*/ require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php'; /** * Maintenance script that compares documented and actually present mismatches. * * @ingroup Maintenance */ class FindHooks extends Maintenance { const FIND_NON_RECURSIVE = 0; const FIND_RECURSIVE = 1; /* * Hooks that are ignored */ protected static $ignore = [ 'testRunLegacyHooks', 'Test' ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->addDescription( 'Find hooks that are undocumented, missing, or just plain wrong' ); $this->addOption( 'online', 'Check against MediaWiki.org hook documentation' ); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_NONE; } public function execute() { global $IP; $documentedHooks = $this->getHooksFromDoc( $IP . '/docs/hooks.txt' ); $potentialHooks = []; $badHooks = []; $recurseDirs = [ "$IP/includes/", "$IP/mw-config/", "$IP/languages/", "$IP/maintenance/", // Omit $IP/tests/phpunit as it contains hook tests that shouldn't be documented "$IP/tests/parser", "$IP/tests/phpunit/suites", ]; $nonRecurseDirs = [ "$IP/", ]; foreach ( $recurseDirs as $dir ) { $ret = $this->getHooksFromDir( $dir, self::FIND_RECURSIVE ); $potentialHooks = array_merge( $potentialHooks, $ret['good'] ); $badHooks = array_merge( $badHooks, $ret['bad'] ); } foreach ( $nonRecurseDirs as $dir ) { $ret = $this->getHooksFromDir( $dir ); $potentialHooks = array_merge( $potentialHooks, $ret['good'] ); $badHooks = array_merge( $badHooks, $ret['bad'] ); } $documented = array_keys( $documentedHooks ); $potential = array_keys( $potentialHooks ); $potential = array_unique( $potential ); $badHooks = array_diff( array_unique( $badHooks ), self::$ignore ); $todo = array_diff( $potential, $documented, self::$ignore ); $deprecated = array_diff( $documented, $potential, self::$ignore ); // Check parameter count and references $badParameterCount = $badParameterReference = []; foreach ( $potentialHooks as $hook => $args ) { if ( !isset( $documentedHooks[$hook] ) ) { // Not documented, but that will also be in $todo continue; } $argsDoc = $documentedHooks[$hook]; if ( $args === 'unknown' || $argsDoc === 'unknown' ) { // Could not get parameter information continue; } if ( count( $argsDoc ) !== count( $args ) ) { $badParameterCount[] = $hook . ': Doc: ' . count( $argsDoc ) . ' vs. Code: ' . count( $args ); } else { // Check if & is equal foreach ( $argsDoc as $index => $argDoc ) { $arg = $args[$index]; if ( ( $arg[0] === '&' ) !== ( $argDoc[0] === '&' ) ) { $badParameterReference[] = $hook . ': References different: Doc: ' . $argDoc . ' vs. Code: ' . $arg; } } } } // Print the results $this->printArray( 'Undocumented', $todo ); $this->printArray( 'Documented and not found', $deprecated ); $this->printArray( 'Unclear hook calls', $badHooks ); $this->printArray( 'Different parameter count', $badParameterCount ); $this->printArray( 'Different parameter reference', $badParameterReference ); if ( !$todo && !$deprecated && !$badHooks && !$badParameterCount && !$badParameterReference ) { $this->output( "Looks good!\n" ); } else { $this->error( 'The script finished with errors.', 1 ); } } /** * Get the hook documentation, either locally or from MediaWiki.org * @param string $doc * @return array Array: key => hook name; value => array of arguments or string 'unknown' */ private function getHooksFromDoc( $doc ) { if ( $this->hasOption( 'online' ) ) { return $this->getHooksFromOnlineDoc(); } else { return $this->getHooksFromLocalDoc( $doc ); } } /** * Get hooks from a local file (for example docs/hooks.txt) * @param string $doc Filename to look in * @return array Array: key => hook name; value => array of arguments or string 'unknown' */ private function getHooksFromLocalDoc( $doc ) { $m = []; $content = file_get_contents( $doc ); preg_match_all( "/\n'(.*?)':.*((?:\n.+)*)/", $content, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ); // Extract the documented parameter $hooks = []; foreach ( $m as $match ) { $args = []; if ( isset( $match[2] ) ) { $n = []; if ( preg_match_all( "/\n(&?\\$\w+):.+/", $match[2], $n ) ) { $args = $n[1]; } } $hooks[$match[1]] = $args; } return $hooks; } /** * Get hooks from www.mediawiki.org using the API * @return array Array: key => hook name; value => string 'unknown' */ private function getHooksFromOnlineDoc() { $allhooks = $this->getHooksFromOnlineDocCategory( 'MediaWiki_hooks' ); $removed = $this->getHooksFromOnlineDocCategory( 'Removed_hooks' ); return array_diff_key( $allhooks, $removed ); } /** * @param string $title * @return array */ private function getHooksFromOnlineDocCategory( $title ) { $params = [ 'action' => 'query', 'list' => 'categorymembers', 'cmtitle' => "Category:$title", 'cmlimit' => 500, 'format' => 'json', 'continue' => '', ]; $retval = []; while ( true ) { $json = Http::get( wfAppendQuery( 'http://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php', $params ), [], __METHOD__ ); $data = FormatJson::decode( $json, true ); foreach ( $data['query']['categorymembers'] as $page ) { if ( preg_match( '/Manual\:Hooks\/([a-zA-Z0-9- :]+)/', $page['title'], $m ) ) { // parameters are unknown, because that needs parsing of wikitext $retval[str_replace( ' ', '_', $m[1] )] = 'unknown'; } } if ( !isset( $data['continue'] ) ) { return $retval; } $params = array_replace( $params, $data['continue'] ); } } /** * Get hooks from a PHP file * @param string $filePath Full file path to the PHP file. * @return array Array: key => hook name; value => array of arguments or string 'unknown' */ private function getHooksFromFile( $filePath ) { $content = file_get_contents( $filePath ); $m = []; preg_match_all( // All functions which runs hooks '/(?:wfRunHooks|Hooks\:\:run|ContentHandler\:\:runLegacyHooks)\s*\(\s*' . // First argument is the hook name as string '([\'"])(.*?)\1' . // Comma for second argument '(?:\s*(,))?' . // Second argument must start with array to be processed '(?:\s*array\s*\(' . // Matching inside array - allows one deep of brackets '((?:[^\(\)]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)' . // End '\))?/', $content, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ); // Extract parameter $hooks = []; foreach ( $m as $match ) { $args = []; if ( isset( $match[4] ) ) { $n = []; if ( preg_match_all( '/((?:[^,\(\)]|\([^\(\)]*\))+)/', $match[4], $n ) ) { $args = array_map( 'trim', $n[1] ); } } elseif ( isset( $match[3] ) ) { // Found a parameter for Hooks::run, // but could not extract the hooks argument, // because there are given by a variable $args = 'unknown'; } $hooks[$match[2]] = $args; } return $hooks; } /** * Get bad hooks (where the hook name could not be determined) from a PHP file * @param string $filePath Full filename to the PHP file. * @return array Array of bad wfRunHooks() lines */ private function getBadHooksFromFile( $filePath ) { $content = file_get_contents( $filePath ); $m = []; // We want to skip the "function wfRunHooks()" one. :) preg_match_all( '/(? hook name; value => array of arguments or string 'unknown' */ private function getHooksFromDir( $dir, $recurse = 0 ) { $good = []; $bad = []; if ( $recurse === self::FIND_RECURSIVE ) { $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $dir ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST | RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ); } else { $iterator = new DirectoryIterator( $dir ); } foreach ( $iterator as $info ) { // Ignore directories, ignore json (installer and api i18n), // ignore extension-less files like HISTORY if ( $info->isFile() && $info->getExtension() !== 'json' && $info->getExtension() // Skip this file as it contains text that looks like a bad wfRunHooks() call && $info->getRealPath() !== __FILE__ ) { $good = array_merge( $good, $this->getHooksFromFile( $info->getRealPath() ) ); $bad = array_merge( $bad, $this->getBadHooksFromFile( $info->getRealPath() ) ); } } return [ 'good' => $good, 'bad' => $bad ]; } /** * Nicely sort an print an array * @param string $msg A message to show before the value * @param array $arr */ private function printArray( $msg, $arr ) { asort( $arr ); foreach ( $arr as $v ) { $this->output( "$msg: $v\n" ); } } } $maintClass = 'FindHooks'; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;