[PLUGINS] ~maj gis v4.26.1-->4.26.10
[lhc/web/clavette_www.git] / www / plugins / gis / lang / gis_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/gis?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'aucun_gis' => 'No point',
12 'aucun_objet' => 'No object',
14 // B
15 'bouton_lier' => 'Link this point',
16 'bouton_supprimer_gis' => 'Delete this point permanently',
17 'bouton_supprimer_lien' => 'Remove this link',
19 // C
20 'cfg_descr_gis' => 'Geographic Information System.<br /><a href="http://contrib.spip.net/4189" class="spip_out">Link to the documentation</a>.',
21 'cfg_inf_adresse' => 'Displays additional address fields (country, city, state, address ...)',
22 'cfg_inf_bing' => 'The Bing Aerial layer needs a key you can create on <a href=\'@url@\' class="spip_out">the Bing website</a>.',
23 'cfg_inf_cloudmade' => 'This API needs a key you can create on <a href=\'@url@\' class="spip_out">the CloudMade website</a>.',
24 'cfg_inf_geocoder' => 'Enable geocoder functions (search from an address, recovery of the address from the coordinates).',
25 'cfg_inf_geolocaliser_user_html5' => 'If the user’s browser allows it, its approximate geographic location is retrieved to give the default position when creating a new point.',
26 'cfg_inf_google' => 'This API needs a key you can create on <a href=\'@url@\' class="spip_out">the GoogleMaps website</a>.',
27 'cfg_inf_yandex' => 'This API needs a key you can create on <a href=\'@url@\' class="spip_out">the yandex website</a>.',
28 'cfg_lbl_activer_objets' => 'Enable geotagging of content:',
29 'cfg_lbl_adresse' => 'Show address fields',
30 'cfg_lbl_api' => 'Geolocation API',
31 'cfg_lbl_api_cloudmade' => 'CloudMade',
32 'cfg_lbl_api_google' => 'Google Maps v2',
33 'cfg_lbl_api_googlev3' => 'Google Maps v3',
34 'cfg_lbl_api_key_bing' => 'Bing key',
35 'cfg_lbl_api_key_cloudmade' => 'CloudMade API key',
36 'cfg_lbl_api_key_google' => 'GoogleMaps API key',
37 'cfg_lbl_api_key_yandex' => 'Yandex API key',
38 'cfg_lbl_api_mapquest' => 'MapQuest',
39 'cfg_lbl_api_microsoft' => 'Microsoft Bing',
40 'cfg_lbl_api_openlayers' => 'OpenLayers',
41 'cfg_lbl_api_ovi' => 'Ovi Nokia',
42 'cfg_lbl_api_yandex' => 'Yandex',
43 'cfg_lbl_geocoder' => 'Geocoder',
44 'cfg_lbl_geolocaliser_user_html5' => 'Center the map on the location of the user at the creation step',
45 'cfg_lbl_layer_defaut' => 'Default layer',
46 'cfg_lbl_layers' => 'Proposed layers',
47 'cfg_lbl_maptype' => 'Base map',
48 'cfg_lbl_maptype_carte' => 'Map',
49 'cfg_lbl_maptype_hybride' => 'Hybrid',
50 'cfg_lbl_maptype_relief' => 'Relief',
51 'cfg_lbl_maptype_satellite' => 'Satellite',
52 'cfg_titre_gis' => 'GIS configuration',
54 // E
55 'editer_gis_editer' => 'Edit this point',
56 'editer_gis_nouveau' => 'Create a new point',
57 'editer_gis_titre' => 'The location-based points',
58 'erreur_geocoder' => 'No results for your search:',
59 'erreur_recherche_pas_resultats' => 'No point corresponds to the searched text.',
60 'erreur_xmlrpc_lat_lon' => 'Latitude and longitude should be set as arguments',
61 'explication_api_forcee' => 'The is imposed by another plugin or skeleton.',
62 'explication_import' => 'Import a file in GPX or KML format.',
63 'explication_layer_forcee' => 'The layer is imposed by another plugin or skeleton.',
64 'explication_maptype_force' => 'The base map is imposed by another plugin or skeleton.',
66 // F
67 'formulaire_creer_gis' => 'Create a new location-based point:',
68 'formulaire_modifier_gis' => 'Modify the location-based point:',
70 // G
71 'gis_pluriel' => 'Location-based points',
72 'gis_singulier' => 'Location-based point',
74 // I
75 'icone_gis_tous' => 'Location-based points',
76 'info_1_gis' => 'A location-based point',
77 'info_1_objet_gis' => '1 object linked to that point',
78 'info_aucun_gis' => 'No location-based point',
79 'info_aucun_objet_gis' => 'No object linked to that point',
80 'info_geolocalisation' => 'Geolocation',
81 'info_id_objet' => 'N°',
82 'info_liste_gis' => 'Location-based points',
83 'info_nb_gis' => '@nb@ location-based points',
84 'info_nb_objets_gis' => '@nb@ objects linked to that point',
85 'info_numero_gis' => 'Point number',
86 'info_objet' => 'Object',
87 'info_recherche_gis_zero' => 'No result for « @cherche_gis@ ».',
88 'info_supprimer_lien' => 'Unlink',
89 'info_supprimer_liens' => 'Unlink all the points',
90 'info_voir_fiche_objet' => 'Go to page',
92 // L
93 'label_adress' => 'Address',
94 'label_code_pays' => 'Country code',
95 'label_code_postal' => 'Postal code',
96 'label_departement' => 'Department',
97 'label_import' => 'Import',
98 'label_inserer_modele_articles' => 'linked to articles',
99 'label_inserer_modele_articles_sites' => 'linked to articles + websites',
100 'label_inserer_modele_auteurs' => 'linked to authors',
101 'label_inserer_modele_centrer_auto' => 'No automatic centring',
102 'label_inserer_modele_centrer_fichier' => 'Do not center the map on the KLM/GPX files',
103 'label_inserer_modele_controle' => 'Hide controls',
104 'label_inserer_modele_controle_type' => 'Hide types',
105 'label_inserer_modele_description' => 'Description',
106 'label_inserer_modele_documents' => 'linked to documents',
107 'label_inserer_modele_echelle' => 'Scale',
108 'label_inserer_modele_fullscreen' => 'Full screen button',
109 'label_inserer_modele_gpx' => 'GPX file to overlay',
110 'label_inserer_modele_hauteur_carte' => 'Map height',
111 'label_inserer_modele_identifiant' => 'ID',
112 'label_inserer_modele_identifiant_opt' => 'ID (optionnal)',
113 'label_inserer_modele_identifiant_placeholder' => 'id_gis',
114 'label_inserer_modele_kml' => 'KML files to overlay',
115 'label_inserer_modele_kml_gpx' => 'id_document or url',
116 'label_inserer_modele_largeur_carte' => 'Map width',
117 'label_inserer_modele_limite' => 'Maximum number of points',
118 'label_inserer_modele_localiser_visiteur' => 'Center on the visitor',
119 'label_inserer_modele_mini_carte' => 'Mini situation map',
120 'label_inserer_modele_molette' => 'Disable the scroll wheel',
121 'label_inserer_modele_mots' => 'Linked to words',
122 'label_inserer_modele_objets' => 'Point(s) category',
123 'label_inserer_modele_point_gis' => 'single point recorded',
124 'label_inserer_modele_point_libre' => 'free single point',
125 'label_inserer_modele_points' => 'Hide points',
126 'label_inserer_modele_rubriques' => 'linked to sections',
127 'label_inserer_modele_sites' => 'linked to websites',
128 'label_inserer_modele_titre_carte' => 'Map title',
129 'label_pays' => 'Country',
130 'label_rechercher_address' => 'Search for an address',
131 'label_rechercher_point' => 'Search for a point',
132 'label_region' => 'Region',
133 'label_ville' => 'Town',
134 'lat' => 'Latitude',
135 'libelle_logo_gis' => 'POINT\\’S LOGO',
136 'lien_ajouter_gis' => 'Add this point',
137 'lon' => 'Longitude',
139 // T
140 'telecharger_gis' => 'Download in @format@ format',
141 'texte_ajouter_gis' => 'Add a location-based point',
142 'texte_creer_associer_gis' => 'Create and link a location-based point',
143 'texte_creer_gis' => 'Create a location-based point',
144 'texte_modifier_gis' => 'Modify the location-based point',
145 'texte_voir_gis' => 'Show the location-based point',
146 'titre_bloc_creer_point' => 'Link a new point',
147 'titre_bloc_points_lies' => 'Linked points',
148 'titre_bloc_rechercher_point' => 'Search for a point',
149 'titre_nombre_utilisation' => 'One use',
150 'titre_nombre_utilisations' => '@nb@ uses',
151 'titre_nouveau_point' => 'New point',
152 'titre_objet' => 'Title',
153 'toolbar_actions_title' => 'Cancel the drawing',
154 'toolbar_buttons_marker' => 'Plot a point',
155 'toolbar_buttons_polygon' => 'Draw a polygon',
156 'toolbar_buttons_polyline' => 'Draw a line',
157 'toolbar_handlers_marker_tooltip_start' => 'Click to set marker',
158 'toolbar_handlers_polygon_tooltip_cont' => 'Click to continue drawing the polygon',
159 'toolbar_handlers_polygon_tooltip_end' => 'Click the first point to close the polygon',
160 'toolbar_handlers_polygon_tooltip_start' => 'Click to start drawing the polygon',
161 'toolbar_handlers_polyline_tooltip_cont' => 'Click to continue to draw the line',
162 'toolbar_handlers_polyline_tooltip_end' => 'Click the last point to end line',
163 'toolbar_handlers_polyline_tooltip_start' => 'Click to start drawing the line',
164 'toolbar_undo_text' => 'Delete last point',
165 'toolbar_undo_title' => 'Delete last point drawn',
167 // Z
168 'zoom' => 'Zoom'
169 );
171 ?>