, %Y',
175 recentchangespage => 'recentchanges',
176 recentchangesnum => 100,
177 #rsync_command => 'rsync -qa --delete . user@host:/path/to/docroot/',
178 global_sidebars => '*',
179 #tagbase => 'tag',
180 #add_underlays => [qw{/home/fai/wiki.underlay}],
181 #add_templates => [qw{/home/fai/.ikiwiki/templates}],
182 external_links => qr{^(git)(/.*|$)},
183 attachment =>
184 { insert => 'Lier'
185 , rename => 'Renommer'
186 , remove => 'Détacher'
187 , upload => 'Attacher'
188 },
189 backlinks =>
190 { map_tmpl => 'map-doc'
191 , map_id => 'backlink'
192 , tmpl => 'page.tmpl'
193 , page => 'backlinks'
194 , title => 'rétro-liens'
195 },
196 edit =>
197 { title => 'édition'
198 , save => 'Sauvegarder'
199 , preview => 'Apercevoir'
200 , cancel => 'Annuler'
201 , remove => 'Supprimer'
202 , rename => 'Bouger'
203 , diff => 'Comparer'
204 , location => 'Emplacement'
205 , type => 'Type'
206 },
207 tag =>
208 { map_tmpl => 'map-doc'
209 , map_id => 'backlink'
210 , tmpl => 'page.tmpl'
211 , page => 'tag'
212 , title => 'étiquette'
213 },
214 toc =>
215 { id => 'may-be-invalid'
216 , back => '↑ '
217 },
218 default_file => 'default.mdwn'
219 }