request = $r; } /** * Get the WebRequest object * * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest() { if ( $this->request === null ) { global $wgRequest; # fallback to $wg till we can improve this $this->request = $wgRequest; } return $this->request; } /** * Set the Title object * * @param $t Title object */ public function setTitle( Title $t ) { $this->title = $t; } /** * Get the Title object * * @return Title */ public function getTitle() { if ( $this->title === null ) { global $wgTitle; # fallback to $wg till we can improve this $this->title = $wgTitle; } return $this->title; } /** * @param $o OutputPage */ public function setOutput( OutputPage $o ) { $this->output = $o; } /** * Get the OutputPage object * * @return OutputPage object */ public function getOutput() { if ( $this->output === null ) { $this->output = new OutputPage( $this ); } return $this->output; } /** * Set the User object * * @param $u User */ public function setUser( User $u ) { $this->user = $u; } /** * Get the User object * * @return User */ public function getUser() { if ( $this->user === null ) { $this->user = User::newFromSession( $this->getRequest() ); } return $this->user; } /** * Accepts a language code and ensures it's sane. Outputs a cleaned up language * code and replaces with $wgLanguageCode if not sane. */ private static function sanitizeLangCode( $code ) { global $wgLanguageCode; // BCP 47 - letter case MUST NOT carry meaning $code = strtolower( $code ); # Validate $code if( empty( $code ) || !Language::isValidCode( $code ) || ( $code === 'qqq' ) ) { wfDebug( "Invalid user language code\n" ); $code = $wgLanguageCode; } return $code; } /** * Set the Language object * * @param $l Mixed Language instance or language code */ public function setLang( $l ) { if ( $l instanceof Language ) { $this->lang = $l; } elseif ( is_string( $l ) ) { $l = self::sanitizeLangCode( $l ); $obj = Language::factory( $l ); $this->lang = $obj; } else { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " was passed an invalid type of data." ); } } /** * Get the Language object * * @return Language */ public function getLang() { if ( $this->lang === null ) { global $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLang; $code = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'uselang', $this->getUser()->getOption( 'language' ) ); $code = self::sanitizeLangCode( $code ); wfRunHooks( 'UserGetLanguageObject', array( $this->getUser(), &$code ) ); if( $code === $wgLanguageCode ) { $this->lang = $wgContLang; } else { $obj = Language::factory( $code ); $this->lang = $obj; } } return $this->lang; } /** * Set the Skin object * * @param $s Skin */ public function setSkin( Skin $s ) { $this->skin = clone $s; $this->skin->setContext( $this ); } /** * Get the Skin object * * @return Skin */ public function getSkin() { if ( $this->skin === null ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-createskin' ); global $wgHiddenPrefs; if( !in_array( 'skin', $wgHiddenPrefs ) ) { # get the user skin $userSkin = $this->getUser()->getOption( 'skin' ); $userSkin = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'useskin', $userSkin ); } else { # if we're not allowing users to override, then use the default global $wgDefaultSkin; $userSkin = $wgDefaultSkin; } $this->skin = Skin::newFromKey( $userSkin ); $this->skin->setContext( $this ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-createskin' ); } return $this->skin; } /** Helpful methods **/ /** * Get a Message object with context set * Parameters are the same as wfMessage() * * @return Message object */ public function msg() { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array( 'wfMessage', $args )->inLanguage( $this->getLang() )->title( $this->getTitle() ); } /** Static methods **/ /** * Get the RequestContext object associated with the main request * * @return RequestContext object */ public static function getMain() { static $instance = null; if ( $instance === null ) { $instance = new self; } return $instance; } /** * Create a new extraneous context. The context is filled with information * external to the current session. * - Title is specified by argument * - Request is a FauxRequest, or a FauxRequest can be specified by argument * - User is an anonymous user, for separation IPv4 localhost is used * - Language will be based on the anonymous user and request, may be content * language or a uselang param in the fauxrequest data may change the lang * - Skin will be based on the anonymous user, should be the wiki's default skin * * @param $title Title Title to use for the extraneous request * @param $request Mixed A WebRequest or data to use for a FauxRequest * @return RequestContext */ public static function newExtraneousContext( Title $title, $request=array() ) { $context = new self; $context->setTitle( $title ); if ( $request instanceof WebRequest ) { $context->setRequest( $request ); } else { $context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( $request ) ); } $context->user = User::newFromName( '', false ); return $context; } } /** * The simplest way of implementing IContextSource is to hold a RequestContext as a * member variable and provide accessors to it. */ abstract class ContextSource implements IContextSource { /** * @var IContextSource */ private $context; /** * Get the IContextSource object * * @return IContextSource */ public function getContext() { if ( $this->context === null ) { $class = get_class( $this ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " ($class): called and \$context is null. Using RequestContext::getMain() for sanity\n" ); $this->context = RequestContext::getMain(); } return $this->context; } /** * Set the IContextSource object * * @param $context IContextSource */ public function setContext( IContextSource $context ) { $this->context = $context; } /** * Get the WebRequest object * * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest() { return $this->getContext()->getRequest(); } /** * Get the Title object * * @return Title */ public function getTitle() { return $this->getContext()->getTitle(); } /** * Get the OutputPage object * * @return OutputPage object */ public function getOutput() { return $this->getContext()->getOutput(); } /** * Get the User object * * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->getContext()->getUser(); } /** * Get the Language object * * @return Language */ public function getLang() { return $this->getContext()->getLang(); } /** * Get the Skin object * * @return Skin */ public function getSkin() { return $this->getContext()->getSkin(); } /** * Get a Message object with context set * Parameters are the same as wfMessage() * * @return Message object */ public function msg( /* $args */ ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this->getContext(), 'msg' ), func_get_args() ); } } /** * An IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source * but allow individual pieces of context to be changed locally * eg: A ContextSource that can inherit from the main RequestContext but have * a different Title instance set on it. */ class DerivativeContext extends ContextSource { /** * @var WebRequest */ private $request; /** * @var Title */ private $title; /** * @var OutputPage */ private $output; /** * @var User */ private $user; /** * @var Language */ private $lang; /** * @var Skin */ private $skin; /** * Constructor * @param $context IContextSource Context to inherit from */ public function __construct( IContextSource $context ) { $this->setContext( $context ); } /** * Set the WebRequest object * * @param $r WebRequest object */ public function setRequest( WebRequest $r ) { $this->request = $r; } /** * Get the WebRequest object * * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest() { if ( !is_null( $this->request ) ) { return $this->request; } else { return $this->getContext()->getRequest(); } } /** * Set the Title object * * @param $t Title object */ public function setTitle( Title $t ) { $this->title = $t; } /** * Get the Title object * * @return Title */ public function getTitle() { if ( !is_null( $this->title ) ) { return $this->title; } else { return $this->getContext()->getTitle(); } } /** * @param $o OutputPage */ public function setOutput( OutputPage $o ) { $this->output = $o; } /** * Get the OutputPage object * * @return OutputPage object */ public function getOutput() { if ( !is_null( $this->output ) ) { return $this->output; } else { return $this->getContext()->getOutput(); } } /** * Set the User object * * @param $u User */ public function setUser( User $u ) { $this->user = $u; } /** * Get the User object * * @return User */ public function getUser() { if ( !is_null( $this->user ) ) { return $this->user; } else { return $this->getContext()->getUser(); } } /** * Set the Language object * * @param $l Mixed Language instance or language code */ public function setLang( $l ) { if ( $l instanceof Language ) { $this->lang = $l; } elseif ( is_string( $l ) ) { $l = self::sanitizeLangCode( $l ); $obj = Language::factory( $l ); $this->lang = $obj; } else { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " was passed an invalid type of data." ); } } /** * Get the Language object * * @return Language */ public function getLang() { if ( !is_null( $this->lang ) ) { return $this->lang; } else { return $this->getContext()->getLang(); } } /** * Set the Skin object * * @param $s Skin */ public function setSkin( Skin $s ) { $this->skin = clone $s; $this->skin->setContext( $this ); } /** * Get the Skin object * * @return Skin */ public function getSkin() { if ( !is_null( $this->skin ) ) { return $this->skin; } else { return $this->getContext()->getSkin(); } } }