mDescription = "Build JSON messages files from a PHP messages file"; $this->addArg( 'phpfile', 'PHP file defining a $messages array', false ); $this->addArg( 'jsondir', 'Directory to write JSON files to', false ); $this->addOption( 'langcode', 'Language code; only needed for converting core i18n files', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'extension', 'Perform default conversion on an extension', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'shim-only', 'Only create or update the backward-compatibility shim' ); } public function execute() { global $IP; $phpfile = $this->getArg( 0 ); $jsondir = $this->getArg( 1 ); $extension = $this->getOption( 'extension' ); if ( $extension ) { if ( $phpfile ) { $this->error( "The phpfile is already specified, conflicts with --extension.\n", 1 ); } $phpfile = "$IP/extensions/$extension/$extension.i18n.php"; } if ( !$phpfile ) { $this->error( "I'm here for an argument!\n" ); $this->maybeHelp( true ); // dies. } $this->transformI18nFile( $phpfile, $jsondir ); } public function transformI18nFile( $phpfile, $jsondir = null ) { if ( !$jsondir ) { // Assume the json directory should be in the same directory as the // .i18n.php file. $jsondir = dirname( $phpfile ) . "/i18n"; } if ( !is_dir( $jsondir ) ) { $this->output( "Creating directory $jsondir.\n" ); $success = mkdir( $jsondir ); if ( !$success ) { $this->error( "Could not create directory $jsondir\n", 1 ); } } if ( $this->hasOption( 'shim-only' ) ) { $this->shimOnly( $phpfile, $jsondir ); return; } if ( $jsondir === null ) { $this->error( 'Argument [jsondir] is required unless --shim-only is specified.' ); $this->maybeHelp( true ); } if ( !is_readable( $phpfile ) ) { $this->error( "Error reading $phpfile\n", 1 ); } include $phpfile; $phpfileContents = file_get_contents( $phpfile ); if ( !isset( $messages ) ) { $this->error( "PHP file $phpfile does not define \$messages array\n", 1 ); } $extensionStyle = true; if ( !isset( $messages['en'] ) || !is_array( $messages['en'] ) ) { if ( !$this->hasOption( 'langcode' ) ) { $this->error( "PHP file $phpfile does not set language codes, --langcode " . "is required.\n", 1 ); } $extensionStyle = false; $langcode = $this->getOption( 'langcode' ); $messages = array( $langcode => $messages ); } elseif ( $this->hasOption( 'langcode' ) ) { $this->output( "Warning: --langcode option set but will not be used.\n" ); } foreach ( $messages as $langcode => $langmsgs ) { $authors = $this->getAuthorsFromComment( $this->findCommentBefore( $extensionStyle ? "\$messages['$langcode'] =" : '$messages =', $phpfileContents ) ); // Make sure the @metadata key is the first key in the output $langmsgs = array_merge( array( '@metadata' => array( 'authors' => $authors ) ), $langmsgs ); $jsonfile = "$jsondir/$langcode.json"; $success = file_put_contents( $jsonfile, FormatJson::encode( $langmsgs, "\t", FormatJson::ALL_OK ) . "\n" ); if ( $success === false ) { $this->error( "FAILED to write $jsonfile", 1 ); } $this->output( "$jsonfile\n" ); } if ( !$this->hasOption( 'langcode' ) ) { $shim = $this->doShim( $jsondir ); file_put_contents( $phpfile, $shim ); } $this->output( "All done.\n" ); $this->output( "Also add \$wgMessagesDirs['YourExtension'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';\n" ); } protected function shimOnly( $phpfile, $jsondir ) { if ( file_exists( $phpfile ) ) { if ( !is_readable( $phpfile ) ) { $this->error( "Error reading $phpfile\n", 1 ); } $phpfileContents = file_get_contents( $phpfile ); $m = array(); if ( !preg_match( '!"/([^"$]+)/\$csCode.json";!', $phpfileContents, $m ) ) { $this->error( "Cannot recognize $phpfile as a shim.\n", 1 ); } if ( $jsondir === null ) { $jsondir = $m[1]; } $this->output( "Updating existing shim $phpfile\n" ); } elseif ( $jsondir === null ) { $this->error( "$phpfile does not exist.\n" . "Argument [jsondir] is required in order to create a new shim.\n", 1 ); } else { $this->output( "Creating new shim $phpfile\n" ); } $shim = $this->doShim( $jsondir ); file_put_contents( $phpfile, $shim ); $this->output( "All done.\n" ); } protected function doShim( $jsondir ) { $shim = <<<'PHP'