1.5 schema upgrade. * This does only the main tables + UTF-8 and is designed to allow upgrades to * interleave with other updates on the replication stream so that large wikis * can be upgraded without disrupting other services. * * Note: this script DOES NOT apply every update, nor will it probably handle * much older versions, etc. * Run this, FOLLOWED BY update.php, for upgrading from 1.4.5 release to 1.5. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Maintenance */ require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Maintenance.php' ); define( 'MW_UPGRADE_COPY', false ); define( 'MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE', true ); define( 'MW_UPGRADE_NULL', null ); define( 'MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK', null ); // for self-documentation only /** * @ingroup Maintenance */ class FiveUpgrade extends Maintenance { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->mDescription = 'Script for upgrades from 1.4 to 1.5 (NOT 1.15) in very special cases.'; $this->addOption( 'upgrade', 'Really run the script' ); $this->addOption( 'noimage', '' ); $this->addOption( 'step', 'Only do a specific step', false, true ); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } public function execute() { $this->output( "ATTENTION: This script is for upgrades from 1.4 to 1.5 (NOT 1.15) in very special cases.\n" ); $this->output( "Use update.php for usual updates.\n" ); if ( !$this->hasOption( 'upgrade' ) ) { $this->output( "Please run this script with --upgrade key to actually run the updater.\n" ); return; } $this->setMembers(); $tables = array( 'page', 'links', 'user', 'image', 'oldimage', 'watchlist', 'logging', 'archive', 'imagelinks', 'categorylinks', 'ipblocks', 'recentchanges', 'querycache' ); foreach ( $tables as $table ) { if ( $this->doing( $table ) ) { $method = 'upgrade' . ucfirst( $table ); $this->$method(); } } if ( $this->doing( 'cleanup' ) ) { $this->upgradeCleanup(); } } protected function setMembers() { $this->conversionTables = $this->prepareWindows1252(); $this->loadBalancers = array(); $this->dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $this->dbr = $this->streamConnection(); $this->cleanupSwaps = array(); $this->emailAuth = false; # don't preauthenticate emails $this->maxLag = 10; # if slaves are lagged more than 10 secs, wait $this->step = $this->getOption( 'step', null ); } function doing( $step ) { return is_null( $this->step ) || $step == $this->step; } /** * Open a connection to the master server with the admin rights. * @return Database * @access private */ function newConnection() { $lb = wfGetLBFactory()->newMainLB(); $db = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); $this->loadBalancers[] = $lb; return $db; } /** * Commit transactions and close the connections when we're done... */ function close() { foreach ( $this->loadBalancers as $lb ) { $lb->commitMasterChanges(); $lb->closeAll(); } } /** * Open a second connection to the master server, with buffering off. * This will let us stream large datasets in and write in chunks on the * other end. * @return Database * @access private */ function streamConnection() { $timeout = 3600 * 24; $db = $this->newConnection(); $db->bufferResults( false ); if ( $db->getType() == 'mysql' ) { $db->query( "SET net_read_timeout=$timeout" ); $db->query( "SET net_write_timeout=$timeout" ); } return $db; } /** * Prepare a conversion array for converting Windows Code Page 1252 to * UTF-8. This should provide proper conversion of text that was miscoded * as Windows-1252 by naughty user-agents, and doesn't rely on an outside * iconv library. * * @return array * @access private */ function prepareWindows1252() { # Mappings from: # http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT static $cp1252 = array( 0x80 => 0x20AC, # EURO SIGN 0x81 => 0xFFFD, # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (no mapping) 0x82 => 0x201A, # SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 0x83 => 0x0192, # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK 0x84 => 0x201E, # DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 0x85 => 0x2026, # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS 0x86 => 0x2020, # DAGGER 0x87 => 0x2021, # DOUBLE DAGGER 0x88 => 0x02C6, # MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 0x89 => 0x2030, # PER MILLE SIGN 0x8A => 0x0160, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON 0x8B => 0x2039, # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x8C => 0x0152, # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE 0x8D => 0xFFFD, # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (no mapping) 0x8E => 0x017D, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON 0x8F => 0xFFFD, # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (no mapping) 0x90 => 0xFFFD, # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (no mapping) 0x91 => 0x2018, # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x92 => 0x2019, # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x93 => 0x201C, # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 0x94 => 0x201D, # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 0x95 => 0x2022, # BULLET 0x96 => 0x2013, # EN DASH 0x97 => 0x2014, # EM DASH 0x98 => 0x02DC, # SMALL TILDE 0x99 => 0x2122, # TRADE MARK SIGN 0x9A => 0x0161, # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON 0x9B => 0x203A, # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x9C => 0x0153, # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE 0x9D => 0xFFFD, # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (no mapping) 0x9E => 0x017E, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON 0x9F => 0x0178, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS ); $pairs = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 0x100; $i++ ) { $unicode = isset( $cp1252[$i] ) ? $cp1252[$i] : $i; $pairs[chr( $i )] = codepointToUtf8( $unicode ); } return $pairs; } /** * Convert from 8-bit Windows-1252 to UTF-8 if necessary. * @param string $text * @return string * @access private */ function conv( $text ) { global $wgUseLatin1; return is_null( $text ) ? null : ( $wgUseLatin1 ? strtr( $text, $this->conversionTables ) : $text ); } /** * Dump timestamp and message to output * @param $message String * @access private */ function log( $message ) { $this->output( wfWikiID() . ' ' . wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) . ': ' . $message . "\n" ); } /** * Initialize the chunked-insert system. * Rows will be inserted in chunks of the given number, rather * than in a giant INSERT...SELECT query, to keep the serialized * MySQL database replication from getting hung up. This way other * things can be going on during conversion without waiting for * slaves to catch up as badly. * * @param int $chunksize Number of rows to insert at once * @param int $final Total expected number of rows / id of last row, * used for progress reports. * @param string $table to insert on * @param string $fname function name to report in SQL * @access private */ function setChunkScale( $chunksize, $final, $table, $fname ) { $this->chunkSize = $chunksize; $this->chunkFinal = $final; $this->chunkCount = 0; $this->chunkStartTime = wfTime(); $this->chunkOptions = array( 'IGNORE' ); $this->chunkTable = $table; $this->chunkFunction = $fname; } /** * Chunked inserts: perform an insert if we've reached the chunk limit. * Prints a progress report with estimated completion time. * @param array &$chunk -- This will be emptied if an insert is done. * @param int $key A key identifier to use in progress estimation in * place of the number of rows inserted. Use this if * you provided a max key number instead of a count * as the final chunk number in setChunkScale() * @access private */ function addChunk( &$chunk, $key = null ) { if ( count( $chunk ) >= $this->chunkSize ) { $this->insertChunk( $chunk ); $this->chunkCount += count( $chunk ); $now = wfTime(); $delta = $now - $this->chunkStartTime; $rate = $this->chunkCount / $delta; if ( is_null( $key ) ) { $completed = $this->chunkCount; } else { $completed = $key; } $portion = $completed / $this->chunkFinal; $estimatedTotalTime = $delta / $portion; $eta = $this->chunkStartTime + $estimatedTotalTime; printf( "%s: %6.2f%% done on %s; ETA %s [%d/%d] %.2f/sec\n", wfTimestamp( TS_DB, intval( $now ) ), $portion * 100.0, $this->chunkTable, wfTimestamp( TS_DB, intval( $eta ) ), $completed, $this->chunkFinal, $rate ); flush(); $chunk = array(); } } /** * Chunked inserts: perform an insert unconditionally, at the end, and log. * @param array &$chunk -- This will be emptied if an insert is done. * @access private */ function lastChunk( &$chunk ) { $n = count( $chunk ); if ( $n > 0 ) { $this->insertChunk( $chunk ); } $this->log( "100.00% done on $this->chunkTable (last chunk $n rows)." ); } /** * Chunked inserts: perform an insert. * @param array &$chunk -- This will be emptied if an insert is done. * @access private */ function insertChunk( &$chunk ) { // Give slaves a chance to catch up wfWaitForSlaves( $this->maxLag ); $this->dbw->insert( $this->chunkTable, $chunk, $this->chunkFunction, $this->chunkOptions ); } /** * Copy and transcode a table to table_temp. * @param string $name Base name of the source table * @param string $tabledef CREATE TABLE definition, w/ $1 for the name * @param array $fields set of destination fields to these constants: * MW_UPGRADE_COPY - straight copy * MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE - for old Latin1 wikis, conv to UTF-8 * MW_UPGRADE_NULL - just put NULL * @param callable $callback An optional callback to modify the data * or perform other processing. Func should be * ( object $row, array $copy ) and return $copy * @access private */ function copyTable( $name, $tabledef, $fields, $callback = null ) { $name_temp = $name . '_temp'; $this->log( "Migrating $name table to $name_temp..." ); $table_temp = $this->dbw->tableName( $name_temp ); // Create temporary table; we're going to copy everything in there, // then at the end rename the final tables into place. $def = str_replace( '$1', $table_temp, $tabledef ); $this->dbw->query( $def, __METHOD__ ); $numRecords = $this->dbw->selectField( $name, 'COUNT(*)', '', __METHOD__ ); $this->setChunkScale( 100, $numRecords, $name_temp, __METHOD__ ); // Pull all records from the second, streaming database connection. $sourceFields = array_keys( array_filter( $fields, create_function( '$x', 'return $x !== MW_UPGRADE_NULL;' ) ) ); $result = $this->dbr->select( $name, $sourceFields, '', __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $copy = array(); foreach ( $fields as $field => $source ) { if ( $source === MW_UPGRADE_COPY ) { $copy[$field] = $row->$field; } elseif ( $source === MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE ) { $copy[$field] = $this->conv( $row->$field ); } elseif ( $source === MW_UPGRADE_NULL ) { $copy[$field] = null; } else { $this->log( "Unknown field copy type: $field => $source" ); } } if ( is_callable( $callback ) ) { $copy = call_user_func( $callback, $row, $copy ); } $add[] = $copy; $this->addChunk( $add ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); $this->log( "Done converting $name." ); $this->cleanupSwaps[] = $name; } function upgradePage() { $chunksize = 100; if ( $this->dbw->tableExists( 'page' ) ) { $this->error( 'Page table already exists.', true ); } $this->log( "Checking cur table for unique title index and applying if necessary" ); $this->checkDupes(); $this->log( "...converting from cur/old to page/revision/text DB structure." ); list ( $cur, $old, $page, $revision, $text ) = $this->dbw->tableNamesN( 'cur', 'old', 'page', 'revision', 'text' ); $this->log( "Creating page and revision tables..." ); $this->dbw->query( "CREATE TABLE $page ( page_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, page_namespace int NOT NULL, page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, page_restrictions tinyblob NOT NULL default '', page_counter bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_is_redirect tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_is_new tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_random real unsigned NOT NULL, page_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', page_latest int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, page_len int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY page_id (page_id), UNIQUE INDEX name_title (page_namespace,page_title), INDEX (page_random), INDEX (page_len) ) TYPE=InnoDB", __METHOD__ ); $this->dbw->query( "CREATE TABLE $revision ( rev_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, rev_page int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, rev_text_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, rev_comment tinyblob NOT NULL default '', rev_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_minor_edit tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_deleted tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY rev_page_id (rev_page, rev_id), UNIQUE INDEX rev_id (rev_id), INDEX rev_timestamp (rev_timestamp), INDEX page_timestamp (rev_page,rev_timestamp), INDEX user_timestamp (rev_user,rev_timestamp), INDEX usertext_timestamp (rev_user_text,rev_timestamp) ) TYPE=InnoDB", __METHOD__ ); $maxold = intval( $this->dbw->selectField( 'old', 'max(old_id)', '', __METHOD__ ) ); $this->log( "Last old record is {$maxold}" ); global $wgLegacySchemaConversion; if ( $wgLegacySchemaConversion ) { // Create HistoryBlobCurStub entries. // Text will be pulled from the leftover 'cur' table at runtime. echo "......Moving metadata from cur; using blob references to text in cur table.\n"; $cur_text = "concat('O:18:\"historyblobcurstub\":1:{s:6:\"mCurId\";i:',cur_id,';}')"; $cur_flags = "'object'"; } else { // Copy all cur text in immediately: this may take longer but avoids // having to keep an extra table around. echo "......Moving text from cur.\n"; $cur_text = 'cur_text'; $cur_flags = "''"; } $maxcur = $this->dbw->selectField( 'cur', 'max(cur_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); $this->log( "Last cur entry is $maxcur" ); /** * Copy placeholder records for each page's current version into old * Don't do any conversion here; text records are converted at runtime * based on the flags (and may be originally binary!) while the meta * fields will be converted in the old -> rev and cur -> page steps. */ $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $maxcur, 'old', __METHOD__ ); $result = $this->dbr->query( "SELECT cur_id, cur_namespace, cur_title, $cur_text AS text, cur_comment, cur_user, cur_user_text, cur_timestamp, cur_minor_edit, $cur_flags AS flags FROM $cur ORDER BY cur_id", __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $add[] = array( 'old_namespace' => $row->cur_namespace, 'old_title' => $row->cur_title, 'old_text' => $row->text, 'old_comment' => $row->cur_comment, 'old_user' => $row->cur_user, 'old_user_text' => $row->cur_user_text, 'old_timestamp' => $row->cur_timestamp, 'old_minor_edit' => $row->cur_minor_edit, 'old_flags' => $row->flags ); $this->addChunk( $add, $row->cur_id ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); /** * Copy revision metadata from old into revision. * We'll also do UTF-8 conversion of usernames and comments. */ # $newmaxold = $this->dbw->selectField( 'old', 'max(old_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); # $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $newmaxold, 'revision', __METHOD__ ); # $countold = $this->dbw->selectField( 'old', 'count(old_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); $countold = $this->dbw->selectField( 'old', 'max(old_id)', '', __METHOD__ ); $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $countold, 'revision', __METHOD__ ); $this->log( "......Setting up revision table." ); $result = $this->dbr->query( "SELECT old_id, cur_id, old_comment, old_user, old_user_text, old_timestamp, old_minor_edit FROM $old,$cur WHERE old_namespace=cur_namespace AND old_title=cur_title", __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $add[] = array( 'rev_id' => $row->old_id, 'rev_page' => $row->cur_id, 'rev_text_id' => $row->old_id, 'rev_comment' => $this->conv( $row->old_comment ), 'rev_user' => $row->old_user, 'rev_user_text' => $this->conv( $row->old_user_text ), 'rev_timestamp' => $row->old_timestamp, 'rev_minor_edit' => $row->old_minor_edit ); $this->addChunk( $add ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); /** * Copy page metadata from cur into page. * We'll also do UTF-8 conversion of titles. */ $this->log( "......Setting up page table." ); $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $maxcur, 'page', __METHOD__ ); $result = $this->dbr->query( " SELECT cur_id, cur_namespace, cur_title, cur_restrictions, cur_counter, cur_is_redirect, cur_is_new, cur_random, cur_touched, rev_id, LENGTH(cur_text) AS len FROM $cur,$revision WHERE cur_id=rev_page AND rev_timestamp=cur_timestamp AND rev_id > {$maxold} ORDER BY cur_id", __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $add[] = array( 'page_id' => $row->cur_id, 'page_namespace' => $row->cur_namespace, 'page_title' => $this->conv( $row->cur_title ), 'page_restrictions' => $row->cur_restrictions, 'page_counter' => $row->cur_counter, 'page_is_redirect' => $row->cur_is_redirect, 'page_is_new' => $row->cur_is_new, 'page_random' => $row->cur_random, 'page_touched' => $this->dbw->timestamp(), 'page_latest' => $row->rev_id, 'page_len' => $row->len ); # $this->addChunk( $add, $row->cur_id ); $this->addChunk( $add ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); $this->log( "...done with cur/old -> page/revision." ); } function upgradeLinks() { $chunksize = 200; list ( $links, $brokenlinks, $pagelinks, $cur ) = $this->dbw->tableNamesN( 'links', 'brokenlinks', 'pagelinks', 'cur' ); $this->log( 'Checking for interwiki table change in case of bogus items...' ); if ( $this->dbw->fieldExists( 'interwiki', 'iw_trans' ) ) { $this->log( 'interwiki has iw_trans.' ); } else { global $IP; $this->log( 'adding iw_trans...' ); $this->dbw->sourceFile( $IP . '/maintenance/archives/patch-interwiki-trans.sql' ); $this->log( 'added iw_trans.' ); } $this->log( 'Creating pagelinks table...' ); $this->dbw->query( " CREATE TABLE $pagelinks ( -- Key to the page_id of the page containing the link. pl_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Key to page_namespace/page_title of the target page. -- The target page may or may not exist, and due to renames -- and deletions may refer to different page records as time -- goes by. pl_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', pl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY pl_from(pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title), KEY (pl_namespace,pl_title) ) TYPE=InnoDB" ); $this->log( 'Importing live links -> pagelinks' ); $nlinks = $this->dbw->selectField( 'links', 'count(*)', '', __METHOD__ ); if ( $nlinks ) { $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $nlinks, 'pagelinks', __METHOD__ ); $result = $this->dbr->query( " SELECT l_from,cur_namespace,cur_title FROM $links, $cur WHERE l_to=cur_id", __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $add[] = array( 'pl_from' => $row->l_from, 'pl_namespace' => $row->cur_namespace, 'pl_title' => $this->conv( $row->cur_title ) ); $this->addChunk( $add ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); } else { $this->log( 'no links!' ); } $this->log( 'Importing brokenlinks -> pagelinks' ); $nbrokenlinks = $this->dbw->selectField( 'brokenlinks', 'count(*)', '', __METHOD__ ); if ( $nbrokenlinks ) { $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $nbrokenlinks, 'pagelinks', __METHOD__ ); $result = $this->dbr->query( "SELECT bl_from, bl_to FROM $brokenlinks", __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $pagename = $this->conv( $row->bl_to ); $title = Title::newFromText( $pagename ); if ( is_null( $title ) ) { $this->log( "** invalid brokenlink: $row->bl_from -> '$pagename' (converted from '$row->bl_to')" ); } else { $add[] = array( 'pl_from' => $row->bl_from, 'pl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'pl_title' => $title->getDBkey() ); $this->addChunk( $add ); } } $this->lastChunk( $add ); } else { $this->log( 'no brokenlinks!' ); } $this->log( 'Done with links.' ); } function upgradeUser() { // Apply unique index, if necessary: $duper = new UserDupes( $this->dbw ); if ( $duper->hasUniqueIndex() ) { $this->log( "Already have unique user_name index." ); } else { $this->log( "Clearing user duplicates..." ); if ( !$duper->clearDupes() ) { $this->log( "WARNING: Duplicate user accounts, may explode!" ); } } $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'user_name' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'user_real_name' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'user_password' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'user_newpassword' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'user_email' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'user_options' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'user_touched' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'user_token' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'user_email_authenticated' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'user_email_token' => MW_UPGRADE_NULL, 'user_email_token_expires' => MW_UPGRADE_NULL ); $this->copyTable( 'user', $tabledef, $fields, array( &$this, 'userCallback' ) ); } function userCallback( $row, $copy ) { $now = $this->dbw->timestamp(); $copy['user_touched'] = $now; $copy['user_email_authenticated'] = $this->emailAuth ? $now : null; return $copy; } function upgradeImage() { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'img_size' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'img_width' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_height' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_metadata' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_bits' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_media_type' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_major_mime' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_minor_mime' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'img_description' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'img_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'img_user_text' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'img_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY ); $this->copyTable( 'image', $tabledef, $fields, array( &$this, 'imageCallback' ) ); } function imageCallback( $row, $copy ) { if ( !$this->hasOption( 'noimage' ) ) { // Fill in the new image info fields $info = $this->imageInfo( $row->img_name ); $copy['img_width' ] = $info['width']; $copy['img_height' ] = $info['height']; $copy['img_metadata' ] = ""; // loaded on-demand $copy['img_bits' ] = $info['bits']; $copy['img_media_type'] = $info['media']; $copy['img_major_mime'] = $info['major']; $copy['img_minor_mime'] = $info['minor']; } // If doing UTF8 conversion the file must be renamed $this->renameFile( $row->img_name, 'wfImageDir' ); return $copy; } function imageInfo( $filename ) { $info = array( 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'bits' => 0, 'media' => '', 'major' => '', 'minor' => '' ); $magic = MimeMagic::singleton(); $mime = $magic->guessMimeType( $filename, true ); list( $info['major'], $info['minor'] ) = explode( '/', $mime ); $info['media'] = $magic->getMediaType( $filename, $mime ); $image = UnregisteredLocalFile::newFromPath( $filename, $mime ); $info['width'] = $image->getWidth(); $info['height'] = $image->getHeight(); $gis = $image->getImageSize( $filename ); if ( isset( $gis['bits'] ) ) { $info['bits'] = $gis['bits']; } return $info; } /** * Truncate a table. * @param string $table The table name to be truncated */ function clearTable( $table ) { print "Clearing $table...\n"; $tableName = $this->db->tableName( $table ); $this->db->query( "TRUNCATE $tableName" ); } /** * Rename a given image or archived image file to the converted filename, * leaving a symlink for URL compatibility. * * @param string $oldname pre-conversion filename * @param string $basename pre-conversion base filename for dir hashing, if an archive * @access private */ function renameFile( $oldname, $subdirCallback = 'wfImageDir', $basename = null ) { $newname = $this->conv( $oldname ); if ( $newname == $oldname ) { // No need to rename; another field triggered this row. return false; } if ( is_null( $basename ) ) $basename = $oldname; $ubasename = $this->conv( $basename ); $oldpath = call_user_func( $subdirCallback, $basename ) . '/' . $oldname; $newpath = call_user_func( $subdirCallback, $ubasename ) . '/' . $newname; $this->log( "$oldpath -> $newpath" ); if ( rename( $oldpath, $newpath ) ) { $relpath = wfRelativePath( $newpath, dirname( $oldpath ) ); if ( !symlink( $relpath, $oldpath ) ) { $this->log( "... symlink failed!" ); } return $newname; } else { $this->log( "... rename failed!" ); return false; } } function upgradeOldImage() { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'oi_archive_name' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'oi_size' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'oi_width' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'oi_height' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'oi_bits' => MW_UPGRADE_CALLBACK, 'oi_description' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'oi_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'oi_user_text' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'oi_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY ); $this->copyTable( 'oldimage', $tabledef, $fields, array( &$this, 'oldimageCallback' ) ); } function oldimageCallback( $row, $copy ) { global $options; if ( !isset( $options['noimage'] ) ) { // Fill in the new image info fields $info = $this->imageInfo( $row->oi_archive_name, 'wfImageArchiveDir', $row->oi_name ); $copy['oi_width' ] = $info['width' ]; $copy['oi_height'] = $info['height']; $copy['oi_bits' ] = $info['bits' ]; } // If doing UTF8 conversion the file must be renamed $this->renameFile( $row->oi_archive_name, 'wfImageArchiveDir', $row->oi_name ); return $copy; } function upgradeWatchlist() { $chunksize = 100; list ( $watchlist, $watchlist_temp ) = $this->dbw->tableNamesN( 'watchlist', 'watchlist_temp' ); $this->log( 'Migrating watchlist table to watchlist_temp...' ); $this->dbw->query( "CREATE TABLE $watchlist_temp ( -- Key to user_id wl_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL, -- Key to page_namespace/page_title -- Note that users may watch patches which do not exist yet, -- or existed in the past but have been deleted. wl_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', wl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- Timestamp when user was last sent a notification e-mail; -- cleared when the user visits the page. -- FIXME: add proper null support etc wl_notificationtimestamp varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY (wl_user, wl_namespace, wl_title), KEY namespace_title (wl_namespace,wl_title) ) TYPE=InnoDB;", __METHOD__ ); // Fix encoding for Latin-1 upgrades, add some fields, // and double article to article+talk pairs $numwatched = $this->dbw->selectField( 'watchlist', 'count(*)', '', __METHOD__ ); $this->setChunkScale( $chunksize, $numwatched * 2, 'watchlist_temp', __METHOD__ ); $result = $this->dbr->select( 'watchlist', array( 'wl_user', 'wl_namespace', 'wl_title' ), '', __METHOD__ ); $add = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $add[] = array( 'wl_user' => $row->wl_user, 'wl_namespace' => MWNamespace::getSubject( $row->wl_namespace ), 'wl_title' => $this->conv( $row->wl_title ), 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '0' ); $this->addChunk( $add ); $add[] = array( 'wl_user' => $row->wl_user, 'wl_namespace' => MWNamespace::getTalk( $row->wl_namespace ), 'wl_title' => $this->conv( $row->wl_title ), 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => '0' ); $this->addChunk( $add ); } $this->lastChunk( $add ); $this->log( 'Done converting watchlist.' ); $this->cleanupSwaps[] = 'watchlist'; } function upgradeLogging() { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'log_action' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'log_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'log_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'log_namespace' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'log_title' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'log_comment' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'log_params' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE ); $this->copyTable( 'logging', $tabledef, $fields ); } function upgradeArchive() { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_title' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'ar_text' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_comment' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'ar_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_user_text' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'ar_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_minor_edit' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_flags' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ar_rev_id' => MW_UPGRADE_NULL, 'ar_text_id' => MW_UPGRADE_NULL ); $this->copyTable( 'archive', $tabledef, $fields ); } function upgradeImagelinks() { global $wgUseLatin1; if ( $wgUseLatin1 ) { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'il_to' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE ); $this->copyTable( 'imagelinks', $tabledef, $fields ); } } function upgradeCategorylinks() { global $wgUseLatin1; if ( $wgUseLatin1 ) { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'cl_to' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'cl_sortkey' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'cl_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY ); $this->copyTable( 'categorylinks', $tabledef, $fields ); } } function upgradeIpblocks() { global $wgUseLatin1; if ( $wgUseLatin1 ) { $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_address' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_by' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_reason' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'ipb_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_auto' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'ipb_expiry' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY ); $this->copyTable( 'ipblocks', $tabledef, $fields ); } } function upgradeRecentchanges() { // There's a format change in the namespace field $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_timestamp' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_cur_time' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_user' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_user_text' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'rc_namespace' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_title' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'rc_comment' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'rc_minor' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_bot' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_new' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_cur_id' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_this_oldid' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_last_oldid' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_type' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_moved_to_ns' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_moved_to_title' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE, 'rc_patrolled' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'rc_ip' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY ); $this->copyTable( 'recentchanges', $tabledef, $fields ); } function upgradeQuerycache() { // There's a format change in the namespace field $tabledef = << MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'qc_value' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'qc_namespace' => MW_UPGRADE_COPY, 'qc_title' => MW_UPGRADE_ENCODE ); $this->copyTable( 'querycache', $tabledef, $fields ); } /** * Check for duplicate rows in "cur" table and move duplicates entries in * "old" table. * * This was in cleanupDupes.inc before. */ function checkDupes() { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( $dbw->indexExists( 'cur', 'name_title' ) && $dbw->indexUnique( 'cur', 'name_title' ) ) { echo wfWikiID() . ": cur table has the current unique index; no duplicate entries.\n"; return; } elseif ( $dbw->indexExists( 'cur', 'name_title_dup_prevention' ) ) { echo wfWikiID() . ": cur table has a temporary name_title_dup_prevention unique index; no duplicate entries.\n"; return; } echo wfWikiID() . ": cur table has the old non-unique index and may have duplicate entries.\n"; $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $cur = $dbw->tableName( 'cur' ); $old = $dbw->tableName( 'old' ); $dbw->query( "LOCK TABLES $cur WRITE, $old WRITE" ); echo "Checking for duplicate cur table entries... (this may take a while on a large wiki)\n"; $res = $dbw->query( << 1 END ); $n = $dbw->numRows( $res ); echo "Found $n titles with duplicate entries.\n"; if ( $n > 0 ) { echo "Correcting...\n"; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $ns = intval( $row->cur_namespace ); $title = $dbw->addQuotes( $row->cur_title ); # Get the first responding ID; that'll be the one we keep. $id = $dbw->selectField( 'cur', 'cur_id', array( 'cur_namespace' => $row->cur_namespace, 'cur_title' => $row->cur_title ) ); echo "$ns:$row->cur_title (canonical ID $id)\n"; if ( $id != $row->id ) { echo " ** minimum ID $row->id; "; $timeMin = $dbw->selectField( 'cur', 'cur_timestamp', array( 'cur_id' => $row->id ) ); $timeFirst = $dbw->selectField( 'cur', 'cur_timestamp', array( 'cur_id' => $id ) ); if ( $timeMin == $timeFirst ) { echo "timestamps match at $timeFirst; ok\n"; } else { echo "timestamps don't match! min: $timeMin, first: $timeFirst; "; if ( $timeMin > $timeFirst ) { $id = $row->id; echo "keeping minimum: $id\n"; } else { echo "keeping first: $id\n"; } } } $dbw->query( <<query( <<query( 'UNLOCK TABLES' ); echo "Done.\n"; } /** * Rename all our temporary tables into final place. * We've left things in place so a read-only wiki can continue running * on the old code during all this. */ function upgradeCleanup() { $this->renameTable( 'old', 'text' ); foreach ( $this->cleanupSwaps as $table ) { $this->swap( $table ); } } function renameTable( $from, $to ) { $this->log( "Renaming $from to $to..." ); $fromtable = $this->dbw->tableName( $from ); $totable = $this->dbw->tableName( $to ); $this->dbw->query( "ALTER TABLE $fromtable RENAME TO $totable" ); } function swap( $base ) { $this->renameTable( $base, "{$base}_old" ); $this->renameTable( "{$base}_temp", $base ); } } $maintClass = 'FiveUpgrade'; require( DO_MAINTENANCE );