result = $result; $this->lang = $lang; $this->useDB = $useDB; $this->format = $format; } /** * Test whether a code is a valid API error code * * A valid code contains only ASCII letters, numbers, underscore, and * hyphen and is not the empty string. * * For backwards compatibility, any code beginning 'internal_api_error_' is * also allowed. * * @param string $code * @return bool */ public static function isValidApiCode( $code ) { return is_string( $code ) && ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $code ) || // TODO: Deprecate this preg_match( '/^internal_api_error_[^\0\r\n]+$/', $code ) ); } /** * Return a formatter like this one but with a different format * * @since 1.32 * @param string $format New format. * @return ApiErrorFormatter */ public function newWithFormat( $format ) { return new self( $this->result, $this->lang, $format, $this->useDB ); } /** * Fetch the format for this formatter * @since 1.32 * @return string */ public function getFormat() { return $this->format; } /** * Fetch the Language for this formatter * @since 1.29 * @return Language */ public function getLanguage() { return $this->lang; } /** * Fetch a dummy title to set on Messages * @return Title */ protected function getDummyTitle() { if ( self::$dummyTitle === null ) { self::$dummyTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Badtitle/' . __METHOD__ ); } return self::$dummyTitle; } /** * Add a warning to the result * @param string|null $modulePath * @param Message|array|string $msg Warning message. See ApiMessage::create(). * @param string|null $code See ApiMessage::create(). * @param array|null $data See ApiMessage::create(). */ public function addWarning( $modulePath, $msg, $code = null, $data = null ) { $msg = ApiMessage::create( $msg, $code, $data ) ->inLanguage( $this->lang ) ->title( $this->getDummyTitle() ) ->useDatabase( $this->useDB ); $this->addWarningOrError( 'warning', $modulePath, $msg ); } /** * Add an error to the result * @param string|null $modulePath * @param Message|array|string $msg Warning message. See ApiMessage::create(). * @param string|null $code See ApiMessage::create(). * @param array|null $data See ApiMessage::create(). */ public function addError( $modulePath, $msg, $code = null, $data = null ) { $msg = ApiMessage::create( $msg, $code, $data ) ->inLanguage( $this->lang ) ->title( $this->getDummyTitle() ) ->useDatabase( $this->useDB ); $this->addWarningOrError( 'error', $modulePath, $msg ); } /** * Add warnings and errors from a StatusValue object to the result * @param string|null $modulePath * @param StatusValue $status * @param string[]|string $types 'warning' and/or 'error' */ public function addMessagesFromStatus( $modulePath, StatusValue $status, $types = [ 'warning', 'error' ] ) { if ( $status->isGood() || !$status->getErrors() ) { return; } $types = (array)$types; foreach ( $status->getErrors() as $error ) { if ( !in_array( $error['type'], $types, true ) ) { continue; } if ( $error['type'] === 'error' ) { $tag = 'error'; } else { // Assume any unknown type is a warning $tag = 'warning'; } $msg = ApiMessage::create( $error ) ->inLanguage( $this->lang ) ->title( $this->getDummyTitle() ) ->useDatabase( $this->useDB ); $this->addWarningOrError( $tag, $modulePath, $msg ); } } /** * Get an ApiMessage from an exception * @since 1.29 * @param Exception|Throwable $exception * @param array $options * - wrap: (string|array|MessageSpecifier) Used to wrap the exception's * message if it's not an ILocalizedException. The exception's message * will be added as the final parameter. * - code: (string) Default code * - data: (array) Default extra data * @return IApiMessage */ public function getMessageFromException( $exception, array $options = [] ) { $options += [ 'code' => null, 'data' => [] ]; if ( $exception instanceof ILocalizedException ) { $msg = $exception->getMessageObject(); $params = []; } elseif ( $exception instanceof MessageSpecifier ) { $msg = Message::newFromSpecifier( $exception ); $params = []; } else { if ( isset( $options['wrap'] ) ) { $msg = $options['wrap']; } else { $msg = new RawMessage( '$1' ); if ( !isset( $options['code'] ) ) { $class = preg_replace( '#^Wikimedia\\\Rdbms\\\#', '', get_class( $exception ) ); $options['code'] = 'internal_api_error_' . $class; } } $params = [ wfEscapeWikiText( $exception->getMessage() ) ]; } return ApiMessage::create( $msg, $options['code'], $options['data'] ) ->params( $params ) ->inLanguage( $this->lang ) ->title( $this->getDummyTitle() ) ->useDatabase( $this->useDB ); } /** * Format an exception as an array * @since 1.29 * @param Exception|Throwable $exception * @param array $options See self::getMessageFromException(), plus * - format: (string) Format override * @return array */ public function formatException( $exception, array $options = [] ) { return $this->formatMessage( $this->getMessageFromException( $exception, $options ), $options['format'] ?? null ); } /** * Format a message as an array * @param Message|array|string $msg Message. See ApiMessage::create(). * @param string|null $format * @return array */ public function formatMessage( $msg, $format = null ) { $msg = ApiMessage::create( $msg ) ->inLanguage( $this->lang ) ->title( $this->getDummyTitle() ) ->useDatabase( $this->useDB ); return $this->formatMessageInternal( $msg, $format ?: $this->format ); } /** * Format messages from a StatusValue as an array * @param StatusValue $status * @param string $type 'warning' or 'error' * @param string|null $format * @return array */ public function arrayFromStatus( StatusValue $status, $type = 'error', $format = null ) { if ( $status->isGood() || !$status->getErrors() ) { return []; } $result = new ApiResult( 1e6 ); $formatter = new ApiErrorFormatter( $result, $this->lang, $format ?: $this->format, $this->useDB ); $formatter->addMessagesFromStatus( null, $status, [ $type ] ); switch ( $type ) { case 'error': return (array)$result->getResultData( [ 'errors' ] ); case 'warning': return (array)$result->getResultData( [ 'warnings' ] ); } } /** * Turn wikitext into something resembling plaintext * @since 1.29 * @param string $text * @return string */ public static function stripMarkup( $text ) { // Turn semantic quoting tags to quotes $ret = preg_replace( '!!', '"', $text ); // Strip tags and decode. $ret = Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $ret ); return $ret; } /** * Format a Message object for raw format * @param MessageSpecifier $msg * @return array */ private function formatRawMessage( MessageSpecifier $msg ) { $ret = [ 'key' => $msg->getKey(), 'params' => $msg->getParams(), ]; ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $ret['params'], 'param' ); // Transform Messages as parameters in the style of Message::fooParam(). foreach ( $ret['params'] as $i => $param ) { if ( $param instanceof MessageSpecifier ) { $ret['params'][$i] = [ 'message' => $this->formatRawMessage( $param ) ]; } } return $ret; } /** * Format a message as an array * @since 1.29 * @param ApiMessage|ApiRawMessage $msg * @param string|null $format * @return array */ protected function formatMessageInternal( $msg, $format ) { $value = [ 'code' => $msg->getApiCode() ]; switch ( $format ) { case 'plaintext': $value += [ 'text' => self::stripMarkup( $msg->text() ), ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'text', ]; break; case 'wikitext': $value += [ 'text' => $msg->text(), ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'text', ]; break; case 'html': $value += [ 'html' => $msg->parse(), ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'html', ]; break; case 'raw': $value += $this->formatRawMessage( $msg ); break; case 'none': break; } $data = $msg->getApiData(); if ( $data ) { $value['data'] = $msg->getApiData() + [ ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'assoc', ]; } return $value; } /** * Actually add the warning or error to the result * @param string $tag 'warning' or 'error' * @param string|null $modulePath * @param ApiMessage|ApiRawMessage $msg */ protected function addWarningOrError( $tag, $modulePath, $msg ) { $value = $this->formatMessageInternal( $msg, $this->format ); if ( $modulePath !== null ) { $value += [ 'module' => $modulePath ]; } $path = [ $tag . 's' ]; $existing = $this->result->getResultData( $path ); if ( $existing === null || !in_array( $value, $existing ) ) { $flags = ApiResult::NO_SIZE_CHECK; if ( $existing === null ) { $flags |= ApiResult::ADD_ON_TOP; } $this->result->addValue( $path, null, $value, $flags ); $this->result->addIndexedTagName( $path, $tag ); } } } /** * Format errors and warnings in the old style, for backwards compatibility. * @since 1.25 * @deprecated Only for backwards compatibility, do not use * @ingroup API */ // phpcs:ignore Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps class ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat extends ApiErrorFormatter { /** * @param ApiResult $result Into which data will be added */ public function __construct( ApiResult $result ) { parent::__construct( $result, Language::factory( 'en' ), 'none', false ); } public function getFormat() { return 'bc'; } public function arrayFromStatus( StatusValue $status, $type = 'error', $format = null ) { if ( $status->isGood() || !$status->getErrors() ) { return []; } $result = []; foreach ( $status->getErrorsByType( $type ) as $error ) { $msg = ApiMessage::create( $error ); $error = [ 'message' => $msg->getKey(), 'params' => $msg->getParams(), 'code' => $msg->getApiCode(), ] + $error; ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $error['params'], 'param' ); $result[] = $error; } ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $result, $type ); return $result; } protected function formatMessageInternal( $msg, $format ) { return [ 'code' => $msg->getApiCode(), 'info' => $msg->text(), ] + $msg->getApiData(); } /** * Format an exception as an array * @since 1.29 * @param Exception|Throwable $exception * @param array $options See parent::formatException(), plus * - bc: (bool) Return only the string, not an array * @return array|string */ public function formatException( $exception, array $options = [] ) { $ret = parent::formatException( $exception, $options ); return empty( $options['bc'] ) ? $ret : $ret['info']; } protected function addWarningOrError( $tag, $modulePath, $msg ) { $value = self::stripMarkup( $msg->text() ); if ( $tag === 'error' ) { // In BC mode, only one error $existingError = $this->result->getResultData( [ 'error' ] ); if ( !is_array( $existingError ) || !isset( $existingError['code'] ) || !isset( $existingError['info'] ) ) { $value = [ 'code' => $msg->getApiCode(), 'info' => $value, ] + $msg->getApiData(); $this->result->addValue( null, 'error', $value, ApiResult::OVERRIDE | ApiResult::ADD_ON_TOP | ApiResult::NO_SIZE_CHECK ); } } else { if ( $modulePath === null ) { $moduleName = 'unknown'; } else { $i = strrpos( $modulePath, '+' ); $moduleName = $i === false ? $modulePath : substr( $modulePath, $i + 1 ); } // Don't add duplicate warnings $tag .= 's'; $path = [ $tag, $moduleName ]; $oldWarning = $this->result->getResultData( [ $tag, $moduleName, $tag ] ); if ( $oldWarning !== null ) { $warnPos = strpos( $oldWarning, $value ); // If $value was found in $oldWarning, check if it starts at 0 or after "\n" if ( $warnPos !== false && ( $warnPos === 0 || $oldWarning[$warnPos - 1] === "\n" ) ) { // Check if $value is followed by "\n" or the end of the $oldWarning $warnPos += strlen( $value ); if ( strlen( $oldWarning ) <= $warnPos || $oldWarning[$warnPos] === "\n" ) { return; } } // If there is a warning already, append it to the existing one $value = "$oldWarning\n$value"; } $this->result->addContentValue( $path, $tag, $value, ApiResult::OVERRIDE | ApiResult::ADD_ON_TOP | ApiResult::NO_SIZE_CHECK ); } } }