getBacklinkCache(). * * Ideally you should only get your backlinks from here when you think * there is some advantage in caching them. Otherwise it's just a waste * of memory. * * Introduced by r47317 * * @internal documentation reviewed on 18 Mar 2011 by hashar */ class BacklinkCache { /** @var ProcessCacheLRU */ protected static $cache; /** * Multi dimensions array representing batches. Keys are: * > (string) links table name * > (int) batch size * > 'numRows' : Number of rows for this link table * > 'batches' : array( $start, $end ) * * @see BacklinkCache::partitionResult() * * Cleared with BacklinkCache::clear() */ protected $partitionCache = array(); /** * Contains the whole links from a database result. * This is raw data that will be partitioned in $partitionCache * * Initialized with BacklinkCache::getLinks() * Cleared with BacklinkCache::clear() */ protected $fullResultCache = array(); /** * Local copy of a database object. * * Accessor: BacklinkCache::getDB() * Mutator : BacklinkCache::setDB() * Cleared with BacklinkCache::clear() */ protected $db; /** * Local copy of a Title object */ protected $title; const CACHE_EXPIRY = 3600; /** * Create a new BacklinkCache * * @param Title $title : Title object to create a backlink cache for */ public function __construct( Title $title ) { $this->title = $title; } /** * Create a new BacklinkCache or reuse any existing one. * Currently, only one cache instance can exist; callers that * need multiple backlink cache objects should keep them in scope. * * @param Title $title : Title object to get a backlink cache for * @return BacklinkCache */ public static function get( Title $title ) { if ( !self::$cache ) { // init cache self::$cache = new ProcessCacheLRU( 1 ); } $dbKey = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); if ( !self::$cache->has( $dbKey, 'obj', 3600 ) ) { self::$cache->set( $dbKey, 'obj', new self( $title ) ); } return self::$cache->get( $dbKey, 'obj' ); } /** * Serialization handler, diasallows to serialize the database to prevent * failures after this class is deserialized from cache with dead DB * connection. * * @return array */ function __sleep() { return array( 'partitionCache', 'fullResultCache', 'title' ); } /** * Clear locally stored data and database object. */ public function clear() { $this->partitionCache = array(); $this->fullResultCache = array(); unset( $this->db ); } /** * Set the Database object to use * * @param $db DatabaseBase */ public function setDB( $db ) { $this->db = $db; } /** * Get the slave connection to the database * When non existing, will initialize the connection. * @return DatabaseBase object */ protected function getDB() { if ( !isset( $this->db ) ) { $this->db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); } return $this->db; } /** * Get the backlinks for a given table. Cached in process memory only. * @param $table String * @param $startId Integer|false * @param $endId Integer|false * @param $max Integer|INF * @return TitleArrayFromResult */ public function getLinks( $table, $startId = false, $endId = false, $max = INF ) { return TitleArray::newFromResult( $this->queryLinks( $table, $startId, $endId, $max ) ); } /** * Get the backlinks for a given table. Cached in process memory only. * @param $table String * @param $startId Integer|false * @param $endId Integer|false * @param $max Integer|INF * @param $select string 'all' or 'ids' * @return ResultWrapper */ protected function queryLinks( $table, $startId, $endId, $max, $select = 'all' ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $fromField = $this->getPrefix( $table ) . '_from'; if ( !$startId && !$endId && is_infinite( $max ) && isset( $this->fullResultCache[$table] ) ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got results from cache\n" ); $res = $this->fullResultCache[$table]; } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got results from DB\n" ); $conds = $this->getConditions( $table ); // Use the from field in the condition rather than the joined page_id, // because databases are stupid and don't necessarily propagate indexes. if ( $startId ) { $conds[] = "$fromField >= " . intval( $startId ); } if ( $endId ) { $conds[] = "$fromField <= " . intval( $endId ); } $options = array( 'ORDER BY' => $fromField ); if ( is_finite( $max ) && $max > 0 ) { $options['LIMIT'] = $max; } if ( $select === 'ids' ) { // Just select from the backlink table and ignore the page JOIN $res = $this->getDB()->select( $table, array( $this->getPrefix( $table ) . '_from AS page_id' ), array_filter( $conds, function ( $clause ) { // kind of janky return !preg_match( '/(\b|=)page_id(\b|=)/', $clause ); } ), __METHOD__, $options ); } else { // Select from the backlink table and JOIN with page title information $res = $this->getDB()->select( array( $table, 'page' ), array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_id' ), $conds, __METHOD__, array_merge( array( 'STRAIGHT_JOIN' ), $options ) ); } if ( !$startId && !$endId && $res->numRows() < $max ) { // The full results fit within the limit, so cache them $this->fullResultCache[$table] = $res; } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": results from DB were uncacheable\n" ); } } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $res; } /** * Get the field name prefix for a given table * @param $table String * @throws MWException * @return null|string */ protected function getPrefix( $table ) { static $prefixes = array( 'pagelinks' => 'pl', 'imagelinks' => 'il', 'categorylinks' => 'cl', 'templatelinks' => 'tl', 'redirect' => 'rd', ); if ( isset( $prefixes[$table] ) ) { return $prefixes[$table]; } else { $prefix = null; wfRunHooks( 'BacklinkCacheGetPrefix', array( $table, &$prefix ) ); if ( $prefix ) { return $prefix; } else { throw new MWException( "Invalid table \"$table\" in " . __CLASS__ ); } } } /** * Get the SQL condition array for selecting backlinks, with a join * on the page table. * @param $table String * @throws MWException * @return array|null */ protected function getConditions( $table ) { $prefix = $this->getPrefix( $table ); // @todo FIXME: imagelinks and categorylinks do not rely on getNamespace, // they could be moved up for nicer case statements switch ( $table ) { case 'pagelinks': case 'templatelinks': $conds = array( "{$prefix}_namespace" => $this->title->getNamespace(), "{$prefix}_title" => $this->title->getDBkey(), "page_id={$prefix}_from" ); break; case 'redirect': $conds = array( "{$prefix}_namespace" => $this->title->getNamespace(), "{$prefix}_title" => $this->title->getDBkey(), $this->getDb()->makeList( array( "{$prefix}_interwiki" => '', "{$prefix}_interwiki IS NULL", ), LIST_OR ), "page_id={$prefix}_from" ); break; case 'imagelinks': $conds = array( 'il_to' => $this->title->getDBkey(), "page_id={$prefix}_from" ); break; case 'categorylinks': $conds = array( 'cl_to' => $this->title->getDBkey(), "page_id={$prefix}_from" ); break; default: $conds = null; wfRunHooks( 'BacklinkCacheGetConditions', array( $table, $this->title, &$conds ) ); if ( !$conds ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid table \"$table\" in " . __CLASS__ ); } } return $conds; } /** * Check if there are any backlinks * @param $table String * @return bool */ public function hasLinks( $table ) { return ( $this->getNumLinks( $table, 1 ) > 0 ); } /** * Get the approximate number of backlinks * @param $table String * @param $max integer|INF Only count up to this many backlinks * @return integer */ public function getNumLinks( $table, $max = INF ) { global $wgMemc, $wgUpdateRowsPerJob; // 1) try partition cache ... if ( isset( $this->partitionCache[$table] ) ) { $entry = reset( $this->partitionCache[$table] ); return min( $max, $entry['numRows'] ); } // 2) ... then try full result cache ... if ( isset( $this->fullResultCache[$table] ) ) { return min( $max, $this->fullResultCache[$table]->numRows() ); } $memcKey = wfMemcKey( 'numbacklinks', md5( $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey() ), $table ); // 3) ... fallback to memcached ... $count = $wgMemc->get( $memcKey ); if ( $count ) { return min( $max, $count ); } // 4) fetch from the database ... if ( is_infinite( $max ) ) { // no limit at all // Use partition() since it will batch the query and skip the JOIN. // Use $wgUpdateRowsPerJob just to encourage cache reuse for jobs. $this->partition( $table, $wgUpdateRowsPerJob ); // updates $this->partitionCache return $this->partitionCache[$table][$wgUpdateRowsPerJob]['numRows']; } else { // probably some sane limit // Fetch the full title info, since the caller will likely need it next $count = $this->getLinks( $table, false, false, $max )->count(); if ( $count < $max ) { // full count $wgMemc->set( $memcKey, $count, self::CACHE_EXPIRY ); } } return min( $max, $count ); } /** * Partition the backlinks into batches. * Returns an array giving the start and end of each range. The first * batch has a start of false, and the last batch has an end of false. * * @param string $table the links table name * @param $batchSize Integer * @return Array */ public function partition( $table, $batchSize ) { global $wgMemc; // 1) try partition cache ... if ( isset( $this->partitionCache[$table][$batchSize] ) ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got from partition cache\n" ); return $this->partitionCache[$table][$batchSize]['batches']; } $this->partitionCache[$table][$batchSize] = false; $cacheEntry =& $this->partitionCache[$table][$batchSize]; // 2) ... then try full result cache ... if ( isset( $this->fullResultCache[$table] ) ) { $cacheEntry = $this->partitionResult( $this->fullResultCache[$table], $batchSize ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got from full result cache\n" ); return $cacheEntry['batches']; } $memcKey = wfMemcKey( 'backlinks', md5( $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey() ), $table, $batchSize ); // 3) ... fallback to memcached ... $memcValue = $wgMemc->get( $memcKey ); if ( is_array( $memcValue ) ) { $cacheEntry = $memcValue; wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got from memcached $memcKey\n" ); return $cacheEntry['batches']; } // 4) ... finally fetch from the slow database :( $cacheEntry = array( 'numRows' => 0, 'batches' => array() ); // final result // Do the selects in batches to avoid client-side OOMs (bug 43452). // Use a LIMIT that plays well with $batchSize to keep equal sized partitions. $selectSize = max( $batchSize, 200000 - ( 200000 % $batchSize ) ); $start = false; do { $res = $this->queryLinks( $table, $start, false, $selectSize, 'ids' ); $partitions = $this->partitionResult( $res, $batchSize, false ); // Merge the link count and range partitions for this chunk $cacheEntry['numRows'] += $partitions['numRows']; $cacheEntry['batches'] = array_merge( $cacheEntry['batches'], $partitions['batches'] ); if ( count( $partitions['batches'] ) ) { list( $lStart, $lEnd ) = end( $partitions['batches'] ); $start = $lEnd + 1; // pick up after this inclusive range } } while ( $partitions['numRows'] >= $selectSize ); // Make sure the first range has start=false and the last one has end=false if ( count( $cacheEntry['batches'] ) ) { $cacheEntry['batches'][0][0] = false; $cacheEntry['batches'][count( $cacheEntry['batches'] ) - 1][1] = false; } // Save partitions to memcached $wgMemc->set( $memcKey, $cacheEntry, self::CACHE_EXPIRY ); // Save backlink count to memcached $memcKey = wfMemcKey( 'numbacklinks', md5( $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey() ), $table ); $wgMemc->set( $memcKey, $cacheEntry['numRows'], self::CACHE_EXPIRY ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": got from database\n" ); return $cacheEntry['batches']; } /** * Partition a DB result with backlinks in it into batches * @param $res ResultWrapper database result * @param $batchSize integer * @param $isComplete bool Whether $res includes all the backlinks * @throws MWException * @return array */ protected function partitionResult( $res, $batchSize, $isComplete = true ) { $batches = array(); $numRows = $res->numRows(); $numBatches = ceil( $numRows / $batchSize ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $numBatches; $i++ ) { if ( $i == 0 && $isComplete ) { $start = false; } else { $rowNum = $i * $batchSize; $res->seek( $rowNum ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $start = (int)$row->page_id; } if ( $i == ( $numBatches - 1 ) && $isComplete ) { $end = false; } else { $rowNum = min( $numRows - 1, ( $i + 1 ) * $batchSize - 1 ); $res->seek( $rowNum ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $end = (int)$row->page_id; } # Sanity check order if ( $start && $end && $start > $end ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': Internal error: query result out of order' ); } $batches[] = array( $start, $end ); } return array( 'numRows' => $numRows, 'batches' => $batches ); } }