targetTable = $table; $this->maxLag = 10; # if slaves are lagged more than 10 secs, wait $this->dryrun = $dryrun; } function cleanup() { if( $this->dryrun ) { echo "Checking for bad titles...\n"; } else { echo "Checking and fixing bad titles...\n"; } $this->runTable( $this->targetTable, '', //'WHERE page_namespace=0', array( $this, 'processPage' ) ); } function init( $count, $table ) { $this->processed = 0; $this->updated = 0; $this->count = $count; $this->startTime = wfTime(); $this->table = $table; } function progress( $updated ) { $this->updated += $updated; $this->processed++; if( $this->processed % 100 != 0 ) { return; } $portion = $this->processed / $this->count; $updateRate = $this->updated / $this->processed; $now = wfTime(); $delta = $now - $this->startTime; $estimatedTotalTime = $delta / $portion; $eta = $this->startTime + $estimatedTotalTime; global $wgDBname; printf( "%s %s: %6.2f%% done on %s; ETA %s [%d/%d] %.2f/sec <%.2f%% updated>\n", $wgDBname, wfTimestamp( TS_DB, intval( $now ) ), $portion * 100.0, $this->table, wfTimestamp( TS_DB, intval( $eta ) ), $this->processed, $this->count, $this->processed / $delta, $updateRate * 100.0 ); flush(); } function runTable( $table, $where, $callback ) { $fname = 'CapsCleanup::buildTable'; $count = $this->dbw->selectField( $table, 'count(*)', '', $fname ); $this->init( $count, $table ); $this->log( "Processing $table..." ); $tableName = $this->dbr->tableName( $table ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName $where"; $result = $this->dbr->query( $sql, $fname ); while( $row = $this->dbr->fetchObject( $result ) ) { $updated = call_user_func( $callback, $row ); } $this->log( "Finished $table... $this->updated of $this->processed rows updated" ); $this->dbr->freeResult( $result ); } abstract function processPage( $row ); } ?>