[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / lib / foreign-resources.yaml
1 # ## Format of this file
2 #
3 # The top-level keys in this file correspond with directories under resources/lib/.
4 # These in turn are registered as module bundles in Resources.php.
5 #
6 # ## How to install an foreign resource
7 #
8 # 1. Add or update the url(s) for the upstream module to this YAML file.
9 #
10 # Look at other modules for examples. To install a module from npm,
11 # we use the tarball distribution from npmjs.org. This is the same as what
12 # the npm CLI uses. For example, to install jquery-client@9.2.0, use:
13 # <https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery-client/-/jquery-client-9.2.0.tgz>.
14 #
15 # 2. If the upstream maintainers publish an integrity hash, set that as well.
16 # Otherwise, use manageForeignResources.php to compute the integrity hash.
17 #
18 # Run `php manageForeignResources.php make-sri "my module name"`
19 #
20 # This will download the specified file(s) and print their integrity hashes,
21 # already formatted in YAML, ready for copying to this file.
22 #
23 # 3. Last but not least, decide where files go.
24 #
25 # If you specified a direct url to JavaScript or CSS file, this step is
26 # optional. See the corresponding documentation section below for more
27 # information and examples for "dest" keys. Once you've set any "dest" keys,
28 # run `php manageForeignResources.php update "my module name"`.
29 #
30 # ## Package formats
31 #
32 # Each top-level key must use one of these types:
33 #
34 # - `file`: For a plain file.
35 # - `multi-file`: For multiple plain files.
36 # - `tar`: For a tarball archive (may be compressed).
37 #
38 # ### The "file" type
39 #
40 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
41 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
42 # * `dest`: [optional] The file name to use in the module directory. Default: Basename of URL.
43 #
44 # For example, the following would produce resources/lib/mymodule/x.js:
45 #
46 # mymodule:
47 # type: file
48 # src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.js
49 # integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
50 #
51 # ### The "multi-file" type
52 #
53 # * `files`: An object mapping destination paths to `src` and `integrity` keys.
54 #
55 # For example:
56 #
57 # mymodule:
58 # type: multi-file
59 # files:
60 # x.js:
61 # src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.js
62 # integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
63 # x.css:
64 # src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.css
65 # integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
66 #
67 # ### The "tar" type
68 #
69 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
70 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
71 # * `dest`: [optional] The default is to extract all files from the package.
72 # To only extract some of the files or directories, use "dest" to specify
73 # files, directories, and/or glob patterns. You can use a site like https://unpkg.com/
74 # to easily inspect an npm package, like <https://unpkg.com/jquery-client@2.0.2/>.
75 #
76 # For example:
77 #
78 # mymodule:
79 # type: tar
80 # src: https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery-client/-/jquery-client-9.2.0.tgz
81 # integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
82 # dest:
83 # package/dist/x.js:
84 # package/dist/i18n:
85 # package/dist/style/*.css:
86 #
87 # The would extract the "x.js" file, the "i18n" directory (recursive),
88 # and any "*.css" files from the "style" directory.
89 #
91 CLDRPluralRuleParser:
92 type: file
93 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser/0dda851/src/CLDRPluralRuleParser.js
94 integrity: sha384-M4taeYYG2+9Ob1/La16iO+zlRRmBV5lBR3xUKkQT6kfkJ0aLbCi6yc0RYI1BDzdh
96 easy-deflate:
97 type: multi-file
98 files:
99 deflate.js:
100 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/deflate.js
101 integrity: sha384-sHnZLDSWMUhA2w9ygkzCK8YFvoh/fQKY6lXMbvmrYzjuNURiLB0DZFCDNMpGyZ77
102 easydeflate.js:
103 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/easydeflate.js
104 integrity: sha384-EwPfP2RMkDPa1HkzQsXgzTsy1KEjcIzQPA1HDS/JPHjvEMvVUsCxWwm1oXql/jk2
105 inflate.js:
106 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/inflate.js
107 integrity: sha384-hMg44Hw424mUYvmzKl0JT4J8UU/1YYhTiGRtR0YX/MXNLK9qWTK0d62FBCDGxmxw
108 README.md:
109 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edg2s/Easy-Deflate/7a6056e5302f6f385ff2efa60afda45b4ad81e51/README.md
110 integrity: sha384-6kwcfCLivvqXBZy2ATyya+mTVWLk3eaQyBdC6tbpBtkygnBrM2SNkq3jz/l7IkvP
112 html5shiv:
113 type: file
114 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aFarkas/html5shiv/3.7.3/src/html5shiv.js
115 integrity: sha384-RPXhaTf22QktT8KTwZ6bUz/C+7CnccaIw5W/y/t0FW5WSDGj3wc3YtRIJC0w47in
117 jquery:
118 type: file
119 src: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js
120 # Integrity from link modals https://code.jquery.com/jquery/
121 integrity: sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=
122 dest: jquery.js
124 # TODO: jquery.chosen
126 jquery.client:
127 type: tar
128 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery-client/-/jquery-client-2.0.2.tgz
129 integrity: sha256-8c8nBbBykHEMc4I7ksdKJvvw/P7WkaC2X46RTPdz/pw=
130 dest:
131 package/AUTHORS.txt:
132 package/jquery.client.js:
133 package/LICENSE-MIT:
134 package/README.md:
136 jquery.cookie:
137 type: multi-file
138 files:
139 jquery.cookie.js:
140 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie/v1.3.1/jquery.cookie.js
141 integrity: sha384-Xxq63E9KDgzUJ6WPNPqVeOtRIwZyx6y9DzEwY2u6LYKSnWrjSoGtWSKmTindYBf2
142 MIT-LICENSE.txt:
143 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie/v1.3.1/MIT-LICENSE.txt
144 integrity: sha384-zYsGf3KJ7S0AhOICjcoh0kkn7aGZlzYUXXX5xz8dwR9KjLMM+/JPR2g/jVOGGeId
146 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie/v1.3.1/CHANGELOG.md
147 integrity: sha384-SQOHhLc7PHxHDQpGE/zv9XfXKL0A7OBu8kuyVDnHVp+zSoWyRw4xUJ+LSm5ql4kS
149 jquery.form:
150 type: file
151 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jquery-form/form/ff80d9ddf4/jquery.form.js
152 integrity: sha384-h4G2CrcSbixzMvrrK259cNBYaL/vS1D4+KdUN9NJDzQnTU1bQ6Avluget+Id13M7
154 jquery.fullscreen:
155 type: file
156 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theopolisme/jquery-fullscreen/v2.1.0/jquery.fullscreen.js
157 integrity: sha384-G4KPs2d99tgcsyUnJ3eeZ1r2hEKDwZfc4+/xowL/LIemq2VVwEE8HpVAWt4WYNLR
159 jquery.hoverIntent:
160 type: file
161 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/briancherne/jquery-hoverIntent/823603fdac/jquery.hoverIntent.js
162 integrity: sha384-lca0haN0hqFGGh2aYUhtAgX9dhVHfQnTADH4svDeM6gcXnL7aFGeAi1NYwipDMyS
164 jquery.i18n:
165 type: tar
166 src: https://codeload.github.com/wikimedia/jquery.i18n/tar.gz/v1.0.5
167 integrity: sha384-bkmmKC2byOVjTg4di3o6sSISU49JwXynV9gNGH2zl4U9nh8vZJiauiIvoWgvhwsK
168 dest:
169 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md:
170 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/CREDITS:
171 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/GPL-LICENSE:
172 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/MIT-LICENSE:
173 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/README.md:
174 jquery.i18n-1.0.5/src:
176 jquery.jStorage:
177 type: file
178 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andris9/jStorage/v0.4.12/jstorage.js
179 integrity: sha384-geMeN8k803kPp6cqRL4VNfuSM1L8DcbKRk0St/KHJzxgpX9S0y9FA6HxA/JgucrJ
181 jquery.throttle-debounce:
182 type: file
183 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cowboy/jquery-throttle-debounce/v1.1/jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.js
184 integrity: sha384-ULOy4DbAghrCqRcrTJLXOY9e4gDpWh0BeEf6xMSL0VtNudXWggcb6AmrVrl4KDAP
186 # TODO: jquery.ui (!)
188 moment:
189 type: tar
190 src: https://codeload.github.com/moment/moment/tar.gz/2.24.0
191 integrity: sha384-2/I9rfqkN8AAgh5wOXXphuo827uV7lMmOodrCfIvqC6W6JKKiDGOwd+lE3e8R0yz
192 dest:
193 moment-2.24.0/moment.js:
194 moment-2.24.0/CHANGELOG.md:
195 moment-2.24.0/README.md:
196 moment-2.24.0/LICENSE:
197 moment-2.24.0/locale/*.js: locale
199 mustache:
200 type: multi-file
201 files:
202 mustache.js:
203 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janl/mustache.js/v3.0.1/mustache.js
204 integrity: sha384-YjAj6Nll7fkEWzxTlE9o3NWC9qdZt1Upat6Afjib9eLs8lTODpSKEBHeXq8o/VUH
206 src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janl/mustache.js/v3.0.1/LICENSE
207 integrity: sha384-j2EDj6YtCRgFvYDtzo6pXzbskIj/K1Yg65BL0j3/L6UIHxbMtRMJwC/W+XoYx0FZ
209 oojs:
210 type: tar
211 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs/-/oojs-2.2.2.tgz
212 integrity: sha256-ebgQW2EGrSkBCnDJBGqDpsBDjA3PMN/M8U5DyLHt9mw=
213 dest:
214 package/dist/oojs.jquery.js:
215 package/AUTHORS.txt:
216 package/LICENSE-MIT:
217 package/README.md:
219 oojs-router:
220 type: tar
221 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs-router/-/oojs-router-0.2.0.tgz
222 integrity: sha384-VngYqdQ3vTDMXbm4e4FUZCCGos7fB0Jkr9V+kBL5MElprK1h0yQZOzBNnMHtSJS/
223 dest:
224 package/dist/oojs-router.js:
225 package/LICENSE:
226 package/AUTHORS.txt:
227 package/History.md:
229 ooui:
230 type: tar
231 src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs-ui/-/oojs-ui-0.32.0.tgz
232 integrity: sha384-kRQZfA8MkOJvjOQmuy20urqZKmyusFMJ4e03fcDXi3aeHiDYrgC/Ii7vGrlXXVWY
234 dest:
235 # Main stuff
236 package/dist/oojs-ui-core.js{,.map.json}:
237 package/dist/oojs-ui-core-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
238 package/dist/oojs-ui-widgets.js{,.map.json}:
239 package/dist/oojs-ui-widgets-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
240 package/dist/oojs-ui-toolbars.js{,.map.json}:
241 package/dist/oojs-ui-toolbars-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
242 package/dist/oojs-ui-windows.js{,.map.json}:
243 package/dist/oojs-ui-windows-{wikimediaui,apex}.css:
244 package/dist/oojs-ui-{wikimediaui,apex}.js{,.map.json}:
245 package/dist/i18n:
246 package/dist/images:
247 # WikimediaUI theme
248 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/icons/*.{svg,png}: themes/wikimediaui/images/icons
249 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/indicators/*.{svg,png}: themes/wikimediaui/images/indicators
250 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/images/textures/*.{gif,svg}: themes/wikimediaui/images/textures
251 package/dist/themes/wikimediaui/*.json: themes/wikimediaui
252 package/dist/wikimedia-ui-base.less:
253 # Apex theme (icons, indicators, and textures)
254 package/dist/themes/apex/*.json: themes/apex
255 # Misc stuff
256 package/dist/AUTHORS.txt:
257 package/dist/History.md:
258 package/dist/LICENSE-MIT:
259 package/dist/README.md:
261 qunitjs:
262 type: multi-file
263 # Integrity from link modals at https://code.jquery.com/qunit/
264 files:
265 qunit.js:
266 src: http://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.9.1.js
267 integrity: sha256-eNccBdxd8zReziWcVjEsPeyJDi3LKMYnzMXyDv8bzsU=
268 qunit.css:
269 src: https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.9.1.css
270 integrity: sha256-SSS7o92V7wzcIFg3qnJL9mc4msePaT4klbxtuSGvVVo=
272 sinonjs:
273 type: file
274 src: https://sinonjs.org/releases/sinon-1.17.7.js
275 integrity: sha384-wR63Jwy75KqwBfzCmXd6gYws6uj3qV/XMAybzXrkEYGYG3AQ58ZWwr1fVpkHa5e8
276 dest: sinon.js