[SPIP] ~v3.0.17-->v3.0.19
[ptitvelo/web/www.git] / www / ecrire / lang / ecrire_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/ecrire_?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'activer_plugin' => 'Activate plugin',
12 'affichage' => 'Display',
13 'aide_non_disponible' => 'This part of the online help is not yet available in this language.',
14 'annuler_recherche' => 'Cancel the search',
15 'auteur' => 'Author:',
16 'avis_acces_interdit' => 'Access forbidden.',
17 'avis_article_modifie' => 'Warning: @nom_auteur_modif@ modified this article @date_diff@ minutes ago',
18 'avis_aucun_resultat' => 'No results found.',
19 'avis_base_inaccessible' => 'Impossible to connect to the database @base@.',
20 'avis_chemin_invalide_1' => 'The path you selected',
21 'avis_chemin_invalide_2' => 'does not seem to be valid. Please return to the previous page and verify the information provided.',
22 'avis_connexion_echec_1' => 'Connection to the SQL server failed.',
23 'avis_connexion_echec_2' => 'Go back to the previous page, and verify the information you provided.',
24 'avis_connexion_echec_3' => '<b>N.B.</b> On many servers, you must <b>request</b> activation of your access to the SQL database before you can use it. If you cannot connect to your database, check that activation has been done.',
25 'avis_connexion_erreur_nom_base' => 'The database name should contain letters, digits and hyphens only.',
26 'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_1' => 'Connection to the LDAP server failed.',
27 'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_2' => 'Go back to the previous page, and verify the information you provided.',
28 'avis_connexion_ldap_echec_3' => 'Alternatively, do not use LDAP support to import users.',
29 'avis_deplacement_rubrique' => 'Warning! This section contains @contient_breves@ news item@scb@: if you move it, please check this box to confirm.',
30 'avis_destinataire_obligatoire' => 'To send a message, you must select a recipient.',
31 'avis_erreur_connexion_mysql' => 'SQL connection error',
32 'avis_erreur_version_archive' => '<b>Warning! The file @archive@ was created by a version of SPIP other than the one you have installed.</b>
33 You are likely to encounter serious problems, including destroying your database, or serious site malfunctions.
34 Do not submit this import request.<p>For more information, please see <a href="@spipnet@">the SPIP documentation</a>.</p>',
35 'avis_espace_interdit' => '<b>Forbidden area</b><div>SPIP is already installed.</div>',
36 'avis_lecture_noms_bases_1' => 'The installer could not read the names of any databases already installed.',
37 'avis_lecture_noms_bases_2' => 'Either no database is available, or the option for listing databases was disabled for security reasons (which is the case with a lot of hosting services).',
38 'avis_lecture_noms_bases_3' => 'In the second case, it is possible that a database named after your login would be usable:',
39 'avis_non_acces_message' => 'You do not have access to this message.',
40 'avis_non_acces_page' => 'You do not have access to this page.',
41 'avis_operation_echec' => 'The operation failed.',
42 'avis_operation_impossible' => 'Operation impossible',
43 'avis_probleme_archive' => 'Read error in file @archive@',
44 'avis_suppression_base' => 'WARNING: data deletion is irreversible',
45 'avis_version_mysql' => 'Your version of SQL (@version_mysql@) does not allow autorepair of the database tables.',
47 // B
48 'bouton_acces_ldap' => 'Add LDAP access',
49 'bouton_ajouter' => 'Add',
50 'bouton_ajouter_participant' => 'ADD A PARTICIPANT:',
51 'bouton_annonce' => 'ANNOUNCEMENT',
52 'bouton_annuler' => 'Cancel',
53 'bouton_cache_activer' => 'Re-activate the cache',
54 'bouton_cache_desactiver' => 'Disable the cache momentarily',
55 'bouton_checkbox_envoi_message' => 'possibility of sending a message',
56 'bouton_checkbox_indiquer_site' => 'You must enter the name of a Website',
57 'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_email' => 'only one signature per email address',
58 'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_site' => 'only one signature per website',
59 'bouton_demande_publication' => 'Request publication of this article',
60 'bouton_desactive_tout' => 'Disable all',
61 'bouton_desinstaller' => 'Uninstall',
62 'bouton_effacer_index' => 'Delete indexing',
63 'bouton_effacer_tout' => 'Delete ALL',
64 'bouton_envoi_message_02' => 'SEND A MESSAGE',
65 'bouton_envoyer_message' => 'Message complete: send',
66 'bouton_fermer' => 'Close',
67 'bouton_mettre_a_jour_base' => 'Update the database',
68 'bouton_modifier' => 'Modify',
69 'bouton_pense_bete' => 'PERSONAL MEMO',
70 'bouton_radio_activer_messagerie' => 'Enable internal messaging',
71 'bouton_radio_activer_messagerie_interne' => 'Enable internal messaging',
72 'bouton_radio_activer_petition' => 'Activate the petition',
73 'bouton_radio_afficher' => 'Show',
74 'bouton_radio_apparaitre_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'Appear in the list of editors online',
75 'bouton_radio_desactiver_messagerie' => 'Disable messaging',
76 'bouton_radio_envoi_annonces_adresse' => 'Send announcements to:',
77 'bouton_radio_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Send news update list',
78 'bouton_radio_non_apparaitre_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'Do not appear in the list of editors online',
79 'bouton_radio_non_envoi_annonces_editoriales' => 'Do not send any editorial announcements',
80 'bouton_radio_pas_petition' => 'No petition',
81 'bouton_radio_petition_activee' => 'Petition activated',
82 'bouton_radio_supprimer_petition' => 'Delete the petition',
83 'bouton_redirection' => 'REDIRECT',
84 'bouton_relancer_installation' => 'Recommence installation',
85 'bouton_suivant' => 'Next',
86 'bouton_tenter_recuperation' => 'Attempt to repair',
87 'bouton_test_proxy' => 'Test the proxy',
88 'bouton_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
89 'bouton_voir_message' => 'Preview message before validating',
91 // C
92 'cache_mode_compresse' => 'The cache files are saved in compressed mode.',
93 'cache_mode_non_compresse' => 'The cache files are written in uncompressed mode.',
94 'cache_modifiable_webmestre' => 'This parameter can be modified by the webmaster.',
95 'calendrier_synchro' => 'If you use a calendar application compatible with <b>iCal</b>, you can synchronise it with information from this site.',
96 'config_activer_champs' => 'Activate the following fields',
97 'config_choix_base_sup' => 'Choose a database on this server',
98 'config_erreur_base_sup' => 'SPIP does not have access to the list of databases available',
99 'config_info_base_sup' => 'If you need to query other databases using SPIP, whether on this SQL server or elsewhere, use this form to declare them. If you leave any fields empty, connection details to the main database will be used.',
100 'config_info_base_sup_disponibles' => 'Additional databases to which queries may be sent:',
101 'config_info_enregistree' => 'The new configuration has been saved',
102 'config_info_logos' => 'Each element of the site can have its own logo as well as a "mouseover" logo',
103 'config_info_logos_utiliser' => 'Use logos',
104 'config_info_logos_utiliser_non' => 'Do not use logos',
105 'config_info_logos_utiliser_survol' => 'Use "mouseover" logos',
106 'config_info_logos_utiliser_survol_non' => 'Do not use "mouseover" logos',
107 'config_info_redirection' => 'By activating this option you can create virtual articles, which are simply links to articles published on other sites, not necessarily using SPIP.',
108 'config_redirection' => 'Virtual articles',
109 'config_titre_base_sup' => 'Declaration of an additional database',
110 'config_titre_base_sup_choix' => 'Choose an additional database',
111 'connexion_ldap' => 'Connection:',
112 'copier_en_local' => 'Copy to local site',
113 'creer_et_associer_un_auteur' => 'Create and associate an author',
114 'creer_et_associer_une_rubrique' => 'Create and link a section',
116 // D
117 'date_mot_heures' => 'H',
119 // E
120 'ecran_securite' => '+ safety screen @version@',
121 'email' => 'email',
122 'email_2' => 'email:',
123 'en_savoir_plus' => 'To learn more',
124 'entree_adresse_annuaire' => 'Directory address',
125 'entree_adresse_email' => 'Your email address',
126 'entree_adresse_email_2' => 'E-mail address',
127 'entree_base_donnee_1' => 'Database address',
128 'entree_base_donnee_2' => '(This address is often your site’s URL, although sometimes it will be "localhost", and sometimes it should be left blank.)',
129 'entree_biographie' => 'Brief biography',
130 'entree_chemin_acces' => '<b>Enter</b> the path:',
131 'entree_cle_pgp' => 'Your PGP key',
132 'entree_cle_pgp_2' => 'PGP key',
133 'entree_contenu_rubrique' => '(Brief description of the content of this section.)',
134 'entree_identifiants_connexion' => 'Your connection identifiers...',
135 'entree_identifiants_connexion_2' => 'Connection identifiers',
136 'entree_informations_connexion_ldap' => 'Please fill this form with the LDAP connection information provided by your system or network administrator.',
137 'entree_infos_perso' => 'Who are you?',
138 'entree_infos_perso_2' => 'Who is the author?',
139 'entree_interieur_rubrique' => 'In the section:',
140 'entree_liens_sites' => '<b>Hyperlink</b> (reference, site to visit etc.)',
141 'entree_login' => 'Your login',
142 'entree_login_connexion_1' => 'Connection login',
143 'entree_login_connexion_2' => '(Sometimes matches your FTP account login and sometimes left empty)',
144 'entree_login_ldap' => 'Initial LDAP login',
145 'entree_mot_passe' => 'Your password',
146 'entree_mot_passe_1' => 'Password',
147 'entree_mot_passe_2' => '(Sometimes matches your FTP access password and sometimes left empty)',
148 'entree_nom_fichier' => 'Please enter the filename @texte_compresse@:',
149 'entree_nom_pseudo' => 'Your name or alias',
150 'entree_nom_pseudo_1' => '(Your name or alias)',
151 'entree_nom_pseudo_2' => 'Name or alias',
152 'entree_nom_site' => 'Name of your site',
153 'entree_nom_site_2' => 'Name of the author’s site',
154 'entree_nouveau_passe' => 'New password',
155 'entree_passe_ldap' => 'Password',
156 'entree_port_annuaire' => 'Port number of the directory',
157 'entree_signature' => 'Signature',
158 'entree_titre_obligatoire' => '<b>Title</b> [Required]<br />',
159 'entree_url' => 'URL of your site',
160 'entree_url_2' => 'Site URL',
161 'erreur_connect_deja_existant' => 'There is already a server with that name ',
162 'erreur_nom_connect_incorrect' => 'Server name not allowed',
163 'erreur_plugin_desinstalation_echouee' => 'Uninstallation of the plugin failed. However, you may deactivate it.',
164 'erreur_plugin_fichier_absent' => 'File missing',
165 'erreur_plugin_fichier_def_absent' => 'Definition file missing',
166 'erreur_plugin_nom_fonction_interdit' => 'Prohibited function name',
167 'erreur_plugin_nom_manquant' => 'Missing plugin name',
168 'erreur_plugin_prefix_manquant' => 'Namespace undefined for this plugin',
169 'erreur_plugin_tag_plugin_absent' => '&lt;plugin&gt; missing in the definition file',
170 'erreur_plugin_version_manquant' => 'Plugin version missing',
172 // H
173 'htaccess_a_simuler' => 'Warning: your HTTP server configuration ignores @htaccess@ files. To ensure good security, you should change the configuration for this. Alternatively, you should make sure that the constants @constantes@ (definable in the file mes_options.php) have as values directories outside @document_root@.',
174 'htaccess_inoperant' => 'inoperative htaccess',
176 // I
177 'ical_info1' => 'This page presents several ways of keeping up-to-date with site activity.',
178 'ical_info2' => 'For more information, do not hesitate to visit <a href="@spipnet@">SPIP’s documentation</a>.',
179 'ical_info_calendrier' => 'Two calendars are available. The first is a general, public calendar showing articles as they are published. The second is personal and contains editorial announcements as well as your latest private messages: it is reserved for you via a personal key that you can modify at any time by renewing your password.',
180 'ical_methode_http' => 'Downloading',
181 'ical_methode_webcal' => 'Synchronisation (webcal://)',
182 'ical_texte_js' => 'A line of javascript allows you to easily display the most recent articles published on this site on any other site belonging to you.',
183 'ical_texte_prive' => 'This calendar, which is strictly personal, informs you of the private editorial activity of this site (tasks, personal appointments, articles and news items submitted etc.).',
184 'ical_texte_public' => 'This calendar allows you to follow the public activity of this site (newly-published articles and news items).',
185 'ical_texte_rss' => 'You can syndicate the latest news from this site in any XML/RSS (Rich Site Summary) reader. This is also the format that allows SPIP to read the latest news published by other sites using a compatible exchange format (syndicated sites).',
186 'ical_titre_js' => 'Javascript',
187 'ical_titre_mailing' => 'Mailing-list',
188 'ical_titre_rss' => 'Syndication files',
189 'icone_accueil' => 'Home',
190 'icone_activer_cookie' => 'Place a cookie',
191 'icone_activite' => 'Feedback',
192 'icone_admin_plugin' => 'Manage plugins',
193 'icone_administration' => 'Maintenance',
194 'icone_afficher_auteurs' => 'Show authors',
195 'icone_afficher_visiteurs' => 'Show visitors',
196 'icone_arret_discussion' => 'Stop participating in this discussion',
197 'icone_calendrier' => 'Calendar',
198 'icone_configuration' => 'Configuration',
199 'icone_creer_auteur' => 'Create a new author and associate him/her with this article',
200 'icone_creer_mot_cle' => 'Create a new keyword and link it to this article',
201 'icone_creer_mot_cle_rubrique' => 'Create a new keyword and attach it to this section',
202 'icone_creer_mot_cle_site' => 'Create a new keyword and attach it to this site',
203 'icone_creer_rubrique_2' => 'Create a new section',
204 'icone_edition' => 'Edit',
205 'icone_envoyer_message' => 'Send this message',
206 'icone_ma_langue' => 'My language',
207 'icone_mes_infos' => 'My details',
208 'icone_mes_preferences' => 'Preferences',
209 'icone_modifier_article' => 'Edit this article',
210 'icone_modifier_message' => 'Edit this message',
211 'icone_modifier_rubrique' => 'Edit this section',
212 'icone_publication' => 'Publish',
213 'icone_relancer_signataire' => 'Contact the signatory again',
214 'icone_retour' => 'Back',
215 'icone_retour_article' => 'Back to the article',
216 'icone_squelette' => 'Templates',
217 'icone_suivi_publication' => 'Publication tracking ',
218 'icone_supprimer_cookie' => 'Delete cookie',
219 'icone_supprimer_rubrique' => 'Delete this section',
220 'icone_supprimer_signature' => 'Delete this signature',
221 'icone_valider_signature' => 'Validate this signature',
222 'image_administrer_rubrique' => 'You can manage this section',
223 'impossible_modifier_login_auteur' => 'Login cannot be changed.',
224 'impossible_modifier_pass_auteur' => 'Password cannot be changed.',
225 'info_1_article' => '1 article',
226 'info_1_article_syndique' => '1 syndicated article',
227 'info_1_auteur' => '1 author',
228 'info_1_message' => '1 message',
229 'info_1_mot_cle' => '1 keyword',
230 'info_1_rubrique' => '1 section',
231 'info_1_site' => '1 site',
232 'info_1_visiteur' => '1 visitor',
233 'info_activer_cookie' => 'You can activate an <b>administration cookie</b>, which allows you
234 to switch easily between the public site and the private area.',
235 'info_admin_etre_webmestre' => 'Give me web administrator rights',
236 'info_admin_gere_rubriques' => 'This administrator manages the following sections:',
237 'info_admin_gere_toutes_rubriques' => 'This administrator manages <b>all the sections</b>.',
238 'info_admin_gere_toutes_rubriques_2' => 'I manage <b>all the sections</b>',
239 'info_admin_je_suis_webmestre' => 'I am a <b>webmaster</b>',
240 'info_admin_statuer_webmestre' => 'Give webmaster rights to this administrator ',
241 'info_admin_webmestre' => 'This administrator is <b>webmaster</b>',
242 'info_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
243 'info_administrateur_1' => 'Administrator',
244 'info_administrateur_2' => 'of the site (<i>use with caution</i>)',
245 'info_administrateur_site_01' => 'If you are a site administrator, please',
246 'info_administrateur_site_02' => 'click on this link',
247 'info_administrateurs' => 'Administrators',
248 'info_administrer_rubrique' => 'You can manage this section',
249 'info_adresse' => 'to this address:',
250 'info_adresse_url' => 'URL of the public site',
251 'info_afficher_par_nb' => 'Show ',
252 'info_afficher_visites' => 'Show visits for:',
253 'info_aide_en_ligne' => 'SPIP Online Help',
254 'info_ajout_image' => 'When you add images as attached documents to an article,
255 SPIP can automatically create thumbnails from
256 inserted images. This will allow, for instance, the automated
257 creation of a gallery or portfolio.',
258 'info_ajout_participant' => 'The following participant has been added:',
259 'info_ajouter_rubrique' => 'Add another section to manage:',
260 'info_annonce_nouveautes' => 'Latest news announcements',
261 'info_anterieur' => 'previous',
262 'info_article' => 'article',
263 'info_article_2' => 'articles',
264 'info_article_a_paraitre' => 'Post-dated articles set for publication',
265 'info_articles_02' => 'articles',
266 'info_articles_2' => 'Articles',
267 'info_articles_auteur' => 'Articles by this author',
268 'info_articles_miens' => 'My articles',
269 'info_articles_tous' => 'All the articles',
270 'info_articles_trouves' => 'Articles found',
271 'info_articles_trouves_dans_texte' => 'Articles found (in the text)',
272 'info_attente_validation' => 'Your articles awaiting validation',
273 'info_aucun_article' => 'No articles',
274 'info_aucun_article_syndique' => 'No syndicated articles',
275 'info_aucun_auteur' => 'No authors',
276 'info_aucun_message' => 'No messages',
277 'info_aucun_rubrique' => 'No sections',
278 'info_aucun_site' => 'No linked sites',
279 'info_aucun_visiteur' => 'No visitors',
280 'info_aujourdhui' => 'today:',
281 'info_auteur_message' => 'MESSAGE FROM:',
282 'info_auteurs' => 'Authors',
283 'info_auteurs_par_tri' => 'Authors@partri@',
284 'info_auteurs_trouves' => 'Authors found',
285 'info_authentification_externe' => 'External authentication',
286 'info_avertissement' => 'Warning',
287 'info_barre_outils' => 'with its toolbar?',
288 'info_base_installee' => 'Your database structure has been installed.',
289 'info_bio' => 'Biography',
290 'info_cache_desactive' => 'The cache is temporarily disabled',
291 'info_chapeau' => 'Introduction',
292 'info_chapeau_2' => 'Introduction:',
293 'info_chemin_acces_1' => 'Options: <b>Access path in directory</b>',
294 'info_chemin_acces_2' => 'You must now configure the access path to the directory information. This information is essential to read the user profiles stored in the directory.',
295 'info_chemin_acces_annuaire' => 'Options: <b>Access path in directory</b>',
296 'info_choix_base' => 'Third step:',
297 'info_classement_1' => ' out of @liste@',
298 'info_classement_2' => ' out of @liste@',
299 'info_code_acces' => 'Do not forget your own access codes!',
300 'info_compatibilite_html' => 'HTML norm to apply',
301 'info_compresseur_gzip' => 'It is advisable to check first whether your hosting provider already systematically compresses PHP scripts. To do this you can use a service such as @testgzip@',
302 'info_compresseur_texte' => 'If your server does not compress HTML pages before sending them, you can attempt to force compression in order to reduce the size of the pages transmitted.<b>Warning</b>: this can have a noticeable adverse effect on the performance of some servers, ',
303 'info_config_suivi' => 'If this address corresponds to a mailing list, you can indicate the subscription address for this list. This may be a URL (e.g. a webpage enabling subscription online), or an email address with a specific subject (for instance: <tt>@adresse_suivi@?subject=subscribe</tt>):',
304 'info_config_suivi_explication' => 'You can subscribe to the mailing-list for this site. You will then receive email announcements concerning articles and news items submitted for publication.',
305 'info_confirmer_passe' => 'Confirm new password:',
306 'info_conflit_edition_avis_non_sauvegarde' => 'Caution: the following fields have been modified elsewhere. Your changes to these fields have therefore not been saved.',
307 'info_conflit_edition_differences' => 'Differences:',
308 'info_conflit_edition_version_enregistree' => 'Saved version:',
309 'info_conflit_edition_votre_version' => 'Your version:',
310 'info_connexion_base' => 'Trying to connect to database',
311 'info_connexion_base_donnee' => 'Connection to your database',
312 'info_connexion_ldap_ok' => '<b>LDAP connection succeeded.</b><p> You can go to the next step.</p>',
313 'info_connexion_mysql' => 'Your SQL connection',
314 'info_connexion_ok' => 'Connection succeeded.',
315 'info_contact' => 'Contact',
316 'info_contenu_articles' => 'Article content',
317 'info_contributions' => 'Contributions',
318 'info_creation_paragraphe' => 'To create paragraphs, just leave blank lines.',
319 'info_creation_rubrique' => 'Before writing any articles,<br /> you must create at least one section.<br />',
320 'info_creation_tables' => 'Creating the database tables',
321 'info_creer_base' => '<b>Create</b> a new database:',
322 'info_dans_rubrique' => 'In section:',
323 'info_date_publication_anterieure' => 'Previously published on:',
324 'info_date_referencement' => 'THIS SITE REFERENCED ON:',
325 'info_derniere_etape' => 'Done!',
326 'info_derniers_articles_publies' => 'Your most recently published articles',
327 'info_desactiver_messagerie_personnelle' => 'You can enable or disable your personal messaging on this site.',
328 'info_descriptif' => 'Description:',
329 'info_desinstaller_plugin' => ' deactivates the plugin and deletes the data',
330 'info_discussion_cours' => 'Current discussions',
331 'info_ecrire_article' => 'Before writing any articles, you must create at least one section.',
332 'info_email_envoi' => 'Sender’s email address (optional)',
333 'info_email_envoi_txt' => 'Enter the sender’s email address used for sending emails (by default, the recipient’s address is used as the sender’s address) :',
334 'info_email_webmestre' => 'Webmaster’s email address',
335 'info_entrer_code_alphabet' => 'Enter the code of the character set to be used:',
336 'info_envoi_email_automatique' => 'Automated mailing',
337 'info_envoyer_maintenant' => 'Send now',
338 'info_etape_suivante' => 'Go to the next step',
339 'info_etape_suivante_1' => 'You can move on to the next step.',
340 'info_etape_suivante_2' => 'You can move on to the next step.',
341 'info_exceptions_proxy' => 'Exceptions for the proxy',
342 'info_exportation_base' => 'export database to @archive@',
343 'info_facilite_suivi_activite' => 'To simplify monitoring of the site’s editorial;
344 activities, SPIP can send rmail notifications, e.g. to an editors’ mailing list,
345 of publication requests and article validations.',
346 'info_fichiers_authent' => 'Authentication file ".htpasswd"',
347 'info_forums_abo_invites' => 'Your site contains forums by subscription; visitors may register for them on the public site.',
348 'info_gauche_admin_effacer' => '<b>Only webmasters have access to this page.</b><p> It provides access to various technical maintenance tasks. Some of them require a specific authentication process via FTP.</p>',
349 'info_gauche_admin_tech' => '<b>Only webmasters have access to this page.</b><p> It provides access to various
350 maintenance tasks. Some of them require a specific authentication process
351 via FTP.</p>',
352 'info_gauche_admin_vider' => '<b>Only webmasters have access to this page.</b><p> It provides access to various
353 maintenance tasks. Some of them require a specific authentication process
354 via FTP.</p>',
355 'info_gauche_auteurs' => 'All the site authors are listed here.
356 The status of each is indicated by the colour of their icon (administrator = green; editor = yellow).',
357 'info_gauche_auteurs_exterieurs' => 'Visiting authors, without any access to the site, are indicated by a blue icon; deleted authors by a grey icon.',
358 'info_gauche_messagerie' => 'Messaging allows you to exchange messages amongst editors, to preserve memos (for your personal use) or to display announcements on the homepage of the private area (if you are an administrator).',
359 'info_gauche_numero_auteur' => 'AUTHOR NUMBER:',
360 'info_gauche_statistiques_referers' => 'This page displays the list of <i>referrers</i>, i.e. websites containing links to your own site, for yesterday and today. The list is reset every 24 hours.',
361 'info_gauche_visiteurs_enregistres' => 'You will find here the visitors registered
362 for the public area of the site (subscription-only forums).',
363 'info_generation_miniatures_images' => 'Generation of thumbnail images',
364 'info_gerer_trad' => 'Enable translation links?',
365 'info_gerer_trad_objets' => '@objets@: manage translation links',
366 'info_hebergeur_desactiver_envoi_email' => 'Some hosts disable automated mail sending
367 on their servers. In this case the following features
368 of SPIP cannot be implemented.',
369 'info_hier' => 'yesterday:',
370 'info_historique_activer' => 'Enable revision tracking',
371 'info_historique_affiche' => 'Show this version',
372 'info_historique_comparaison' => 'compare',
373 'info_historique_desactiver' => 'Disable revision tracking',
374 'info_historique_texte' => 'Revision tracking allows you to view changes made to an article and displays the differences between successive versions.',
375 'info_identification_publique' => 'Your public identity...',
376 'info_image_process' => 'Select the best method to create thumbnails by clicking on the corresponding picture.',
377 'info_image_process2' => 'If you can’t see any images, then your server is not configured to use such tools. If you want to use these features, contact your provider’s technical support and ask for the «GD» or «Imagick» extensions to be installed.',
378 'info_images_auto' => 'Images calculated automatically',
379 'info_informations_personnelles' => 'Personal information',
380 'info_inscription_automatique' => 'Automatic registration for new editors',
381 'info_jeu_caractere' => 'Character set for the site',
382 'info_jours' => 'days',
383 'info_laisser_champs_vides' => 'leave these fields empty)',
384 'info_langues' => 'Site languages',
385 'info_ldap_ok' => 'LDAP authentication is installed.',
386 'info_lien_hypertexte' => 'Hyperlink:',
387 'info_liste_nouveautes_envoyee' => 'The news update list has been sent',
388 'info_liste_redacteurs_connectes' => 'List of editors online',
389 'info_login_existant' => 'This login already exists.',
390 'info_login_trop_court' => 'Login too short.',
391 'info_login_trop_court_car_pluriel' => 'Your login must contain at least @nb@ characters.',
392 'info_logos' => 'The logos',
393 'info_maximum' => 'maximum:',
394 'info_meme_rubrique' => 'In this section',
395 'info_message' => 'Message from',
396 'info_message_efface' => 'MESSAGE DELETED',
397 'info_message_en_redaction' => 'Your draft messages',
398 'info_message_technique' => 'Technical message:',
399 'info_messagerie_interne' => 'Internal messaging',
400 'info_mise_a_niveau_base' => 'SQL database upgrade',
401 'info_mise_a_niveau_base_2' => '{{Warning!}} You have installed a version of
402 SPIP {older} than the one
403 originally installed on this site: your database is at risk of being lost
404 and your site will not work properly anymore.<br />{{Reinstall
405 SPIP files.}}',
406 'info_modification_enregistree' => 'Your changes have been saved',
407 'info_modifier_auteur' => 'Edit author details:',
408 'info_modifier_rubrique' => 'Edit the section:',
409 'info_modifier_titre' => 'Edit: @titre@',
410 'info_mon_site_spip' => 'My SPIP site',
411 'info_mot_sans_groupe' => '(Keywords without a group...)',
412 'info_moteur_recherche' => 'Integrated search engine',
413 'info_moyenne' => 'average:',
414 'info_multi_articles' => 'Enable the language menu for articles?',
415 'info_multi_cet_article' => 'Language for this article:',
416 'info_multi_langues_choisies' => 'Please select the languages to be made available to the editors of your site.
417 Languages already used on your site (at the top of the list) cannot be disabled.',
418 'info_multi_objets' => '@objets@: activate the language menu',
419 'info_multi_rubriques' => 'Enable the language menu for sections?',
420 'info_multi_secteurs' => '... only for root-level sections?',
421 'info_nb_articles' => '@nb@ articles',
422 'info_nb_articles_syndiques' => '@nb@ syndicated articles',
423 'info_nb_auteurs' => '@nb@ authors',
424 'info_nb_messages' => '@nb@ messages',
425 'info_nb_mots_cles' => '@nb@ keywords',
426 'info_nb_rubriques' => '@nb@ sections',
427 'info_nb_sites' => '@nb@ sites',
428 'info_nb_visiteurs' => '@nb@ visitors',
429 'info_nom' => 'Name',
430 'info_nom_destinataire' => 'Name of recipient',
431 'info_nom_pas_conforme' => 'html tags are not allowed',
432 'info_nom_site' => 'Name of your site',
433 'info_nombre_articles' => '@nb_articles@ articles,',
434 'info_nombre_partcipants' => 'PARTICIPANTS IN THIS DISCUSSION:',
435 'info_nombre_rubriques' => '@nb_rubriques@ sections,',
436 'info_nombre_sites' => '@nb_sites@ sites,',
437 'info_non_deplacer' => 'Do not move...',
438 'info_non_envoi_annonce_dernieres_nouveautes' => 'SPIP can send a site newsletter (list of newly-published articles and news items).
439 .',
440 'info_non_envoi_liste_nouveautes' => 'Do not send newsletter',
441 'info_non_modifiable' => 'cannot be modified',
442 'info_non_suppression_mot_cle' => 'I do not want to delete this keyword.',
443 'info_note_numero' => 'Note @numero@',
444 'info_notes' => 'Footnotes',
445 'info_nouveaux_message' => 'New messages',
446 'info_nouvel_article' => 'New article',
447 'info_nouvelle_traduction' => 'New translation:',
448 'info_numero_article' => 'ARTICLE NUMBER:',
449 'info_obligatoire_02' => '(Required)',
450 'info_option_accepter_visiteurs' => 'Allow visitor registration via the public site',
451 'info_option_faire_suivre' => 'Forward forum messages to articles’ author(s)',
452 'info_option_ne_pas_accepter_visiteurs' => 'Disable visitor registration',
453 'info_options_avancees' => 'ADVANCED OPTIONS',
454 'info_ortho_activer' => 'Enable spellchecking.',
455 'info_ortho_desactiver' => 'Disable spellchecking.',
456 'info_ou' => 'or...',
457 'info_page_interdite' => 'Forbidden page',
458 'info_par_nom' => 'by name',
459 'info_par_nombre_article' => 'by number of articles',
460 'info_par_statut' => 'by status',
461 'info_par_tri' => '’(by @tri@)’',
462 'info_passe_trop_court' => 'Password too short.',
463 'info_passe_trop_court_car_pluriel' => 'Your password must contain at least @nb@ characters.',
464 'info_passes_identiques' => 'The two passwords are not identical.',
465 'info_pense_bete_ancien' => 'Your old memos',
466 'info_plus_cinq_car' => 'more than 5 characters',
467 'info_plus_cinq_car_2' => '(More than 5 characters)',
468 'info_plus_trois_car' => '(More than 3 characters)',
469 'info_popularite' => 'popularity: @popularite@; visits: @visites@',
470 'info_popularite_4' => 'popularity: @popularite@; visits: @visites@',
471 'info_post_scriptum' => 'Postscript',
472 'info_post_scriptum_2' => 'Postscript:',
473 'info_pour' => 'for',
474 'info_preview_admin' => 'Only administrators have access to Preview mode',
475 'info_preview_comite' => 'All authors have access to Preview mode',
476 'info_preview_desactive' => 'Preview mode is disabled',
477 'info_preview_texte' => 'It is possible to preview the site as if all articles and news items (with at least the status "submitted") were already published. Should this preview mode be restricted to administrators, open to all authors, or disabled completely?',
478 'info_principaux_correspondants' => 'Your main correspondents',
479 'info_procedez_par_etape' => 'please proceed step by step',
480 'info_procedure_maj_version' => 'the upgrade procedure must be run to adapt
481 the database to this new version of SPIP.',
482 'info_proxy_ok' => 'Proxy test successful.',
483 'info_ps' => 'P.S.',
484 'info_publier' => 'publish',
485 'info_publies' => 'Your articles published online',
486 'info_question_accepter_visiteurs' => 'If your site’s template allows visitors to register without entering the private area, please activate the following option:',
487 'info_question_inscription_nouveaux_redacteurs' => 'Do you wish to allow new editors to register
488 via the public site? If you agree to this, visitors will be able to register
489 using an automatic form, and then access the private area to
490 write their own articles. <div class="notice">During the registration process, users receive an automatic email
491 giving them their access code for the private area. Some
492 service providers disallow the sending of email from their
493 servers: in that case, automated registration cannot be
494 implemented.</div>',
495 'info_question_utilisation_moteur_recherche' => 'Do you wish to use SPIP’s integrated search engine?
496 (Disabling it speeds up system performance.)',
497 'info_question_vignettes_referer_non' => 'Do not show screenshots of referring sites',
498 'info_qui_edite' => '@nom_auteur_modif@ worked on the contents @date_diff@ minutes ago',
499 'info_racine_site' => 'Site root',
500 'info_recharger_page' => 'Please wait a few moments, then reload this page.',
501 'info_recherche_auteur_a_affiner' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_auteur@"; please refine your search.',
502 'info_recherche_auteur_ok' => 'Several editors were found for "@cherche_auteur@":',
503 'info_recherche_auteur_zero' => 'No results for "@cherche_auteur@".',
504 'info_recommencer' => 'Please try again.',
505 'info_redacteur_1' => 'Editor',
506 'info_redacteur_2' => 'with access to the private area (<i>recommended</i>)',
507 'info_redacteurs' => 'Editors',
508 'info_redaction_en_cours' => 'EDITING IN PROGRESS',
509 'info_redirection' => 'Redirection',
510 'info_redirection_activee' => 'Redirection is enabled.',
511 'info_redirection_desactivee' => 'Redirection is deleted.',
512 'info_refuses' => 'Your rejected articles ',
513 'info_reglage_ldap' => 'Options: <b>Adjusting LDAP import</b>',
514 'info_renvoi_article' => '<b>Redirection.</b> This article redirects to:',
515 'info_reserve_admin' => 'Only administrators can modify this address.',
516 'info_restreindre_rubrique' => 'Restrict management to section:',
517 'info_resultat_recherche' => 'Search results:',
518 'info_rubriques' => 'Sections',
519 'info_rubriques_02' => 'sections',
520 'info_rubriques_trouvees' => 'Sections found',
521 'info_rubriques_trouvees_dans_texte' => 'Sections found (in the text)',
522 'info_sans_titre' => 'Untitled',
523 'info_selection_chemin_acces' => '<b>Select</b> the access path in the directory:',
524 'info_signatures' => 'signatures',
525 'info_site' => 'Site',
526 'info_site_2' => 'site:',
527 'info_site_min' => 'site',
528 'info_site_reference_2' => 'Referenced site',
529 'info_site_web' => 'Web site:',
530 'info_sites' => 'sites',
531 'info_sites_lies_mot' => 'Referenced sites with this keyword',
532 'info_sites_proxy' => 'Using a proxy',
533 'info_sites_trouves' => 'Sites found',
534 'info_sites_trouves_dans_texte' => 'Sites found (in the text)',
535 'info_sous_titre' => 'Subtitle:',
536 'info_statut_administrateur' => 'Administrator',
537 'info_statut_auteur' => 'This author’s status:',
538 'info_statut_auteur_2' => 'I am',
539 'info_statut_auteur_a_confirmer' => 'Registration to be confirmed',
540 'info_statut_auteur_autre' => 'Other status:',
541 'info_statut_efface' => 'Deleted',
542 'info_statut_redacteur' => 'Editor',
543 'info_statut_utilisateurs_1' => 'Default status for imported users',
544 'info_statut_utilisateurs_2' => 'Choose the status to be attributed to persons present in the LDAP directory when they connect for the first time. You can modify this value for each individual author later on.',
545 'info_suivi_activite' => 'Follow editorial activity',
546 'info_surtitre' => 'Top title:',
547 'info_syndication_integrale_1' => 'Your site provides syndication files (see "<a href="@url@">@titre@</a>").',
548 'info_syndication_integrale_2' => 'Do you wish to send whole articles or only a summary of a few hundred characters?',
549 'info_table_prefix' => 'It is possible to change the prefix of the names of the database tables. (you need to do this if you are installing several sites in the same database). The prefix must be written in unaccented, lower-case letters without any spaces.',
550 'info_taille_maximale_images' => 'SPIP will test for the maximum image size (in millions of pixels) which it can process.<br /> Images bigger than this will not be reduced.',
551 'info_taille_maximale_vignette' => 'Maximum size for vignettes generated by the system:',
552 'info_terminer_installation' => 'You can now finish the standard installation process.',
553 'info_texte' => 'Text',
554 'info_texte_explicatif' => 'Explanation',
555 'info_texte_long' => '(The text is long: it will appear in several parts which will be reassembled after validation.)',
556 'info_texte_message' => 'Text of your message:',
557 'info_texte_message_02' => 'Message text',
558 'info_titre' => 'Title:',
559 'info_total' => 'total:',
560 'info_tous_articles_en_redaction' => 'All articles in progress',
561 'info_tous_articles_presents' => 'All articles published in this section',
562 'info_tous_articles_refuses' => 'All refused articles',
563 'info_tous_les' => 'every:',
564 'info_tous_redacteurs' => 'Announcements to all editors',
565 'info_tout_site' => 'The entire site',
566 'info_tout_site2' => 'The article has not been translated into this language.',
567 'info_tout_site3' => 'The article has been translated into this language, but changes have since been made to the reference article. The translation needs updating.',
568 'info_tout_site4' => 'The article has been translated into this language, and the translation is up-to-date.',
569 'info_tout_site5' => 'Original article.',
570 'info_tout_site6' => '<b>Warning:</b> only original articles are displayed.
571 Translations are linked to the original,
572 and their status is colour-coded:',
573 'info_traductions' => 'Translations',
574 'info_travail_colaboratif' => 'Collaborative work on articles',
575 'info_un_article' => 'an article,',
576 'info_un_site' => 'a site,',
577 'info_une_rubrique' => 'a section,',
578 'info_une_rubrique_02' => '1 section',
579 'info_url' => 'URL:',
580 'info_url_proxy' => 'Proxy URL',
581 'info_url_site' => 'SITE URL:',
582 'info_url_site_pas_conforme' => 'the website URL is invalid.',
583 'info_url_test_proxy' => 'Test URL',
584 'info_urlref' => 'Hyperlink:',
585 'info_utilisation_spip' => 'SPIP is now ready for use',
586 'info_visites_par_mois' => 'Monthly display:',
587 'info_visiteur_1' => 'Visitor',
588 'info_visiteur_2' => 'to the public site',
589 'info_visiteurs' => 'Visitors',
590 'info_visiteurs_02' => 'Public site visitors',
591 'info_webmestre_forces' => 'The web administrators are currently defined in <tt>@file_options@</tt>.',
592 'install_adresse_base_hebergeur' => 'Database address attributed by the hosting provider',
593 'install_base_ok' => 'The base @base@ was identified',
594 'install_connect_ok' => 'The new database has been declared using the server name @connect@.',
595 'install_echec_annonce' => 'This installation will probably fail, or damage your site.',
596 'install_extension_mbstring' => 'SPIP does not work with:',
597 'install_extension_php_obligatoire' => 'SPIP requires the php extension:',
598 'install_login_base_hebergeur' => 'Login attributed by the service provider',
599 'install_nom_base_hebergeur' => 'Database name attributed by the service provider:',
600 'install_pas_table' => 'The database has no tables',
601 'install_pass_base_hebergeur' => 'Password attributed by your hosting service ',
602 'install_php_version' => 'This version of PHP @version@ is too old (minimum = @minimum@)',
603 'install_select_langue' => 'Select a language, then click on "next" to start installation.',
604 'install_select_type_db' => 'Indicate the type of database:',
605 'install_select_type_mysql' => 'MySQL',
606 'install_select_type_mysqli' => 'MySQLi',
607 'install_select_type_pg' => 'PostgreSQL',
608 'install_select_type_sqlite2' => 'SQLite 2',
609 'install_select_type_sqlite3' => 'SQLite 3',
610 'install_serveur_hebergeur' => 'Database server attributed by the hosting provider',
611 'install_table_prefix_hebergeur' => 'Table prefix attributed by your hosting provider:',
612 'install_tables_base' => 'Tables in the database',
613 'install_types_db_connus' => 'SPIP can use <b>MySQL</b> (the most common) and <b>SQLite</b>.',
614 'install_types_db_connus_avertissement' => 'The support of <b>PostgreSQL</b is actually proposed as experimental',
615 'instituer_erreur_statut_a_change' => 'The status has already been modified',
616 'instituer_erreur_statut_non_autorise' => 'You cannot select this status',
617 'intem_redacteur' => 'editor',
618 'intitule_licence' => 'Licence',
619 'item_accepter_inscriptions' => 'Allow registration',
620 'item_activer_messages_avertissement' => 'Activate warning messages',
621 'item_administrateur_2' => 'administrator',
622 'item_afficher_calendrier' => 'Display in calendar',
623 'item_autoriser_documents_joints' => 'Allow documents attached to articles',
624 'item_autoriser_documents_joints_rubriques' => 'Allow documents in sections',
625 'item_autoriser_syndication_integrale' => 'Include entire articles in syndication feeds',
626 'item_choix_administrateurs' => 'administrators',
627 'item_choix_generation_miniature' => 'Generate thumbnails automatically.',
628 'item_choix_non_generation_miniature' => 'Do not generate thumbnails.',
629 'item_choix_redacteurs' => 'editors',
630 'item_choix_visiteurs' => 'visitors to the public site',
631 'item_creer_fichiers_authent' => 'Create .htpasswd files',
632 'item_limiter_recherche' => 'Limit the search to your site',
633 'item_login' => 'Login',
634 'item_messagerie_agenda' => 'Activate messaging system and calendars',
635 'item_mots_cles_association_articles' => 'articles',
636 'item_mots_cles_association_rubriques' => 'sections',
637 'item_mots_cles_association_sites' => 'referenced or syndicated sites.',
638 'item_non' => 'No',
639 'item_non_accepter_inscriptions' => 'Disable registration',
640 'item_non_activer_messages_avertissement' => 'No warning messages',
641 'item_non_afficher_calendrier' => 'Do not show in calendar',
642 'item_non_autoriser_documents_joints' => 'Do not allow documents in articles',
643 'item_non_autoriser_documents_joints_rubriques' => 'Do not allow documents in sections',
644 'item_non_autoriser_syndication_integrale' => 'Only send a summary',
645 'item_non_compresseur' => 'Disable compression',
646 'item_non_creer_fichiers_authent' => 'Do not create these files',
647 'item_non_gerer_statistiques' => 'Do not use statistics',
648 'item_non_limiter_recherche' => 'Widen search to include content on referenced sites',
649 'item_non_messagerie_agenda' => 'Disable the messaging system and calendars',
650 'item_non_publier_articles' => 'Do not publish articles before their specified publication date.',
651 'item_non_utiliser_moteur_recherche' => 'Do not use the engine',
652 'item_nouvel_auteur' => 'New author',
653 'item_nouvelle_rubrique' => 'New section',
654 'item_oui' => 'Yes',
655 'item_publier_articles' => 'Publish articles, irrespective of publication date.',
656 'item_reponse_article' => 'Reply to the article',
657 'item_utiliser_moteur_recherche' => 'Use the search engine',
658 'item_version_html_max_html4' => 'Use only HTML4 on the public site',
659 'item_version_html_max_html5' => 'Allow HTML5',
660 'item_visiteur' => 'visitor',
662 // J
663 'jour_non_connu_nc' => 'unknown',
665 // L
666 'label_bando_outils' => 'Toolbar',
667 'label_bando_outils_afficher' => 'Show the tools',
668 'label_bando_outils_masquer' => 'Hide the tools',
669 'label_choix_langue' => 'Choose your language',
670 'label_nom_fichier_connect' => 'Indicate the name for this server',
671 'label_slogan_site' => 'Website slogan',
672 'label_taille_ecran' => 'Screen width',
673 'label_texte_et_icones_navigation' => 'Navigation menu',
674 'label_texte_et_icones_page' => 'Page display',
675 'ldap_correspondance' => 'inherit field @champ@',
676 'ldap_correspondance_1' => 'Inherit LDAP fields',
677 'ldap_correspondance_2' => 'For each of these SPIP fields, enter the name of the corresponding LDAP field. Leave blank if you don’t want it filled, separate with spaces or commas to try several LDAP fields.',
678 'lien_ajout_destinataire' => 'Add this recipient',
679 'lien_ajouter_auteur' => 'Add this author',
680 'lien_ajouter_participant' => 'Add a participant',
681 'lien_ajouter_une_rubrique' => 'Add this section',
682 'lien_email' => 'email',
683 'lien_nom_site' => 'SITE NAME:',
684 'lien_retirer_auteur' => 'Remove author',
685 'lien_retirer_rubrique' => 'Remove the section',
686 'lien_retirer_tous_auteurs' => 'Remove all authors',
687 'lien_retirer_toutes_rubriques' => 'Remove all sections',
688 'lien_retrait_particpant' => 'remove this participant',
689 'lien_site' => 'site',
690 'lien_supprimer_rubrique' => 'delete this section',
691 'lien_tout_deplier' => 'Expand all',
692 'lien_tout_replier' => 'Collapse all',
693 'lien_tout_supprimer' => 'Delete all',
694 'lien_trier_nom' => 'Sort by name',
695 'lien_trier_nombre_articles' => 'Sort by total articles',
696 'lien_trier_statut' => 'Sort by status',
697 'lien_voir_en_ligne' => 'VIEW ONLINE:',
698 'logo_article' => 'Article logo',
699 'logo_auteur' => 'Autor’s logo',
700 'logo_rubrique' => 'Logo of the section',
701 'logo_site' => 'Logo of this site',
702 'logo_standard_rubrique' => 'Standard logo of sections',
703 'logo_survol' => 'Mouseover logo',
705 // M
706 'menu_aide_installation_choix_base' => 'Choosing your database',
707 'module_fichier_langue' => 'Language file',
708 'module_raccourci' => 'Shortcut',
709 'module_texte_affiche' => 'Displayed text',
710 'module_texte_explicatif' => 'You can insert thse shortcuts in your website templates. They will be automatically translated into any languages for which a language file exists.',
711 'module_texte_traduction' => 'The language file « @module@ » is available in:',
712 'mois_non_connu' => 'unknown',
714 // N
715 'nouvelle_version_spip' => 'SPIP version @version@ is available',
717 // O
718 'onglet_contenu' => 'Contents',
719 'onglet_declarer_une_autre_base' => 'Declare another database',
720 'onglet_discuter' => 'Discuss',
721 'onglet_documents' => 'Documents',
722 'onglet_interactivite' => 'Interactivity',
723 'onglet_proprietes' => 'Properties',
724 'onglet_repartition_actuelle' => 'now',
725 'onglet_sous_rubriques' => 'Subsections',
727 // P
728 'page_pas_proxy' => 'This page must not go through the proxy',
729 'pas_de_proxy_pour' => 'If necessary, indicate to which machines or domains this proxy should not apply (for example: @exemple@)',
730 'plugin_charge_paquet' => 'Loading the archive file @name@',
731 'plugin_charger' => 'Download',
732 'plugin_erreur_charger' => 'error: @zip@ cannot be loaded',
733 'plugin_erreur_droit1' => 'Cannot write to directory <code>@dest@</code>.',
734 'plugin_erreur_droit2' => 'Please check write permissions for this directory (and create the directory if necessary). Alternatively, install the files by FTP.',
735 'plugin_erreur_zip' => 'pclzip failure: error @status@',
736 'plugin_etat_developpement' => 'under development',
737 'plugin_etat_experimental' => 'experimental',
738 'plugin_etat_stable' => 'stable',
739 'plugin_etat_test' => 'being tested',
740 'plugin_impossible_activer' => 'Impossible to activate the plugin @plugin@',
741 'plugin_info_automatique1' => 'If you wish to allow automatic plugin installation, please:',
742 'plugin_info_automatique1_lib' => 'If you want to let this library to be installed automatically, please:',
743 'plugin_info_automatique2' => 'Create a directory <code>@rep@</code> ;',
744 'plugin_info_automatique3' => 'Check that the server has the proper permissions to write to this directory.',
745 'plugin_info_automatique_creer' => 'to create at the root of the website.',
746 'plugin_info_automatique_exemples' => 'examples:',
747 'plugin_info_automatique_ftp' => 'You may install plugins by FTP in the <tt>@rep@</tt> directory',
748 'plugin_info_automatique_lib' => 'Some plugins need to be able to load files into the <code>lib/</code> directory. This directory should be created at the website root.',
749 'plugin_info_automatique_liste' => 'Your plugin lists:',
750 'plugin_info_automatique_liste_officielle' => 'official plugins',
751 'plugin_info_automatique_liste_update' => 'Update lists',
752 'plugin_info_automatique_ou' => 'or...',
753 'plugin_info_automatique_select' => 'Select a plugin below: SPIP will load it and will install it in the <code>@rep@</code> directory. If the plugin already exists, it will be updated.',
754 'plugin_info_credit' => 'Credits',
755 'plugin_info_erreur_xml' => 'Incorrect declaration of the plugin',
756 'plugin_info_install_ok' => 'Installation successful',
757 'plugin_info_necessite' => 'Requires:',
758 'plugin_info_non_compatible_spip' => 'This plugin is incompatible with this version of SPIP',
759 'plugin_info_plugins_dist_1' => 'The following plugins are loaded and activated in the @plugins_dist@ directory.',
760 'plugin_info_plugins_dist_2' => 'They cannot be disabled.',
761 'plugin_info_telecharger' => 'load from @url@ and install to @rep@',
762 'plugin_info_upgrade_ok' => 'Successful update',
763 'plugin_librairies_installees' => 'Libraries installed',
764 'plugin_necessite_lib' => 'This plugin requires the library @lib@',
765 'plugin_necessite_plugin' => 'Version @version@ or newer of the plugin @plugin@ is required.',
766 'plugin_necessite_plugin_sans_version' => 'Requires the plugin @plugin@',
767 'plugin_necessite_spip' => 'SPIP version @version@ or newer is required.',
768 'plugin_source' => 'source: ',
769 'plugin_titre_automatique' => 'Automatic installation',
770 'plugin_titre_automatique_ajouter' => 'Add plugins',
771 'plugin_titre_installation' => 'Installation of the @plugin@ plugin',
772 'plugin_titre_modifier' => 'My plugins',
773 'plugin_zip_active' => 'Continue in order to activate',
774 'plugin_zip_adresse' => 'To load a zipped plugin file, or a list of plugins, enter the path below.',
775 'plugin_zip_adresse_champ' => 'Path of the plugin or list ',
776 'plugin_zip_content' => 'It contains the following files(@taille@),<br />ready to be installed in the <code>@rep@</code> directory',
777 'plugin_zip_installe_finie' => 'The file @zip@ has been unpacked and installed.',
778 'plugin_zip_installe_rep_finie' => 'The file @zip@ has been unpacked and installed in the @rep@ directory',
779 'plugin_zip_installer' => 'You may now install it.',
780 'plugin_zip_telecharge' => 'The file @zip@ has been loaded',
781 'plugins_actif_aucun' => 'No plugins active.',
782 'plugins_actif_un' => 'One plugin active',
783 'plugins_actifs' => '@count@ active plugins.',
784 'plugins_actifs_liste' => 'Enabled',
785 'plugins_compte' => '@count@ plugins',
786 'plugins_disponible_un' => 'One plugin available',
787 'plugins_disponibles' => '@count@ plugins available.',
788 'plugins_erreur' => 'Error in the plugins: @plugins@',
789 'plugins_liste' => 'List of plugins',
790 'plugins_liste_dist' => 'Locked plugins',
791 'plugins_recents' => 'Recent plugins',
792 'plugins_tous_liste' => 'All',
793 'plugins_vue_hierarchie' => 'Hierarchy',
794 'plugins_vue_liste' => 'List',
795 'protocole_ldap' => 'Protocol version:',
797 // Q
798 'queue_executer_maintenant' => 'Run now',
799 'queue_info_purger' => 'You can delete all pending jobs and reset the list of periodic tasks',
800 'queue_nb_jobs_in_queue' => '@nb@ tasks in queue',
801 'queue_next_job_in_nb_sec' => 'Next job in @nb@ s',
802 'queue_no_job_in_queue' => 'No pending tasks',
803 'queue_one_job_in_queue' => '1 job in queue',
804 'queue_purger_queue' => 'Reset the job queue',
805 'queue_titre' => 'List of tasks',
807 // R
808 'repertoire_plugins' => 'Directory:',
810 // S
811 'sans_heure' => 'time not specified',
812 'statut_admin_restreint' => 'restricted admin',
813 'statut_webmestre' => 'webmaster',
815 // T
816 'tache_cron_asap' => 'CRON task @function@ (ASAP)',
817 'tache_cron_secondes' => 'CRON task @function@ (every @nb@ s)',
818 'taille_cache_image' => 'The images calculated automatically by SPIP (thumbnails, titles transformed into graphics, mathematical formulae in TeX format, etc.) take up a total of @taille@ in the @dir@ directory.',
819 'taille_cache_infinie' => 'This site does not have any fixed limit for the size of the cache.',
820 'taille_cache_maxi' => 'SPIP will try to limit the size of the cache directory to approximately <b>@octets@</b>.',
821 'taille_cache_moins_de' => 'The cache size is less than @octets@.',
822 'taille_cache_octets' => 'The size of the cache is currently around @octets@.',
823 'taille_cache_vide' => 'The cache is empty.',
824 'taille_repertoire_cache' => 'Current cache size ',
825 'text_article_propose_publication' => 'Article submitted for publication.',
826 'texte_acces_ldap_anonyme_1' => 'Some LDAP servers do not allow anonymous access. In this case you must indicate an initial access identifier for future directory searches. However, in most cases the following fields can be left empty.',
827 'texte_admin_effacer_01' => 'This command deletes <i>all</i> content in the database,
828 including <i>all</i> the access parameters for editors and administrators. After using it, you must
829 reinstall SPIP, create a new database and a new administrator account.',
830 'texte_adresse_annuaire_1' => '(If your directory is installed on the same machine as your website, it is probably «localhost».)',
831 'texte_ajout_auteur' => 'The following author was added to the article:',
832 'texte_annuaire_ldap_1' => 'If you have access to a LDAP directory server, you can use it to import users automatically into SPIP.',
833 'texte_article_statut' => 'Article status:',
834 'texte_article_virtuel' => 'Virtual article',
835 'texte_article_virtuel_reference' => '<b>Virtual article:</b> an article on your SPIP website which redirects to another URL. To remove redirection, delete the URL.',
836 'texte_aucun_resultat_auteur' => 'No results for "@cherche_auteur@".',
837 'texte_auteur_messagerie' => 'This site can update the list of editors online in real time, which allows you to be contacted by other users. You can opt not to appear in this list (you are then "invisible" to other users).',
838 'texte_auteur_messagerie_1' => 'This site allows the exchange of messages and creation of private forums between contributors to the site. You can opt not to participate in these activities.',
839 'texte_auteurs' => 'THE AUTHORS',
840 'texte_choix_base_1' => 'Select your database:',
841 'texte_choix_base_2' => 'The SQL server contains several databases.',
842 'texte_choix_base_3' => '<b>Select</b> below the one attributed by your hosting provider:',
843 'texte_choix_table_prefix' => 'Prefix for tables:',
844 'texte_commande_vider_tables_indexation' => 'Use this command to empty the indexing tables used
845 by SPIP’s integrated search engine. It will anable you
846 to save some disk space.',
847 'texte_compatibilite_html' => 'You can require SPIP to produce code compatible with the <i>HTML4</i> standard, or allow it to use more modern <i>HTML5</i> compatible code.',
848 'texte_compatibilite_html_attention' => 'There is no risk involved in activating the <i>HTML5</i> option. But if you do, the pages of your site must begin with the following code in order to be valid: <code><!DOCTYPE html></code>.',
849 'texte_compresse_ou_non' => '(compression optional)',
850 'texte_compte_element' => '@count@ element',
851 'texte_compte_elements' => '@count@ elements',
852 'texte_conflit_edition_correction' => 'Please compare differences between the two versions. You can also copy your changes and start over.',
853 'texte_connexion_mysql' => 'Consult the information provided by your hosting service. It should contain the connection codes for the SQL server.',
854 'texte_contenu_article' => '(Brief description of the article.)',
855 'texte_contenu_articles' => 'Depending on the layout chosen for your site, you can decide
856 that some article options are not to be used.
857 Use the following list to choose which options should be available.',
858 'texte_crash_base' => 'If your database
859 crashed, you can try to repair it
860 automatically.',
861 'texte_creer_rubrique' => 'Before writing any articles,<br /> you must create a section.',
862 'texte_date_creation_article' => 'ARTICLE CREATION DATE:',
863 'texte_date_creation_objet' => 'Creation date:', # on ajoute le ":"
864 'texte_date_publication_anterieure' => 'Date first published:',
865 'texte_date_publication_anterieure_nonaffichee' => 'Hide previous publication date.',
866 'texte_date_publication_article' => 'PUBLISHED ON:',
867 'texte_date_publication_objet' => 'Published on:',
868 'texte_descriptif_petition' => 'Petition description',
869 'texte_descriptif_rapide' => 'Brief description',
870 'texte_effacer_base' => 'Delete the SPIP database',
871 'texte_effacer_donnees_indexation' => 'Delete indexing data',
872 'texte_effacer_statistiques' => 'Delete the statistics',
873 'texte_en_cours_validation' => 'The following articles and news have been submitted for evaluation.',
874 'texte_enrichir_mise_a_jour' => 'You can enrich the layout of your text by using "typographical shortcuts".',
875 'texte_fichier_authent' => '<b>Should SPIP create the special files <tt>.htpasswd</tt>
876 and <tt>.htpasswd-admin</tt> in the directory @dossier@?</b>
877 <p>These files can be used to restrict access to authors and administrators to other parts of your site (for instance, external statistical programme).</p><p>If you have no need of such files, you can keep this option with its default value (no file creation).</p>',
878 'texte_informations_personnelles_1' => 'The system will now create your personal account for this site.',
879 'texte_informations_personnelles_2' => '(Note: if it is a reinstallation, if your former access is still working, you can',
880 'texte_introductif_article' => '(Introductory text for the article.)',
881 'texte_jeu_caractere' => 'We advise using the universal alphabet (<tt>utf-8</tt>) on your site. This will make it possible to display text in any language. All modern browsers are fully comptabile with this character set.',
882 'texte_jeu_caractere_2' => 'N.B. This setting will not convert text which already figures in the database.',
883 'texte_jeu_caractere_3' => 'Your site currently uses this character set:',
884 'texte_jeu_caractere_4' => 'If that does not correspond to your current data (this may occur after restoring your database from a backup), or if <em>you are setting up this site</em> and wish to use a different character set, please indicate the character set here:',
885 'texte_jeu_caractere_conversion' => 'Note: You can opt to convert definitely all the text (articles, news items, forums, etc.) on your site to the character set <tt>utf-8</tt>. To do this, go to the <a href="@url@">UTF-8 conversion page</a>.',
886 'texte_lien_hypertexte' => '(If your message refers to an article published elsewhere on the Web, or to a page providing more information, please enter the page title and URL here.)',
887 'texte_login_ldap_1' => '(Keep empty for anonymous access or enter complete path, for instance «<tt>uid=smith, ou=users, dc=my-domain, dc=com</tt>».)',
888 'texte_login_precaution' => 'Warning! This is the login which you are currently using.
889 Use this form with caution...',
890 'texte_message_edit' => 'Warning: this message can be modified by all site administrators, and it is visible to all editors. Use announcements only to communicate important information concerning the site.',
891 'texte_messagerie_agenda' => 'A messaging system enables the authors on this site to communicate directly in the private area. It is linked to a calendar.',
892 'texte_mise_a_niveau_base_1' => 'You have just updated SPIP files.
893 Now you must upgrade the site
894 database.',
895 'texte_modifier_article' => 'Edit this article:',
896 'texte_moteur_recherche_active' => '<b>The search engine is enabled.</b> Use this command
897 to force a quick reindexing (e.g. after restoring
898 a backup). You should note that the documents modified in
899 the normal way (via the SPIP interface) are automatically
900 reindexed. This command is therefore only useful in exceptional circumstances.',
901 'texte_moteur_recherche_non_active' => 'The search engine is not enabled.',
902 'texte_multilinguisme' => 'If you want to manage objects in several languages​​, with complex navigation, you can add a language selection menu to these objects, depending on the organization of your site.',
903 'texte_multilinguisme_trad' => 'You can also enable a system for managing links between the various translations of certain objects.',
904 'texte_non_compresse' => '<i>uncompressed</i> (your server does not support this feature)',
905 'texte_nouveau_message' => 'New message',
906 'texte_nouvelle_version_spip_1' => 'You have just installed a new version of SPIP.',
907 'texte_nouvelle_version_spip_2' => 'This new version requires a more thorough update than usual. If you are the webmaster of this site, please delete the file @connect@ and restart installation in order to update your database connection parameters. <p>(PS.: if you have forgotten your connection parameters, take a look at the file @connect@ before deleting it!)</p>',
908 'texte_operation_echec' => 'Go back to the previous page, select another database or create a new one. Verify the information provided by your hosting service.',
909 'texte_plus_trois_car' => 'more than 3 characters',
910 'texte_plusieurs_articles' => 'Several authors were found for "@cherche_auteur@":',
911 'texte_port_annuaire' => '(Default value is generally suitable.)',
912 'texte_presente_plugin' => 'This page shows the plugins available on this site. Activate the plugins you require by ticking the corresponding box.',
913 'texte_proposer_publication' => 'When your article is finished,<br /> you can submit it for publication.',
914 'texte_proxy' => 'In some cases (e.g. intranet, protected network), it is necessary to use an <i>HTTP proxy</i> to reach external sites (SPIP documentation, syndicated sites, etc.). If this is the case, enter its address in the form @proxy_en_cours@. In most cases you can leave this box empty.',
915 'texte_publication_articles_post_dates' => 'Which behaviour should SPIP adopt for articles whose
916 publication date has been set in
917 the future?',
918 'texte_rappel_selection_champs' => '[Remember to select this field correctly.]',
919 'texte_recalcul_page' => 'If you want
920 to re-process a single page, it is easier to view that page from the public site and click "Re-process this page".',
921 'texte_recapitiule_liste_documents' => 'This page summarises the documents that you have placed in the sections. To modify the information for a document, follow the link to its section.',
922 'texte_recuperer_base' => 'Repair the database',
923 'texte_reference_mais_redirige' => 'article referenced in your SPIP site, but redirected to another URL.',
924 'texte_requetes_echouent' => '<b>When some SQL queries fail
925 systematically, without apparent reason, it is possible
926 that the database itself
927 is the culprit.</b><p>
928 The SQL server has a feature for repairing tables
929 which have been accidentally
930 corrupted. Here, you can attempt to execute this repair; in
931 the event of failure, you should keep a copy of the display, which might contain
932 clues as to where the problem lies.</p><p>
933 If the problem persists, contact your
934 service provider.</p>',
935 'texte_selection_langue_principale' => 'You can select the "primary language" for the site. This does not mean that you can only write articles in that language, but it is used to determine
937 <ul><li> the default format of dates on the public site,</li>
938 <li> the nature of the typographical engine which will be used by SPIP for rendering text,</li>
939 <li> the language used in the forms on the public site,</li>
940 <li> the default language displayed in the private area.</li></ul>',
941 'texte_sous_titre' => 'Subtitle',
942 'texte_statistiques_visites' => '(dark bars = Sunday, dark curve: average visits)',
943 'texte_statut_attente_validation' => 'awaiting validation',
944 'texte_statut_publies' => 'published online',
945 'texte_statut_refuses' => 'rejected',
946 'texte_suppression_fichiers' => 'Use this command to purge all the files
947 in the SPIP cache. This will force recalculation of every page on the site, useful after
948 significant modifications to the site’s graphics or structure.',
949 'texte_sur_titre' => 'Lead-in title',
950 'texte_table_ok' => ': this table is OK.',
951 'texte_tables_indexation_vides' => 'The engine’s indexing tables are empty.',
952 'texte_tentative_recuperation' => 'Attempting to repair',
953 'texte_tenter_reparation' => 'Attempt to repair the database',
954 'texte_test_proxy' => 'To test this proxy, enter the address of a website
955 for verification.',
956 'texte_titre_02' => 'Subject:',
957 'texte_titre_obligatoire' => '<b>Title</b> [Required]',
958 'texte_travail_article' => '@nom_auteur_modif@ edited this article @date_diff@ minutes ago',
959 'texte_travail_collaboratif' => 'If several editors often work on the same article, the system can mark recently "opened" articles in order to avoid multiple simultaneous editing.
960 This option is disabled by default to avoid displaying unnecessary warning
961 messages.',
962 'texte_trop_resultats_auteurs' => 'Too many results for "@cherche_auteur@". Please use more search criteria.',
963 'texte_unpack' => 'downloading the latest version',
964 'texte_utilisation_moteur_syndiques' => 'When you use SPIP’s integrated search engine,
965 you can perform searches on syndicated sites and
966 articles in two different ways. <br />- The simplest
967 way is to search only in the
968 titles and descriptions of the articles. <br />-
969 A second, much more powerful, method allows
970 SPIP to also search the text
971 of referenced sites. If you
972 reference a site, SPIP will perform
973 the search on the site’s text itself.',
974 'texte_utilisation_moteur_syndiques_2' => 'This method forces SPIP to visit referenced sites regularly, which may cause a drop in performance for your own site.',
975 'texte_vide' => 'empty',
976 'texte_vider_cache' => 'Empty the cache',
977 'titre_admin_effacer' => 'Technical maintenance',
978 'titre_admin_tech' => 'Technical maintenance',
979 'titre_admin_vider' => 'Technical maintenance',
980 'titre_ajouter_un_auteur' => 'Add an author',
981 'titre_ajouter_un_mot' => 'Add a keyword',
982 'titre_ajouter_une_rubrique' => 'Add a section',
983 'titre_cadre_afficher_article' => 'Show the articles:',
984 'titre_cadre_afficher_traductions' => 'Display the translation status for these languages:',
985 'titre_cadre_ajouter_auteur' => 'ADD AN AUTHOR:',
986 'titre_cadre_interieur_rubrique' => 'In section',
987 'titre_cadre_numero_auteur' => 'AUTHOR NUMBER',
988 'titre_cadre_numero_objet' => '@objet@ NUMBER:',
989 'titre_cadre_signature_obligatoire' => '<b>Signature</b> [Required]<br />',
990 'titre_config_contenu_notifications' => 'Notifications',
991 'titre_config_contenu_prive' => 'In the private area',
992 'titre_config_contenu_public' => 'On the public site',
993 'titre_config_fonctions' => 'Site configuration',
994 'titre_config_langage' => 'Configure the language',
995 'titre_configuration' => 'Site configuration',
996 'titre_configurer_preferences' => 'Configure your preferences',
997 'titre_conflit_edition' => 'Conflict while editing',
998 'titre_connexion_ldap' => 'Options: <b>Your LDAP connection</b>',
999 'titre_groupe_mots' => 'KEYWORD GROUP:',
1000 'titre_identite_site' => 'Site identity',
1001 'titre_langue_article' => 'Article language',
1002 'titre_langue_rubrique' => 'Section language',
1003 'titre_langue_trad_article' => 'ARTICLE LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONS',
1004 'titre_les_articles' => 'ARTICLES',
1005 'titre_messagerie_agenda' => 'Messaging system and calendar',
1006 'titre_naviguer_dans_le_site' => 'Browse the site...',
1007 'titre_nouvelle_rubrique' => 'New section',
1008 'titre_numero_rubrique' => 'SECTION NUMBER:',
1009 'titre_page_admin_effacer' => 'Technical maintenance: deleting the database',
1010 'titre_page_articles_edit' => 'Modify: @titre@',
1011 'titre_page_articles_page' => 'Articles',
1012 'titre_page_articles_tous' => 'The entire site',
1013 'titre_page_auteurs' => 'Visitors',
1014 'titre_page_calendrier' => 'Calendar @nom_mois@ @annee@',
1015 'titre_page_config_contenu' => 'Site configuration',
1016 'titre_page_config_fonctions' => 'Site configuration',
1017 'titre_page_configuration' => 'Site configuration',
1018 'titre_page_controle_petition' => 'Petitions follow-up',
1019 'titre_page_delete_all' => 'total and irreversible deletion',
1020 'titre_page_documents_liste' => 'Attached documents',
1021 'titre_page_index' => 'Your private area',
1022 'titre_page_message_edit' => 'Write a message',
1023 'titre_page_messagerie' => 'Your messaging',
1024 'titre_page_recherche' => 'Search results @recherche@',
1025 'titre_page_statistiques_referers' => 'Statistics (incoming links)',
1026 'titre_page_statistiques_signatures_jour' => 'Signatures count by day',
1027 'titre_page_statistiques_signatures_mois' => 'Signatures count by month',
1028 'titre_page_upgrade' => 'SPIP upgrade',
1029 'titre_publication_articles_post_dates' => 'Publication of post dated articles',
1030 'titre_referencer_site' => 'Reference the site:',
1031 'titre_rendez_vous' => 'APPOINTMENTS:',
1032 'titre_reparation' => 'Repair',
1033 'titre_suivi_petition' => 'Petitions follow-up',
1034 'tls_ldap' => 'Transport Layer Security :',
1035 'trad_article_inexistant' => 'There is no article with this number',
1036 'trad_article_traduction' => 'All the versions of this article:',
1037 'trad_deja_traduit' => 'Error: impossible to link this article to the requested number.',
1038 'trad_delier' => 'Stop linking to these translations',
1039 'trad_lier' => 'This article is a translation of article number:',
1040 'trad_new' => 'Write a new translation',
1042 // U
1043 'upload_info_mode_document' => 'Place this image in the portfolio',
1044 'upload_info_mode_image' => 'Remove this image from the portfolio',
1045 'utf8_convert_attendez' => 'Wait a few seconds and then reload this page.',
1046 'utf8_convert_avertissement' => 'You are about to convert the contents of your database (articles, news items, etc) from the character set <b>@orig@</b> to the character set <b>@charset@</b>.',
1047 'utf8_convert_backup' => 'Don’t forget to first make a complete backup of your site. You need also to check that your templates and language files are compatible with @charset@.',
1048 'utf8_convert_erreur_deja' => 'Your site is already in @charset@, there is no point in converting.',
1049 'utf8_convert_erreur_orig' => 'Error: the character set @charset@ is not supported.',
1050 'utf8_convert_termine' => 'Finished!',
1051 'utf8_convert_timeout' => '<b>Important:</b> If the server indicates <i>timeout</i>, please continue to reload the page until you receive the message «Finished!».',
1052 'utf8_convert_verifier' => 'You now need to empty the site cache and then check if all is well on the public pages of the site. If you are stuck with a major problem, a backup of your original data (in SQL format) has been made in the @rep@ directory.',
1053 'utf8_convertir_votre_site' => 'Convert your site to utf-8',
1055 // V
1056 'version' => 'Version:'
1057 );
1059 ?>