$specs ) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table $specs"; print "$sql;\n"; $res = mysql_query( $sql, $rconn ); if ( $res === false ) { print "MySQL error: " . mysql_error( $rconn ) . "\n"; } } mysql_close( $rconn ); } { // Create linkscc if necessary $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS linkscc (". " lcc_pageid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE KEY, ". " lcc_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE KEY,". " lcc_cacheobj MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL)"; // Should it be created as InnoDB? $rconn = mysql_connect( $wgDBserver, $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword ); mysql_select_db( $wgDBname ); print "\n$sql;\n"; $res = mysql_query( $sql, $rconn ); if ( $res === false ) { print "MySQL error: " . mysql_error( $rconn ) . "\n"; } mysql_close( $rconn ); } # # Copy files into installation directories # print "Copying files...\n"; copyfile( ".", "wiki.phtml", $IP ); copyfile( ".", "redirect.phtml", $IP ); copyfile( ".", "texvc.phtml", $IP ); copydirectory( "./includes", $IP ); copydirectory( "./stylesheets", $wgStyleSheetDirectory ); copyfile( "./images", "wiki.png", $wgUploadDirectory ); copyfile( "./languages", "Language.php", $IP ); copyfile( "./languages", "Language" . ucfirst( $wgLanguageCode ) . ".php", $IP ); $fp = fopen( $wgDebugLogFile, "w" ); if ( false === $fp ) { print "Could not create log file \"{$wgDebugLogFile}\".\n"; exit(); } $d = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); fwrite( $fp, "Wiki debug log file created {$d}\n\n" ); fclose( $fp ); if ( $wgUseTeX ) { copyfile( "./math", "texvc", "{$IP}/math", 0775 ); copyfile( "./math", "texvc_test", "{$IP}/math", 0775 ); copyfile( "./math", "texvc_tex", "{$IP}/math", 0775 ); } copyfile( ".", "Version.php", $IP ); print "Done.\n"; exit(); # # # function copyfile( $sdir, $name, $ddir, $perms = 0664 ) { global $wgInstallOwner, $wgInstallGroup; $d = "{$ddir}/{$name}"; if ( copy( "{$sdir}/{$name}", $d ) ) { if ( isset( $wgInstallOwner ) ) { chown( $d, $wgInstallOwner ); } if ( isset( $wgInstallGroup ) ) { chgrp( $d, $wgInstallGroup ); } chmod( $d, $perms ); # print "Copied \"{$name}\" to \"{$ddir}\".\n"; } else { print "Failed to copy file \"{$name}\" to \"{$ddir}\".\n"; exit(); } } function copydirectory( $source, $dest ) { $handle = opendir( $source ); while ( false !== ( $f = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( "." == $f{0} ) continue; # Windows turned all my CVS->cvs :( if ( !strcasecmp ( "CVS", $f ) ) continue; copyfile( $source, $f, $dest ); } } function readconsole() { $fp = fopen( "php://stdin", "r" ); $resp = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ) ); fclose( $fp ); return $resp; } function do_revision_updates() { global $wgSoftwareRevision; if ( $wgSoftwareRevision < 1001 ) { update_passwords(); } } function update_passwords() { $fname = "Update script: update_passwords()"; print "\nIt appears that you need to update the user passwords in your\n" . "database. If you have already done this (if you've run this update\n" . "script once before, for example), doing so again will make all your\n" . "user accounts inaccessible, so be sure you only do this once.\n" . "Update user passwords? (yes/no)"; $resp = readconsole(); if ( ! ( "Y" == $resp{0} || "y" == $resp{0} ) ) { return; } $sql = "SELECT user_id,user_password FROM user"; $source = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, fname ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $source ) ) { $id = $row->user_id; $oldpass = $row->user_password; $newpass = md5( "{$id}-{$oldpass}" ); $sql = "UPDATE user SET user_password='{$newpass}' " . "WHERE user_id={$id}"; wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE, $fname ); } } function alter_ipblocks() { global $wgAlterSpecs; if ( wfFieldExists( "ipblocks", "ipb_id" ) ) { return; } if ( array_key_exists( "ipblocks", $wgAlterSpecs ) ) { $wgAlterSpecs["ipblocks"] .= ","; } $wgAlterSpecs["ipblocks"] .= "ADD ipb_auto tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', ". "ADD ipb_id int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,". "ADD PRIMARY KEY (ipb_id)"; } ?>