username = $username; $this->namespace = false; $this->dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); } function set_namespace($ns) { $this->namespace = $ns; } function set_limit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; } function set_offset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; } function get_edit_limit($dir) { list($index, $usercond) = $this->get_user_cond(); $nscond = $this->get_namespace_cond(); $use_index = $this->dbr->useIndexClause($index); extract($this->dbr->tableNames('revision', 'page')); $sql = "SELECT rev_timestamp " . " FROM $page,$revision $use_index " . " WHERE rev_page=page_id AND $usercond $nscond" . " ORDER BY rev_timestamp $dir LIMIT 1"; $res = $this->dbr->query($sql, "contribs_finder::get_edit_limit"); while ($o = $this->dbr->fetchObject($res)) $row = $o; return $row->rev_timestamp; } function get_edit_limits() { return array( $this->get_edit_limit("ASC"), $this->get_edit_limit("DESC") ); } function get_user_cond() { $condition = ""; if ($this->username == 'newbies') { $max = $this->dbr->selectField('user', 'max(user_id)', false, "make_sql"); $condition = '>' . (int)($max - $max / 100); } if ($condition == "") { $condition = " rev_user_text=" . $this->dbr->addQuotes($this->username); $index = 'usertext_timestamp'; } else { $condition = " rev_user {$condition}"; $index = 'user_timestamp'; } return array($index, $condition); } function get_namespace_cond() { if ($this->namespace !== false) return " AND page_namespace = " . (int)$this->namespace; return ""; } function get_previous_offset_for_paging() { list($index, $usercond) = $this->get_user_cond(); $nscond = $this->get_namespace_cond(); $use_index = $this->dbr->useIndexClause($index); extract($this->dbr->tableNames('page', 'revision')); $sql = "SELECT rev_timestamp FROM $page, $revision $use_index " . "WHERE page_id = rev_page AND rev_timestamp > '" . $this->offset . "' AND " . "rev_user_text = " . $this->dbr->addQuotes($this->username) . $nscond; $sql .= " ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC"; $sql = $this->dbr->limitResult($sql, $this->limit, 0); $res = $this->dbr->query($sql); $rows = array(); while ($obj = $this->dbr->fetchObject($res)) $rows[] = $obj; $this->dbr->freeResult($res); return $rows[count($rows) - 1]->rev_timestamp; } function get_first_offset_for_paging() { list($index, $usercond) = $this->get_user_cond(); $use_index = $this->dbr->useIndexClause($index); extract($this->dbr->tableNames('page', 'revision')); $nscond = $this->get_namespace_cond(); $sql = "SELECT rev_timestamp FROM $page, $revision $use_index " . "WHERE page_id = rev_page AND " . "rev_user_text = " . $this->dbr->addQuotes($this->username) . $nscond; $sql .= " ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC"; $sql = $this->dbr->limitResult($sql, $this->limit, 0); $res = $this->dbr->query($sql); $rows = array(); while ($obj = $this->dbr->fetchObject($res)) $rows[] = $obj; $this->dbr->freeResult($res); return $rows[count($rows) - 1]->rev_timestamp; } /* private */ function make_sql() { $userCond = $condition = $index = $offsetQuery = $limitQuery = ""; extract($this->dbr->tableNames('page', 'revision')); list($index, $userCond) = $this->get_user_cond(); $limitQuery = "LIMIT {$this->limit}"; if ($this->offset) $offsetQuery = "AND rev_timestamp <= '{$this->offset}'"; $nscond = $this->get_namespace_cond(); $use_index = $this->dbr->useIndexClause($index); $sql = "SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_is_new,page_latest, rev_id,rev_timestamp,rev_comment,rev_minor_edit,rev_user_text, rev_deleted FROM $page,$revision $use_index WHERE page_id=rev_page AND $userCond $nscond $offsetQuery ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC"; $sql = $this->dbr->limitResult($sql, $this->limit, 0); return $sql; } function find() { $contribs = array(); $res = $this->dbr->query($this->make_sql(), "contribs_finder::find"); while ($c = $this->dbr->fetchObject($res)) $contribs[] = $c; $this->dbr->freeResult($res); return $contribs; } }; /** * Special page "user contributions". * Shows a list of the contributions of a user. * * @return none * @param string $par (optional) user name of the user for which to show the contributions */ function wfSpecialContributions( $par = null ) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgScript; $fname = 'wfSpecialContributions'; $target = isset($par) ? $par : $wgRequest->getVal( 'target' ); if (!strlen($target)) { $wgOut->errorpage('notargettitle', 'notargettext'); return; } $nt = Title::newFromURL( $target ); if (!$nt) { $wgOut->errorpage( 'notargettitle', 'notargettext' ); return; } $nt =& Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, $nt->getDBkey()); list( $limit, $offset) = wfCheckLimits(); $offset = $wgRequest->getVal('offset'); /* Offset must be an integral. */ if (!strlen($offset) || !preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $offset)) $offset = 0; $title = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Contributions"); $urlbits = "target=" . wfUrlEncode($target); $myurl = $title->escapeLocalURL($urlbits); $finder = new contribs_finder(($target == 'newbies') ? 'newbies' : $nt->getText()); $finder->set_limit($limit); $finder->set_offset($offset); $nsurl = $xnsurl = ""; if (($ns = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace', null)) !== null && $ns !== '') { $nsurl = "&namespace=$ns"; $xnsurl = htmlspecialchars($nsurl); $finder->set_namespace($ns); } if ($wgRequest->getText('go') == "prev") { $prevts = $finder->get_previous_offset_for_paging(); $prevurl = $title->getLocalURL($urlbits . "&offset=$prevts&limit=$limit$nsurl"); $wgOut->redirect($prevurl); return; } if ($wgRequest->getText('go') == "first" && $target!="newbies") { $prevts = $finder->get_first_offset_for_paging(); $prevurl = $title->getLocalURL($urlbits . "&offset=$prevts&limit=$limit$nsurl"); $wgOut->redirect($prevurl); return; } $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $id = User::idFromName($nt->getText()); if ( 0 == $id ) { $ul = $nt->getText(); } else { $ul = $sk->makeLinkObj( $nt, htmlspecialchars( $nt->getText() ) ); $userCond = '=' . $id; } $talk = $nt->getTalkPage(); if( $talk ) { $ul .= ' (' . $sk->makeLinkObj( $talk, $wgLang->getNsText( NS_TALK ) ) . ')'; } if ($target == 'newbies') { $ul = wfMsg ('newbies'); } $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsgHtml( 'contribsub', $ul ) ); wfRunHooks('SpecialContributionsBeforeMainOutput', $id ); $arr = $wgContLang->getFormattedNamespaces(); $nsform = "
\n"; $nsform .= wfElement("input", array( "name" => "title", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $wgTitle->getPrefixedText())); $nsform .= wfElement("input", array( "name" => "offset", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $offset)); $nsform .= wfElement("input", array( "name" => "limit", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $limit)); $nsform .= wfElement("input", array( "name" => "target", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $target)); $nsform .= "

"; $nsform .= wfMsgHtml('namespace'); $nsform .= HTMLnamespaceselector( $ns, '' ); $nsform .= wfElement("input", array( "type" => "submit", "value" => wfMsg('allpagessubmit'))); $nsform .= "

\n"; $wgOut->addHTML($nsform); $contribsPage = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Contributions' ); $contribs = $finder->find(); if (count($contribs) == 0) { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( "nocontribs" ) ); return; } list($early, $late) = $finder->get_edit_limits(); $lastts = count($contribs) ? $contribs[count($contribs) - 1]->rev_timestamp : 0; $atstart = (!count($contribs) || $late == $contribs[0]->rev_timestamp); $atend = (!count($contribs) || $early == $lastts); $lasturl = $wgTitle->escapeLocalURL("action=history&limit={$limit}"); $firsttext = wfMsgHtml("histfirst"); $lasttext = wfMsgHtml("histlast"); $prevtext = wfMsg("prevn", $limit); if ($atstart) { $lastlink = $lasttext; $prevlink = $prevtext; } else { $lastlink = "$lasttext"; $prevlink = "$prevtext"; } $nexttext = wfMsg("nextn", $limit); if ($atend) { $firstlink = $firsttext; $nextlink = $nexttext; } else { $firstlink = "$firsttext"; $nextlink = "$nexttext"; } if ($target == "newbies") { $firstlast ="($lastlink)"; } else { $firstlast = "($lastlink | $firstlink)"; } $urls = array(); foreach (array(20, 50, 100, 250, 500) as $num) $urls[] = "".$wgLang->formatNum($num).""; $bits = implode($urls, ' | '); $prevnextbits = "$firstlast " . wfMsgHtml("viewprevnext", $prevlink, $nextlink, $bits); $wgOut->addHTML( "


\n"); $wgOut->addHTML( "\n" ); $wgOut->addHTML( "


\n"); } /** * Generates each row in the contributions list. * * Contributions which are marked "top" are currently on top of the history. * For these contributions, a [rollback] link is shown for users with sysop * privileges. The rollback link restores the most recent version that was not * written by the target user. * * If the contributions page is called with the parameter &bot=1, all rollback * links also get that parameter. It causes the edit itself and the rollback * to be marked as "bot" edits. Bot edits are hidden by default from recent * changes, so this allows sysops to combat a busy vandal without bothering * other users. * * @todo This would probably look a lot nicer in a table. */ function ucListEdit( $sk, $row ) { $fname = 'ucListEdit'; wfProfileIn( $fname ); global $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest; static $messages; if( !isset( $messages ) ) { foreach( explode( ' ', 'uctop diff newarticle rollbacklink diff hist minoreditletter' ) as $msg ) { $messages[$msg] = wfMsg( $msg ); } } $page =& Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $page, '' ); $difftext = $topmarktext = ''; if( $row->rev_id == $row->page_latest ) { $topmarktext .= '' . $messages['uctop'] . ''; if( !$row->page_is_new ) { $difftext .= '(' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $page, $messages['diff'], 'diff=0' ) . ')'; } else { $difftext .= $messages['newarticle']; } if( $wgUser->isAllowed('rollback') ) { $extraRollback = $wgRequest->getBool( 'bot' ) ? '&bot=1' : ''; $extraRollback .= '&token=' . urlencode( $wgUser->editToken( array( $page->getPrefixedText(), $row->rev_user_text ) ) ); $topmarktext .= ' ['. $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $page, $messages['rollbacklink'], 'action=rollback&from=' . urlencode( $row->rev_user_text ) . $extraRollback ) .']'; } } if( $row->rev_deleted && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'undelete' ) ) { $difftext = '(' . $messages['diff'] . ')'; } else { $difftext = '(' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $page, $messages['diff'], 'diff=prev&oldid='.$row->rev_id ) . ')'; } $histlink='('.$sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $page, $messages['hist'], 'action=history' ) . ')'; $comment = $sk->commentBlock( $row->rev_comment, $page ); $d = $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $row->rev_timestamp), true ); if( $row->rev_minor_edit ) { $mflag = '' . $messages['minoreditletter'] . ' '; } else { $mflag = ''; } $ret = "{$d} {$histlink} {$difftext} {$mflag} {$link} {$comment} {$topmarktext}"; if( $row->rev_deleted ) { $ret = '' . $ret . ' ' . htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'deletedrev' ) ); } $ret = "
  • $ret
  • \n"; wfProfileOut( $fname ); return $ret; } ?>