function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $mainConfig = $services->getMainConfig(); $lbConf = MWLBFactory::applyDefaultConfig( $mainConfig->get( 'LBFactoryConf' ), $mainConfig ); $class = MWLBFactory::getLBFactoryClass( $lbConf ); $instance = new $class( $lbConf ); MWLBFactory::setCacheUsageCallbacks( $instance, $services ); return $instance; }, 'DBLoadBalancer' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { // just return the default LB from the DBLoadBalancerFactory service return $services->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->getMainLB(); }, 'SiteStore' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $rawSiteStore = new DBSiteStore( $services->getDBLoadBalancer() ); // TODO: replace wfGetCache with a CacheFactory service. // TODO: replace wfIsHHVM with a capabilities service. $cache = wfGetCache( wfIsHHVM() ? CACHE_ACCEL : CACHE_ANYTHING ); return new CachingSiteStore( $rawSiteStore, $cache ); }, 'SiteLookup' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { // Use the default SiteStore as the SiteLookup implementation for now return $services->getSiteStore(); }, 'ConfigFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { // Use the bootstrap config to initialize the ConfigFactory. $registry = $services->getBootstrapConfig()->get( 'ConfigRegistry' ); $factory = new ConfigFactory(); foreach ( $registry as $name => $callback ) { $factory->register( $name, $callback ); } return $factory; }, 'MainConfig' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { // Use the 'main' config from the ConfigFactory service. return $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'main' ); }, 'InterwikiLookup' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { global $wgContLang; // TODO: manage $wgContLang as a service $config = $services->getMainConfig(); return new ClassicInterwikiLookup( $wgContLang, ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance(), $config->get( 'InterwikiExpiry' ), $config->get( 'InterwikiCache' ), $config->get( 'InterwikiScopes' ), $config->get( 'InterwikiFallbackSite' ) ); }, 'StatsdDataFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new BufferingStatsdDataFactory( rtrim( $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'StatsdMetricPrefix' ), '.' ) ); }, 'EventRelayerGroup' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new EventRelayerGroup( $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'EventRelayerConfig' ) ); }, 'SearchEngineFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new SearchEngineFactory( $services->getSearchEngineConfig() ); }, 'SearchEngineConfig' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { global $wgContLang; return new SearchEngineConfig( $services->getMainConfig(), $wgContLang ); }, 'SkinFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $factory = new SkinFactory(); $names = $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'ValidSkinNames' ); foreach ( $names as $name => $skin ) { $factory->register( $name, $skin, function () use ( $name, $skin ) { $class = "Skin$skin"; return new $class( $name ); } ); } // Register a hidden "fallback" skin $factory->register( 'fallback', 'Fallback', function () { return new SkinFallback; } ); // Register a hidden skin for api output $factory->register( 'apioutput', 'ApiOutput', function () { return new SkinApi; } ); return $factory; }, 'WatchedItemStore' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $store = new WatchedItemStore( $services->getDBLoadBalancer(), new HashBagOStuff( [ 'maxKeys' => 100 ] ) ); $store->setStatsdDataFactory( $services->getStatsdDataFactory() ); return $store; }, 'WatchedItemQueryService' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new WatchedItemQueryService( $services->getDBLoadBalancer() ); }, 'CryptRand' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $secretKey = $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'SecretKey' ); return new CryptRand( [ // To try vary the system information of the state a bit more // by including the system's hostname into the state 'wfHostname', // It's mostly worthless but throw the wiki's id into the data // for a little more variance 'wfWikiID', // If we have a secret key set then throw it into the state as well function() use ( $secretKey ) { return $secretKey ?: ''; } ], // The config file is likely the most often edited file we know should // be around so include its stat info into the state. // The constant with its location will almost always be defined, as // WebStart.php defines MW_CONFIG_FILE to $IP/LocalSettings.php unless // being configured with MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK (e.g. the installer). defined( 'MW_CONFIG_FILE' ) ? [ MW_CONFIG_FILE ] : [], LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'CryptRand' ) ); }, 'CryptHKDF' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $config = $services->getMainConfig(); $secret = $config->get( 'HKDFSecret' ) ?: $config->get( 'SecretKey' ); if ( !$secret ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot use MWCryptHKDF without a secret." ); } // In HKDF, the context can be known to the attacker, but this will // keep simultaneous runs from producing the same output. $context = [ microtime(), getmypid(), gethostname() ]; // Setup salt cache. Use APC, or fallback to the main cache if it isn't setup $cache = $services->getLocalServerObjectCache(); if ( $cache instanceof EmptyBagOStuff ) { $cache = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(); } return new CryptHKDF( $secret, $config->get( 'HKDFAlgorithm' ), $cache, $context, $services->getCryptRand() ); }, 'MediaHandlerFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new MediaHandlerFactory( $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'MediaHandlers' ) ); }, 'MimeAnalyzer' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new MimeMagic( MimeMagic::applyDefaultParameters( [], $services->getMainConfig() ) ); }, 'ProxyLookup' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $mainConfig = $services->getMainConfig(); return new ProxyLookup( $mainConfig->get( 'SquidServers' ), $mainConfig->get( 'SquidServersNoPurge' ) ); }, 'Parser' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $conf = $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'ParserConf' ); return ObjectFactory::constructClassInstance( $conf['class'], [ $conf ] ); }, 'LinkCache' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new LinkCache( $services->getTitleFormatter(), ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance() ); }, 'LinkRendererFactory' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new LinkRendererFactory( $services->getTitleFormatter(), $services->getLinkCache() ); }, 'LinkRenderer' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { global $wgUser; if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) ) { return $services->getLinkRendererFactory()->create(); } else { return $services->getLinkRendererFactory()->createForUser( $wgUser ); } }, 'GenderCache' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return new GenderCache(); }, '_MediaWikiTitleCodec' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { global $wgContLang; return new MediaWikiTitleCodec( $wgContLang, $services->getGenderCache(), $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'LocalInterwikis' ) ); }, 'TitleFormatter' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return $services->getService( '_MediaWikiTitleCodec' ); }, 'TitleParser' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { return $services->getService( '_MediaWikiTitleCodec' ); }, 'MainObjectStash' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $mainConfig = $services->getMainConfig(); $id = $mainConfig->get( 'MainStash' ); if ( !isset( $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$id] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Cache type \"$id\" is not present in \$wgObjectCaches." ); } return \ObjectCache::newFromParams( $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$id] ); }, 'MainWANObjectCache' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $mainConfig = $services->getMainConfig(); $id = $mainConfig->get( 'MainWANCache' ); if ( !isset( $mainConfig->get( 'WANObjectCaches' )[$id] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "WAN cache type \"$id\" is not present in \$wgWANObjectCaches." ); } $params = $mainConfig->get( 'WANObjectCaches' )[$id]; $objectCacheId = $params['cacheId']; if ( !isset( $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$objectCacheId] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Cache type \"$objectCacheId\" is not present in \$wgObjectCaches." ); } $params['store'] = $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$objectCacheId]; return \ObjectCache::newWANCacheFromParams( $params ); }, 'LocalServerObjectCache' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $mainConfig = $services->getMainConfig(); if ( function_exists( 'apc_fetch' ) ) { $id = 'apc'; } elseif ( function_exists( 'apcu_fetch' ) ) { $id = 'apcu'; } elseif ( function_exists( 'xcache_get' ) && wfIniGetBool( 'xcache.var_size' ) ) { $id = 'xcache'; } elseif ( function_exists( 'wincache_ucache_get' ) ) { $id = 'wincache'; } else { $id = CACHE_NONE; } if ( !isset( $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$id] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Cache type \"$id\" is not present in \$wgObjectCaches." ); } return \ObjectCache::newFromParams( $mainConfig->get( 'ObjectCaches' )[$id] ); }, 'VirtualRESTServiceClient' => function( MediaWikiServices $services ) { $config = $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'VirtualRestConfig' ); $vrsClient = new VirtualRESTServiceClient( new MultiHttpClient( [] ) ); foreach ( $config['paths'] as $prefix => $serviceConfig ) { $class = $serviceConfig['class']; // Merge in the global defaults $constructArg = isset( $serviceConfig['options'] ) ? $serviceConfig['options'] : []; $constructArg += $config['global']; // Make the VRS service available at the mount point $vrsClient->mount( $prefix, [ 'class' => $class, 'config' => $constructArg ] ); } return $vrsClient; }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: When adding a service here, don't forget to add a getter function // in the MediaWikiServices class. The convenience getter should just call // $this->getService( 'FooBarService' ). /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ];