getConfig()->get( 'PHPSessionHandling' ); $this->usePhpSessionHandling = $phpSessionHandling !== 'disable'; if ( $info->getUserInfo() && !$info->getUserInfo()->isVerified() ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Refusing to create session for unverified user {$info->getUserInfo()}" ); } if ( $info->getProvider() === null ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot create session without a provider' ); } if ( $info->getId() !== $id->getId() ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'SessionId and SessionInfo don\'t match' ); } $this->id = $id; $this->user = $info->getUserInfo() ? $info->getUserInfo()->getUser() : new User; $this->store = $store; $this->logger = $logger; $this->lifetime = $lifetime; $this->provider = $info->getProvider(); $this->persist = $info->wasPersisted(); $this->remember = $info->wasRemembered(); $this->forceHTTPS = $info->forceHTTPS(); $this->providerMetadata = $info->getProviderMetadata(); $blob = $store->get( wfMemcKey( 'MWSession', (string)$this->id ) ); if ( !is_array( $blob ) || !isset( $blob['metadata'] ) || !is_array( $blob['metadata'] ) || !isset( $blob['data'] ) || !is_array( $blob['data'] ) ) { $this->data = []; $this->dataDirty = true; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" is unsaved, marking dirty in constructor', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); } else { $this->data = $blob['data']; if ( isset( $blob['metadata']['loggedOut'] ) ) { $this->loggedOut = (int)$blob['metadata']['loggedOut']; } if ( isset( $blob['metadata']['expires'] ) ) { $this->expires = (int)$blob['metadata']['expires']; } else { $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to missing expiration timestamp', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); } } $this->dataHash = md5( serialize( $this->data ) ); } /** * Return a new Session for this backend * @param WebRequest $request * @return Session */ public function getSession( WebRequest $request ) { $index = ++$this->curIndex; $this->requests[$index] = $request; $session = new Session( $this, $index, $this->logger ); return $session; } /** * Deregister a Session * @private For use by \MediaWiki\Session\Session::__destruct() only * @param int $index */ public function deregisterSession( $index ) { unset( $this->requests[$index] ); if ( !$this->shutdown && !count( $this->requests ) ) { $this->save( true ); $this->provider->getManager()->deregisterSessionBackend( $this ); } } /** * Shut down a session * @private For use by \MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::shutdown() only */ public function shutdown() { $this->save( true ); $this->shutdown = true; } /** * Returns the session ID. * @return string */ public function getId() { return (string)$this->id; } /** * Fetch the SessionId object * @private For internal use by WebRequest * @return SessionId */ public function getSessionId() { return $this->id; } /** * Changes the session ID * @return string New ID (might be the same as the old) */ public function resetId() { if ( $this->provider->persistsSessionId() ) { $oldId = (string)$this->id; $restart = $this->usePhpSessionHandling && $oldId === session_id() && PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled(); if ( $restart ) { // If this session is the one behind PHP's $_SESSION, we need // to close then reopen it. session_write_close(); } $this->provider->getManager()->changeBackendId( $this ); $this->provider->sessionIdWasReset( $this, $oldId ); $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to ID reset (formerly "{oldId}")', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'oldId' => $oldId, ] ); if ( $restart ) { session_id( (string)$this->id ); \MediaWiki\quietCall( 'session_start' ); } $this->autosave(); // Delete the data for the old session ID now $this->store->delete( wfMemcKey( 'MWSession', $oldId ) ); } } /** * Fetch the SessionProvider for this session * @return SessionProviderInterface */ public function getProvider() { return $this->provider; } /** * Indicate whether this session is persisted across requests * * For example, if cookies are set. * * @return bool */ public function isPersistent() { return $this->persist; } /** * Make this session persisted across requests * * If the session is already persistent, equivalent to calling * $this->renew(). */ public function persist() { if ( !$this->persist ) { $this->persist = true; $this->forcePersist = true; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" force-persist due to persist()', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } else { $this->renew(); } } /** * Make this session not persisted across requests */ public function unpersist() { if ( $this->persist ) { // Close the PHP session, if we're the one that's open if ( $this->usePhpSessionHandling && PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() && session_id() === (string)$this->id ) { $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" Closing PHP session for unpersist', [ 'session' => $this->id ] ); session_write_close(); session_id( '' ); } $this->persist = false; $this->forcePersist = true; $this->metaDirty = true; // Delete the session data, so the local cache-only write in // self::save() doesn't get things out of sync with the backend. $this->store->delete( wfMemcKey( 'MWSession', (string)$this->id ) ); $this->autosave(); } } /** * Indicate whether the user should be remembered independently of the * session ID. * @return bool */ public function shouldRememberUser() { return $this->remember; } /** * Set whether the user should be remembered independently of the session * ID. * @param bool $remember */ public function setRememberUser( $remember ) { if ( $this->remember !== (bool)$remember ) { $this->remember = (bool)$remember; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to remember-user change', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } } /** * Returns the request associated with a Session * @param int $index Session index * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest( $index ) { if ( !isset( $this->requests[$index] ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid session index' ); } return $this->requests[$index]; } /** * Returns the authenticated user for this session * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * Fetch the rights allowed the user when this session is active. * @return null|string[] Allowed user rights, or null to allow all. */ public function getAllowedUserRights() { return $this->provider->getAllowedUserRights( $this ); } /** * Indicate whether the session user info can be changed * @return bool */ public function canSetUser() { return $this->provider->canChangeUser(); } /** * Set a new user for this session * @note This should only be called when the user has been authenticated via a login process * @param User $user User to set on the session. * This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored * into such. */ public function setUser( $user ) { if ( !$this->canSetUser() ) { throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'Cannot set user on this session; check $session->canSetUser() first' ); } $this->user = $user; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to user change', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } /** * Get a suggested username for the login form * @param int $index Session index * @return string|null */ public function suggestLoginUsername( $index ) { if ( !isset( $this->requests[$index] ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid session index' ); } return $this->provider->suggestLoginUsername( $this->requests[$index] ); } /** * Whether HTTPS should be forced * @return bool */ public function shouldForceHTTPS() { return $this->forceHTTPS; } /** * Set whether HTTPS should be forced * @param bool $force */ public function setForceHTTPS( $force ) { if ( $this->forceHTTPS !== (bool)$force ) { $this->forceHTTPS = (bool)$force; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to force-HTTPS change', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } } /** * Fetch the "logged out" timestamp * @return int */ public function getLoggedOutTimestamp() { return $this->loggedOut; } /** * Set the "logged out" timestamp * @param int $ts */ public function setLoggedOutTimestamp( $ts = null ) { $ts = (int)$ts; if ( $this->loggedOut !== $ts ) { $this->loggedOut = $ts; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to logged-out-timestamp change', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } } /** * Fetch provider metadata * @protected For use by SessionProvider subclasses only * @return array|null */ public function getProviderMetadata() { return $this->providerMetadata; } /** * Set provider metadata * @protected For use by SessionProvider subclasses only * @param array|null $metadata */ public function setProviderMetadata( $metadata ) { if ( $metadata !== null && !is_array( $metadata ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( '$metadata must be an array or null' ); } if ( $this->providerMetadata !== $metadata ) { $this->providerMetadata = $metadata; $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" metadata dirty due to provider metadata change', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); $this->autosave(); } } /** * Fetch the session data array * * Note the caller is responsible for calling $this->dirty() if anything in * the array is changed. * * @private For use by \MediaWiki\Session\Session only. * @return array */ public function &getData() { return $this->data; } /** * Add data to the session. * * Overwrites any existing data under the same keys. * * @param array $newData Key-value pairs to add to the session */ public function addData( array $newData ) { $data = &$this->getData(); foreach ( $newData as $key => $value ) { if ( !array_key_exists( $key, $data ) || $data[$key] !== $value ) { $data[$key] = $value; $this->dataDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" data dirty due to addData(): {callers}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'callers' => wfGetAllCallers( 5 ), ] ); } } } /** * Mark data as dirty * @private For use by \MediaWiki\Session\Session only. */ public function dirty() { $this->dataDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" data dirty due to dirty(): {callers}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'callers' => wfGetAllCallers( 5 ), ] ); } /** * Renew the session by resaving everything * * Resets the TTL in the backend store if the session is near expiring, and * re-persists the session to any active WebRequests if persistent. */ public function renew() { if ( time() + $this->lifetime / 2 > $this->expires ) { $this->metaDirty = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{callers}" metadata dirty for renew(): {callers}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'callers' => wfGetAllCallers( 5 ), ] ); if ( $this->persist ) { $this->forcePersist = true; $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" force-persist for renew(): {callers}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'callers' => wfGetAllCallers( 5 ), ] ); } } $this->autosave(); } /** * Delay automatic saving while multiple updates are being made * * Calls to save() will not be delayed. * * @return \ScopedCallback When this goes out of scope, a save will be triggered */ public function delaySave() { $this->delaySave++; return new \ScopedCallback( function () { if ( --$this->delaySave <= 0 ) { $this->delaySave = 0; $this->save(); } } ); } /** * Save the session, unless delayed * @see SessionBackend::save() */ private function autosave() { if ( $this->delaySave <= 0 ) { $this->save(); } } /** * Save the session * * Update both the backend data and the associated WebRequest(s) to * reflect the state of the the SessionBackend. This might include * persisting or unpersisting the session. * * @param bool $closing Whether the session is being closed */ public function save( $closing = false ) { $anon = $this->user->isAnon(); if ( !$anon && $this->provider->getManager()->isUserSessionPrevented( $this->user->getName() ) ) { $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" not saving, user {user} was ' . 'passed to SessionManager::preventSessionsForUser', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'user' => $this->user, ] ); return; } // Ensure the user has a token // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( !$anon && !$this->user->getToken( false ) ) { $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" creating token for user {user} on save', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'user' => $this->user, ] ); $this->user->setToken(); if ( !wfReadOnly() ) { $this->user->saveSettings(); } $this->metaDirty = true; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if ( !$this->metaDirty && !$this->dataDirty && $this->dataHash !== md5( serialize( $this->data ) ) ) { $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" data dirty due to hash mismatch, {expected} !== {got}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'expected' => $this->dataHash, 'got' => md5( serialize( $this->data ) ), ] ); $this->dataDirty = true; } if ( !$this->metaDirty && !$this->dataDirty && !$this->forcePersist ) { return; } $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" save: dataDirty={dataDirty} ' . 'metaDirty={metaDirty} forcePersist={forcePersist}', [ 'session' => $this->id, 'dataDirty' => (int)$this->dataDirty, 'metaDirty' => (int)$this->metaDirty, 'forcePersist' => (int)$this->forcePersist, ] ); // Persist or unpersist to the provider, if necessary if ( $this->metaDirty || $this->forcePersist ) { if ( $this->persist ) { foreach ( $this->requests as $request ) { $request->setSessionId( $this->getSessionId() ); $this->provider->persistSession( $this, $request ); } if ( !$closing ) { $this->checkPHPSession(); } } else { foreach ( $this->requests as $request ) { if ( $request->getSessionId() === $this->id ) { $this->provider->unpersistSession( $request ); } } } } $this->forcePersist = false; if ( !$this->metaDirty && !$this->dataDirty ) { return; } // Save session data to store, if necessary $metadata = $origMetadata = [ 'provider' => (string)$this->provider, 'providerMetadata' => $this->providerMetadata, 'userId' => $anon ? 0 : $this->user->getId(), 'userName' => User::isValidUserName( $this->user->getName() ) ? $this->user->getName() : null, 'userToken' => $anon ? null : $this->user->getToken(), 'remember' => !$anon && $this->remember, 'forceHTTPS' => $this->forceHTTPS, 'expires' => time() + $this->lifetime, 'loggedOut' => $this->loggedOut, 'persisted' => $this->persist, ]; \Hooks::run( 'SessionMetadata', [ $this, &$metadata, $this->requests ] ); foreach ( $origMetadata as $k => $v ) { if ( $metadata[$k] !== $v ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "SessionMetadata hook changed metadata key \"$k\"" ); } } $this->store->set( wfMemcKey( 'MWSession', (string)$this->id ), [ 'data' => $this->data, 'metadata' => $metadata, ], $metadata['expires'], $this->persist ? 0 : CachedBagOStuff::WRITE_CACHE_ONLY ); $this->metaDirty = false; $this->dataDirty = false; $this->dataHash = md5( serialize( $this->data ) ); $this->expires = $metadata['expires']; } /** * For backwards compatibility, open the PHP session when the global * session is persisted */ private function checkPHPSession() { if ( !$this->checkPHPSessionRecursionGuard ) { $this->checkPHPSessionRecursionGuard = true; $reset = new \ScopedCallback( function () { $this->checkPHPSessionRecursionGuard = false; } ); if ( $this->usePhpSessionHandling && session_id() === '' && PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() && SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->getId() === (string)$this->id ) { $this->logger->debug( 'SessionBackend "{session}" Taking over PHP session', [ 'session' => $this->id, ] ); session_id( (string)$this->id ); \MediaWiki\quietCall( 'session_start' ); } } } }