: Specifies max replication lag? Does it abort or wait if this is exceeded? start : First page id to refresh? Doesn't work with --dfn-only set? -e : Last page id to refresh? This uses wfGetDB() to get the database, it seems not to accept a database ar- gument on the command line. So I don't know if you can use it for non-default configuration. Todo: Real documentation. TEXT; exit(0); } error_reporting( E_ALL & (~E_NOTICE) ); if ( !$options['dfn-only'] ) { if ($args[0]) { $start = (int)$args[0]; } else { $start = 1; } refreshLinks( $start, $options['new-only'], $options['m'], $options['e'], $options['redirects-only'] ); } // this bit's bad for replication: disabling temporarily // --brion 2005-07-16 //deleteLinksFromNonexistent(); if ( $options['globals'] ) { print_r( $GLOBALS ); }