mAddress = $address; $this->mUser = $user; $this->mBy = $by; $this->mReason = $reason; $this->mTimestamp = $timestamp; $this->mAuto = $auto; $this->mExpiry = $expiry; $this->initialiseRange(); } /*static*/ function newFromDB( $address, $user = 0, $killExpired = true ) { $ban = new Block(); $ban->load( $address, $user, $killExpired ); return $ban; } function clear() { $mAddress = $mReason = $mTimestamp = ''; $mUser = $mBy = 0; } # Get a ban from the DB, with either the given address or the given username function load( $address = "", $user = 0, $killExpired = true ) { global $wgLoadBalancer; $fname = 'Block::load'; $ret = false; $killed = false; if ( 0 == $user && $address=="" ) { $sql = "SELECT * from ipblocks"; } elseif ($address=="") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ipblocks WHERE ipb_user={$user}"; } elseif ($user=="") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ipblocks WHERE ipb_address='" . wfStrencode( $address ) . "'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ipblocks WHERE (ipb_address='" . wfStrencode( $address ) . "' OR ipb_user={$user})"; } $wgLoadBalancer->force(-1); $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, $fname ); $wgLoadBalancer->force(0); if ( 0 == wfNumRows( $res ) ) { # User is not blocked $this->clear(); } else { # Get first block $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); $this->initFromRow( $row ); if ( $killExpired ) { # If requested, delete expired rows do { $killed = $this->deleteIfExpired(); if ( $killed ) { $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { $this->initFromRow( $row ); } } } while ( $killed && $row ); # If there were any left after the killing finished, return true if ( !$row ) { $ret = false; $this->clear(); } else { $ret = true; } } else { $ret = true; } } wfFreeResult( $res ); return $ret; } function initFromRow( $row ) { $this->mAddress = $row->ipb_address; $this->mReason = $row->ipb_reason; $this->mTimestamp = $row->ipb_timestamp; $this->mUser = $row->ipb_user; $this->mBy = $row->ipb_by; $this->mAuto = $row->ipb_auto; $this->mId = $row->ipb_id; $this->mExpiry = $row->ipb_expiry; $this->initialiseRange(); } function initialiseRange() { if ( $this->mUser == 0 ) { $rangeParts = explode( '/', $this->mAddress ); if ( count( $rangeParts ) == 2 ) { $this->mNetworkBits = $rangeParts[1]; } else { $this->mNetworkBits = 32; } $this->mIntegerAddr = ip2long( $rangeParts[0] ); } else { $this->mNetworkBits = false; $this->mIntegerAddr = false; } } # Callback with a Block object for every block /*static*/ function enumBlocks( $callback, $tag, $killExpired = true ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ipblocks ORDER BY ipb_timestamp DESC'; $res = wfQuery( $sql, DB_READ, 'Block::enumBans' ); $block = new Block(); while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $block->initFromRow( $row ); if ( $killExpired ) { if ( !$block->deleteIfExpired() ) { $callback( $block, $tag ); } } else { $callback( $block, $tag ); } } wfFreeResult( $res ); } function delete() { $fname = 'Block::delete'; if ( $this->mAddress == "" ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ipblocks WHERE ipb_id={$this->mId}"; } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM ipblocks WHERE ipb_address='" . wfStrencode( $this->mAddress ) . "'"; } wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE, 'Block::delete' ); $this->clearCache(); } function insert() { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ipblocks ' . '(ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto, ipb_expiry )' . "VALUES ('" . wfStrencode( $this->mAddress ) . "', {$this->mUser}, {$this->mBy}, '" . wfStrencode( $this->mReason ) . "','{$this->mTimestamp}', {$this->mAuto}, '{$this->mExpiry}')"; wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE, 'Block::insert' ); $this->clearCache(); } function deleteIfExpired() { if ( $this->isExpired() ) { $this->delete(); return true; } else { return false; } } function isExpired() { if ( !$this->mExpiry ) { return false; } else { return wfTimestampNow() > $this->mExpiry; } } function isValid() { return $this->mAddress != ''; } function updateTimestamp() { if ( $this->mAuto ) { $this->mTimestamp = wfTimestampNow(); $this->mExpiry = Block::getAutoblockExpiry( $this->mTimestamp ); wfQuery( 'UPDATE ipblocks SET ' . "ipb_timestamp='" . $this->mTimestamp . "', " . "ipb_expiry='" . $this->mExpiry . "' " . "WHERE ipb_address='" . wfStrencode( $this->mAddress ) . "'", DB_WRITE, 'Block::updateTimestamp' ); $this->clearCache(); } } /* private */ function clearCache() { global $wgBlockCache; if ( is_object( $wgBlockCache ) ) { $wgBlockCache->clear(); } } function getIntegerAddr() { return $this->mIntegerAddr; } function getNetworkBits() { return $this->mNetworkBits; } /* static */ function getAutoblockExpiry( $timestamp ) { global $wgAutoblockExpiry; return wfUnix2Timestamp( wfTimestamp2Unix( $timestamp ) + $wgAutoblockExpiry ); } /* static */ function normaliseRange( $range ) { $parts = explode( '/', $range ); if ( count( $parts ) == 2 ) { $shift = 32 - $parts[1]; $ipint = ip2long( $parts[0] ); $ipint = $ipint >> $shift << $shift; $newip = long2ip( $ipint ); $range = "$newip/{$parts[1]}"; } return $range; } } ?>