host = $parts[0]; $this->port = isset( $parts[1] ) ? $parts[1] : 80; } /** * Open a socket if there isn't one open already, return it. * Returns false on error. */ protected function getSocket() { if ( $this->socket !== null ) { return $this->socket; } $ip = $this->getIP(); if ( !$ip ) { $this->log( "DNS error" ); $this->markDown(); return false; } $this->socket = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP ); socket_set_nonblock( $this->socket ); wfSuppressWarnings(); $ok = socket_connect( $this->socket, $ip, $this->port ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( !$ok ) { $error = socket_last_error( $this->socket ); if ( $error !== self::EINPROGRESS ) { $this->log( "connection error: " . socket_strerror( $error ) ); $this->markDown(); return false; } } return $this->socket; } /** * Get read socket array for select() */ public function getReadSocketsForSelect() { if ( $this->readState == 'idle' ) { return array(); } $socket = $this->getSocket(); if ( $socket === false ) { return array(); } return array( $socket ); } /** * Get write socket array for select() */ public function getWriteSocketsForSelect() { if ( !strlen( $this->writeBuffer ) ) { return array(); } $socket = $this->getSocket(); if ( $socket === false ) { return array(); } return array( $socket ); } /** * Get the host's IP address. * Does not support IPv6 at present due to the lack of a convenient interface in PHP. */ protected function getIP() { if ( $this->ip === null ) { if ( IP::isIPv4( $this->host ) ) { $this->ip = $this->host; } elseif ( IP::isIPv6( $this->host ) ) { throw new MWException( '$wgSquidServers does not support IPv6' ); } else { wfSuppressWarnings(); $this->ip = gethostbyname( $this->host ); if ( $this->ip === $this->host ) { $this->ip = false; } wfRestoreWarnings(); } } return $this->ip; } /** * Close the socket and ignore any future purge requests. * This is called if there is a protocol error. */ protected function markDown() { $this->close(); $this->socket = false; } /** * Close the socket but allow it to be reopened for future purge requests */ public function close() { if ( $this->socket ) { wfSuppressWarnings(); socket_set_block( $this->socket ); socket_shutdown( $this->socket ); socket_close( $this->socket ); wfRestoreWarnings(); } $this->socket = null; $this->readBuffer = ''; // Write buffer is kept since it may contain a request for the next socket } /** * Queue a purge operation * * @param $url string */ public function queuePurge( $url ) { $url = str_replace( "\n", '', $url ); $this->requests[] = "PURGE $url HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" . "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" . "User-Agent: " . Http::userAgent() . ' ' . __CLASS__ . "\r\n\r\n"; if ( $this->currentRequestIndex === null ) { $this->nextRequest(); } } /** * @return bool */ public function isIdle() { return strlen( $this->writeBuffer ) == 0 && $this->readState == 'idle'; } /** * Perform pending writes. Call this when socket_select() indicates that writing will not block. */ public function doWrites() { if ( !strlen( $this->writeBuffer ) ) { return; } $socket = $this->getSocket(); if ( !$socket ) { return; } if ( strlen( $this->writeBuffer ) <= self::BUFFER_SIZE ) { $buf = $this->writeBuffer; $flags = MSG_EOR; } else { $buf = substr( $this->writeBuffer, 0, self::BUFFER_SIZE ); $flags = 0; } wfSuppressWarnings(); $bytesSent = socket_send( $socket, $buf, strlen( $buf ), $flags ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( $bytesSent === false ) { $error = socket_last_error( $socket ); if ( $error != self::EAGAIN && $error != self::EINTR ) { $this->log( 'write error: ' . socket_strerror( $error ) ); $this->markDown(); } return; } $this->writeBuffer = substr( $this->writeBuffer, $bytesSent ); } /** * Read some data. Call this when socket_select() indicates that the read buffer is non-empty. */ public function doReads() { $socket = $this->getSocket(); if ( !$socket ) { return; } $buf = ''; wfSuppressWarnings(); $bytesRead = socket_recv( $socket, $buf, self::BUFFER_SIZE, 0 ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( $bytesRead === false ) { $error = socket_last_error( $socket ); if ( $error != self::EAGAIN && $error != self::EINTR ) { $this->log( 'read error: ' . socket_strerror( $error ) ); $this->markDown(); return; } } elseif ( $bytesRead === 0 ) { // Assume EOF $this->close(); return; } $this->readBuffer .= $buf; while ( $this->socket && $this->processReadBuffer() === 'continue' ); } protected function processReadBuffer() { switch ( $this->readState ) { case 'idle': return 'done'; case 'status': case 'header': $lines = explode( "\r\n", $this->readBuffer, 2 ); if ( count( $lines ) < 2 ) { return 'done'; } if ( $this->readState == 'status' ) { $this->processStatusLine( $lines[0] ); } else { // header $this->processHeaderLine( $lines[0] ); } $this->readBuffer = $lines[1]; return 'continue'; case 'body': if ( $this->bodyRemaining !== null ) { if ( $this->bodyRemaining > strlen( $this->readBuffer ) ) { $this->bodyRemaining -= strlen( $this->readBuffer ); $this->readBuffer = ''; return 'done'; } else { $this->readBuffer = substr( $this->readBuffer, $this->bodyRemaining ); $this->bodyRemaining = 0; $this->nextRequest(); return 'continue'; } } else { // No content length, read all data to EOF $this->readBuffer = ''; return 'done'; } default: throw new MWException( __METHOD__.': unexpected state' ); } } protected function processStatusLine( $line ) { if ( !preg_match( '!^HTTP/(\d+)\.(\d+) (\d{3}) (.*)$!', $line, $m ) ) { $this->log( 'invalid status line' ); $this->markDown(); return; } list( , , , $status, $reason ) = $m; $status = intval( $status ); if ( $status !== 200 && $status !== 404 ) { $this->log( "unexpected status code: $status $reason" ); $this->markDown(); return; } $this->readState = 'header'; } protected function processHeaderLine( $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^Content-Length: (\d+)$/i', $line, $m ) ) { $this->bodyRemaining = intval( $m[1] ); } elseif ( $line === '' ) { $this->readState = 'body'; } } protected function nextRequest() { if ( $this->currentRequestIndex !== null ) { unset( $this->requests[$this->currentRequestIndex] ); } if ( count( $this->requests ) ) { $this->readState = 'status'; $this->currentRequestIndex = key( $this->requests ); $this->writeBuffer = $this->requests[$this->currentRequestIndex]; } else { $this->readState = 'idle'; $this->currentRequestIndex = null; $this->writeBuffer = ''; } $this->bodyRemaining = null; } protected function log( $msg ) { wfDebugLog( 'squid', __CLASS__." ($this->host): $msg\n" ); } } class SquidPurgeClientPool { /** * @var array of SquidPurgeClient */ var $clients = array(); var $timeout = 5; function __construct( $options = array() ) { if ( isset( $options['timeout'] ) ) { $this->timeout = $options['timeout']; } } /** * @param $client SquidPurgeClient * @return void */ public function addClient( $client ) { $this->clients[] = $client; } public function run() { $done = false; $startTime = microtime( true ); while ( !$done ) { $readSockets = $writeSockets = array(); foreach ( $this->clients as $clientIndex => $client ) { $sockets = $client->getReadSocketsForSelect(); foreach ( $sockets as $i => $socket ) { $readSockets["$clientIndex/$i"] = $socket; } $sockets = $client->getWriteSocketsForSelect(); foreach ( $sockets as $i => $socket ) { $writeSockets["$clientIndex/$i"] = $socket; } } if ( !count( $readSockets ) && !count( $writeSockets ) ) { break; } $exceptSockets = null; $timeout = min( $startTime + $this->timeout - microtime( true ), 1 ); wfSuppressWarnings(); $numReady = socket_select( $readSockets, $writeSockets, $exceptSockets, $timeout ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( $numReady === false ) { wfDebugLog( 'squid', __METHOD__.': Error in stream_select: ' . socket_strerror( socket_last_error() ) . "\n" ); break; } // Check for timeout, use 1% tolerance since we aimed at having socket_select() // exit at precisely the overall timeout if ( microtime( true ) - $startTime > $this->timeout * 0.99 ) { wfDebugLog( 'squid', __CLASS__.": timeout ({$this->timeout}s)\n" ); break; } elseif ( !$numReady ) { continue; } foreach ( $readSockets as $key => $socket ) { list( $clientIndex, ) = explode( '/', $key ); $client = $this->clients[$clientIndex]; $client->doReads(); } foreach ( $writeSockets as $key => $socket ) { list( $clientIndex, ) = explode( '/', $key ); $client = $this->clients[$clientIndex]; $client->doWrites(); } $done = true; foreach ( $this->clients as $client ) { if ( !$client->isIdle() ) { $done = false; } } } foreach ( $this->clients as $client ) { $client->close(); } } }