getNativeData(); } if ( $wgContentHandlerTextFallback == 'fail' ) throw new MWException( "Attempt to get text from Content with model " . $content->getModelName() ); if ( $wgContentHandlerTextFallback == 'serialize' ) return $content->serialize(); return null; } public static function makeContent( $text, Title $title, $modelName = null, $format = null ) { if ( !$modelName ) { $modelName = $title->getContentModelName(); } $handler = ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); return $handler->unserialize( $text, $format ); } public static function getDefaultModelFor( Title $title ) { global $wgNamespaceContentModels; # NOTE: this method must not rely on $title->getContentModelName() directly or indirectly, # because it is used to initialized the mContentModelName memebr. $ns = $title->getNamespace(); $ext = false; $m = null; $model = null; if ( !empty( $wgNamespaceContentModels[ $ns ] ) ) { $model = $wgNamespaceContentModels[ $ns ]; } # hook can determin default model if ( !wfRunHooks( 'DefaultModelFor', array( $title, &$model ) ) ) { #FIXME: document new hook! if ( $model ) return $model; } # Could this page contain custom CSS or JavaScript, based on the title? $isCssOrJsPage = ( NS_MEDIAWIKI == $ns && preg_match( "!\.(css|js)$!u", $title->getText(), $m ) ); if ( $isCssOrJsPage ) $ext = $m[1]; # hook can force js/css wfRunHooks( 'TitleIsCssOrJsPage', array( $title, &$isCssOrJsPage, &$ext ) ); #FIXME: add $ext to hook interface spec # Is this a .css subpage of a user page? $isJsCssSubpage = ( NS_USER == $ns && !$isCssOrJsPage && preg_match( "/\\/.*\\.(js|css)$/", $title->getText(), $m ) ); if ( $isJsCssSubpage ) $ext = $m[1]; # is this wikitext, according to $wgNamespaceContentModels or the DefaultModelFor hook? $isWikitext = ( $model == CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT || $model === null ); $isWikitext = ( $isWikitext && !$isCssOrJsPage && !$isJsCssSubpage ); # hook can override $isWikitext wfRunHooks( 'TitleIsWikitextPage', array( $title, &$isWikitext ) ); if ( !$isWikitext ) { if ( $ext == 'js' ) return CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT; else if ( $ext == 'css' ) return CONTENT_MODEL_CSS; if ( $model ) return $model; else return CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT; } # we established that is must be wikitext return CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT; } public static function getForTitle( Title $title ) { $modelName = $title->getContentModelName(); return ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); } public static function getForContent( Content $content ) { $modelName = $content->getModelName(); return ContentHandler::getForModelName( $modelName ); } /** * @static * @param $modelName String the name of the content model for which to get a handler. Use CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants. * @return ContentHandler * @throws MWException */ public static function getForModelName( $modelName ) { global $wgContentHandlers; if ( empty( $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] ) ) { #FIXME: hook here! throw new MWException( "No handler for model $modelName registered in \$wgContentHandlers" ); } if ( is_string( $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] ) ) { $class = $wgContentHandlers[$modelName]; $wgContentHandlers[$modelName] = new $class( $modelName ); } return $wgContentHandlers[$modelName]; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function __construct( $modelName, $formats ) { $this->mModelName = $modelName; $this->mSupportedFormats = $formats; } public function getModelName() { # for wikitext: wikitext; in the future: wikiast, wikidom? # for wikidata: wikidata return $this->mModelName; } public function getSupportedFormats() { # for wikitext: "text/x-mediawiki-1", "text/x-mediawiki-2", etc # for wikidata: "application/json", "application/x-php", etc return $this->mSupportedFormats; } public function getDefaultFormat() { return $this->mSupportedFormats[0]; } /** * @abstract * @param Content $content * @param null $format * @return String */ public abstract function serialize( Content $content, $format = null ); /** * @abstract * @param $blob String * @param null $format * @return Content */ public abstract function unserialize( $blob, $format = null ); public abstract function emptyContent(); /** * Return an Article object suitable for viewing the given object * * NOTE: does *not* do special handling for Image and Category pages! * Use Article::newFromTitle() for that! * * @param type $title * @return \Article * @todo Article is being refactored into an action class, keep track of that */ public function createArticle( Title $title ) { #XXX: assert that $title->getContentModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $article = new Article($title); return $article; } /** * Return an EditPage object suitable for editing the given object * * @param type $article * @return \EditPage */ public function createEditPage( Article $article ) { #XXX: assert that $article->getContentObject()->getModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $editPage = new EditPage( $article ); return $editPage; } /** * Return an ExternalEdit object suitable for editing the given object * * @param type $article * @return \ExternalEdit */ public function createExternalEdit( IContextSource $context ) { #XXX: assert that $article->getContentObject()->getModelName() == $this->getModelname()? $externalEdit = new ExternalEdit( $context ); return $externalEdit; } /** * Factory * @param $context IContextSource context to use, anything else will be ignored * @param $old Integer old ID we want to show and diff with. * @param $new String either 'prev' or 'next'. * @param $rcid Integer ??? FIXME (default 0) * @param $refreshCache boolean If set, refreshes the diff cache * @param $unhide boolean If set, allow viewing deleted revs */ public function getDifferenceEngine( IContextSource $context, $old = 0, $new = 0, $rcid = 0, #FIMXE: use everywhere! $refreshCache = false, $unhide = false ) { $de = new DifferenceEngine( $context, $old, $new, $rcid, $refreshCache, $unhide ); return $de; } /** * attempts to merge differences between three versions. * Returns a new Content object for a clean merge and false for failure or a conflict. * * This default implementation always returns false. * * @param $oldContent String * @param $myContent String * @param $yourContent String * @return Content|Bool */ public function merge3( Content $oldContent, Content $myContent, Content $yourContent ) { return false; } /** * Return an applicable autosummary if one exists for the given edit. * * @param $oldContent Content: the previous text of the page. * @param $newContent Content: The submitted text of the page. * @param $flags Int bitmask: a bitmask of flags submitted for the edit. * * @return string An appropriate autosummary, or an empty string. */ public function getAutosummary( Content $oldContent, Content $newContent, $flags ) { global $wgContLang; # Decide what kind of autosummary is needed. # Redirect autosummaries $ot = $oldContent->getRedirectTarget(); $rt = $newContent->getRedirectTarget(); if ( is_object( $rt ) && ( !is_object( $ot ) || !$rt->equals( $ot ) || $ot->getFragment() != $rt->getFragment() ) ) { $truncatedtext = $newContent->getTextForSummary( 250 - strlen( wfMsgForContent( 'autoredircomment' ) ) - strlen( $rt->getFullText() ) ); return wfMsgForContent( 'autoredircomment', $rt->getFullText(), $truncatedtext ); } # New page autosummaries if ( $flags & EDIT_NEW && $newContent->getSize() > 0 ) { # If they're making a new article, give its text, truncated, in the summary. $truncatedtext = $newContent->getTextForSummary( 200 - strlen( wfMsgForContent( 'autosumm-new' ) ) ); return wfMsgForContent( 'autosumm-new', $truncatedtext ); } # Blanking autosummaries if ( $oldContent->getSize() > 0 && $newContent->getSize() == 0 ) { return wfMsgForContent( 'autosumm-blank' ); } elseif ( $oldContent->getSize() > 10 * $newContent->getSize() && $newContent->getSize() < 500 ) { # Removing more than 90% of the article $truncatedtext = $newContent->getTextForSummary( 200 - strlen( wfMsgForContent( 'autosumm-replace' ) ) ); return wfMsgForContent( 'autosumm-replace', $truncatedtext ); } # If we reach this point, there's no applicable autosummary for our case, so our # autosummary is empty. return ''; } /** * Auto-generates a deletion reason * * @param $title Title: the page's title * @param &$hasHistory Boolean: whether the page has a history * @return mixed String containing deletion reason or empty string, or boolean false * if no revision occurred */ public function getAutoDeleteReason( Title $title, &$hasHistory ) { global $wgContLang; try { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); // Get the last revision $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $title ); if ( is_null( $rev ) ) { return false; } // Get the article's contents $content = $rev->getContent(); $blank = false; // If the page is blank, use the text from the previous revision, // which can only be blank if there's a move/import/protect dummy revision involved if ( $content->getSize() == 0 ) { $prev = $rev->getPrevious(); if ( $prev ) { $content = $rev->getContent(); $blank = true; } } // Find out if there was only one contributor // Only scan the last 20 revisions $res = $dbw->select( 'revision', 'rev_user_text', array( 'rev_page' => $title->getArticleID(), $dbw->bitAnd( 'rev_deleted', Revision::DELETED_USER ) . ' = 0' ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => 20 ) ); if ( $res === false ) { // This page has no revisions, which is very weird return false; } $hasHistory = ( $res->numRows() > 1 ); $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { // $row is false if the only contributor is hidden $onlyAuthor = $row->rev_user_text; // Try to find a second contributor foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->rev_user_text != $onlyAuthor ) { // Bug 22999 $onlyAuthor = false; break; } } } else { $onlyAuthor = false; } // Generate the summary with a '$1' placeholder if ( $blank ) { // The current revision is blank and the one before is also // blank. It's just not our lucky day $reason = wfMsgForContent( 'exbeforeblank', '$1' ); } else { if ( $onlyAuthor ) { $reason = wfMsgForContent( 'excontentauthor', '$1', $onlyAuthor ); } else { $reason = wfMsgForContent( 'excontent', '$1' ); } } if ( $reason == '-' ) { // Allow these UI messages to be blanked out cleanly return ''; } // Max content length = max comment length - length of the comment (excl. $1) $text = $content->getTextForSummary( 255 - ( strlen( $reason ) - 2 ) ); // Now replace the '$1' placeholder $reason = str_replace( '$1', $text, $reason ); return $reason; } catch (MWException $e) { # if a page is horribly broken, we still want to be able to delete it. so be lenient about errors here. wfDebug("Error while building auto delete summary: $e"); } return ''; } /** * Get the Content object that needs to be saved in order to undo all revisions * between $undo and $undoafter. Revisions must belong to the same page, * must exist and must not be deleted * @param $undo Revision * @param $undoafter null|Revision Must be an earlier revision than $undo * @return mixed string on success, false on failure */ public function getUndoContent( Revision $current, Revision $undo, Revision $undoafter = null ) { $cur_content = $current->getContent(); if ( empty( $cur_content ) ) { return false; // no page } $undo_content = $undo->getContent(); $undoafter_content = $undoafter->getContent(); if ( $cur_content->equals( $undo_content ) ) { # No use doing a merge if it's just a straight revert. return $undoafter_content; } $undone_content = $this->merge3( $undo_content, $undoafter_content, $cur_content ); return $undone_content; } #TODO: how to handle extra message for JS/CSS previews?? #TODO: Article::showCssOrJsPage ---> specialized classes! #XXX: ImagePage and CategoryPage... wrappers that use ContentHandler? or ContentHandler creates wrappers? } abstract class TextContentHandler extends ContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName, $formats ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, $formats ); } public function serialize( Content $content, $format = null ) { #FIXME: assert format return $content->getNativeData(); } /** * attempts to merge differences between three versions. * Returns a new Content object for a clean merge and false for failure or a conflict. * * This text-based implementation uses wfMerge(). * * @param $oldContent String * @param $myContent String * @param $yourContent String * @return Content|Bool */ public function merge3( Content $oldContent, Content $myContent, Content $yourContent ) { $format = $this->getDefaultFormat(); $old = $this->serialize( $oldContent, $format ); $mine = $this->serialize( $myContent, $format ); $yours = $this->serialize( $yourContent, $format ); $ok = wfMerge( $old, $mine, $yours, $result ); if ( !$ok ) return false; if ( !$result ) return $this->emptyContent(); $mergedContent = $this->unserialize( $result, $format ); return $mergedContent; } } class WikitextContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'application/x-wikitext' ) ); #FIXME: mime } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { #FIXME: assert format return new WikitextContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new WikitextContent(""); } } class JavaScriptContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'text/javascript' ) ); } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { return new JavaScriptContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new JavaScriptContent(""); } } class CssContentHandler extends TextContentHandler { public function __construct( $modelName = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { parent::__construct( $modelName, array( 'text/css' ) ); } public function unserialize( $text, $format = null ) { return new CssContent($text); } public function emptyContent() { return new CssContent(""); } }