Mise-à-jour : etc/gitolite .
[lhc/ateliers.git] / etc / network / interfaces.m4
1 auto lo
2 iface lo inet loopback
4 auto eth0=grenode
5 iface grenode inet static
6 address LOCAL_IPV4
8 network LOCAL_IPV4
9 broadcast LOCAL_IPV4
10 netmask LOCAL_NETMASK
11 mtu 1300
12 # NOTE: il y a besoin de ça en l'état actuel du réseau de Grenode
13 # car la MTU des tunnels GRE/IPsec entre les routeurs de Grenode l'impose.
14 #
15 # root@ateliers:~# ping -M do -c 1 -s $((1500-20-8-200)) soupirail.grenode.net
16 # PING soupirail.grenode.net ( 1272(1300) bytes of data.
17 # 1280 bytes from soupirail.grenode.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=18.0 ms
18 #
19 # --- soupirail.grenode.net ping statistics ---
20 # 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
21 # rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.027/18.027/18.027/0.000 ms
22 # root@ateliers:~# ping -M do -c 1 -s $((1500-20-8-200+1)) soupirail.grenode.net
23 # PING soupirail.grenode.net ( 1273(1301) bytes of data.
24 # From estran.grenode.net ( icmp_seq=1 Frag needed and DF set (mtu = 1300)
25 #
26 # --- soupirail.grenode.net ping statistics ---
27 # 0 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors
28 post-up ip address add LOCAL_GATEWAY dev $IFACE
29 post-down ip address del LOCAL_GATEWAY dev $IFACE