* added missing message "mwe-no_text_tracks_found"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libAddMedia / searchLibs / metavidSearch.js
1 /*
2 * API modes (implementations should call these objects which inherit the mvBaseRemoteSearch
3 */
4 loadGM({
5 "mwe-stream_title" : "$1 $2 to $3"
6 });
7 var metavidSearch = function(iObj) {
8 return this.init(iObj);
9 };
10 metavidSearch.prototype = {
11 reqObj:{ //set up the default request paramaters
12 'order':'recent',
13 'feed_format':'rss'
14 },
15 init:function( iObj ){
16 //init base class and inherit:
17 var baseSearch = new baseRemoteSearch( iObj );
18 for(var i in baseSearch){
19 if(typeof this[i] =='undefined'){
20 this[i] = baseSearch[i];
21 }else{
22 this['parent_'+i] = baseSearch[i];
23 }
24 }
25 },
26 getSearchResults:function(){
27 //call parent:
28 this.parent_getSearchResults();
30 var _this = this;
31 //start loading:
32 _this.loading= 1;
33 js_log('metavidSearch::getSearchResults()');
34 //proccess all options
35 var url = this.cp.api_url;
36 //add on the req_param
37 for(var i in this.reqObj){
38 url += '&' + i + '=' + this.reqObj[i];
39 }
40 url += '&f[0][t]=match&f[0][v]=' + $j('#rsd_q').val();
41 //add offset limit:
42 url+='&limit=' + this.cp.limit;
43 url+='&offset=' + this.cp.offset;
45 do_request(url, function(data){
47 js_log('mvSearch: got data response');
48 //should have an xml rss data object:
49 _this.addRSSData( data , url );
51 //do some metavid specific pos processing on the rObj data:
52 for(var i in _this.resultsObj){
53 var rObj = _this.resultsObj[i];
54 var proe = parseUri( rObj['roe_url'] );
55 rObj['start_time'] = proe.queryKey['t'].split('/')[0];
56 rObj['end_time'] = proe.queryKey['t'].split('/')[1];
57 rObj['stream_name'] = proe.queryKey['stream_name'];
59 //all metavid content is public domain:
60 rObj['license'] = _this.rsd.getLicenceFromKey( 'pd' );
62 //transform the title into a wiki_safe title:
63 //rObj['titleKey'] = proe.queryKey['stream_name'] + '_' + rObj['start_time'].replace(/:/g,'.') + '_' + rObj['end_time'].replace(/:/g,'.') + '.ogg';
64 rObj['titleKey'] = _this.getTitleKey( rObj );
66 //default width of metavid clips:
67 rObj['target_width'] = 400;
68 }
69 //done loading:
70 _this.loading=0;
71 });
72 },
73 getTitleKey:function( rObj ){
74 return rObj['stream_name'] + '_start-' + rObj['start_time'].replace(/:/g,'.') + '_end-' + rObj['end_time'].replace(/:/g,'.') + '.ogg';
75 },
76 getTitle:function( rObj ){
77 var sn = rObj['stream_name'].replace(/_/g, ' ');
78 sn = sn.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sn.substr(1);
79 return gM('mwe-stream_title', [ sn, rObj.start_time, rObj.end_time ]);
80 },
81 //metavid descption tied to public domain license key (government produced content)
82 getPermissionWikiTag:function( rObj ){
83 return '{{PD-USGov}}';
84 },
85 getExtraResourceDescWiki:function( rObj ){
86 var o = "\n";
87 //check for person
88 if( rObj.person && rObj.person['label'])
89 o += '* featuring [[' + rObj.person['label'] + ']]' + "\n";
91 if( rObj.parent_clip )
92 o += '* part of longer [' + rObj.parent_clip + ' video clip]'+ "\n";
94 if( rObj.person && rObj.person['url'] && rObj.person['label'] )
95 o += '* also see speeches by [' + $j.trim( rObj.person.url ) + ' ' + rObj.person['label'] + ']'+ "\n";
97 //check for bill:
98 if( rObj.bill && rObj.bill['label'] && rObj.bill['url'])
99 o += '* related to bill: [[' + rObj.bill['label'] + ']] more bill [' + rObj.bill['url'] + ' video clips]'+ "\n";
100 return o;
101 },
102 //format is "quote" followed by [[name of person]]
103 getInlineDescWiki:function( rObj ){
104 var o = this.parent_getInlineDescWiki( rObj );
105 //add in person if found
106 if( rObj.person && rObj.person['label'] ){
107 o = $j.trim( o.replace(rObj.person['label'], '') );
108 //trim leading :
109 if(o.substr(0,1)==':')
110 o = o.substr(1);
111 //add quotes and person at the end:
112 var d = this.getDateFromLink( rObj.link );
113 o ='"' + o + '" [[' + rObj.person['label'] + ']] on ' + d.toDateString();
114 }
115 //could do ref or direct link:
116 o += ' \'\'[' + $j.trim( rObj.link ) + ' source clip]\'\' ';
118 //var o= '"' + o + '" by [[' + rObj.person['label'] + ']] '+
119 // '<ref>[' + rObj.link + ' Metavid Source Page] for ' + rObj.title +'</ref>';
120 return o;
121 },
122 //give an updated start and end time updates the title and url
123 applyVideoAdj: function( rObj ){
124 js_log('mv ApplyVideoAdj::');
125 //update the titleKey:
126 rObj['titleKey'] = this.getTitleKey( rObj );
128 //update the title:
129 rObj['title'] = this.getTitle( rObj );
131 //update the interface:
132 js_log('update title to: ' + rObj['title']);
133 $j('#rsd_resource_title').html( gM('rsd_resource_edit', rObj['title'] ) );
135 //if the video is "roe" based select the ogg stream
136 if( rObj.roe_url && rObj.pSobj.cp.stream_import_key){
137 var source = $j('#embed_vid').get(0).media_element.getSourceById( rObj.pSobj.cp.stream_import_key );
138 if(!source){
139 js_error('Error::could not find source: ' + rObj.pSobj.cp.stream_import_key);
140 }else{
141 rObj['src'] = source.getURI();
142 js_log("g src_key: " + rObj.pSobj.cp.stream_import_key + ' src:' + rObj['src']) ;
143 return true;
144 }
145 }
146 },
147 getEmbedHTML:function( rObj , options ){
148 if(!options)
149 options={};
150 var id_attr = (options['id'])?' id = "' + options['id'] +'" ': '';
151 var style_attr = (options['max_width'])?' style="width:'+options['max_width']+'px;"':'';
152 //@@maybe check type here ?
153 if(options['only_poster']){
154 return '<img ' + id_attr + ' src="' + rObj['poster']+'" ' + style_attr + '>';
155 }else{
156 return '<video ' + id_attr + ' roe="' + rObj['roe_url'] + '"></video>';
157 }
158 },
159 getImageTransform:function( rObj, opt ){
160 if( opt.width <= 80 ){
161 return getURLParamReplace( rObj.poster, { 'size' : "icon" } )
162 }else if( opt.width <= 160 ){
163 return getURLParamReplace( rObj.poster, { 'size' : "small" } )
164 }else if( opt.width <= 320 ){
165 return getURLParamReplace( rObj.poster, { 'size' : 'medium' } )
166 }else if( opt.width <= 512 ){
167 return getURLParamReplace( rObj.poster, { 'size' : 'large' } )
168 }else{
169 return getURLParamReplace( rObj.poster, { 'size' : 'full' } )
170 }
171 },
172 getEmbedObjParsedInfo:function(rObj, eb_id){
173 var sources = $j('#'+eb_id).get(0).media_element.getSources();
174 rObj.other_versions ='*[' + rObj['roe_url'] + ' XML of all Video Formats and Timed Text]'+"\n";
175 for(var i in sources){
176 var cur_source = sources[i];
177 //rObj.other_versions += '*['+cur_source.getURI() +' ' + cur_source.title +']' + "\n";
178 if( cur_source.id == this.cp.target_source_id)
179 rObj['url'] = cur_source.getURI();
180 }
181 //js_log('set url to: ' + rObj['url']);
182 return rObj;
183 },
184 //update rObj for import:
185 updateDataForImport:function( rObj ){
186 rObj['author']='US Government';
187 //convert data to UTC type date:
188 var d = this.getDateFromLink( rObj.link );
189 rObj['date'] = d.toDateString();
190 rObj['license_template_tag']='PD-USGov';
191 //update based on new start time:
192 js_log('url is: ' + rObj.src + ' ns: ' + rObj.start_time + ' ne:' + rObj.end_time);
194 return rObj;
195 },
196 getDateFromLink:function( link ){
197 var dateExp = new RegExp(/_([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/);
198 var dParts = link.match (dateExp);
199 var d = new Date();
200 var year_full = (dParts[3].length==2)?'20'+dParts[3].toString():dParts[3];
201 d.setFullYear(year_full, dParts[1]-1, dParts[2]);
202 return d;
203 }
204 }