" !type[political]:country !name[de]:Deutschland !name[en]:Germany !region[political]: addregs(germany-west,germany-east); include(danube) ", "germany-west" => " !type[political]:county !name[de]:Westdeutschland !name[en]:Western Germany !region[political]: polygon(germany-border-north-w,germany-border-ew,germany-border-south-w,germany-border-west-w) ", "germany-east" => " !type[political]:county !name[de]:Westdeutschland !name[en]:Western Germany !region[political]: polygon(germany-border-north-e,germany-border-east-e,germany-border-south-e,germany-border-ew) ", "germany-border-ew" => "!data:2,2 2,3", "germany-border-north-w" => "!data:1,1 1.8,1", "germany-border-south-w" => "!data:1,4 2.2,4", "germany-border-west-w" => "!data:1,1 1,4", "germany-border-north-e" => "!data:2,2 3,2", "germany-border-south-e" => "!data:2,3 3,3", "germany-border-east-e" => "!data:3,2 3,3", "danube" => " !type:river !region:polyline(danube_germany,danube_austria) " , "danube_germany" =>"!data:1.2,3.5 1.8,2.5 2,2.9" , "danube_austria" =>"!data:2.2,3.5 2.5,3.2 3,3.7" , ) ; # Global functions function geo_get_text ( $id ) { global $a ; return $a[$id] ; } function data_to_real ( &$x , &$y ) { $x = $x * 100 ; $y = $y * 100 ; } # "geo" class class geo { var $data = array () ; function set_from_text ( $t ) { $t = explode ( "\n!" , "\n".$t ) ; $this->data = array () ; foreach ( $t AS $x ) { $b = explode ( ":" , $x , 2 ) ; while ( count ( $b ) < 2 ) $b[] = "" ; $key = strtolower ( str_replace ( " " , "" , array_shift ( $b ) ) ) ; $key = str_replace ( "\n" , "" , $key ) ; $value = trim ( str_replace ( "\n" , "" , array_shift ( $b ) ) ) ; $value = explode ( ";" , $value ) ; if ( $key != "" ) $this->data[$key] = $value ; } } function set_from_id ( $id ) { $this->set_from_text ( geo_get_text ( $id ) ) ; } function get_data () { $ret = array () ; if ( !isset ( $this->data["data"] ) ) return $ret ; # No data in this set $data = $this->data["data"] ; $data = array_shift ( $data ) ; $data = explode ( " " , $data ) ; foreach ( $data AS $a ) { $a = explode ( "," , $a ) ; if ( count ( $a ) == 2 ) { $x = trim ( array_shift ( $a ) ) ; $y = trim ( array_shift ( $a ) ) ; $ret[] = array ( $x , $y ) ; } } return $ret ; } function add_reordered_data ( &$original , &$toadd ) { if ( count ( $toadd ) == 0 ) return ; # Nothing to add if ( count ( $original ) == 0 ) { $original = $toadd ; return ; } $o_last = array_pop ( $original ) ; array_push ( $original , $o_last ) ; # Get last one and restore $t_last = array_pop ( $toadd ) ; array_push ( $toadd , $t_last ) ; # Get last one and restore $t_first = array_shift ( $toadd ) ; array_unshift ( $toadd , $t_first ) ; # Get first one and restore $dist_to_first = ( $o_last[0] - $t_first[0] ) * ( $o_last[0] - $t_first[0] ) + ( $o_last[1] - $t_first[1] ) * ( $o_last[1] - $t_first[1] ) ; $dist_to_last = ( $o_last[0] - $t_last[0] ) * ( $o_last[0] - $t_last[0] ) + ( $o_last[1] - $t_last[1] ) * ( $o_last[1] - $t_last[1] ) ; if ( $dist_to_last < $dist_to_first ) # If the last point of toadd is closer than the fist one, $toadd = array_reverse ( $toadd ) ; # add in other direction $original = array_merge ( $original , $toadd ) ; } function get_specs ( $base , $modes ) { foreach ( $modes AS $x ) { if ( isset ( $this->data["{$base}[{$x}]"] ) ) return "{$base}[{$x}]" ; } if ( isset ( $this->data[$base] ) ) return $base ; return "" ; } function get_current_type ( $params ) # params may override native type { $t = $this->get_specs ( "type" , array ( "political" ) ) ; if ( $t != "" ) $t = $this->data[$t][0] ; return $t ; } function get_current_style ( $params ) { $t = trim ( strtolower ( $this->get_current_type ( $params ) ) ) ; if ( $t == "river" ) $s = "fill:none; stroke:blue; stroke-width:2" ; else $s = "fill:brown; stroke:black; stroke-width:1" ; return "style=\"{$s}\"" ; } function draw_line ( $line , $params ) { $ret = "" ; $a = explode ( "(" , $line , 2 ) ; while ( count ( $a ) < 2 ) $a[] = "" ; $command = trim ( strtolower ( array_shift ( $a ) ) ) ; $values = trim ( str_replace ( ")" , "" , array_shift ( $a ) ) ) ; # print "Evaluating command {$line}\n" ; if ( $command == "addregs" || $command == "include" ) { $values = explode ( "," , $values ) ; foreach ( $values AS $v ) { $v = trim ( strtolower ( $v ) ) ; $ng = new geo ; $ng->set_from_id ( $v ) ; $ret .= $ng->draw ( $params ) ; } } else if ( $command == "polygon" || $command == "polyline" ) { $data = array () ; $values = explode ( "," , $values ) ; foreach ( $values AS $v ) { $v = trim ( strtolower ( $v ) ) ; $ng = new geo ; $ng->set_from_id ( $v ) ; $b = $ng->get_data () ; $this->add_reordered_data ( $data , $b ) ; } $style = $this->get_current_style ( $params ) ; if ( $command == "polygon" ) $ret .= "\n" ; } return $ret ; } function draw ( $params = array() ) { $ret = "" ; $match = $this->get_specs ( "region" , array ( "political" ) ) ; if ( $match != "" ) { $a = $this->data[$match] ; foreach ( $a AS $line ) $ret .= $this->draw_line ( $line , $params ) ; } return $ret ; } } $g = new geo ; $g->set_from_id ( "germany" ) ; $p = array () ; $svg = $g->draw ( $p ) ; $styles = "" ; /* $styles = ' ' ; */ $svg = ' ' . $styles . ' ' . $svg . ' ' ; print $svg ; ?>