_context[$varName] = $value; } function translate($value) { $value = wfMsg( $value ); // interpolate variables while (preg_match('/\$([0-9]*?)/sm', $value, $m)) { list($src, $var) = $m; $varValue = @$this->_context[$var]; $value = str_replace($src, $varValue, $value); } return $value; } } class SkinPHPTal extends Skin { var $template; function initPage( &$out ) { parent::initPage( $out ); $this->skinname = "davinci"; $this->template = "xhtml_slim"; } function outputPage( &$out ) { global $wgTitle, $wgArticle, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgOut; global $wgScript, $wgStylePath, $wgLanguageCode, $wgUseNewInterlanguage; global $wgMimeType, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgUseDatabaseMessages, $wgRequest; global $wgDisableCounters, $wgLogo, $action, $wgFeedClasses; extract( $wgRequest->getValues( 'oldid', 'diff' ) ); $this->thispage = $wgTitle->getPrefixedDbKey(); $this->thisurl = $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL(); $this->thisurle = urlencode($this->thisurl); $this->loggedin = $wgUser->getID() != 0; $this->username = $wgUser->getName(); $this->userpage = $wgLang->getNsText( Namespace::getUser() ) . ":" . $wgUser->getName(); $this->titletxt = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); $this->initPage( $out ); $tpl = new PHPTAL($this->template . '.pt', 'templates'); #if ( $wgUseDatabaseMessages ) { // uncomment this to fall back to GetText $tpl->setTranslator(new MediaWiki_I18N()); #} $tpl->set( "title", $wgOut->getPageTitle() ); $tpl->set( "pagetitle", $wgOut->getHTMLTitle() ); $tpl->setRef( "thispage", &$this->thispage ); $subpagestr = $this->subPageSubtitle(); $tpl->set( "subtitle", !empty($subpagestr)? ''.$subpagestr.''.$out->getSubtitle(): $out->getSubtitle() ); $tpl->set( 'catlinks', $this->getCategories()); if( $wgOut->isSyndicated() ) { $feeds = array(); foreach( $wgFeedClasses as $format => $class ) { $feeds[$format] = array( 'text' => $format, 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery( "feed=$format" ), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-'.$format) ); } $tpl->setRef( 'feeds', &$feeds ); } $tpl->setRef( 'mimetype', &$wgMimeType ); $tpl->setRef( 'charset', &$wgOutputEncoding ); $tpl->set( 'headlinks', $out->getHeadLinks() ); $tpl->setRef( 'skinname', &$this->skinname ); $tpl->setRef( "loggedin", &$this->loggedin ); /* XXX currently unused, might get useful later $tpl->set( "editable", ($wgTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) ); $tpl->set( "exists", $wgTitle->getArticleID() != 0 ); $tpl->set( "watch", $wgTitle->userIsWatching() ? "unwatch" : "watch" ); $tpl->set( "protect", count($wgTitle->getRestrictions()) ? "unprotect" : "protect" ); $tpl->set( "helppage", wfMsg('helppage')); $tpl->set( "sysop", $wgUser->isSysop() ); */ $tpl->set( "searchaction", $this->escapeSearchLink() ); $tpl->setRef( "stylepath", &$wgStylePath ); $tpl->setRef( "logopath", &$wgLogo ); $tpl->setRef( "lang", &$wgLanguageCode ); $tpl->set( "dir", $wgLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ); $tpl->set( "rtl", $wgLang->isRTL() ); $tpl->set( "langname", $wgLang->getLanguageName( $wgLanguageCode ) ); $tpl->setRef( "username", &$this->username ); $tpl->setRef( "userpage", &$this->userpage); if( $wgUser->getNewtalk() ) { $usertitle = Title::newFromText( $this->userpage ); $usertalktitle = $usertitle->getTalkPage(); if($usertalktitle->getPrefixedDbKey() != $this->thispage){ $ntl = wfMsg( "newmessages", $this->makeKnownLink( $wgLang->getNsText( Namespace::getTalk( Namespace::getUser() ) ) . ":" . $this->username, wfMsg("newmessageslink") ) ); } } else { $ntl = ""; } $tpl->setRef( "newtalk", &$ntl ); $tpl->setRef( "skin", &$this); $tpl->set( "logo", $this->logoText() ); if ( $wgOut->isArticle() and (!isset( $oldid ) or isset( $diff )) and 0 != $wgArticle->getID() ) { if ( !$wgDisableCounters ) { $viewcount = $wgLang->formatNum( $wgArticle->getCount() ); if ( $viewcount ) { $tpl->set('viewcount', wfMsg( "viewcount", $viewcount )); } } $tpl->set('lastmod', $this->lastModified()); $tpl->set('copyright',$this->getCopyright()); } $tpl->set( "copyrightico", $this->getCopyrightIcon() ); $tpl->set( "poweredbyico", $this->getPoweredBy() ); $tpl->set( "disclaimer", $this->disclaimerLink() ); $tpl->set( "about", $this->aboutLink() ); $tpl->setRef( "debug", &$out->mDebugtext ); $tpl->set( "reporttime", $out->reportTime() ); $tpl->setRef( "bodytext", &$out->mBodytext ); $language_urls = array(); foreach( $wgOut->getLanguageLinks() as $l ) { $nt = Title::newFromText( $l ); $language_urls[] = array('href' => $nt->getFullURL(), 'text' => ($wgLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki()) != ''?$wgLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki()) : $l), 'class' => $wgLang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'); } if(count($language_urls)) { $tpl->setRef( 'language_urls', &$language_urls); } else { $tpl->set('language_urls', false); } $tpl->set('personal_urls', $this->buildPersonalUrls()); $content_actions = $this->buildContentActionUrls(); $tpl->setRef('content_actions', &$content_actions); // XXX: attach this from javascript, same with section editing if(isset($content_actions['edit']['href']) && !(isset($content_actions['edit']['class']) && $content_actions['edit']['class'] != '') && $wgUser->getOption("editondblclick") ) { $tpl->set('body-ondblclick', 'document.location = "' .$content_actions['edit']['href'] .'";'); } else { $tpl->set('body-ondblclick', ''); } $tpl->set( "nav_urls", $this->buildNavUrls() ); // execute template $res = $tpl->execute(); // result may be an error if (PEAR::isError($res)) { echo $res->toString(), "\n"; } else { echo $res; } } # build array of urls for personal toolbar function buildPersonalUrls() { /* set up the default links for the personal toolbar */ global $wgShowIPinHeader; $personal_urls = array(); if ($this->loggedin) { $personal_urls['userpage'] = array( 'text' => $this->username, 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->userpage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-userpage'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-userpage') ); $personal_urls['mytalk'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('mytalk'), 'href' => $this->makeTalkUrl($this->userpage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-mytalk'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-mytalk') ); $personal_urls['preferences'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('preferences'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Preferences'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-preferences'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-preferences') ); $personal_urls['watchlist'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('watchlist'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Watchlist'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-watchlist'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-watchlist') ); $personal_urls['mycontris'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('mycontris'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Contributions','target=' . $this->username), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-mycontris'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-mycontris') ); $personal_urls['logout'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('userlogout'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Userlogout','returnpage=' . $this->thisurle), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-logout'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-logout') ); } else { if( $wgShowIPinHeader && isset( $_COOKIE[ini_get("session.name")] ) ) { $personal_urls['anonuserpage'] = array( 'text' => $this->username, 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->userpage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-anonuserpage'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-anonuserpage') ); $personal_urls['anontalk'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('anontalk'), 'href' => $this->makeTalkUrl($this->userpage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-anontalk'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-anontalk') ); $personal_urls['anonlogin'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('userlogin'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Userlogin', 'return='.$this->thisurle), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-login'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-login') ); } else { $personal_urls['login'] = array( 'text' => wfMsg('userlogin'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Userlogin', 'return='.$this->thisurle), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-login'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-login') ); } } return $personal_urls; } # an array of edit links by default used for the tabs function buildContentActionUrls () { global $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest; $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' ); $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' ); $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' ); $content_actions = array(); $iscontent = ($wgTitle->getNamespace() != Namespace::getSpecial() ); if( $iscontent) { $content_actions['article'] = array('class' => (!Namespace::isTalk( $wgTitle->getNamespace())) ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('article'), 'href' => $this->makeArticleUrl($this->thispage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-article'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-article')); /* set up the classes for the talk link */ $talk_class = (Namespace::isTalk( $wgTitle->getNamespace()) ? 'selected' : ''); $talktitle = Title::newFromText( $this->titletxt ); $talktitle = $talktitle->getTalkPage(); $this->checkTitle(&$talktitle, &$this->titletxt); if($talktitle->getArticleId() != 0) { $content_actions['talk'] = array( 'class' => $talk_class, 'text' => wfMsg('talk'), 'href' => $this->makeTalkUrl($this->titletxt), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-talk'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-talk') ); } else { $content_actions['talk'] = array( 'class' => $talk_class?$talk_class.' new':'new', 'text' => wfMsg('talk'), 'href' => $this->makeTalkUrl($this->titletxt,'action=edit'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-talk'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-talk') ); } if ( $wgTitle->userCanEdit() ) { $oid = ( $oldid && ! isset( $diff ) ) ? "&oldid={$oldid}" : ''; $content_actions['edit'] = array( 'class' => ($action == 'edit' or $action == 'submit') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('edit'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=edit'.$oid), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-edit'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-edit') ); } else { $oid = ( $oldid && ! isset( $diff ) ) ? "&oldid={$oldid}" : ''; $content_actions['edit'] = array('class' => ($action == 'edit') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('viewsource'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=edit'.$oid), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-viewsource'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-viewsource')); } if ( $wgTitle->getArticleId() ) { $content_actions['history'] = array('class' => ($action == 'history') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('history_short'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=history'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-history'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-history')); # XXX: is there a rollback action anywhere or is it planned? # Don't recall where i got this from... /*if( $wgUser->getNewtalk() ) { $content_actions['rollback'] = array('class' => ($action == 'rollback') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('rollback_short'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=rollback'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-rollback'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-rollback')); }*/ if($wgUser->isSysop()){ if(!$wgTitle->isProtected()){ $content_actions['protect'] = array( 'class' => ($action == 'protect') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('protect'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=protect'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-protect'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-protect') ); } else { $content_actions['unprotect'] = array( 'class' => ($action == 'unprotect') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('unprotect'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=unprotect'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-protect'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-protect') ); } $content_actions['delete'] = array( 'class' => ($action == 'delete') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('delete'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=delete'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-delete'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-delete') ); } if ( $wgUser->getID() != 0 ) { if ( $wgTitle->userCanEdit()) { $content_actions['move'] = array('class' => ($wgTitle->getDbKey() == 'Movepage' and $wgTitle->getNamespace == Namespace::getSpecial()) ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('move'), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Movepage', 'target='.$this->thispage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-move'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-move')); } else { $content_actions['move'] = array('class' => 'inactive', 'text' => wfMsg('move'), 'href' => false, 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-nomove'), 'akey' => false); } } } else { //article doesn't exist or is deleted if($wgUser->isSysop()){ if( $n = $wgTitle->isDeleted() ) { $content_actions['delete'] = array( 'class' => '', 'text' => wfMsg( "undelete_short", $n ), 'href' => $this->makeSpecialUrl('Undelete/'.$this->thispage), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-undelete', $n), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-undelete') ); } } } if ( $wgUser->getID() != 0 and $action != 'edit' and $action != 'submit' ) { if( !$wgTitle->userIsWatching()) { $content_actions['watch'] = array('class' => ($action == 'watch' or $action == 'unwatch') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('watch'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=watch'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-watch'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-watch')); } else { $content_actions['watch'] = array('class' => ($action == 'unwatch' or $action == 'watch') ? 'selected' : '', 'text' => wfMsg('unwatch'), 'href' => $this->makeUrl($this->thispage, 'action=unwatch'), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-unwatch'), 'akey' => wfMsg('accesskey-unwatch')); } } } else { /* show special page tab */ $content_actions['article'] = array('class' => 'selected', 'text' => wfMsg('specialpage'), 'href' => false, 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-specialpage'), 'akey' => false); } return $content_actions; } # build array of common navigation links function buildNavUrls () { global $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest; global $wgSiteSupportPage; $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' ); $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' ); $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' ); // XXX: remove htmlspecialchars when tal:attributes works with i18n:attributes $nav_urls = array(); $nav_urls['mainpage'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('mainpage'))); $nav_urls['randompage'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Randompage'))); $nav_urls['recentchanges'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Recentchanges'))); $nav_urls['whatlinkshere'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Whatlinkshere', 'target='.$this->thispage))); $nav_urls['currentevents'] = (wfMsg('currentevents') != '-') ? array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('currentevents'))) : ''; $nav_urls['portal'] = (wfMsg('portal') != '-') ? array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('portal-url'))) : ''; $nav_urls['recentchangeslinked'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Recentchangeslinked', 'target='.$this->thispage))); $nav_urls['bugreports'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('bugreportspage'))); // $nav_urls['sitesupport'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('sitesupportpage'))); $nav_urls['sitesupport'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $wgSiteSupportPage)); $nav_urls['help'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeI18nUrl('helppage'))); $nav_urls['upload'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Upload'))); $nav_urls['specialpages'] = array('href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Specialpages'))); $id=User::idFromName($wgTitle->getText()); $ip=User::isIP($wgTitle->getText()); if($id || $ip) { # both anons and non-anons have contri list $nav_urls['contributions'] = array( 'href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Contributions', "target=" . $wgTitle->getPartialURL() ) ) ); } if ( 0 != $wgUser->getID() ) { # show only to signed in users if($id) { # can only email non-anons $nav_urls['emailuser'] = array( 'href' => htmlspecialchars( $this->makeSpecialUrl('Emailuser', "target=" . $wgTitle->getPartialURL() ) ) ); } } return $nav_urls; } /*static*/ function makeSpecialUrl( $name, $urlaction='' ) { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $name ); $this->checkTitle(&$title, &$name); return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ); } /*static*/ function makeTalkUrl ( $name, $urlaction='' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); $title = $title->getTalkPage(); $this->checkTitle(&$title, &$name); return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ); } /*static*/ function makeArticleUrl ( $name, $urlaction='' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); $title= $title->getSubjectPage(); $this->checkTitle(&$title, &$name); return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ); } /*static*/ function makeI18nUrl ( $name, $urlaction='' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( wfMsg($name) ); $this->checkTitle(&$title, &$name); return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ); } /*static*/ function makeUrl ( $name, $urlaction='' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); $this->checkTitle(&$title, &$name); return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ); } # make sure we have some title to operate on, mind the '&' /*static*/ function checkTitle ( &$title, &$name ) { if(!is_object($title)) { $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); if(!is_object($title)) { $title = Title::newFromText( '' ); } } } } class SkinDaVinci extends SkinPHPTal { function initPage( &$out ) { SkinPHPTal::initPage( $out ); $this->skinname = "davinci"; } } class SkinMono extends SkinPHPTal { function initPage( &$out ) { SkinPHPTal::initPage( $out ); $this->skinname = "mono"; } } class SkinMonoBook extends SkinPHPTal { function initPage( &$out ) { SkinPHPTal::initPage( $out ); $this->skinname = "monobook"; } } ?>