mDescription = "Run pending jobs"; $this->addOption( 'maxjobs', 'Maximum number of jobs to run', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'maxtime', 'Maximum amount of wall-clock time', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'type', 'Type of job to run', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'procs', 'Number of processes to use', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'nothrottle', 'Ignore job throttling configuration', false, false ); } public function memoryLimit() { if ( $this->hasOption( 'memory-limit' ) ) { return parent::memoryLimit(); } // Don't eat all memory on the machine if we get a bad job. return "150M"; } public function execute() { if ( wfReadOnly() ) { $this->error( "Unable to run jobs; the wiki is in read-only mode.", 1 ); // die } if ( $this->hasOption( 'procs' ) ) { $procs = intval( $this->getOption( 'procs' ) ); if ( $procs < 1 || $procs > 1000 ) { $this->error( "Invalid argument to --procs", true ); } elseif ( $procs != 1 ) { $fc = new ForkController( $procs ); if ( $fc->start() != 'child' ) { exit( 0 ); } } } $type = $this->getOption( 'type', false ); $maxJobs = $this->getOption( 'maxjobs', false ); $maxTime = $this->getOption( 'maxtime', false ); $noThrottle = $this->hasOption( 'nothrottle' ); $startTime = time(); $group = JobQueueGroup::singleton(); // Handle any required periodic queue maintenance $count = $group->executeReadyPeriodicTasks(); if ( $count > 0 ) { $this->runJobsLog( "Executed $count periodic queue task(s)." ); } $backoffs = $this->loadBackoffs(); // map of (type => UNIX expiry) $startingBackoffs = $backoffs; // avoid unnecessary writes $backoffExpireFunc = function ( $t ) { return $t > time(); }; $jobsRun = 0; // counter $flags = JobQueueGroup::USE_CACHE; $lastTime = time(); // time since last slave check do { $backoffs = array_filter( $backoffs, $backoffExpireFunc ); $blacklist = $noThrottle ? array() : array_keys( $backoffs ); if ( $type === false ) { $job = $group->pop( JobQueueGroup::TYPE_DEFAULT, $flags, $blacklist ); } elseif ( in_array( $type, $blacklist ) ) { $job = false; // requested queue in backoff state } else { $job = $group->pop( $type ); // job from a single queue } if ( $job ) { // found a job ++$jobsRun; $this->runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " STARTING" ); // Set timer to stop the job if too much CPU time is used set_time_limit( $maxTime ?: 0 ); // Run the job... wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-' . get_class( $job ) ); $t = microtime( true ); try { $status = $job->run(); $error = $job->getLastError(); } catch ( MWException $e ) { MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog( $e ); $status = false; $error = get_class( $e ) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); $e->report(); // write error to STDERR and the log } $timeMs = intval( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) * 1000 ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-' . get_class( $job ) ); // Disable the timer set_time_limit( 0 ); // Mark the job as done on success or when the job cannot be retried if ( $status !== false || !$job->allowRetries() ) { $group->ack( $job ); // done } if ( $status === false ) { $this->runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs error={$error}" ); } else { $this->runJobsLog( $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs good" ); } // Back off of certain jobs for a while $ttw = $this->getBackoffTimeToWait( $job ); if ( $ttw > 0 ) { $jType = $job->getType(); $backoffs[$jType] = isset( $backoffs[$jType] ) ? $backoffs[$jType] : 0; $backoffs[$jType] = max( $backoffs[$jType], time() + $ttw ); } // Break out if we hit the job count or wall time limits... if ( $maxJobs && $jobsRun >= $maxJobs ) { break; } elseif ( $maxTime && ( time() - $startTime ) > $maxTime ) { break; } // Don't let any of the main DB slaves get backed up $timePassed = time() - $lastTime; if ( $timePassed >= 5 || $timePassed < 0 ) { wfWaitForSlaves(); $lastTime = time(); } // Don't let any queue slaves/backups fall behind if ( $jobsRun > 0 && ( $jobsRun % 100 ) == 0 ) { $group->waitForBackups(); } // Bail if near-OOM instead of in a job $this->assertMemoryOK(); } } while ( $job ); // stop when there are no jobs // Sync the persistent backoffs for the next runJobs.php pass $backoffs = array_filter( $backoffs, $backoffExpireFunc ); if ( $backoffs !== $startingBackoffs ) { $this->syncBackoffs( $backoffs ); } } /** * @param Job $job * @return int Seconds for this runner to avoid doing more jobs of this type * @see $wgJobBackoffThrottling */ private function getBackoffTimeToWait( Job $job ) { global $wgJobBackoffThrottling; if ( !isset( $wgJobBackoffThrottling[$job->getType()] ) ) { return 0; // not throttled } $itemsPerSecond = $wgJobBackoffThrottling[$job->getType()]; if ( $itemsPerSecond <= 0 ) { return 0; // not throttled } $seconds = 0; if ( $job->workItemCount() > 0 ) { $seconds = floor( $job->workItemCount() / $itemsPerSecond ); $remainder = $job->workItemCount() % $itemsPerSecond; $seconds += ( mt_rand( 1, $itemsPerSecond ) <= $remainder ) ? 1 : 0; } return (int)$seconds; } /** * Get the previous backoff expiries from persistent storage * * @return array Map of (job type => backoff expiry timestamp) */ private function loadBackoffs() { $section = new ProfileSection( __METHOD__ ); $backoffs = array(); $file = wfTempDir() . '/mw-runJobs-backoffs.json'; if ( is_file( $file ) ) { $handle = fopen( $file, 'rb' ); flock( $handle, LOCK_SH ); $content = stream_get_contents( $handle ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $handle ); $backoffs = json_decode( $content, true ) ?: array(); } return $backoffs; } /** * Merge the current backoff expiries from persistent storage * * @param array $backoffs Map of (job type => backoff expiry timestamp) */ private function syncBackoffs( array $backoffs ) { $section = new ProfileSection( __METHOD__ ); $file = wfTempDir() . '/mw-runJobs-backoffs.json'; $handle = fopen( $file, 'wb+' ); flock( $handle, LOCK_EX ); $content = stream_get_contents( $handle ); $cBackoffs = json_decode( $content, true ) ?: array(); foreach ( $backoffs as $type => $timestamp ) { $cBackoffs[$type] = isset( $cBackoffs[$type] ) ? $cBackoffs[$type] : 0; $cBackoffs[$type] = max( $cBackoffs[$type], $backoffs[$type] ); } ftruncate( $handle, 0 ); fwrite( $handle, json_encode( $backoffs ) ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $handle ); } /** * Make sure that this script is not too close to the memory usage limit. * It is better to die in between jobs than OOM right in the middle of one. * @throws MWException */ private function assertMemoryOK() { static $maxBytes = null; if ( $maxBytes === null ) { $m = array(); if ( preg_match( '!^(\d+)(k|m|g|)$!i', ini_get( 'memory_limit' ), $m ) ) { list( , $num, $unit ) = $m; $conv = array( 'g' => 1073741824, 'm' => 1048576, 'k' => 1024, '' => 1 ); $maxBytes = $num * $conv[strtolower( $unit )]; } else { $maxBytes = 0; } } $usedBytes = memory_get_usage(); if ( $maxBytes && $usedBytes >= 0.95 * $maxBytes ) { throw new MWException( "Detected excessive memory usage ($usedBytes/$maxBytes)." ); } } /** * Log the job message * @param string $msg The message to log */ private function runJobsLog( $msg ) { $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) . " $msg\n" ); wfDebugLog( 'runJobs', $msg ); } } $maintClass = "RunJobs"; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;