Added an overview of the CBT project including its status. Moved the template file...
authorTim Starling <>
Thu, 4 May 2006 06:03:22 +0000 (06:03 +0000)
committerTim Starling <>
Thu, 4 May 2006 06:03:22 +0000 (06:03 +0000)
skins/MonoBook.tpl [deleted file]
skins/disabled/MonoBook.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]

index ca2ef2c..1f565e0 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,49 @@
+CBT (callback-based templates) is an experimental system for improving skin 
+rendering time in MediaWiki and similar applications. The fundamental concept is
+a template language which contains tags which pull text from PHP callbacks.
+These PHP callbacks do not simply return text, they also return a description of
+the dependencies -- the global data upon which the returned text depends. This
+allows a compiler to produce a template optimised for a certain context. For
+example, a user-dependent template can be produced, with the username replaced
+by static text, as well as all user preference dependent text.
+This was an experimental project to prove the concept -- to explore possible
+efficiency gains and techniques. TemplateProcessor was the first element of this
+experiment. It is a class written in PHP which parses a template, and produces
+either an optimised template with dependencies removed, or the output text
+itself. I found that even with a heavily optimised template, this processor was
+not fast enough to match the speed of the original MonoBook. 
+To improve the efficiency, I wrote TemplateCompiler, which takes a template,
+preferably pre-optimised by TemplateProcessor, and generates PHP code from it.
+The generated code is a single expression, concatenating static text and
+callback results. This approach turned out to be very efficient, making 
+significant time savings compared to the original MonoBook. 
+Despite this success, the code has been shelved for the time being. There were 
+a number of unresolved implementation problems, and I felt that there were more
+pressing priorities for MediaWiki development than solving them and bringing
+this module to completion. I also believe that more research is needed into 
+other possible template architectures. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with
+the CBT concept, and I would encourage others to continue its development.
+The problems I saw were:
+* Extensibility. Can non-Wikimedia installations easily extend and modify CBT 
+  skins? Patching seems to be necessary, is this acceptable? MediaWiki
+  extensions are another problem. Unless the interfaces allow them to return
+  dependencies, any hooks will have to be marked dynamic and thus inefficient.
+* Cache invalidation. This is a simple implementation issue, although it would
+  require extensive modification to the MediaWiki core.
+* Syntax. The syntax is minimalistic and easy to parse, but can be quite ugly.
+  Will generations of MediaWiki users curse my name?
 Template syntax
@@ -53,3 +99,6 @@ should call cbt_value() to get a return value:
 where $deps is an array of string tokens, each one naming a dependency. As a 
 shortcut, if there is only one dependency, $deps may be a string.
+Tim Starling 2006
diff --git a/skins/MonoBook.tpl b/skins/MonoBook.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a5a259c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a5a259c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
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+                                                               } {
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+                                                               }}
+                                                       }}
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+                                                       }}
+                                               }}
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+                                                       } {
+                                                               <li id="ca-watch" {selecttab {watch}}><a href="{localurl {action=watch}}">{msg {watch}}</a></li>
+                                                       }}
+                                               }}
+                                       }}
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+                       <a style="background-image: url({~ logopath});" href="{mainpage}" title="{msg {mainpage}}"></a>
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+               <script type="{jsmimetype}"> if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); </script>
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+                       }
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+                       <h5><label for="searchInput">{msg {search}}</label></h5>
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+                                               }{if search { value="{search}"}} />
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+                       <h5>{msg {toolbox}}</h5>
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+                                       {toolboxend}
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+                               <h5>{msg {otherlanguages}}</h5>
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+                                               $body
+                                       </ul>
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+                       {if disclaimer             {  <li id="disclaimer">{disclaimer}</li> }}
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+       <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.runOnloadHook) runOnloadHook();</script>
+{if {} { vim: set syn=html ts=2 : }}
index c59989a..0474ad7 100644 (file)
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ require_once( 'includes/SkinTemplate.php' );
  * MonoBook clone using the new dependency-tracking template processor.
- * EXPERIMENTAL - use only for testing and profiling at this stage
+ * EXPERIMENTAL - use only for testing and profiling at this stage.
+ *
+ * See includes/cbt/README for an explanation.
  * The main thing that's missing is cache invalidation, on change of:
  *   * messages